London, East End, Regent's Canal.

The East End of London is an industrial area and workers' residential area formed after the Industrial Revolution. It is also a crowded slum area. The streets are narrow and the houses are densely packed, mostly old buildings from the mid-19th century.

In later generations, the riverside apartments here may be praised as historical buildings rich in design and sedimentation, but to the people of the East End, this is just a gathering place for London's poor.

Even as the millennium approaches, paupers will remain paupers.

Bill Mays Sandwich Bar is a well-known place in this area because the beer and sandwiches here are cheap enough.

Sixteen-year-old Lillian is a waiter in this sandwich bar. In fact, she is still three months away from turning sixteen and does not meet the British age limit for working. However, the cook in this bar is her aunt, and she also needs it. A few extra pounds to supplement her daily needs - she couldn't even hope to get a pound from her alcoholic father.

"Lillian, send it to Room 301 of Park Villa." A dinner plate with sandwiches, cream soup and two slices of bacon was pushed over, and Lillian saw her aunt filling a glass of beer.

Putting the large mug of hoppy beer on the dinner plate, Aunt Susan waved her hand: "Go ahead."

Lillian was chewing bubble gum and blew a bubble reluctantly. The Park Villa sounded luxurious, but it was actually a hotel that had just been renovated—the cheapest kind.

The owners of Park Villa haven't had time to build their own kitchen yet, so they're temporarily partnering with Bill Mace's Sandwich Bar, just across the street.

Trying to get tips from the customers there is basically a dream.

Lillian brought the plate and her beautiful sixteen-year-old body turned coquettishly. A customer who came to the bar early immediately whistled: "Lillian, do you want to play the tipping game?"

Lillian rolled her eyes at the other person in disgust. Working in a bar would only make her hate the dissolute drunkards who didn't know what a gentleman was.

Seeing the beautiful girl walk out of the bar in two steps, the customer whistled and a lustful look flashed in his eyes.

They arrived at the Park Villa in two minutes. Lillian opened the door and went in, saying hello to the landlady out of habit.

"Oh, Lillian, you are still as cute as ever." The fat landlady responded enthusiastically.

Lillian blew a bubble and looked at the other party with some doubts. Today's boss lady looked a little strange, as if she was on drugs...

Lillian, who didn't want to get involved, quickly walked to room 301.

She could actually choose to leave the items on the counter, but she still had the illusion of leaving some tips. After all, she was really short of money.

Before knocking on the door, she worked hard to adjust her expression so that the pure charm of a sixteen-year-old beautiful girl could be fully exuded. Her face and figure were the only things she could be proud of.

Of course, she was also prepared to kick the old pervert who might appear - you see, there are risks in trying to get tips based on your face in the ghetto.

"Hello, sir, what you ordered has arrived." Lilian showed an impeccable smile.

The door was opened, and Lillian, who was accustomed to looking at each other with smiling eyes, secretly exclaimed.

The other party's upper body was unclothed, and his clear abdominal muscles were exposed, coupled with that extremely handsome face...

How could such a handsome guy live here...

Before she could think any more or give her a brighter smile, the boy took the things expressionlessly, and the door was shut cleanly, with a cold 'thank you' stuck to the ground.

Her prepared smile froze on her face.

"Stingy guy..." Lilian pouted and went downstairs unhappy, and immediately felt that the other person was not so handsome.

However, she didn't notice that there was a pair of light blue eyes on the ceiling that gradually disappeared after watching her leave.

After withdrawing the spying spell and making sure that the girl who delivered the food was fine, Sean felt much more relaxed.

However, his expression in the mirror was still solemn.

Fair and strong, his whole body exudes a healthy smell. At the same time, he also has a huge and pure source of magic power that can be felt as long as he calms down his mind a little.

However, Sean Wallop's expression was very bad. His mind was not clear enough before, so he subconsciously used magic first, and the smooth response of magic did not make him think much.

But now that he was in a safe place, he discovered this serious reality.

This is not my body, absolutely not.

