I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 666 Surrounded by smart girls

"is this okay?"

"Anything is fine..."

"Is it too hard?"


"There is a material in this medicine that absorbs temperature, so it may be a little cold."

"Cool? Oh, oh, oh... yes, it's a bit cold..."

Sean changed his position. He always felt that his current movements were very uncomfortable and he didn't feel comfortable anywhere. He said at the same time: "If you feel uncomfortable anywhere, just tell me."

Daisy, who was lying motionless, still said as loudly as before: "Okay..."


"Then can you stop talking? I, I get nervous when I hear you talking..."

The word "Okay" was half spoken, but Sean held it back.

Regardless of applying medicine or applying sunscreen, the current temperature in the Room of Requirement is indeed similar to that of the beach. Of course, it is only for these two people.

After a moment, the little white flower who had been tensing up suddenly turned his head and looked at Sean with an inexplicable look.

The latter felt a little hairy and retracted his hands elsewhere.

"I'm really applying medicine..." Sean explained in a low voice.

Daisy made a snort of disdain, but she was embarrassed to say anything.

Finally, the long process of applying medicine was over. It only lasted five minutes...but for the two of them, it was like a year.

Sean needs a lot of willpower to control himself not to look at places he shouldn't look, let alone touch places he shouldn't touch.

Daisy, on the other hand, needed all her strength to contain her shame. She felt like she was about to faint from the heat...

When Xiao Baihua hurriedly put on her skirt, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Sean looked over and unconsciously cast his gaze below Daisy. The latter noticed it and glared at him angrily: "You, you are still looking!"

The problem was finally solved, and Sean returned to his usual cheekiness. He cleared his throat: "I didn't look, I was just observing."

"Isn't that the same meaning?!"

"Aren't I worried that you are feeling uncomfortable..."

"I'm fine now, very fine!"

Sean chuckled, and cheekily came over to sit next to Daisy. The latter moved her butt awkwardly, but did not change places.

"It was an accident -" Sean explained, "Ahem, I swear, I didn't see anything."

"You also said-" Daisy rushed over and blocked his mouth, trying to dig a hole to bury herself in shame and anger.

"*%*%¥¥" Sean made some incomprehensible noises, and finally fell down on the soft cushion with his hands, looking at Xiao Baihua's pretty body unscrupulously.

Daisy was furious when she saw that he was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

I almost fainted from embarrassment. This person was obviously embarrassed and cautious just now. Why has he become so shameless now?

You... why didn't you take advantage of me more forcefully just now? ! I will reject you, but I will not resist...

Just now, he pretended to be an innocent little boy, but now he is an experienced flirt, right?

Daisy looked left and right, found the wand she had just thrown aside, and then let go of Sean.

"Phew, I thought you were going to suffocate me to death." Sean said with a smile.

The little white flower stood up angrily and raised her wand at him.

Sean leaned over indifferently: "I just want to improve this awkward atmosphere."

"Don't say it, don't say it!" Daisy's face turned red the more she listened to him, and she wanted to throw a mute curse at him.

But everyone knows that raising a wand is just for show.

Finally, the little white flower fell down with a whimper.

Sean caught her and put her on his lap: "It's an accident. Don't be anxious and don't get angry."

The little white flower struggled a little but didn't resist. She fell softly into Sean's arms, muttering in a low voice: "Accidents, accidents, all accidents! I've been looked at by you, and I've been touched by you too." , you still...you still don't let me go."

Sean shouted that he was wronged: "I didn't do it. You are stereotyping me."

"Then you won't stop talking?"

"Wouldn't it be more embarrassing not to say anything?"

Daisy wrinkled her nose and said dissatisfied: "I shouldn't be so obsessed with it...you are such a pushover..."

"I admit I'm pushing my limits, but can we talk about your obsession first?" Sean joked.

The little white face turned red again. Knowing that she had spilled the beans, she hesitated and said: "I said it wrong... I, I can't help it."



