I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 667 Dumbledore’s “Letter”

"Is this normal?"

Hermione wiped the sweat from her forehead, looking annoyed.

At this time, the Scottish Highlands have entered the season of howling cold winds, and thick clothes must be worn even indoors where torches are always burning.

However, in the Room of Requirement, Sean, Hermione and Daisy all took off their coats and sweaters and put on cooler clothes.

And all this is because of the huge fiery red feather placed in front of the three people.

Sean also wiped his sweat, his voice full of fatigue: "It's definitely not a normal situation, but I can't find the problem."

Daisy on the side took off only a cool vest, her coat was tied around her waist, half slumped on the cushion, and said feebly: "If I can't find the problem anymore, I will really be heated to death." Well, if I study it in the auditorium, it might turn into summer in Hogwarts Castle."

The fiery red feathers in front of them are naturally the tail feathers of the phoenix.

This phoenix tail feather comes from Dumbledore. When Sean helped Dumbledore lift the blood curse on Nagini and Daisy, Dumbledore gave this feather to Sean as a gift, and also gave Sean a A chance to summon a phoenix.


The problem is that Sean used the tail feathers of the phoenix twice, but neither of them was successful...

It was later learned that Phoenix Fox's soul was fused with half of Ariana's soul, and that Fox had not appeared for a long time.

When Dumbledore's soul went to the Twisted Illusion, he said that he wanted to find the complete Ariana. At that time, Sean knew that Fawkes was probably trapped in the Twisted Illusion.

But now, if the phoenix's tail feathers suddenly appear strange, it must be some signal sent by Dumbledore or Fox or Ariana.

The problem is that the three of them have been studying this feather all morning and still have no clue.

This tail feather belonging to Fox is constantly emitting heat. The heat is not exaggerated. Even if you grab it with your hands, it is only slightly hot. But even so, the tail feather still raises the surrounding temperature with itself as the center.

Sean picked up the slightly hot phoenix tail feather again in disbelief, and then closed his eyes.

He tried to find some clues by feeling the fluctuations of its magic power. If this happened to the tail feather belonging to Fox, it must be the magic power of the phoenix itself that played some role.

Of course, Sean also considered that Fox was in a trance and might be caught by Halbo. Even Dumbledore might fall into the hands of Halbo. So the abnormality of this feather might be caused by someone. It's a trap.

But after careful testing, he had determined that the feather would not cause harm to anyone.

The strange shape of the feathers is to convey a certain message.

However, even with Sean's keen perception, he could not decipher the information on the feathers.

He even went to [Pride], and the robin feather had been given to the other party as an exchange item. Sean shamelessly went to ask for it back, but again, there was no difference between the robin feather and the phoenix tail feather. any chemical reaction occurs.

"It's not the same thing that we are trying all kinds of stupid methods here." Seeing Sean put down his feathers in disappointment again, Hermione wiped the sweat from her forehead and tried to dissuade him.

Sean frowned and nodded, it seemed better to find someone more suitable - and that person was obviously Ariana.

To be precise, Ariana with only half a soul.

However, Sean is still worried about one thing - after the last [Rage] incident, Ariana became unsafe.

It's not that Sean is suspicious of a girl who is currently only seven or eight years old, but that she has returned from the Wuwu Flow, and her subconscious has been manipulated by Haier, so she really doesn't dare to rashly let her come into contact with things that are not safe or very important.

Sean paced in place for a while, then took out a silver deluminator and said, "Let's find foreign aid."

Pressing the switch of the lights out, the surrounding space shattered like a lens, and then reorganized.

Daisy and Hermione were still with him, but they could no longer see Sean.

In the mirror space, about ten minutes later, the wall that was originally the fireplace cracked open, and a new space "gushed" out.

It was a huge cave that seemed to have just collapsed.

Grindelwald, whom I haven't seen for a long time, is still wearing the iconic high-collar windbreaker. His short silver beard seems to have grown a lot, but it is still neatly groomed.