He touched his face, trying to find the scar that could not be healed due to magic power - obviously, he could not find anything.

This body was healthy and perfect, not riddled with wounds, not a single one.

However, that face is indeed my own...

Sean looked at his face in fascination for a long time, then he dressed neatly and sat down at the small table.

He felt a sense of discomfort as soon as the cheap food entered his mouth - his body was resisting these cheap, nutritious and unpalatable foods.

Sean paused, ate everything without any hesitation, and then he picked up the beer.

The burning sensation in his throat and the discomfort in his stomach reminded him that this was the first time this body had drank beer, and it was such a low-quality beer.

But he didn't care, his mind had gotten used to the alcohol, even though his body no longer ached.

After casually wiping the foam from the corner of his mouth, Sean began to check his belongings.

He was wearing a wizard's cloak and combat uniform, made of dragon skin and expensive.

There is a gemstone ring on the finger, which can detect the fluctuation of magic power... and it looks familiar...

There are many small pockets on the lining of the clothes, and there are many small bottles of magic potions inside. They are all high-quality products and can be used to deal with various situations. In addition...

Sean took a deep breath, clenched his fists hard to stop the trembling in his hands, and then carefully reached into the deepest part of the inner bag.

He grabbed something and slowly opened his hand.

It was a blue-green sheath with thorns, and a slender tail stretched out from the bottom and wrapped around his fingers.

Sean's lips twitched. He looked at the thorn sheath in ecstasy. He wanted to reach out and touch it several times, but in the end he did not dare to step forward.

At this time, the thorn sheath moved.

It grew larger, and then turned into a blue-green terrifying creature.

Sean almost lost his mind when he looked at the other person's scarlet eyes - the only mutated Winged Demon in the world, the one he hatched with his own hands...

I saw it again...

"Eat!" Dave thought cheerfully as soon as he appeared. He didn't care that he was in a strange environment. Instead, he climbed onto Sean's shoulder affectionately, "It's time for dinner, boss!"

Sean's lips moved with difficulty, and then he tremblingly called out the name that he had missed for a long time and hadn't called out for a long time.


"Here! Brother! When will dinner be served!" Dave responded cheerfully.

"Dave, you're not dead, you're not dead..."

Sean hugged the Winged Demon tightly, his body shaking constantly.

The heartless Dave finally realized something was wrong. As the only magical animal that could telepathically communicate with Sean, he subconsciously felt his master's heart.

Sadness, confusion, joy, incredible...

Every emotion is so intense.

"Boss, what's wrong?" Dave was confused.

Sean didn't respond, just holding it and shaking.

"Boss, what's wrong? Tell me! Dave will always stand by your side -" The Winged Demon's loyal and touching voice stopped abruptly before he could finish conveying it.

Because, it subconsciously smelled the smell of Sean's brain.

Usually, Dave doesn't do this, because it's too familiar, and the boss's brain is too attractive - why let himself suffer?


In an instant, the curled-winged demon roughly broke away from its embrace, and its huge wings shattered the small room into pieces.

The crimson in its eyes almost turned into substance, and its harsh and violent cry was filled with madness.

"You're not the boss! Where's Sean? Where did you hide Sean?!"

Sean looked sad. He looked down at his hands, his voice full of confusion: "I am Sean..."

"You're not! You're not! Where's Sean?!" The Winged Demon pounced on him crazily, its terrifying mouth already covering Sean's throat.

The smell of blood overflowed, and Dave was stunned for a moment before rising into the air. It gave up the idea of ​​biting its throat, and instead circled back and forth irritably.

The smell of blood was definitely Sean's... The sense of intimacy that only Sean had was unmistakable... But, but, that consciousness was definitely not the Sean Wallop who lived with him day and night.

No, this body belongs to Sean, I can't hurt it...

Dave hovered in place for a while angrily, and after leaving a terrifying look, he rushed out of the room.

Leaving behind shattered glass and boards, and a screaming crowd below, Dave soon disappeared.

