Seeing Sean suddenly appear and catch the falling Stephanie, the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Hermione quickly approached on her broomstick, her voice muffled by the wind: "Stephanie said you might be in trouble, but she suddenly lost consciousness and fell. Fortunately, you came over...what happened?" Already?"

Sean looked at Stephanie, who had her eyes closed in her arms and looked in pain, and frowned: "I'm not in danger. She may have encountered something that is not easy to describe - let's go, leave first."


In the bedroom, Sean made an excuse to let everyone else out, leaving only him and the unconscious Stephanie in the room.

The silver-haired girl has not woken up during this period of time. The expression on her face is sometimes painful and sometimes solemn, as if she has been in terrible danger in a dream.

Sean was originally surprised as to why the silver mist suddenly broke away from the rune circle and did not turn into a destructive existence. Only now did he understand.

She must have allowed the silver mist to exist for too long when she woke up, and the silver mist was related to the guilt [lust]. As the host, Stephanie naturally noticed the abnormal movement.

But she didn't know the real situation, and thought that Sean was in danger. Although she was cautious enough, the distance between her and the silver mist became closer, which caused the original attraction of [Lust] to become stronger.

The silver mist broke free and presumably entered Stephanie's body.

Sean tried some methods, but the silver-haired girl was still unconscious.

"No, the [lust] in Stephanie's body may have changed in some way that I don't know. This may cause problems with her own soul..."

Sean frowned, and when he stood up, the chair behind him suddenly slid to the wall, making a heavy sound.

The few people outside the door vaguely heard the movement inside the house, and their faces also looked worried.

After waiting for a moment, they saw Sean open the door and come out.

"How's it going? Do you want to go to St. Mungo's?" Charlotte looked serious.

Although I don’t know exactly what happened, it seems like it’s not a minor problem.

Sean shook his head. There were too many secrets in guilt hosts like him and Stephanie to go to a magic hospital. What's more, St. Mungo's couldn't cure such problems related to the soul and guilt.

But the current situation cannot be delayed, because Sean knows very well that when entering the soul world for the first time, the host can easily be infected by guilt, whether it is bewitchment through words or attraction through power.

He had a half-baked approach but needed something.

Thinking of this, Sean immediately said: "Give me a day, you take these children and continue our planned trip. I want to take Stephanie back."

"Where to go?"

"Ollivander's Wand Shop."


"Oh - welcome - oh, it's you, child." There was a little surprise in Mr. Ollivander's ethereal voice.

Sean, who had no time for small talk, immediately clarified his purpose: "Mr. Ollivander, I want to go to Stephanie's room to take a look. At the same time, I hope you can tell me where she might hide things——"

Mr. Ollivander was a little surprised and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but after noticing Sean's expression, his expression changed and he immediately led Sean to the back of the wand shop.

At the door of Stephanie's room, Mr. Ollivander stopped. He did not ask Sean what happened, but gave Sean's arm a solemn expression.

"The kid's in trouble now, isn't he?"

Sean nodded seriously.

"...Then I'll leave it to you, Mr. Wallop. Besides, Stephanie doesn't like to go out. She occasionally goes to No. 18 Knockturn Alley, which is a small shop that resells antiques. Counterfeit goods and dangerous goods are the mainstream goods there. , but Stephanie likes to go there and walk around, hoping to come across something with real historical traces.”

"I see."

Mr. Ollivander didn't say much, and just walked down the stairs shakily.

Sean pushed open the girl's bedroom door. The decoration inside was completely different from the small room in the Room of Requirement.

There are tons of books, from the brand-new "Witches' Code of Victory" and "Wizard Weekly Valentine's Day Special Edition" to "Darkness and Power" with obvious yellowing pages, "Hundred Ancient Origins of Magic", and even Some weird books that should be in the Restricted Section of Hogwarts, such as "Dark Arts and Curses" with a pale female arm reaching out from the cover.

The small room was almost filled with all kinds of books.

There was only something else on the small single bedside. A magic photo of Sean was placed on the bedside table, and the handsome young man showed a gentle smile in it.

Sean didn't look much and rummaged around the house.

Stephanie is a little more sloppy than Sean could ever imagine, and is worth a few books

However, Sean didn't have the heart to look at these things now. He quickly looked for what he needed.

However, after looking around a lot, I still couldn't find it.

Sean quickly left again and arrived at No. 18 Knockturn Alley.

The owner of this antique selling shop was a wizened old lady who stared at Sean with malicious eyes as soon as he walked in the door.

There is no grace or etiquette to speak of with the shopkeepers in Knockturn Alley, and the pass here is not polite.

A bag was thrown on the bar in front of the old lady, making a heavy and pleasant sound of gold coins colliding.

"Stephanie Ollivander, what has she been interested in during this time? What has she purchased? Has she left anything behind?"

The old lady opened the bag and took a look, her eyes were even a little dizzy.

She rubbed her hands and smiled maliciously.

"Oh, oh, that beautiful little girl..."

Sean waved his wand expressionlessly, and an antique vase placed in the store suddenly began to spontaneously ignite strangely.

"Cut away the nonsense and your petty thinking and answer my questions."

The old woman laughed dryly: "She, she is interested in many things, but she usually doesn't buy things from me... However, she borrowed a real treasure from me last time..."


The old woman hesitated and decided to be a good person this time.

"Psieve, I have a pensieve. She borrowed it from me for a while. I only charged a very fair price."

"Take me to see that pensieve."

"Oh, oh, the Pensieve is personal... Okay, okay."

The old woman carried a lantern and led her to the back of the shop. There was a cellar in the yard. She climbed down the ladder. Inside the cellar was a pensieve full of dust and with blood stains on the edge.

