I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 677 The villain Dumbledore and the evil organization Hogwarts

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The cut iron mask fell to the ground, Sean touched his mouth, and then waved his wand expressionlessly.

A forked tongue grew back in the hollow mouth.

"Hey - I'm not used to this stuff. But, it doesn't matter." Sean stuck out his tongue in front of the mirror. It felt good to be able to speak again.

During this period, there was always a Muggle worker holding tools standing in his small room, but the other person did not show any surprise.

"Thank you, sir—that's the reward."

Sean handed the other party the only flower in the vase in the room.

The latter put the flower on his chest, bowed politely and left the room with his tools.

The magic spell couldn't solve the magic iron mask, so Sean used the tools of the Muggles - and sure enough, just as he thought, no matter which timeline they were in, wizards were always proud and backward, and they always ignored Muggles. The wisdom and greatness of the melons.

Of course, Sean was worried that Hermione, who provided him with the door key, would not be able to find him, so he did not leave this simple hotel called Park Villa. He just used the Imperius Curse to control all the employees and residents here, including the workers. The staff found it.

However, a day and a night had passed, and Hermione still didn't show up.

Sean lay back on the bed, thinking silently in his mind.

He kept in mind that this was just a memory from another timeline. He was just going through it again to get more useful information. Therefore, he didn’t change too much and acted according to Sean’s behavior in this timeline. it's the best.

Hermione didn't show up, which meant she might have been caught, or she might be being hunted.

Wait another day, and if there is still no news, disguise yourself and go out to get information.

It is worth noting that at present, it seems that Hogwarts, the British Ministry of Magic, the International Federation of Wizards, and the United Wizards Guard are all hostile to him.

To be precise, he seems to be the Dark Lord now?

Sean frowned. He didn't value his current identity, and he could accept the world's hostility. The only thing that puzzled him was why Dumbledore was also targeting him.

The last person to appear in the fire yesterday was Dumbledore who used the phoenix to arrive.

Also, where is Grindelwald?

With all kinds of doubts, Sean waited at the Park Villa Hotel for another day. Hermione did not come, and no suspicious wizard came nearby.

During this period, Sean searched for news in the Muggle world, and nothing seemed out of place. Moreover, advertisements for his father's private hospital still appeared in various areas of London.

Sean, who found nothing, finally decided to go to the wizard's territory to see what was going on.

After leaving the Park Villa, he did not use the magic spell again, but took public transportation towards the Leaky Cauldron.

The weather in London was as miserable as ever. People were rushing through the streets and no one noticed the dirty and small pubs on the streets of Charing Cross Road.

Sean disguised himself as a middle-aged bald man, probably the largest and most conspicuous crowd in the UK.

There are no wizards around, and there are no magic spells... But the strange thing is that Sean has not encountered a wizard all the way here...

Although the number of wizards is very small, with London's population density and Sean's ability to sense magic, it is impossible to travel through more than half of London without discovering any of them.

There are only two possibilities, either the number of wizards has dropped to an extremely low level, or most of the wizards are currently concentrated together.

Sean got off the car at the intersection far away from the Leaky Cauldron, walked back and forth among the buildings and came to the opposite side of Charing Cross Road.

After walking into the second floor of a cafe and taking out the telescope he had prepared, Sean looked at the door of the Leaky Cauldron.

The sign remained unchanged, but there was a wanted poster posted on the wall next to the Leaky Cauldron that Muggles couldn't see.

Sean, wearing an iron mask and a terrifying scar at the corner of his eye, was scanning the front with extremely cold eyes.

There are a few lines of text below the wanted poster.

"Sean Wallup, born in 1979, male."

"Extremely dangerous! Extremely dangerous! Extremely dangerous!"

"Don't try to subdue, stun, restrain him, don't use any curses on him, don't use any dark magic in his presence, don't summon any magical animals in his presence - the only thing to do when you find him is He immediately minimized his own magic power fluctuations and disguised himself as a Muggle."

"If you happen to find him and survive, please be careful of his demagoguery."

"If you escape by chance and happen to see an Auror team, don't make a big show of asking for help. This will only harm you and the team."

"As long as any valid clues are provided, Hogwarts, the British Ministry of Magic, and the International Federation of Wizards will jointly provide a reward of 200,000 gold galleons, as well as an opportunity to cleanse the magic power."

Sean put down the telescope and took a helpless sip of coffee.

Are you in such high danger here? If you provide a clue, there will be a reward of 200,000 gold galleons...

But what is this magical cleansing? I have never heard of it myself...

Sean did not act rashly, but continued to observe where he was - he even took a moment to leave, then changed into another person and returned to the cafe.

For four hours that afternoon, no wizard came or left the Leaky Cauldron.

So weird…

While Sean was thinking about what to do next, he suddenly spotted a boy.

The other party was wearing a thick leather jacket common in this season and was passing by the Leaky Cauldron.

He looked normal and walked a little faster, no different from other passers-by.

But Sean, who had been observing carefully, noticed that the other party pretended to glance at the wanted poster next to the photo in the bar.

This is something that only wizards can see...but Sean didn't notice the other party's magic...

Squib? Squib just can't use magic spells, but he still has a little bit of magic in his body.

The boy passed by the Leaky Cauldron normally. Sean thought for a moment, drank his coffee in one gulp, and followed him from the other direction.

The other party obviously sped up after leaving the Leaky Cauldron, and from time to time he used the reflection of the glass of the building around him to see if anyone was following him, which was quite professional.

However, this of course didn't help Sean at all, and he followed leisurely.

After the boy walked for a long time, he turned into an alley.

On the narrow street ahead there were several shabby buildings, a bar, and a wall with messy paintings. Of course, the most conspicuous thing to the wizard was a shabby red phone box.

The boy seemed unable to see the red phone booth and walked around another intersection into a nearby dilapidated building.

Looking at the wanted poster also posted on the phone booth, Sean smiled with interest.

This boy, or in other words, this boy and the organization behind him, are obviously not official people. And their base is actually right under the nose of the Ministry of Magic.

The most dangerous place is the safest... This organization is a bit interesting.

Sean circled further back, walked into the block from the opposite intersection, and slowly approached the building.

This should be one of the earliest high-rise buildings a long time ago. It was abandoned for various reasons. Most of the people living here are homeless people - at least, the people on the outside are really homeless.

However, the interior of the building is winding and quite spacious.

Sean walked in in front of the homeless people on the outskirts, but there was no stranger in the homeless people's eyes.

Once inside, he put his ear to the wall, listened for a while, then disappeared and walked inside.

Not long after, Sean heard a conversation in an empty living room.

A very immature boy said: "There is no one today - but, there should be no new students enrolling this month, right?"

It must be the squib boy from before.

Another female voice that sounded quite resolute said: "You can't say for sure. Now Hogwarts admissions only depends on the month. As long as the little wizard reaches the age of eleven, he will be picked up directly, so there may be someone in every month. The little wizard is enrolling in school...Koreze, don't go there tomorrow, I'll find someone else, otherwise you'll be easily discovered if you keep passing by alone."

The boy named Koreze nodded and said, "I understand, Niya."

Niya continued: "Our goal is simple. We can save every one - and we have to thank the evil but stupid principal. Hey, he also pretended to maintain the tradition of letting the freshmen find the Leaky Cauldron on their own."

Another boy said: "Bah, just like Dumbledore, he is extremely hypocritical. If the boss hadn't pulled me back, I would have been brainwashed and locked up in Hogwarts."

Sean frowned when he heard this. The world in this timeline was a little more exaggerated than he imagined.

Dumbledore has become a hypocritical villain, and new students will be recruited by Hogwarts as soon as they reach their age, and then be brainwashed and locked up in the castle?

What happened...

The conversation continued, and Niya said: "Kreeze, is there any other news?"

Kraize nodded and said: "Yes, there is an additional wanted notice. The wanted person is a boy named Sean Wallop. God, you can't believe how terrifying the words on the wanted notice are. That boy He was born in 1979, not yet an adult, right? But for just providing valid clues about his appearance, there will be a reward of 200,000 gold galleons and a magic wash. Moreover, the wanted order mentioned many times that this boy is very scary , is simply not someone that ordinary wizards can deal with."

"Sean Wallop..." Niya frowned and muttered a few words, "I seem to have heard this name somewhere... but I'm not sure. It should have been when I was still trapped in Hogwarts. Arrived..."

The boy who just cursed Dumbledore lowered his voice: "Doesn't that mean that he may be in the same camp as us? You think, in this world now, the most wanted people are either people like the leader, or gold Those lunatics at dawn.”

"We can't say for sure, but the other party is definitely not someone we can mess with. Even if we see him, don't go up and get close to him. Of course, don't betray his whereabouts."

"Okay... But, Niya, when will the boss come back? I haven't seen her for several days."

Niya shook her head: "What the boss has to do is very important. We just need to do what we should do."

Then, there was the crackling sound of burning inside, and a group of people gathered in front of the stove, eating and talking.

Sean, who had been listening outside, pouted. Now it seems that Hogwarts and Dumbledore have become the leading dark forces in the wizarding world, and there are some resistance organizations hiding in the shadows.

While he was thinking, Sean suddenly turned his head and looked in another direction.

There is magic flowing.

Indoors, there were about twenty people sitting in the empty cement floor hall, with a stove lit in the center, keeping warm and eating.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, the cement wall that was not tight enough was blown open, the stove was blown by the wind, and wizards riding broomsticks pointed their wands at the room.

"Ha, should I say you are brave or timid? You live next to the Ministry of Magic, but you don't dare to show up. You only dare to let a group of brainless squibs help you find out the news... It's really interesting." The leader Xiao Well, I happen to be familiar with it, I just said goodbye not long ago.

It's Barty Crouch Jr.

Everyone here obviously did not expect the enemy's sudden attack. The few people who reacted quickly were disarmed by the wizard behind Little Barty just as they raised their wands, and the wands fell to the concrete floor in a swirl.

Little Barty lowered his eyes arrogantly, glanced around, and sneered: "Even the wand can only be dipped with magic tape..."

In the absence of the leader, Niya is the leader of this group of people, but little Barty has obviously noticed this. The concrete floor rumbles, and a huge cage rises from the ground, trapping Niya in it.

Niya couldn't figure out why this base area could be discovered. She couldn't struggle and started yelling angrily.

Little Barty looked around, then lazily picked up his ears: "Children are playing house, and the minister asked me to do it myself... But where is your leader?"

"Bah, disgusting! Kill me if you can!" Niya scolded angrily.

"What's the benefit of killing you? However, I suggest you be honest. You probably don't like Veritaserum and the Cruciatus Curse... and don't waste my potion and magic power?"

Niya closed her mouth tightly and just stared at the other person with angry eyes.

Little Barty still chuckled, but his eyes became colder.


Before he finished speaking, another curse was shot towards him.

Little Barty reacted very quickly and immediately blocked the sudden attack.

He looked at the shadows in the building and grinned: "This unique spell...oh, the big fish is coming..."

"Boss, leave quickly and leave us alone!" Niya shouted anxiously.

A delicate but not weak and beautiful figure stepped out of the shadows.

Sean, who was originally not prepared to get involved in the affairs here, was just about to leave quietly, but stopped the moment the other party appeared.

The girl has a delicate face and long flowing fiery red hair. