I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 604 Stephanie, a sudden change occurred

This familiar feeling...

Sean was stunned subconsciously.

Although it was very different from the [arrogance] in his body, he immediately recognized that this power must belong to guilt!

Sean has studied the magical properties of guilt many times, and even experienced it himself, so he immediately noticed the unique magical properties.

There is no essential difference in the magic power of ordinary wizards, whether they are Grindelwald, Dumbledore, Sean, or the young wizard who has just entered Hogwarts and put on the Sorting Hat. The difference between each wizard comes from his accumulated experience, his sense of the flow of magic, his magic source trained over many years, etc.

Magic comes from blood, and blood comes from the world. This is basically the consensus of every wizard.

If the magic power of an ordinary wizard is like the stream flowing in the blood, then the magic power of guilt is the viscous magma that is constantly circulating in every corner of the body.

Once you've really felt it, like Sean, you can definitely see the difference.

Therefore, when something essential in the silver mist began to be exposed, Sean immediately noticed it.

He looked at the silver mist in surprise. Was this thing a crime?

No, that's not right, the guilt is parasitic in the wizard's body and cannot be physically present, and the complete guilt cannot appear as it is now.

Because of the perceived magical properties, Sean subconsciously stayed away from the mist.

However, the modified rune array exerted the [suppression] effect well. Even though the awakening time had exceeded two minutes, the black strands accumulated in the center of the silver mist became thicker and thicker.

Is this really guilt? In other words, it was part of the guilt...

After Sean made sure there was no danger, he slowly stepped forward and observed carefully.

His perception was correct. The essence of the silver mist must be guilty, but there was a big difference between this power and the [arrogance] in his body...

On the one hand, there are slight differences in the nature of magic power, and on the other hand, there are essential differences in the owners they belong to.

Sean can be sure that this silver mist related to guilt does not belong to [Pride].

Is this part of a splinter off from other culpability?

Sean immediately thought of [Lazy] who was controlled by Haierbo and whose current whereabouts were unknown.

Just as he was thinking about the true origin of this fog, Louis, who had been in a daze, trembled slightly.

He broke free!

Although he didn’t know how he did it, Lewis was overjoyed.

He knew not to alarm the young man next to him, as he was definitely no match for him.

However, the other party was concentrating on the black box, and Louis was using his body to block it, moving the tip of his wand at a very small angle.

It was unrealistic to run, and he didn't know if the other party would leave him alone for other purposes.

Only by dealing with him can he have a way to survive...

After all, he was the patriarch of the McFasty family. Thousands of years of accumulation in a pure-blood family would generally not allow fools to rise to power. It didn't take Louis long to figure out what he wanted to do next.

The only way is to deal with the opponent when he is not prepared!

The distance is close enough, as long as it doesn't alert the other party...

Lewis still allowed himself to keep the expression on his face expressionless. He looked forward without desire, trying not to reveal any flaws.

With very small movements, the tip of the wand adjusted its angle little by little.

Even, in order to prevent Sean from detecting the fluctuation of magic power, he even recited the silent spell very slowly.

Louis was not worried that his painstakingly crafted spell would be blocked by the opponent's defensive magic items.

Because he was not prepared to give the other party any chance.

This is where the Death Curse is most powerful, as it cannot be resisted by incorporeal defensive spells.

At this time, his hatred for this handsome boy had already reached its peak. Even if it was silent, the Death Curse could definitely deprive him of his soul!

Soon, soon...

There was no impatience on Louis' part, he took every step firmly and slowly.

Finally, the tip of the staff was pointed at the unsuspecting Sean, and the silent chant he had slowly accumulated in order not to cause magic fluctuations reached its peak.

The raging death curse is about to spurt out, and then kill that kid!

"Avada Kedavra! (Avada Kedavra)"

Louis yelled crazily in his heart.

He felt that the scene of the boy falling to the ground completely dead had appeared before his eyes.

Dark green magic light erupted from the tip of the wand, and this was the fastest moment for a magic spell!

The distance between the two is so short that it can almost be ignored!

The green light hit Sean's back without any hindrance.

Louis was shaking with excitement!

It all went more smoothly than he imagined.

Then, he was startled again.

The consciousness that was so turbulent and returning just now disappeared again, and his body still did not belong to him.

Sean appeared from another angle in the secret room. He looked at Louis, who was again controlled by the Imperius Curse, with some suspicion.

Just kidding, he is a master of details, playing with psychology and every corner that changes.

The moment Louis broke free from the Imperius Curse, Sean noticed it.

Just a small subconscious movement of the body for a moment was enough to arouse Sean's alert, even if Louis immediately concealed it.

Then Louis' actions of accumulating magic power and moving the wand were displayed in Sean's eyes without missing a beat.

If the McFasty team leader knew what Sean was doing, he would definitely not do this.

Sean, who was concentrating on identifying the magic power fluctuations, could detect even the magic power fluctuations of a fluorescent spell at such a close distance - regardless of whether Sean discovered the fact that Louis broke free from the Soul-Imperius Curse, when Louis got up, he wanted to solve it When Sean's thoughts came to his mind, the action could come to an end.

Sean, who was aware of everything, was not in a hurry to regain control of the other party. He wanted to see what the other party would do.

Because Sean isn't sure how Louis managed to escape the Imperius Curse.

Sean's proficiency in the Unforgivable Curse is probably only comparable to Voldemort's. Even an elite Auror would have to be alone in an undisturbed environment for a very long time to get rid of his Imperius Curse.

A little-known pure-blood family patriarch, someone who had just surrendered to the enemy and been controlled by himself - how could he have such a tenacious will and powerful magical power?

