Malfoy's expression suddenly improved a lot, and he looked slightly proud.

He knew that Capone was Sean's student, and he also knew Sean's purpose for proposing this actual combat activity.

The problem was, Capone was targeting his Pureblood Society for his power.

Crabbe and Goyle have always had a bad reputation in school, but the students all know that these two are Malfoy's two dogs. It depends on the owner to beat the dog. Crabbe and Goyle were lost in public. He has a big face, and even Malfoy has an ugly face.

However, things are different now...

Everyone saw Capone's strength, and he defeated the opponent relatively easily, and also received a lot of rewards.

What do you pay attention to when you come out to hang out? face!

Malfoy's expression when he looked at Capone suddenly became much friendlier, and he happened to meet his eyes with Sean behind him, who winked at him and gave a thumbs up.

"Shaun, this guy probably did it on purpose, but he still had good intentions..."

Malfoy stepped down with satisfaction, and Capone received encouragement and praise from Professor McGonagall and Teacher Sean.

Both have bright futures.

As for Crabbe, Gower and Zabini, no one seems to have mentioned them anymore.

After Capone's "throwing stones to ask for directions", the students' minds suddenly became active.

It can be clearly seen that the students brought out by Sean have strength far beyond their peers, but they are not completely crushing like Sean himself - Malfoy and the others also know very well that they have some strength. But not much.

The generous rewards make many people ready to take action.

At this time, someone else stood on the duel stage.

"Third year Ravenclaw, Campbell Axton, is willing to take on the challenges of all the years."

At this moment, there was no need to provoke, as a challenger immediately jumped up from the other side of the stage.


The dazzling magic spell exploded in the auditorium.

And this battle turned out to be evenly matched.

The seventh-grade student who challenged him was far stronger than Campbell in terms of the magic spells and the source of magic power he mastered. However, Campbell's tricky casting angle and the combination of various small magic spells produced the effect of high-end magic spells.

The two of them were going back and forth, and the situation became increasingly tense.

However, it was the seventh grader who had more magic power, and he also seized his advantage and did not attack rashly. Instead, he used magic spells to continuously consume the opponent's physical strength and magic power.

The connection of Campbell's spells is obviously not as smooth as before.

After dodging the opponent's spell once, Campbell accidentally stumbled and couldn't even hold the wand steady.

"Opportunity!" The seventh grader's eyes lit up, but he still did not act impulsively. Instead, he chose a whipping spell that could be activated quickly.

He wants to use this whipping spell to suppress the opponent's dodge space, and then completely eliminate the opponent!

After issuing the spell, he immediately pulled the spell - during the fight, he had already observed the opponent's habitual dodge direction.

In this kind of space, the opponent has only this place to dodge, and his physical strength and magic power have been almost exhausted, and he will definitely not be able to block my next curse!

He had almost seen his own victory.

However, unexpected things happen.

Amidst the exclamations of all the students in the auditorium, Campbell actually swallowed the whipping curse!

He didn't dodge, let alone defend himself!

The light at the tip of his magic spell is flickering!


The seventh-grade student never thought that a third-grade student would choose this style of play!

His preparations were of no use, and it was too late to even defend himself.

When the red light hit him, he groaned and flew backwards without any reaction.

There was silence in the auditorium at first, and then there was applause and shouts of exclamation.

The weak defeat the strong!

The stronger professors saw more.

Professor Flitwick squinted his eyes and said to himself: "I have been hinting at the other party from the beginning. Several times, there were clearly better dodge angles, but he still chose a fixed dodge direction... This kid has done it right from the beginning. After making the decision, he knew that his physical strength was not as good as that of the seventh-grade students, so he just went with the idea of ​​taking the spell and knocking the opponent down - Hey, Campbell Axton? I know this kid well. He is very talented, but his personality is relatively cowardly. Why did he treat himself so hard during the past summer vacation..."

Professor McGonagall's eyes also flashed with surprise. She was relatively familiar with the two opponents, but the result was unexpected.

Moreover, she saw something familiar in Campbell.