"Then..." Sean leaned his head over, "What now?"

"Now what...um!"

Before she finished speaking, Daisy's eyes widened.

Sean swooped over and kissed her lips.

She struggled subconsciously, but quickly closed her eyes and fell into it.

The kiss lasted for a long time this time, and when the two let go, their movements had changed from Sean holding Daisy to the latter hugging Sean tightly.

"It's time to collect the management fee, tsk tsk." Sean winked at her.

Little Baihua, who was so ecstatic after being kissed, still had the shame, anger and dissatisfaction from before. She just squinted her eyes and gasped loudly at the same time.

Sean did not pursue the victory, but continued to hold her gently and let her calm down.

After a long time, Daisy finally recovered. She leaned weakly on Sean's chest and whispered: "I discovered something..."

"What?" Sean lowered his head.

Daisy pointed to her lips: "It seems that I can't talk to you, and I can't kiss you."

"Pfft -" Sean almost laughed out loud, "Should I say that it's not too late to find out now?"

Daisy shook her head: "It's too late..."

Feeling the deep love, Sean gently pinched the girl's tender cheek and said softly: "You can decide the loser and the winner."

"I don't want to compete with you. This way... this way is good..." Daisy's eyebrows arched and her voice was sultry.

"Then..." Sean cleared his throat and lowered his head again.

"Wait a minute -" Daisy just closed her eyes to prepare for a new round of passionate kiss, but she suddenly opened her eyes wide as if she remembered something.

She moved her butt so that she and Sean were closer to the ground. The girl was a little nervous and expectant, her eyes bright.

"Then, am I your girlfriend now?"

Sean's heart skipped a beat, not because he was surprised by this question, but because he suddenly panicked...

As the saying goes, don't take the initiative, don't refuse, don't take responsibility...

If you agree, that's another matter...

But Sean didn't change his expression. He smiled softly, then grabbed Daisy's hand and pressed it to his chest.

"Did you feel anything?" he asked.

Daisy opened her palms curiously, and then whispered: "You, your heartbeat is very fast..."

"What about this?" Sean put Daisy's head against his chest again, resting his chin on her fragrant hair.

"It's clearer..."

Sean smiled softly and said softly: "Did you hear anything else?"


He lowered his head and kissed Daisy's head: "There is a girl named Daisy Potter inside..."

Xiao Baihua was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. The excitement and love in her eyes almost overflowed in this ambiguous atmosphere.

"Sean~" She called out his name coquettishly and joyfully, holding Sean's hand tightly with both hands and refusing to let go.

"Here you are, here you are -"


"Hey, here it is."



The two of them were like children in kindergarten playing a three-year-old routine of shouting and answering, but they never tired of it.

They stayed like this for a while, and when Sean felt it was time to engage in some more intimate activities, the little white flower turned over and walked out of his arms.

"Hee hee, cunning Mr. Wallop -" Little Baihua showed a proud look.

Sean secretly screamed something bad, but he still had an innocent and confused expression on his face: "What's wrong?"

"Daisy Potter is not a fool! You didn't answer my question directly!"

Sean smiled helplessly and fondly: "Isn't this considered?"

"Of course it doesn't count -" Daisy showed her usual cunning little fox expression, "I still have a lot of things to decide - so, it's not that simple~"

Sean spread his hands: "Why can't I understand?"

"If you don't understand, you don't understand~ But -" Daisy bent down and kissed Sean on the face, "Although what I heard today was not what I wanted to hear the most, it was still me I like it, I’m very—happy!”

Affected by the cheerful voice of Little White Flower, Sean couldn't help but feel a lot happier. He said amusedly: "What's the difference?"

"What's the difference?" The girl's dark green eyes rolled around, "You know it better than me, don't you?"


"Okay, don't say any more -" Daisy put her hands on her hips, looking like I had made up my mind.

Sean blinked and was about to speak when he saw Daisy leaning down and taking off her black cotton socks, exposing a section of her white calves.

"I..." After just admiring the beautiful scenery, Sean only uttered one word before his mouth was blocked.

Daisy used the black cotton socks as a mask to cover Sean's mouth.

She smiled coquettishly, and the cunning look in her eyes was like a little fox that just ran out of the forest.

"I'm afraid if you keep talking, I will really fall into despair, so blocking your mouth is the best choice, hehe - by the way, don't worry, it's very clean~"

"*%%¥" Although Sean's hands and feet were not restrained, he still let out a series of chirps.

Daisy was unmoved, and raised her neck proudly like a winner, and then smiled: "I know you like this, if you want something in the future, just say what I want to hear - this time, just Just...just, just think of it as a reward."

After saying that, the little white flower ran out of the Room of Requirement as fast as he could, as if he was afraid that something would happen if he stayed for a while longer.

After the door was closed and looking at the direction the girl left, Sean took off the black cotton socks and raised them in front of his eyes.

"Still magic socks..." Sean shook his head and laughed.

Sure enough, although Daisy almost always obeys his words and prefers to obey his and Hermione's analysis and command on all major matters, she is not the kind of pure silly sweetheart who can be fooled by one or two. The words went to his head.

On the contrary, Daisy is actually very smart. She just doesn't like to express her opinions all the time. If you really want to say that, among several girls, she may be the one who understands emotions most thoroughly.


Sean squeezed the cotton socks in his hand and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Some things are actually destined to happen...

"You really have this hobby..." The wooden door was pushed open again at some point, and Daisy came back again, standing at the door with an expression of 'I knew it was like this'.

Sean's temples twitched: "Listen to my explanation..."

Xiao Baihua threw another pair of black cotton socks over: "It's a gift for you, otherwise it won't be asymmetrical - you go ahead, hehe."

"Hey, I'm really not a foot control-hey, don't leave."

Looking at the pair of socks in his hand, Sean couldn't laugh or cry.

I'm really not a foot control! ——

That night, Daisy returned to normal as expected. She listened to Hermione complaining about Sean's lack of care as before, and she would act coquettishly from time to time to help Sean take the heat.

When it came time for dessert after the meal, she took Hermione and Sean's desserts and ate them as a matter of course.

While Sean turned to talk to others, Hermione lowered her head and asked softly: "Are you okay there?"

The little white flower blushed, and then nodded quickly: "Shaun's ointment is very easy to use, everything is healed, and there are no marks at all."

"That's good, I'll return it to him later - huh? Why is your face so red?"

"No -" Daisy took a mouthful of caramel pudding and put it in her mouth, then looked up at the top of the auditorium, "Maybe there were too many torches burning."

"Is that so-" Hermione pulled her collar, seeming to feel a little warm.

The Great Hall of Hogwarts was still very warm, but there might indeed have been too many magic torches today. After a while, both Daisy and Hermione took off their coats.

Sean, who returned to the table, also took off his thick coat and fanned himself while saying, "Why is it so hot today?"

"Yeah, something went wrong with the torch?" Hermione also said.

Daisy looked over and pointed at Sean in surprise: "Is it so hot? Why are you sweating?"

Sean wiped the sweat from his forehead and found that although everyone else was also aware of the heat, he seemed to be terribly hot.

"It's strange-" He pulled his collar and looked around suspiciously.

its not right……

Sean found that most of the people close to him had taken off their coats, but the students furthest away from him were still wearing thick clothes.

It seemed that he was the source of the fire that radiated heat.

However, other than the heat, he didn't notice anything wrong with his body.

At this time, news came from Dave in the ring: "Boss, it's so hot, so hot - it's getting hotter - there's something in the ring radiating heat."


"A feather, a fiery red feather."

Feather... Sean was stunned.

Phoenix tail feathers? !

Remember to reload after ten minutes

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