Therefore, Sean suspected that Louis was affected by the objects in front of him, so he happened to get rid of his own Soul Imperius Curse.

Because the silver mist's goal from the beginning of the conversation was to awaken the sealed Lewis.

Sean wanted to see what effect the silver mist would have on Louis.

However, the patriarch just thought of a bad plan and spent a lot of effort to kill Sean's illusion.

At the same time, after Sean controlled Louis again, he did not sense the magic of guilt from his body, which shows that guilt did not have a substantial impact on him.

His Imperius Curse was offset by some kind of mental shock, which allowed Louis to get out of the struggle.

"Do you have to be facing this fog to be affected?" Sean muttered to himself and looked forward.

He thought for a while and asked Louis to take a step forward again.

In just one minute, Louis was surprised to find that his lost consciousness had returned!

Before he could finish being happy, his consciousness was once again suppressed in a tiny corner, and control of his body was once again given to someone else.

Sean held his chin, a searching look in his eyes.

His Imperius Curse was broken again, and it took less time than before...

The silver mist is affecting the surroundings in some unknown way, and depending on the situation, it can only affect one person.

Is this a subconscious influence?

Sean frowned.

He thought of his own specialness and of Stephanie's specialness.

The silver mist revealed exactly the same thing as the guilt...

After thinking for a moment, Sean asked Louis to step aside and slowly moved closer.

Sure enough, after Louis moved away, something strange happened to Sean!

There was a familiar blur in his consciousness, and at the same time his calves could not help but tremble. It was caused by some kind of excitement and obsession, like a group of leaf-cutting ants slowly climbing up the vine.

Sean broke away immediately, his eyes changed drastically.

He is more familiar with this feeling!

That's Stephanie's charm!

The charm ability brought by Veela blood and [Lust] host!

Is this silver mist some part of [Lust]?

"It's bad, Stephanie won't have any accidents now..." Sean immediately thought of Stephanie who was on another island.

He is now certain that this silver mist can indeed be called "Him", which originates from guilt "Lust".

However, the awakening level of [Lust] is very low, and Sean, who has been posting frequently with Stephanie recently, can ensure this.

Why does a special magic power belonging to [Lust] appear inexplicably...

At this moment, the silver mist that had been suppressed suddenly started to stir like a magical animal that had found its owner.

The entangled mist twisted and trembled meaninglessly, and Sean could clearly feel an urgent emotion around him.

What's happening here?

Sean's eyes changed, and he immediately stopped his observation and research, and prepared to seal it again without hesitation!

However, before the curse could be uttered, the silver mist broke free on its own!

Just like a small fish squeezed out of a transparent bubble, the silver mist left behind many 'scales', including those black strands that were attracted by the obsession and gathered in it.

He was like a free spirit returning to the sea. He dived into the vast ocean of the world without giving Sean any time to react.

"What the hell...what the hell..."

Only Sean was left with a solemn face, and he had no time to stop all this from happening.

The most important thing is that the silver mist's escape did not trigger the rune circle!

The effect of [Suppression] still existed perfectly, [Recycling] was firmly obscured by Sean at the bottom of the entire magic circle, and the most important and worrying [Borrowing] directly became dim.

This is a sign of losing the medium!

In other words, the most important effect of this rune magic circle will no longer occur.

The silver mist just shook happily in the air, and then disappeared.

Whether it was the huge magic power of guilt or the high-level pressure of magic power, they all disappeared without a trace as the silver mist escaped.

The seal is still in good condition, but the contents inside have escaped...

Sean only had time to curse, and then immediately resealed the black box.

He quickly disappeared and came to the outskirts of McFasty Castle and looked at the sky.

Sean was trying to sense where the silver mist was going.

But no trace was left!

"It's broken, why is this happening..." Sean's face turned ugly.


At the junction of the blue sea and the cloudless sky, several figures riding broomsticks were flying across the sparkling sea.

The waves stirred up for a moment, and the seagulls flew away with them in fright.

The leader of the broomstick team was Stephanie. She noticed something strange and immediately stopped the test. At the same time, after giving instructions on all matters, she led the people to Castle McFasty where Sean was going.

"Stephanie, what happened to Sean?" Hermione's face was impatient. She just received the news from Stephanie and immediately followed her. She didn't know why all this happened.

So does everyone else.

Stephanie lowered her body on the broomstick, her long silver hair flying like strands in the oncoming strong wind.

Her voice reached several people's ears through the wind.

"I don't know, I don't even know what kind of trouble Sean is in, or even that he might be fine - but I'm sure something happened that I can't describe to you, and I'm worried that Sean might be in danger. .”

"But it will take a lot of time for the people who go back to report the situation. If Sean gets into trouble that he can't solve, we will have to wait for a long time!"

"That's better than sitting there. I must go and have a look." Stephanie's eyes were firm.

The broomstick flew by without any pause, and in the distance, a small black dot could be vaguely seen.

That is the island where McFastifah Castle is located.

"Illusion Curse, Concealment Curse——"

Eagerness did not affect the team's sanity. Various spells were cast and they continued to move forward.

However, not long after they flew closer, Stephanie, who had been at the front of the team and was much ahead of others, paused.

The other people looked over in confusion, and then saw in horror that Stephanie, who was originally on the broomstick, suddenly fell into the blue sea.

"Stephanie!" Several people shouted, driving their broomsticks wildly.

But Stephanie didn't struggle at all, and seemed to lose all consciousness at once.

The distance between the two parties was too far, and there was no warning for Stephanie's fall. The silver-haired girl was about to fall into the sea.

At this time, a figure flashed out from around Stephanie, and firmly hugged the girl's limp body, and the two of them floated in the air.

It was Sean who came over.

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