Therefore, there is a time in life that must be there eventually, but there is no time in life, so don’t force it.

Sean met Snape when he was in first grade and got his spell notes, but he didn't learn any of Snape's own spells.

He even secretly went to the upper class Potions classroom to look through it, but could not find the Potions textbook used by the Half-Blood Prince.

Until now, the person who taught him Shenfeng Wuying has become Daisy...

The world is so wonderful... Sean could only sigh like this.

I made an appointment with Daisy to meet in the Room of Requirement after class the next day, and the two of them talked for a long time next to each other at the long table.

When Professor McGonagall announced that the opening ceremony, which lasted until twelve o'clock in the evening, was over, Sean stood up and left. Not only did he receive a lot of looks from students, but he also received a cold look that could give nightmares.

Snape hardly ate much all night. The bottle of red wine in his hand almost broke due to his shaking, and he didn't seem to have any less wine.

However, when Snape was staring at Sean, he happened to catch the eye of Daisy, who waved to him happily, and Snape immediately began to straighten his collar uncomfortably.

Sean was quite curious now that Snape actually went to the Potter's house and didn't know what they talked about - he even occasionally wondered whether the Potters asked Snape to be Daisy's godfather?

It doesn't seem impossible...

Snape's preference for Daisy comes entirely from the face of his mother inherited from Little White Flower, and Snape only loves one person in his life, although it is love that cannot be tolerated...

Sean shook his head. He, as an outsider, should not get involved in the affairs of the previous generation.

As the president of the student union, he still needed to hand over work with the prefects. When everything was over and he returned to the dormitory, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

Several roommates were quite excited, and they all gathered around to ask Sean what the summer camp was about.

Sean did not give a clear answer, but promised them that if they could achieve better results in the sixth-grade midterm exam, he would absorb them into his Golden Dawn.

Several roommates, led by Terry Butt, angrily scolded Sean for being unloyal, but no one refused to accept the proposal.

Without him, the students who came out from Sean's hands were so dazzling.

After some more fussing with the roommates, everyone finally lay back on the four-poster bed.

Sean took off his robe and short sleeves, and half sat on the bedside with his upper body bare.

The magic lighting in the bedroom has been extinguished, and only a few drops of bright moonlight from the window filtered in through the gaps in the curtains.

He couldn't sleep, so he opened his system panel.

Name: Sean Wallop (born from a Muggle family, his bloodline is awakening...)

Magic items: Hand of glory (purple), no-wash wool socks (special), self-fixing lapel pin (special), high-precision looking glass (purple), Lament of the Ancients (gold) (cooling not completed), Hermione· Granger's Echoes (gold) (cooldown completed), Black Sleeper (gold) (cooldown completed), Sybill Trelawney's Card (gold)...

Since the bloodline began to awaken, the note has always been that it is awakening, and there has been no major change.

Sean also tried to feel if there was anything different in his body that was different from usual, but except for the increasingly abundant magic power, there was basically no change.

To put it simply, wizards are bloodline sorcerers, and their magic power and ability to use magic come from their bloodline. This is why most ordinary wizards will feel an extremely powerful sense of oppression when facing high-level existences. This is Bloodline suppression.

Sean has thought about what his bloodline will be, but there is currently no clear direction. However, the end of the bloodline's awakening should be the awakening of some kind of Magus - such as Professor Scamander's Beast Magus, Tonks The Disguise Magus and so on, these are all awakened bloodlines.

It would be nice if I could talk to my ancestor who once fought against Haierbo. He should have awakened his bloodline and be able to give me more hints...

After thinking for a moment, Sean continued to look down.

Charms Talent: 8 (You already have the right path to become a powerful wizard)

Transfiguration talent: 10+2 (Everything in the world can change, you will become an unprecedented master of transfiguration!)

