I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 675 The Big Devil Sean Wallop

"In the end, we can only wait passively..."

At this point, the real Sean Wallop is still trapped in the mirrored floor.

He sat on the ground a little irritably, next to Gryffindor who was doing nothing.

The latter waved his hand. He was playing rock-paper-scissors with his Animagus form in this world - the tentacles of the giant squid could only clump into balls, so Gryffindor kept playing rock-paper.

Sean now realizes that this guy is quite disdainful, even bullying his own Animagus...

Gryffindor waved his hand lazily and said casually: "If you need it, I can also inform your friends, or anyone you want to inform, of course, the other person must be in Hogwarts - of course, I still don’t recommend doing that, and I’ve told you the reasons, and you agree.”

Sean frowned: "I know, but I prefer to hold the initiative in my own hands."

"But the Sean Wallop in this world is also yourself -" Gryffindor spread his hands.

"Thank you for your emphasis, Lord Knight, but you still don't understand my way of thinking." Sean said.

This time Gryffindor didn't understand. He said doubtfully: "To be honest, I have never seen a wizard who is more confident than you... No, I probably have never seen a wizard who is more arrogant than you. You believe in yourself so much, This belief also applies to the other you, but you are so anxious now - I made it very clear, you have confidence in yourself, then this may be your opportunity to solve your [arrogance]."

Sean curled his lips: "So you don't understand my way of thinking - the world is not in my hands, so the direction of things will not change because of my confidence. There are too many surprises."

Gryffindor clicked his tongue in surprise: "Then can I understand that you feel that it is not safe enough to let another Sean Wallop move in the world, even if it is yourself? You even want to do it Get more.”

Sean nodded calmly: "Yes."

"Your confidence is gone at this time..."

“Confidence never equals arrogance.”

After listening to Sean's words, Gryffindor touched his chin in surprise. He thought for a while and then said: "Then I do have a way - information can sometimes play a huge role, right? ?”

"Of course." Sean replied.

"How about you find it yourself?" Gryffindor's eyes suddenly became excited and dangerous.

Sean was still wary of this reckless leader, and he asked suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

Gryffindor smiled: "Want to play something exciting?"

"Please stay serious, Lord Knight, this is not the time for children to play house. I am like a ghost now - just because of your broken trial." Sean said angrily.

Gryffindor stood up, with a confident smile on his face, his hands on his hips, and said with great momentum: "Young man, life is to be spent in adventure after adventure, only in this way can it be called wonderful!"

"Is this why you pulled my soul in without understanding the situation, and then caused me to become a ghost now?" The corner of Sean's mouth twitched.

"This is another novel journey, isn't it?" Gryffindor laughed heartily, "Becoming a ghost and then resurrecting. This is an experience that many adventurers dream of?"

"Now is not a good season for adventure. If you know anything about the disaster a thousand years ago..." Sean was quite helpless. This one of the founders of Hogwarts was very adventurous and too optimistic.

Gryffindor said with a smile: "So, this is what adventurers dream of - resolving crises and taking risks are never in conflict. From another perspective, it is precisely because of the crisis chasing behind that the adventure changes. It’s more exciting and meaningful.”


"So, do you want to go on an adventure - an adventure in another world?"

Sean frowned. He glanced at the full-length mirror with the aura of the underworld and wondered: "Underworld? You want me to go to the underworld?"

"No, to be precise, I want you to experience the wonders of the underworld."

"It doesn't sound good - speaking of it, where is the underworld?" Sean asked doubtfully.

He still had some idea of ​​the trance and illusion, except for the underworld, except that he knew that the God of Death was once the master there and that the underworld was the end of the world.

Gryffindor showed a mysterious expression and lowered his voice: "From the past to the present, I have met countless wizards, and each wizard has what he desires. And among them, many of them are obsessed with the soul. Research, there are also many people who are keen on playing with time - but only when a person truly dies and his soul goes to the underworld, he will discover - the underworld is transcended from this world, it is the terminal station of the soul but also The birthplace of the soul, where time is just a concept.”