His short white hair still stood up wildly, just like Grindelwald's current expression.

He was slowly wiping the blood on his hands with a white handkerchief - to be precise, he was covered in blood.

Grindelwald seemed to have just been wet by a large rain of blood. Except for the cracked blood alliance collar pin on his chest, no part of his body was clean.

"I'm going, teacher, what are you doing?" Sean asked in disbelief.

Grindelwald glanced at him lazily, scarlet blood drops falling from his eyelashes.

He wiped his hands clean, and a casual smile appeared on his face covered with blood: "I went to talk to a group of disobedient big men about something. Tsk, he was so disobedient. I gave him a chance. You know, I Now I am not happy to kill, but he actually forced me——"

Grindelwald showed an expression of disbelief, even innocence: "He forced me to taste the so-called 'specialty', saying that this was the only way he could trust me. I had no choice but to find his soul in person to communicate with him face to face—— "

He smiled with satisfaction: "He believed me this time."

Big guy? A race of giants or trolls?

Sean held a half-second of silence for the miserable guy, then decided to ignore him.

He quickly said: "Teacher, I received a message that may be from Professor Dumbledore."

Grindelwald's originally casual and lazy body paused slightly, and then he happily waved his wand in front of the stunned Sean.

What else do you want, a white handkerchief full of damn ritual? The spell directly cleaned away all the blood stains on his body.

Grindelwald pinched the blood ball in the void to evaporate it, and then pulled out a hard high chair from nowhere.

He sat down on a high chair and used the broken rock formations around him as the bar of a bar - this guy actually took out an ancient cup and even made a round ice ball out of thin air and put it in it.

The golden-red wine was poured into the glass, and a burning sweetness spread out.

Sean's brow twitched. This taste, if I remember correctly, should be craft-brewed grog liquor, which contains pure laughter extract and is known as America's favorite happy water.

Grindelwald drank the cup of grog in one gulp, and the magical joy contained in the cup made him laugh exaggeratedly.

"Hahaha - tell me quickly, what message did he send? Hahaha - he must have been in big trouble before he sent the message back for help. The gap between the two worlds is not so easy to bridge. Hahaha - —I can't wait to hear what happened to this old immortal there."

Sean rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "Please put the celebration and remembrance later. Teacher, I told you it was suspicious. At present, I haven't cracked the information yet."

Grindelwald frowned dissatisfied, and he threw away the clean glass, which made a loud breaking sound.

"My useless good student, tsk tsk tsk, tell me, what information."

"Thank you for your praise and ridicule -" Sean rolled his eyes again, and then told him exactly what was wrong with the phoenix's tail feathers.

Grindelwald raised his chin and narrowed his eyes. After a moment, he asked, "Whether it's Orrick, Ariana, or that kind of old goat Aberforth, they probably know a lot about the Phoenix. I didn't go to them." ?”

Sean shrugged: "I didn't tell you last time—"

He told Grindelwald about [Rage] again.

"Tsk, no wonder... then this choice is correct. Based on my understanding of Albus, the phoenix tail feathers will not cause any problems, but it may cause some problems for Ariana - this problem may completely destroy the other half of the soul. It can only be solved by returning." Grindelwald didn't show any surprise that Daisy was also [violent], he just expressed his surprise.

"Yeah, that's why I found you right now." Sean spread his hands.

Grindelwald started pacing in place. After a while, he stood still and looked at Sean: "Where are you?"

"Hogwarts, where else could it be?"

"Oh, then go out."


Before he finished speaking, Grindelwald himself broke off the connection between the two mirror spaces and went to nowhere.

Sean exited the mirror space in confusion and saw Hermione and Daisy waiting there.

"How is it?" the two asked curiously.

Sean pursed his lips: "I didn't say anything, this old man doesn't even have any answers now, and I don't know who he learned his bad habits from."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the Room of Requirement.

"Dong dong dong——" three times in a row, rhythmic and polite.