Sean's hands trembled slightly. He stood up weakly and watched Dave leave sadly. He raised the wand in his hand again and again, and finally put it down.

Through the broken windows and walls, he glanced at the panicked crowd below, then waved his wand with a grim expression.

The screaming crowd suddenly calmed down, their eyes lost their clarity, and then they started to continue what they were doing before.

Not only these witnesses, but everyone around them who heard the movement and looked over curiously, all lost the look in their eyes.

After doing all this calmly, Sean walked back into the house, taking the fragments with him, and they immediately became complete.

The room became its original appearance again.

Sean sat on the edge of the small bed, staring at his hands and the gemstone ring in ecstasy.

"Is there another timeline... This is Sean Wallop here..." He whispered to himself weakly.


Coming out of the back door, Lillian, who had changed into her regular clothes, stretched out. Behind her was the bar that was still bustling with people.

She has to go to class during the day, so it is impossible to work until early in the morning. From 6 to 11 in the evening, it is already the limit.

"There are more and more annoying drunkards. It's really annoying. Wait another three months. When I'm officially sixteen, I'll change my job." Lilian doesn't like those drunkards. She can tolerate the unscrupulous looks of customers for tips. , but cannot accept all kinds of teasing or even touching.

Walking through the deep alley, the sound of breaking wine bottles came from somewhere. Lilian pulled on her hat and quickened her pace.

As soon as he reached the entrance of an alley without street lights, a shaky shadow appeared in front of him.

"Haha, Lilian, what a coincidence..."

Lillian immediately recognized the voice of that person, it was the drunkard who wanted to play a tipping game with her in the evening. She knew that the other person's name was Klose, and he was a famous gangster in the tavern nearby.

She pulled the zipper up further, covering half of her face, glanced at the other person with disgust, and left quickly.

But Klose stretched out his hand to stop the girl. He smiled maliciously and said: "Lillian, aren't you very short of money? We can play more interesting games, such as stuffing a five-pound note in your underwear. ——Of course, you can play bigger, hahaha.”

Lilian pulled away the other person's hand with disdain and said rudely: "If you come here again, I will call the police. At worst, I don't want this job anymore."

Klose was drunk and showed no fear. Instead, he laughed a little louder: "Doesn't that mean we don't have to spend any money? Hahaha, in this way, I fall in love with you, and then you call the police to arrest me - a fair deal. "

"Get out!" Lilian was about to kick the opponent in the crotch.

Unexpectedly, this drunkard, who was unable to stand firmly, actually held down her legs, and before she could react, she was hit hard on the head.

Severe pain and dizziness came in waves.

Looking at Lilian who was swaying and falling to the ground, Klose dropped the empty wine bottle with a grin, unbuttoned his pants, and walked over cursingly: "You're shameless, damn, I'm terminally ill. You know what? You fucking..."

Lillian was completely panicked. She tried to retreat, but the opponent's attack without any force left her breathless.

"" She wanted to shout for help, but the scene in front of her became increasingly blurry.

At her desperate moment, a dazzling green light cut through the darkness.

"Avada Kedavra"

The strange syllables that she had never heard before somehow became pleasant to Lillian's ears.

The green light hit Klose, who hit the ground without saying a word.

The same green light struck again, but this time the target was Lilian.

"Oh my God..." Lilian suddenly woke up. She found a stream of warm air traveling around her injured area, taking away the pain and dizziness.

She staggered to her feet and was surprised to find that Klose had fallen to the ground and was no longer breathing.

Then she saw the man approaching in the darkness.

It's the customer who delivered the meal to me before!


Just as Lillian was about to speak, she found that the other party had raised a slender stick and pointed it at her, and a ray of light came directly and hit her.

"Huh?" Nothing happened.

Sean on the opposite side frowned, his Imperius Curse did not take effect.

This is the Imperius Curse that he specifically weakened for Muggles, which means...

Sean looked at Lillian.

This girl... is a wizard... a wizard who grew up barbarically and doesn't know she is a wizard...

Asking for votes——ヽ(°▽°)ノ

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