"What do you mean?" Sean didn't understand.

Gryffindor smiled mysteriously: "Time never enters the realm of the underworld. The underworld stores all the memories of the disappeared."

Sean was stunned for a moment, and he seemed to understand a little bit what the other party meant.

"The other world you're talking about...is that?" Sean said in disbelief.

"You are indeed smart enough -" Gryffindor smacked his lips, "No wonder you are Ravenclaw - so I prefer talking to our little lions. They often don't have so many questions and just follow their own path. Act from within.”

High EQ: only follow your own heart; low EQ: reckless.

Gryffindor pulled the mirror over and said with a smile: "The decision is yours. The only thing I want to remind you is that although it is no longer the real world, if you make too much noise, A lot of things will change as well.”

Sean thought for a moment, then slowly walked to the mirror and asked, "I'm not going to just stay there, am I?"

"Of course not -" Gryffindor smiled, "I stand in front of you, this is the best answer - remember, the choice of time is very important, I personally think that now is good. Because you want You will not come back until the end of time. Although time never sets foot in the realm of the underworld, staying there for too long may make the underworld familiar with the breath of your soul, which may cause your body in this world to gradually forget you. After all, Your body is being possessed by the soul of another Sean Wallop."

Sean hesitated for a moment, and finally took a deep breath, his eyes gradually becoming firmer.

He doesn't like to wait passively, and this may be an opportunity for... dual-line operation...

"Are you ready?" Gryffindor smiled.

"Come on." Sean nodded seriously.

He sank into the mirror.

Looking at Sean's leaving figure, Gryffindor shook his wand and sighed: "How come this guy is not a Gryffindor? What a pity..."


The pain was not severe, but it came from every part of the bones, as if there was an ant biting slowly in every joint.

Sean slowly opened his eyes, frowning at the intense discomfort.

Turning his head slightly, he saw the scene around him.

This is a dark cabin, with a small skylight in the uppermost corner, providing a dim light.

Where is this...

When Sean tried to stand up, he discovered that his feet and hands were tightly bound by chains from deep underground.

This kind of iron chain seems to have the effect of limiting magic power, and Sean is now almost like an ordinary person.

Is this another dilemma I face... Sean thought silently.

Yes, that's Gryffindor's proposal - to another world, another Sean Wallop timeline.

This timeline has disappeared in the long river of time, but the underworld is not touched by time. Using Gryffindor's special method, Sean can enter the underworld - where the souls and memories of countless predecessors are deposited. , another timeline that was once a branch of the long river of time is also sedimented in it.

Sean only has his soul now, so he can naturally find that timeline, and then he can go through the revolving door of memories that Gryffindor said the dead have to go through.

Sean speculated that the Sean in another timeline would be older than himself at the end of that timeline, so he roughly chose a time point where Sean in another timeline, who was the same age as himself now, All that I'm going through.

However, what he didn't expect was this scene when he arrived.

Are you imprisoned? Sean looked around.

This is indeed the shape of a dungeon, but it still feels a bit familiar...

The magic power couldn't be used, so Sean fumbled around. He had nothing on except a tattered robe.

In addition, not only were his hands and feet restrained, he found that he even lost the ability to speak.

He tried to feel it, but there was something missing in his mouth - his tongue.

Moreover, both his mental and physical condition were very poor. Just the effort used to move his body just now made Sean feel chest tight, short of breath, and dizzy.

My treatment... is troublesome... I won't stay here until I die... No, there will be a big event that causes this timeline to be reversed... However, I am not sure if the person who reverses the timeline is myself. …

While I was thinking, the sound of the iron door being opened suddenly came from not far away.

The sound of dragging footsteps gradually approached.

"Dear madam, my suggestion is to keep him hanging upside down. You know, my shackles are always oiled——"

That was... Filch's voice.

Sean narrowed his eyes.

