"Insect! Despicable mortal! How dare you deceive me! How dare you do such an outrageous thing to me!"

On the stone platform, the ring was trembling crazily and emitting Daisy's voice.

However, Sean pressed it casually, and the yelling ring suddenly calmed down.

Daisy patted her bulging chest and said with a clear conscience: "Is this the [Rage]? He is actually still speaking with my voice."

"That's what happens after it's made into a Horcrux. Essentially, a Horcrux is a living being with a soul. When it's made into a Horcrux, the soul fragments separated still carry your mark, so it will use you. sound," Sean explained.

"That sounds really strange..." Hermione frowned, and then looked at Sean again, "But, is it considered as getting some information?"

Sean nodded: "At least I know the so-called 'crowned godhead'. Sure enough, [Rage] is here to help Haierpo get something..."

As the holder of a Horcrux, he certainly understands this thing. Using a few tricks and natural suppression, Sean can do what he just did - pretend to be a greater being.

For Sean, a "habitual offender" who plays with people's hearts and creates atmosphere, this is not difficult, especially after making the soul fragments of [Rage] into Horcruxes, he has never actively tested it once, that is, he has not tried it in advance. Awakened the other party.

Unfortunately, just like Sealed Artifact No. 001 monocle, the ring just named Sealed Artifact No. 002 by Sean also has consciousness and intelligence.

Although Sean had absolute control, he was unable to control the other party's consciousness. He failed to dig out more information while [Rage] was in a daze, and the other party reacted.

As for threatening 002 like 001, I'm afraid it's not realistic... [Lust]'s soul fragment comes from another timeline, which is not the same thing as [Rage]'s soul fragment that was extracted by Sean's trick.

Cooperation is even less realistic.

Just use it as a sealed object... Of course, you can relax the suppression on it from time to time, maybe the other party will leak it.

After all, [Rage]'s IQ doesn't seem to be high.

On the other side, Hermione was already studying what the information revealed.

"Helpo's clone has come to this world before, and he didn't get the so-called 'Coronated Godhead' by himself. That means it's hard to find, and there are certain restrictions on who can get it, or maybe it wasn't available at the time. Even in this world, Haierbo can’t be found.”

Sean snapped his fingers: "I prefer the latter——"

"Why?" The two girls turned their heads in confusion.

Sean spread his hands in a bachelor manner: "Intuition——"

Hermione rolled her eyes at him angrily: "Is this the time to use your intuition?"

Sean laughed: "Intuition is very useful in many cases - in addition, [Rage]'s awakening this time was planned and had a goal, which shows that both Haierbo and she know what the 'Coronated Godhead' is and what it means. Where, then why didn't Haierbo get it himself when he could still use the clone to come to the world? I don't think Guilty is an object worthy of trust, even if they completed a terrible betrayal together. If I were Haierbo, I If you have the ability to do it, you will never hand over such an important task to someone who has already betrayed you once."

"So, there's nothing Harpo can do?" Hermione's eyes widened.

Sean nodded: "It's most likely so - this is Godhead, not the lollipop in Honeydukes. In this case, we have another piece of good news - Haierbo's influence on the world is very weak now, although [Rage] ] It was her back-up move, but I think she had no choice but to do it."

Sean's guess made sense, so Hermione nodded in agreement.

However, neither she nor Daisy noticed that Sean's eyes had become slightly strange just now.

Because Sean just made a bold guess.

The ring that can induce [Rage] to awaken comes from Ariana. It seems sudden but inevitable - because taking Daisy to the Pig's Head Bar is a foreseeable thing.

Why did it break out at that time?

Why would Haierbo trust a former traitor even though he has no influence on the world?

This all happened after Sean found the Hufflepuff Chamber of Secrets.

He saw the projection of the god's blood and heard the words left by [Life]. Among them, there is one very crucial thing.

The magic venue is closely related to the gods, and the golden cup from [Life] is required to be taken good care of...

Yes, Sean found Hufflepuff's secret room, touched the robin's feathers, saw the projection of the god's blood, got the golden cup... [Rage] recovered early.

This makes it difficult for Sean not to doubt the connection between things.

Perhaps, the Golden Cup is the key...

However, the reasoning after the frank disclosure did not last long. Now that Haier wave has not swept over again, the peaceful life will still continue.

Of course, Sean has to prepare for another thing in advance - the Gryffindor test.

In the Forbidden Forest, Gryffindor left an awakening monster behind. Sean has obtained the key to the test. It is only a few days before the monster actually awakens. He must go and meet the monster for a while.

By then, he might really be able to gather the respective powers of the four founders and explore the real secrets of Hogwarts.

However, Mr. Sean Wallop, who was preparing to do something big, now faced a rather embarrassing thing.

"Aren't you a reader..."

In the small room of the Hogsmeade Hotel, Sean moved his butt uncomfortably.

Opposite him was Stephanie, who was sitting in front of the window with a book open. However, the silver-haired girl had been turning her head to take a closer look at Sean from time to time.

During this time, Stephanie has been living in Hogsmeade, and Sean often comes to visit her and occasionally stays overnight.

Stephanie helped a lot in the last [Rage] awakening incident. However, she does not have [Pride] in her body like Sean. Wuwu and his ilk had a big impact on her, even with the magic potion. .

Of course, it’s not a big problem, you just need to take a good rest for a few days.

So, after the incident was over, Stephanie returned to Hogsmeade again and basically rested in her room these days.

Of course, Sean wanted to come over and check on Stephanie. Of course, she was recuperating, and Sean was not a lustful devil, so he wouldn't want to fight with her all night long.


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