Sean stepped forward to observe and said while looking: "Has anyone used this after her?"

"That's not true..."

Sean picked up the pensieve and dropped a bag of gold galleons: "The deal is completed."

"Hey, young man - young man, that's a treasure..."

Sean just looked back coldly: "The price I gave is fair enough. This is not your personal belongings, otherwise you wouldn't lend it out - Madam, greed is a good virtue, but it cannot exceed the limit."

The old woman was shaken by his cold eyes, and finally showed a smile with few teeth, holding the money bag tightly in her hands.

Sean, who had obtained the Pensieve, returned to Stephanie's room again and entered the ring with something.

Stephanie was still asleep.

Sean moved the pensieve next to her and pulled out a few items that Stephanie obviously used a lot.

What he has to do is simple, that is, find some memory traces of Stephanie.

Sean knew Stephanie well, so he was convinced that this seemingly insular girl actually had an eager intellectual curiosity.

If given the chance, she would definitely try to study some knowledge about memory. However, her memory had been tampered with by Grindelwald, so her first research subject would most likely be herself.

So, Sean is going back to Ollivander's Wand Shop.

The Pensieve has some memory function, which is why it is private.

However, it is not a simple matter to find this kind of memory. It requires the person's presence, items that have been used for a long time, and the pensieve itself.

This method is too troublesome. People who can do this can directly get the memory from the demand object.

However, due to the special situation of [Lust], Sean was worried that rashly touching Stephanie's memory would cause some unpredictable things to happen, so he could only use this troublesome method in circles.

Fortunately, Stephanie finally left some traces.

Needless to say, the strength of Sean's Memory Spell was not long after, a faint trace of silver floated out from the connection between Stephanie and several items.

Sean grabbed the invisible thread of memory, held it in his mouth, and then the silence in his eyes began to rotate.

His forehead was pressed against the girl's cold cheek.

It's a troublesome method, but it's the only way Sean can think of at the moment.

He wanted to personally enter Stephanie's soul world to check the situation.

This time, when Sean opened his eyes, it was no longer the empty island of his own soul.

He looked around. It was foggy and he couldn't see clearly. He could only vaguely make out a building nearby.

Sean followed the gray fog-covered path to the building.

This is an orphanage. Looking at the tattered sign above, this place belongs to Germany.

Sean pushed open the rickety door and walked in. He saw a group of child-like figures whose faces couldn't be seen clearly but with black jagged fog around the edges. They were making a lot of noise. An adult figure made of black gas was in the middle and shouted loudly. What are you wearing?

Shouldn't this be Stephanie's soul world? Why do I feel like I've entered a certain memory...

Sean frowned and walked forward slowly. Suddenly, he looked towards the end of the dark corridor of the orphanage with a feeling.

There appears to be a utility room.

Sean gently pushed the door open.

In the small space filled with cluttered items and dusty cobwebs, there was a small figure huddled in the corner.

That's Stephanie.

No, it's younger Stephanie.

The silver-haired little girl looks even younger than her sister Ella. She is huddled alone in the corner. Her yellow-white dress with a lot of pudding is just dragged on the ground, and the spider webs are wrapped around the patches, as if they are tangled. With Stephanie.

Sean walked over gently, and he finally saw the full picture of Stephanie as a child.

She was almost the same petite and delicate person as she is now, but her eyebrows were more childish.

There wasn't much expression on her face, she just stared at the wood grain on the wooden floor calmly and seriously.

Sean could see that there was some dust on her face and a few red marks on her thin shoulders.

He took several deep breaths.

This is indeed Stephanie's soul world, but maybe because of changes, maybe because the way Sean entered was a little rough - the soul world here is mixed with Stephanie's memories.

In other words, Sean actually entered Stephanie's real but vague memory.

But why is it an orphanage in Germany? Stephanie is the granddaughter of Mr. Ollivander. Although the wand maker has never mentioned his son and daughter-in-law, with his wealth, he obviously has no difficulty in raising a little girl. .

Sean only heard Stephanie mention once that her mother had Veela blood and her maternal grandfather had a Magus ability that could be compared to 'quantum reading'.

It seems that the Ollivander family also hides some unknown family affairs, which led to the young Stephanie living outside and living in an orphanage.

Sean was silent for a moment. He squatted down and said gently to little Stephanie: "Hey, do you still remember me?"

Stephanie looked up, with a calm look on her face that was inappropriate for her age.

"I don't remember, but I don't have anything to eat, and I've just been taught a lesson. I don't have the strength to make the wail you long for, so it should be difficult for you to get a sense of superiority from me."

Sean was startled, and the nails of his thumbs dug into his palms a little hard.

He showed a gentler smile: "I am not those people, and I have nothing to do with those people. I am here to take you home."

Little Stephanie observed Sean for a while and said lightly: "Are you my daddy?"

Sean was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No, but I..."

Little Stephanie interrupted Sean. She stood up quickly, although she shook involuntarily when she stood upright.

She put her withered, weak little hand into Sean's.

"It's okay, just take me away."

Sean was a little stunned, but he immediately held little Stephanie's hand firmly: "Okay, I'll take you home."

Stephanie kept looking at him, and then turned her head away after a while. The words that came out of her mouth made Sean a little confused.

"It should be you, but it doesn't look like it - have we met before, sir?"

"Oh, I've seen it, of course I've seen it."

Just as Sean was walking out of the room with little Stephanie, there was a sound from the stairs.

The adult figure covered with black mist was walking up with an old man.

There was a smile on the old man's face, and his wand was pointed openly behind the black human figure, controlling the other person's soul.

That's Grindelwald.

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