This is a level of sophistication and ruthlessness that most Hogwarts students do not possess.

In whom has Professor McGonagall seen these qualities in the past?

Sean, Professor Flitwick, Aurors who often deal with dark wizards, and those dark wizards...

How did Sean train these kids?

Professor McGonagall cast her eyes in disbelief at Sean, who was announcing the result of the duel.

However, if she knew that these children spent the entire forty days dealing with dark wizards, she might not be so surprised.

There are more than fifty children, the highest is the third grade, the lowest is the first grade (of course, now they are going to the first grade), everyone has faced the enemy's unforgivable curse.

Those "well-meaning sparring" dark wizards received Sean's promise that if they could go undefeated in a match, they would be free.

The long battle has led to great impatience and hatred, coupled with the desire for freedom, and it is normal to use excessive magic spells.

If Sean hadn't been watching every time, these children would have died about four to five hundred times and been controlled thousands of times.

Moreover, Sean always only takes action at the last moment. Once, the light of the Death Curse even burned a hole in Capone's chest, truly one step away from death.

Under such special training, if you are not strong, you will really be damned.

The challenge activities in the auditorium are still going on. Evenly matched battles often break out between unequal opponents, and the winner is always the weak one who is more ruthless to himself and more keen on fighting.

When Natasha knocked a seventh grader away with one of her petrified legs, Sean declared victory again.

After ten battles, Sean's students won them all.

If it weren't for the opening ceremony that still had to go on, Sean would have wanted everyone to go up and beat someone up or get beaten up.

However, even the few battles were seen by everyone.

Everyone is meditating and reflecting on themselves - if it were me, would I win or lose?

As long as you have a little judgment, the answer to this question is not difficult to come up with.

The lively Hogwarts students finally fell silent for a long time.

What is the most disturbing thing in the world?

Of course it's comparison.

Normally, you can study without paying much attention, and you can practice spells lazily - even if you have the intention to work hard, the friends around you are like this, and your ideas will immediately go wrong: Hey, anyway Someone is with me...

Even if you see a better classmate, you will have other thoughts: He studies so hard, it is normal for him to be better than me, and I am not that good because I don't work hard...

Students from every grade come here like this, and everyone has similar ideas.

The fish at the top of the food chain cannot disturb the turbid bottom of the pond. They are originally active in the upper layers.

However, suddenly, fish from other ponds jumped in. They were much smaller and weaker than themselves - but they couldn't compete with each other, and they couldn't compete with each other. There were so many of them!

This comparison is the key to turning the bottom of the pond upside down.

Looking at everyone who was lost in thought, Professor McGonagall pushed up her glasses, her eyes filled with wonder.

This group of less motivated students seems to have really begun to reflect...

This event is worth it!

Professor McGonagall coughed slightly, and she glanced at everyone in the auditorium with eyes full of various meanings. Although she didn't say anything, no one dared to look at her.

They all knew what Professor McGonagall's eyes meant.

"Okay, now it's time for the sorting ceremony."

Professor McGonagall removed the duel stage, as if nothing had happened.

"Hernand Escobar."

A sturdy little boy ran over like a ton.

He put on the sorting hat, but raised the brim a little more, and couldn't help but ask: "Will we participate in such an event next year?"

Professor McGonagall nodded without any hesitation.

The boy took a deep breath and whispered: "Please, let me go to Ravenclaw..."

The corner of Professor McGonagall's eye twitched.

Change is already happening.



The sorting hat called out the house of the last student. The little girl pursed her lips with some pity, and then ran away quickly amidst the applause of the little lions.

Professor McGonagall put away the Sorting Hat and the high stool, and she glanced sternly around everyone who was already seated.

"I should have said more, but I believe that everyone here understands - if you don't understand, nothing I say will matter."

"I would like to give you the words of the previous headmaster, Albus Dumbledore - always stay passionate, always keep dreaming, and always keep exploring."

"Enjoy your dinner."

A dazzling array of delicious food appeared on the long table, and the hungry students immediately raised their knives and forks.

