Stephanie's figure is very petite, but the aura she exudes at this time makes people subconsciously obey.

There was no objection and everyone was ready to be inspected.

Sean just watched everything happening in front of him silently, remembering what Gryffindor warned him not to make any big noise.

However, he did realize something strange - even though he was bound by iron chains that restricted his magic power, even though his tongue was pulled out and his mouth was covered with an iron mask, even though his whole body could hardly lift a trace of strength.

He is still absorbing magic power.

It was like there was a bottomless pit in his body, absorbing the magic around him all the time, not only from nature, but also from the wizards around him.

What exactly have I experienced on this timeline...

Sean, who was thinking silently, was also stared at by seven or eight wizards at the same time. Even though there was no movement on his face, even though he was firmly restrained, as long as he thought of this man... no, he was not even a man. Hogwarts, he is only in the sixth grade...

It was this "little wizard" who had not yet officially reached adulthood, and the things he did were horrifying.

As long as they think of those horrific acts, the accompanying members of the escort team will feel drums in their hearts. At the same time, they have to constantly remind themselves that they cannot be silently affected by some kind of magic.

Before coming, the captain reminded them that this was not the first time this happened.

Stephanie was checking everyone indifferently and calmly. She seemed casual, but when she stared at others casting spells and drinking potions, her beautiful eyes never blinked.

Even after checking all the members of the Wizards United Guard, she also set her sights on the people in Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall, who had not looked at Sean, nodded and agreed to the inspection.

In this way, all the people present, those who had been guarding, those who came to hand over the wand, and those who kept the 'Big Demon King' wand, were all inspected to ensure that they were not controlled.

Three huge carriages were parked on the tower, each pulled by six Thestrals. The middle one was used to escort Sean, and the others were responsible for escorting.

Sean was tied up and brought into the carriage of the middle carriage. As soon as he sat down, many dry hands stretched out from the back of the carriage to embrace him - if the force was not strong enough to break the ribs, then This hug was quite warm.

The cold and calm Stephanie got into the carriage. She put the box containing the wand at her feet and played with the pendant that Professor McGonagall had just given to her.

It was a blood pact... Sean recognized it at a glance, but he also discovered that it didn't belong to Grindelwald or Dumbledore.

It's my blood alliance in this timeline... He thought silently.

The pendant shook a few times, and then Stephanie caught it in her hand. The indifference and murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

Based on what I know about Stephanie, it’s not like her acting, but I don’t know her experience in this timeline, so I can’t generalize... Sean still kept his face expressionless, thinking about various possibilities in his mind.

The carriage began to slide slowly, and Stephanie took out an ancient book from somewhere. She seemed to have retained the habit of reading.

The clatter of paper was drowned in the wind in the night sky outside the carriage window. Stephanie said casually while looking at the book: "Wallup, I know how scary you are - in fact, I received the order before I came, Chairman. Ask me to dig something out of you, but I know that’s not realistic.”

She pushed up her glasses, then deliberately pulled them down a little and stared at Sean through the gap in the lenses: "You can't resist my charm now, but I have also lost...interest in charming you. But I am very Clearly, even if you fall into my charm, the final loser will still be me... Sometimes I do wonder how you do those terrible things, but when facing you, curiosity often means fatal .”

After saying that, she leaned back in the carriage and opened the book again: "I understand how you are thinking of using me, and I advise you to give up. After all, we were lovers once, and I don't want the man I once loved to be taken away by me with a magic wand. Limbs.”

Sean remained silent. Of course, he did not have the qualifications or ability to speak.

The Thestral carriage was speeding away from the Hogwarts Tower. Sean didn't know what the castle he regarded as his second home looked like now, but he realized that this place must no longer be an ivory tower...

Stephanie occasionally gave him a cold look, but spent most of her time reading.

After the Yeqi carriage flew for a short period of time, Sean suddenly felt a magic power - this magic power was not strong, on the contrary, it was very slight.

I am afraid that this slight magic can only be felt by a wizard with perverted perception like Sean, and that magic does not originate from magic spells, magical animals, magic props or a powerful wizard.

Rather, it comes from the region itself.

This magic power belongs to Hogwarts...

Sean has experienced firsthand the magic that comes naturally from a magical place like Hogwarts, so he can recognize it.

However, judging from the speed of the Yeqi carriage, the time that just passed was enough to fly out of the range of more than a dozen Hogwarts.

Something is definitely wrong with Hogwarts...

Not long after Sean sensed the magic power, Stephanie suddenly raised her head, took out a pocket watch and clicked a few times.

Then, Stephanie's indifferent expression suddenly disappeared, and she showed a slight but extremely happy smile: "It's out...Sean."

Sean said nothing and looked at her silently.

Stephanie's expression became distressed: "I'm sorry, I can't treat you now... Not only your injuries, but also the things that bind you, I can't help you untie."

She stood up in the slightly swaying carriage, then squatted down and looked up at Sean: "Dumbledore's spell is always in effect, I will be noticed..."

She looked at her pocket watch again: "The scope is wider than the last time I came here. Sometimes I even suspect that Hogwarts is 'alive'. It is growing and becoming more and more terrifying..."

The amount of information is suddenly so huge...

Sean thought silently: According to what Stephanie said, she was actually an 'undercover' character, and her purpose was obviously to rescue him in this operation.

What puzzled Sean was that Stephanie said that Dumbledore's curse was still in effect?

The one who imprisoned him... was Dumbledore?

In addition, the magic of Hogwarts that I just felt was indeed not an illusion... Why is the scope of this magical place constantly expanding...