Potions Talent: 5 (You finally don’t have to be so scared when brewing potions. This talent is enough to make the Potions Professor smile at you occasionally. Note: Except for Severus Snape)

Magical animal affinity: 10+3 (everywhere you go, all magical animals will be obsessed with your amazing charm, even if you haven't bathed for a month)

Ancient Rune Talent: 2+5 (Some people are crying, some are howling, some are marveling - the trembling of the ancients is about to begin, take advantage of now to sigh)

Dark Magic Talent: 10+2 (Ha! If you are not in Azkaban surrounded by a hundred dementors, then the entire Ministry of Magic should resign! Note: Some people are born in darkness, You can travel further on a road where you can't see the front - even, you are part of that dark road.)

After Sean drew his basic set last time, he added points to his three best talents, which changed the notes a bit.

However, he has always struggled with why his ancient rune talent should be expressed in the form of 2+5. 10 points is the upper limit of a normal wizard's talent. If he continues to improve, a + sign will appear.

Sean's ancient rune talent was zero from the beginning. Dumbledore's primary suit added two points to him, and the next five points came from his meeting with the robin.

What is the upper limit of my rune talent to 2? This is so damn...

This was definitely not normal, so Sean subconsciously felt that there might be some secret hidden in his rune talent...

Abilities: [Beast Whisperer], [Luggerman], [Royona Ravenclaw's Gift], [Newt Scamander's Gift], [Potion Explorer], [Arrogant], [Cold Eyes], [Severus Snape's Entertainment], [The Cautious], [The Smart Man], [Greedy Heart], [Shaun Wallup's Gift]

The three gifts are all favorability bonuses, and [Severus Snape's Entertainment] allows you to feel a little pleasure when cleaning the cauldron and mixing potions.

Overall, they are pretty useful abilities.

At the same time, with the blessing of [Greedy Heart], Sean's magic proficiency has improved faster than before. Most of the commonly used magic spells can be perfectly cast silently and without a wand. The remaining room for improvement is basically Sean left to figure out a new path on his own.

Of course, black magic is not needed...

Soul-stealing curse (black magic) lv3: proficiency 100000/100000

Cruciatus Curse (Black Magic) lv3: Proficiency 100000/100000

Death Curse (Black Magic) lv4: Proficiency 100000/100000

Severe Fire Curse (Black Magic) lv3: Proficiency 70000/70000

Corpse Reappearance (Black Magic) lv3: Proficiency 10000/10000

Inferi Curse (Black Magic) lv3: Proficiency 30000/30000

Boiling Blood Curse (Black Magic) lv3: Proficiency 50000/50000

[Greedy Heart]: The more spells you learn at the same time, the faster your learning progress will be. The more wizards you associate with at the same time, the stronger your ability to confuse with words. (Note: Biting off more than one can chew and learning too many spells at the same time may lead to a nervous breakdown, which may result in a hatchet.)

In order to ensure that his spirit would not collapse, Sean did not practice too many spells at the same time. Obviously, black magic was not included in it - but his greed automatically strengthened Sean's progress in learning black magic.

No, it should be put another way - Sean does not need to learn black magic. His level of black magic has been continuously growing, and [Greed] has accelerated the growth without any side effects.

Sometimes Sean himself doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. His innocence is the ultimate template for the Dark Lord.

After looking around the system panel again, Sean finally focused on the points on the upper right side of the prize pool.

It has only been about three months since the last draw. His tasks have been ongoing, but he has not accumulated many points.

Although Sean has always had the habit of drawing lottery tickets at the beginning of school, this time he decided to save.

He had been reminded of this during a previous conversation with the robin.

"You have come to this land again, please save this collapsed world, save them, those lost souls - the snake's fangs are breaking the boundaries, be careful about the true face of the snake, you can take a copy Treasure, this is what you leave to yourself. Finally, you asked me to remind you that good luck is the most magical thing, remember to save it."

The fragments of Robin's will were almost worn away, and this was the last thing she could do.

This sentence is easy to understand. The collapsed world refers to the trance and illusion, and the lost souls are of course the aborigines in the trance and illusion.

The snake's fangs and the snake's true identity obviously point to Herbo, but Sean also suspects that it may be related to the authority of Death, which was confirmed by Grindelwald and Dumbledore.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the problem with the authority of the God of Death that Halbo cannot return to reality...

The treasure Sean has already taken away, no need to look further.

What concerned Sean the most was the last sentence, which came from another Sean Wallop.

Good luck is the most magical thing, remember to save it

It has something to do with the Elixir of Fortune, and it may also have something to do with the lottery.

The side effects of frequent taking of Fuling Elixir have not yet appeared, and Sean has been hesitant about taking it again.

This is an idea he came up with himself - all kinds of information cannot be conveyed accurately, and he and his other self rely on "Shaun Wallop's intuition" to reach a tacit understanding.

Therefore, taking Felixir to strengthen his sixth sense and intuition may become a bridge between him and himself.

"Good luck, good luck..." Sean, who was lying shirtless on the bed, put one hand on the back of his head and murmured to himself.

"The most important thing is, what does this accumulation mean... Accumulating points? No, the last time I was reminded to use the Fortune Elixir to draw all of it... Accumulating the Fortune Elixir? But drinking a tank of the Fortune Elixir at once is not enough It will enhance the efficacy of the medicine..."

And what is something about him or what ability does he have that is closely related to his luck?

After thinking about it, Sean opened the system's inventory.

A golden card is suspended in it.

Sybill Trelawney's Card (Gold): Consumable, remaining uses 1/1. When using it, raise your hands above your head and recite the incantation "I am the greatest divination warlock!", and you will get a future divination that is absolutely accurate and will not be changed.

The future divination that is absolutely accurate and cannot be changed is a word that Sean has never thought about using.

What if a situation arises in which you must die? More likely, of course, is the useless divination that Sean Wallop will eat a steak next Saturday.

But after Sean drew another prize, the golden fortune-telling card suddenly became more subtle.

Chain of Convergence (gold): consumable, remaining number of uses is 2/2. After using it, you can specify the prediction direction of a prophecy, but it cannot affect the result. (The future is still foggy, but at least you have a street light.)

Just like the two cards of the Weslay twins, Sean intuitively thought that the chain of convergence and the divination card might be matched, although the system did not show the effect of the set.

However, a future divination that cannot be changed but is uncontrollable and a prop that specifies the direction of prediction are a pair no matter how you think about it.

He had a feeling that the two were meant to be used together, but he wasn't sure how.

After all, even if the direction of the prediction is determined, the quality of the prediction cannot be determined.

"Can't you just let me draw another prop and confirm the pros and cons of the prophecy for me..."

Sean once thought about whether he could make a nesting doll prophecy, that is, let the prophet predict whether the prediction he is about to make is good or bad, and adjust the method of use accordingly.

However, the senior prophet Grindelwald told Mr. Wallop during the consultation-you might as well think of it and feed it to yourself.

The plan predicted by the matryoshka doll came to an end, which made Sean regretful for a long time.

He thought about what these props and the unknown message in his hand meant, but just like the world that finally calmed down, the various threads that Sean found were temporarily retracted into the ball of wool, and the breakthrough points were hidden. Get up - of course, maybe he hasn't noticed it yet.

After thinking for a while, Sean stared at the ceiling through the transparent lace curtains of the four-poster bed.

Ever since his last lustful outburst, he had felt a sense of urgency in his heart that he had rarely experienced before. This urgency did not stem from the situation, but from some unknown feeling.

Sean felt that maybe it was Sean in another timeline that he didn't know was reminding him, and it was his soul that was reminding him...

After all, he likes to eat raw food more and more, and he also starts to eat sweets he doesn't like. He licks his lips and subconsciously taps the wall of the table with his fingers more and more frequently...

This is not his habit, but he is very used to it.

Sean knew clearly that this was a habit from another, no, several other Sean Wallops, so he was comfortable with it.

He knows himself too well, and he is not the kind of person who would split the soul or "snatch" the body of Sean Wallop in another timeline.

So, this influence from the soul, and the reminder from the soul...

Sean made a bold guess.

Myself in other timelines...

Could it be that they are all dead?

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