However, eating is worth eating, and this activity before the start of school made everyone think unconsciously.

The peace in this world is only temporary, so do I still have to hang around in Hogwarts like before?


Sean took a medium-rare steak on the plate and ate it happily.

This time, the students under his command have performed well, and they can consider recruiting them to the Golden Dawn Club. At the same time, they can also continue to carry out practical training in the club.

Fortunately, you can also teach your own magic spells, but you have to think about which ones to teach...

I won’t teach you about the black curse for the time being. I am able to eat big melons without cds because of my personal uniqueness. If they can’t, they will be affected by the black curse.

Track flickering is a very useful spell, but if this spell is learned by an enemy, it will be a big trouble. It is better to teach it to a friend who is absolutely trustworthy and has good strength...

Most of the other spells can be taught to them, and their own experience in using spells can be turned into a study manual. Hermione and Daisy have learned most of them and can help me with the teaching...

By the way, sideline but useful spells such as the Illusion Curse and the Illusion Curse must also be advanced. If you can make a sneak attack, make a sneak attack. That's the work of fools in an aboveboard and aboveboard manner...

Just as he was thinking about the future teaching direction and content, Sean's arm was bumped by a soft ball of flesh.

He turned his head in surprise, just in time to see Daisy with a red face.

"We hit the wrong one..." Xiao Baihua said pitifully.

Sean blinked: "Please make more mistakes in the future."

The casual joke made Daisy's face even redder, but Little White Flower was not the kind of girl who was unreasonable. She just wrinkled her nose at Sean delicately, and then whispered: "Sean, are you here?" What do you think about the future teaching content?”

Sean nodded: "There is no need to hide anything, I am ready to absorb all these children into the Golden Dawn."

The little white flower's dark eyes flickered around, and then he buried his head like a thief: "I have a magic spell, do you want to learn it?"

Sean looked at her doubtfully, wondering why she was so guilty: "Learn, if you are willing, then I will definitely learn it. Why, you improved the bat spirit charm like Ginny did?"

"No, it's a brand new curse -" Xiao Baihua glanced at the professor's desk quietly.

Sean followed her gaze suspiciously and met a cold gaze.

It was like a slippery scaleless poisonous snake had wrapped itself around him.

Daisy's voice rang out in a hurry: "Don't look, don't look, you are going to be discovered by Professor Snape!"

I've been discovered...

Sean smiled coquettishly under Snape's devouring gaze, and then said through his teeth, "I told you earlier..."

Daisy looked pitiful: "Have I asked him... At the beginning of the summer vacation, didn't you invite me to go on vacation with your family but I didn't go... Professor Snape came to my house as a guest."

"Hiss..." Sean gasped.

Snape, come to Potter's a guest?

He suddenly felt that his imagination was so poor...

"Oh, I don't know the specific situation, but I got along quite happily with him... Then I mentioned casually that I would go to summer camp with you later. Well, he looked very unhappy... But , he said that girls should learn to protect themselves, so he wanted to teach me a spell he created to deal with those who have bad intentions!"

"It's amazing! I feel like I can face Todoroki directly with the dark wizard!"

"Then I asked if I could teach it to others... Professor Snape seemed to be choked at the time, but he didn't speak in the end. He must have agreed, right?"

Sean: "..."

My innocent little white flower... If you guessed correctly, the person with malicious intentions that Snape asked you to protect yourself against... should be me...

"Ahem...are you going to teach me?"

Daisy nodded, her lively big eyes twitching: "Yes, you teach me, and I teach you, and Professor Snape doesn't object?"

Sean couldn't help but look at the teacher's table with his peripheral vision. Snape was shaking the red wine glass. The level of the wine inside had not dropped yet...

Snape has probably set his sights on me... If you don't learn, you won't learn... Anyway, the Potions class will be targeted...

"Okay, I'll learn!"

Xiao Baihua's eyebrows curved into crescent moons: "Hehe, let me tell you, that magic spell is called [Shen Feng Wu Ying]——"

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