Stephanie didn't know that Sean was in huge confusion at this time. She said quickly: "I have to stay in the escort... I'm sorry, Sean, I can't accompany you for the time being. Although I will accompany you next time I don’t like that person very much, was a helpless move.”

As she said that, she actually took out the blood pact that belonged to Sean, and there was a rare sourness in her tone: "I was really angry at first...well, I'm still angry now, but I won't be It's just anger that affects reason. When it's all over, you'll start to owe me, Sean."

After saying this, she just stared at Sean, as if she wanted to remember all his details.

I don't know how long this gaze lasted. Suddenly, the sound of magic spells colliding was heard in the wind in the night sky.

"Madam!" a member of the escort yelled.

Stephanie's expression suddenly turned cold. She opened the door and let the night wind flow into the car.

At this time, among the three carriages, the one escorting Sean was still flying quickly, and one of the other two escort carriages faced the enemy.

It was a group of wizards riding broomsticks, all wearing black standard battle robes, and they were constantly issuing spells to attack the members of the guard.

Stephanie gave the cold order without hesitation: "One team stays to hold them back, we must not let Wallop escape!"

At the same time, she kept throwing out magic spells, each one so cruel that it had no element of acting at all.

The enemy who came to attack... no, it should be the wizard who came to rescue, another voice familiar to Sean came out.

That's Hermione.

"Surround them!"

The sound of more broomsticks cutting through the night air came from behind.

Stephanie continued to order: "Second team protection!"

Another Yeqi carriage approached, and the escort members on it fought fiercely with the rescuers surrounding them from behind.

In an instant, the night sky turned into a fiery battlefield, with all kinds of magic spells colliding fiercely. From time to time, people screamed and fell from the sky.

The battle between the two groups was extremely fierce, the weather became heavy, and large raindrops fell violently.

During the high-speed flight, the Yeqi carriage took advantage. At the same time, the bad weather made the rescuers' operations more difficult.

Seeing her own advantage, Stephanie did not order to kill the opponent, but asked all members of the escort team to keep moving forward, all in order to prevent Sean from escaping.

An escort carriage approached, and the escort members wearing windproof glasses shouted loudly: "Madam! The signal for support was sent just now, and it should be here in a while!"

Stephanie said coldly: "Support is support, we have only one goal!"


The guard lowered his head in response, then suddenly raised his hand.

In his palm, a mark emitted a dazzling light. Whether it was Stephanie or the other guardsmen who were watching here, their vision suddenly became blank.

It is the symbol of the Golden Dawn!

Under this short and effective attack, the rescuers did not rush to attack the members of the escort team. They and even the other party were elite wizards, and they could not be defeated by a simple magic spell.

They all pointed their wands at the carriage where Sean was.

Dozens of magic spells rushed towards them. No matter how strong the carriage was, it could not withstand the power of so many magic spells. After a violent explosion, the carriage burst apart and everyone was thrown out.

Except for those who fell unconscious, all the wizards still flying in the night sky ignored their opponents and looked in a certain direction.

What about Sean Wallop?

Stephanie's sad voice sounded: "Wallup still has Mr. Dumbledore's curse on him! Arrest him!"

At this time, someone finally found Sean.

"Over there!"

Sean's body was floating feebly in the air. The iron chains that bound him were gone, but the iron mask was still there.

The closest members of the escort team immediately pounced on him.

Stephanie and Hermione cast spells at the same time, but the former was for killing and the latter was for protection.

In the noisy rainy night, Sean slowly opened his eyes.

This was the first time he could clearly feel the flow of magic in his body.

The source of magic power was so huge, but not pure. It was mixed with magic power that was not Sean's own. At the same time, he knew what the bottomless pit was that he was slowly absorbing the magic power around him.

That is the vacancy left after [Arrogance] disappears.

This is not a normal escape from guilt, something is wrong...

However, it seems that these should not be prioritized now...

The light of the curse roared in, and Sean opened his palms.

What appeared in his hand was a branch wand, the one that once belonged to Grindelwald.

Sean stood up out of thin air, the cold eyes on his mask casually scanning everyone present.

All the spells were deflected by him.

It's such a mess here...but I should probably act like this Sean Wallop...

Fortunately, I have a ready-made template.

Sean waved his magic wand, and a dazzling electric snake swung in the rain curtain, and the roaring thunder was like the world roaring.

Lightning struck from the cloud curtain and accurately aimed at every member of the escort team, including Stephanie.

However, at the moment when lightning was about to hit everyone, the air suddenly fluctuated, and the dazzling lightning was blocked from everyone by the air.

Hermione's panicked voice sounded: "Sean, let's go!"

"Delusion!" Stephanie's voice was full of anger.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the dim sky in the distance.

A fire shone in the distance.

"Sean! Go!" Hermione screamed, waving her wand to make the oiled paper package fly away from Sean.

Before Sean could decide what to do, an extremely strong sense of crisis enveloped his whole body.

He looked at the fire in disbelief.

This huge magical pressure... this familiar magic... chasing me...

He subconsciously grabbed the package that Hermione threw over with a magic spell, and then the world began to spin.

Looking at the dim hotel room in front of him, Sean opened the package in his hand and found a mirror inside.

"Port key..."

Sean sat down on the bed a little tiredly. He now needed time to sort out the current situation of the world.

But, before that...

He looked at the mirror, and the face of Sean Wallop inside was darker and more violent, with a long scar from the corner of his eye.

My face is's full of magical scars that can't be repaired.

Sean tried to pull the iron mask, but there was no response, and the spell also had no effect.

Well, we can only use physical methods...


Please give me monthly tickets——tickets——tickets…

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