I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 656: You even cheated on the ring?

Because of the dilemma, several people in the room fell into a brief silence.

If you tell this kind of thing, your friends and relatives will be put into greater danger. If you don't tell it, it will not only appear to be a lack of trust, but in the future, people around you will most likely be involved in the confrontation with guilt and Haierbo. Among them, this danger seems difficult to avoid.

Perhaps thinking of this, Daisy took the lead and said: "How about we just say it? Although this will cause some trouble, at least these troubles are within our expectations. And, frankly speaking, even if we Even if we keep hiding it from them, in the end they will still stand by our side and fight together, and they will inevitably be involved in the prophecy."

As she said that, she looked at Sean again, with a smile in her tone: "Sean, you also know that in the end, whether Hermione knows it or not, she will never leave alone..."

Sean sighed, then smiled: "That's right...forget it, let's go to hell together..."


"I need some time now..." In the Room of Requirement, Hermione's mouth was slightly open, her eyes were blank, and she was in huge shock.

She looked at Sean and Daisy in disbelief, then shook her head vigorously: "Merlin's beard..."

Just now, Sean and Daisy found Hermione and told her everything.

Obviously, even the smart Miss Granger needs time to digest this huge amount of information.

After a long time, she suddenly "bounced" from the velvet armchair, and then frantically scratched her long brown hair.

"This is what you've been hiding from me?!"

Sean corrected, "I've been hiding it from you all this time. Daisy just found out. You already know the reason."

Xiao Baihua nodded hurriedly beside him.

"Oh my god..." Hermione murmured with dull eyes, and then slumped down heavily on the chair, muttering to herself silently, "I know the existence of gods, and I have heard stories about those gods, and even gods once It’s not that far from me either…”

"Then... one of my best male friends is the host of the gods... one of my best female friends is also the host of the gods?! And this prophecy... a prophecy that spans thousands of years and will destroy the world?"

She ruffled her hair vigorously and yelled as if to vent her anger. Then she looked at Sean and Daisy and confirmed again: "Isn't this a prank before Halloween?"

Sean and Daisy nodded seriously.

"Oh my God..." Hermione wailed.

Sean and Daisy looked at each other and spread their hands.

They had long expected that Hermione would react like this - although this girl is very smart, her attitude towards authority can often be described as superstitious. "Authority" here can refer to many things, and gods are also another type. authority in the sense.

That's why Hermione had such a big reaction - on the one hand, she was shocked by her friend's identity, and on the other hand, it made her feel like her authority had collapsed.

After all, in this story and in the prophecy, the roles played by the gods are not very positive - the most positive one is already dead.

Fortunately, despite the huge reaction, Hermione's ability to accept it was still as strong as ever. After taking some time, she calmed down completely.

However, Sean received a complicated and unspeakable look from Hermione, and he even felt that he was hallucinating - Hermione's eyes seemed to be mixed with some amusement and other things...

Of course, the proud and smart Miss Granger would not explain all this. On the contrary, after she sorted out her mood and state, she started what she was best at - analysis.

"Based on so much information, among the seven sins, [Pride] is the only one who is not a betrayer? Does that mean you and her can achieve a certain degree of cooperation?" Hermione asked Sean.

Daisy also looked over, she was also curious about this.

Sean shrugged: "It's considered accomplished, deal with [

When I was furious, my method was to deduce it from the series of information she gave me. However, she and I were still on opposite sides after all. "

"Because of the prophecy of destroying the world? Is this a curse of the will of the world after the fall of Robin? No matter what the relationship between them is, the guilty parties have always reached a consensus on destroying the world?" Hermione The words came out like a string of cannons.

"It can be understood that the current cooperation will collapse when the time limit is reached. [Arrogance] and I are destined to only have one person." Sean nodded.

Hermione dragged her chin and spun around in circles, and then she suddenly stopped: "Then have you ever thought about the strange relationship between Haierbo and guilt?"

"How to say?"

"According to the current information, Halbo united with the culprits except [Pride] to kill the mockingbird - and the culprits came to destroy the world because of the will of the world."

"However, Herbo has been active in this world, and the things he did seemed to be to gain a foothold in this world - including the time you mentioned before, when you pretended to be Grindelwald and negotiated with Andros. , there may be temptations, but the overall goal remains unchanged. Haierbo wants peace, or at least he wants peace for a period of time."

Sean fell into deep thought and found that he did not seem to realize this.

Hermione had just learned the whole story, and was able to analyze it all from a clearer perspective.

Hermione continued: "In a sense, Herbo's goal is the same as part of our goal, to prevent guilt from destroying the world - it sounds funny, doesn't it? But it seems like this now, that is , what does Haierbo need a complete, peaceful world to achieve...and what has Haierbo always wanted?"

Daisy blinked: "Becoming a real god... Sean said that the authority Helbo received was never complete. In layman's terms, he has the power of a god, but no godhead?"

Sean's eyes lit up: "This explanation is very accurate. "

Hermione spread her hands: "Then the direction we need to explore next is very clear. Find a way for Halbo to obtain godhood in reality. Either cut it off or destroy it - this is the only direction we can work towards. Bar?"

"Hiss, your mind works really fast," Sean couldn't help but sigh, "And after being reminded by you, I seem to have some ideas about this so-called godhead..."

Daisy and Hermione both looked over.

Sean blinked mysteriously: "We happen to have a guy who knows the inside story, don't we?"


"Where...is this..." A consciousness slowly came back to life, and then he gradually realized that something was wrong.

Its own body is very light, so light that it is difficult to understand. At the same time, it can easily detect the "fitness" between this body and itself.

"This must be the body of a descendant of my bloodline..." It immediately made this judgment.

However, apart from the lightness of its body, it felt that its thoughts were so heavy and its soul was so tattered, as if it had been torn into pieces and stuffed into something strange.

In addition, there is something that it cannot get rid of that is limiting itself. It can feel that the thing that it cannot get rid of is a kind of magic and a contract. The level of this contract is higher than that of its weak soul, which cannot struggle. , unable to act according to one's own will.

"Where on earth is this..." It has never been so confused.

Suddenly, it felt that its surroundings began to become hot, dangerous magic gradually spread out, and it even smelled a deadly smell.

This is something he has never felt since he was born.

So, rightly so, there was panic and uneasiness.

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