After him, there were other footsteps, one of which was the sound of high heels. That should be the lady Filch mentioned.

"Stab-" The viewing window on the iron door was opened.

Then Filch's malicious eyes were revealed. He first scanned the situation in the prison, then turned around and said, "He is here - ha, of course he is. I will check more than twelve times a day."

Then, another pair of eyes came over.

Those eyes were dark and deep, and there never seemed to be any fluctuations in them, but they were dotted with the starlight that Sean was very familiar with.


"Mr. Wallop - sometimes, holding on is not the right choice." A cold voice sounded.

Sean showed no expression and just glanced at the other person casually.

Another male voice sounded, equally familiar - it was...Barty Crouch Jr.

He said to Stephanie, slightly flatteringly: "Wallop won't answer you, we pulled out his tongue..."

Stephanie frowned: "Then how do you find out what we need?"

Barty Jr. replied: "He has incited thirty-two of our interrogators to rebel - we sent a total of thirty-three interrogators. The one who was not incited to rebel... died on the spot. We tried before He used magical animals to guard him, but without exception, they all became his 'little cuties'. Now, even those who patrol and deliver meals every day can only choose this kind of... Squib."

Sean heard Filch rub the soles of his feet uncomfortably.

"Haha, if you stay with him for a long time, the wizard's magic power will disappear unconsciously. No one knows why, so you can only choose a squib - but this is the person next to Mr. Dumbledore, so even if it is a squib, you can still trust it. of."

Filch cooperated and laughed a few times to please him.

Stephanie came over to take another look, and then ordered: "I understand. From now on, the International Federation of Wizards will also treat him 'well'."

"Of course, ma'am-" Barty Jr. said, "It's time for him to pay for the crimes he committed."

"Very good, let's escort him away."


After a while, the heavy iron door was slowly pushed open. Due to the influence of not seeing sunlight for a long time, Sean narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

When his vision became clear, dozens of wands were pointed at him.

Those uniforms... Sean thought of the people he had seen wearing these uniforms.

Wizards United Guard...

In this world, Sean has almost forgotten the existence of this organization.

And the beautiful witch wearing the uniform of the guard captain is none other than Stephanie.

Behind her stood little Barty, who was wearing a suit. The style came from the Extraordinary Clothing Store in Diagon Alley, where the suits were only supplied to officials of the British Ministry of Magic.

Stephanie glanced at Sean casually, then waved her hand, and dozens of members of the escort team had him firmly under control.

He floated, with countless iron chains tied around his body, and a huge iron mask was put on his tongue-less mouth.

At this time, Sean also recognized where he was.

This is...the dungeons of Hogwarts...

However, it seems to have been broadened a lot.

Dozens of wizards took him out with great vigilance, and when Sean passed other prisons, there were constant warm and crazy sounds.



They sounded so fanatical that Sean glanced casually and accidentally spotted a familiar figure. He was small in stature, but his eyes were full of determination and fanaticism.

It's Capone.

He found more familiar people, all of them were still young, and they were all his students in this world.

Sean was escorted out of the dungeon, and the passage seemed to have been repaired, leading directly to the spiral staircase in front.

Finally, the escort escorted the 'Big Demon King' to the top of the tower, where a huge carriage had been prepared.

Someone from Hogwarts was waiting there, and that person was very familiar to Sean.

Professor McGonagall.

Without looking at Sean, she handed a suitcase to Stephanie.

She seemed to be deliberately avoiding Sean's sight, and her voice was full of fatigue: "This is his wand, keep it well."

Stephanie took the box and nodded.

"And this..." Professor McGonagall handed over a pendant.

Stephanie's eyes did not change, she just accepted the things.

She looked back at Sean and suddenly sneered: "Back then, his teacher seemed to have had such an experience, and that time...ah, everyone stood still, checking for the Soul Imperius Curse and the Polyjuice Potion."

It’s the end of the month, please vote, otherwise it will be broken——ah——

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