Sean's brow twitched. He had the permission of the Room of Requirement, so of course he knew who was outside!

"What the hell..." he said in his heart. Under the surprised eyes of Hermione and Daisy, he walked over and opened the door in frustration.

Of course, it wouldn't be anyone else standing outside.

Grindelwald, who had been communicating face-to-face with the soul of the unfortunate big man in a far corner of the world just now, was already standing at the door of the Room of Requirement.

"I heard someone scolding me, Mr. Wallop, do you have any idea?" Grindelwald walked in easily, as if he had returned to his own home.

Hermione and Daisy looked at each other, then said hello awkwardly.

"Hello, children -" Grindelwald didn't have any airs at all, and he was very kind when he greeted the two girls.

But that's not the case with Sean.

He habitually drew out his wand and fired all kinds of torturing little spells at Sean, while Sean defended himself crazily.

"I have no clue. You apparated too far away and started hearing hallucinations." Sean complained as he pulled away various evil spells that came like rain.

Grindelwald showed no mercy and replied easily while attacking: "Stupid, of course the authority of Hogwarts is not open to me. I am using the ingenuity of the Phoenix."

"Huh? Phoenix?" Sean made a confused voice.

"Otherwise? Hogwarts still has thousands of years of foundation, and I'm not a god. However, unlike what you think, the Phoenix is ​​no longer in this world. I just found some of it from the magic power of the Phoenix. It's just a gap." Grindelwald said casually.

The master and apprentice just kept attacking and defending, and Grindelwald was obviously stronger. Although Sean was not hurt, he was obviously much more embarrassed. He was forced by Grindelwald to keep retreating, until he came to where the phoenix tail feathers were placed. in front of the stone platform.

Grindelwald withdrew his wand as usual, as if he had just cast a fluorescent spell.

"It seems that your homework has not been missed. You are lucky today."

Sean gasped slightly, then rolled his eyes violently. He also put away his wand and pouted at the phoenix tail feathers: "That's it."

On the side, Hermione and Daisy, who did not dare to express their anger, just watched the master and apprentice constantly attacking and defending, their eyes widened.

"Do they usually get along like this?" Daisy asked in a low voice, with some fear in her eyes.

Before Hermione could answer, Grindelwald put away his wand and grabbed the phoenix tail feather. He observed while saying: "This, I remember, is Miss Potter? You have captured the greatest wizard and his most outstanding disciple in the world. The way we get along with each other, you are really a smart girl."

Sean rolled his eyes. After Dumbledore died, the old man had the nerve to claim that he was the greatest.

He said angrily: "The job of bragging can be left to your disciples. I have brainwashed them - now, let's get down to business, teacher -"

"Then shut your mouth." Grindelwald said bluntly.

Sean, who had long been accustomed to this old man's style, sat down and replenished his fluids for the strenuous exercise just now.

The two girls looked at each other cautiously, and after thinking for a while, they quietly moved from Grindelwald's back to Sean's side.

Grindelwald didn't care, he just taught Sean a lesson out of habit.

The phoenix tail, which had been unresponsive in Sean's hand, suddenly glowed with bright golden-red fire after being grabbed by him for a while.

Sean stood up and looked over.

Grindelwald narrowed his eyes, and he let go of the tail feathers in his hands, and the tail feathers automatically suspended in the air.

The fine golden-red fluff seemed to be coated with a layer of fiery red. It was not just heat, but more hot magic power was pulsating.

Grindelwald observed it carefully for a while, and then used a method that Sean didn't understand to pluck a few down from the phoenix's tail feathers.

A pearl-white figure floated out like a genie being released from a magic lamp.

It was Dumbledore.

He looked older than when he died, and even his wizard robes had a lot of damage.

Like a travel-traveled adventurer.

Dumbledore smiled as soon as he appeared: "Long time no see, Sean."

Grindelwald pursed his lips, stared at Dumbledore's figure for a long time, and then let out a disdainful sound: "Uh-"

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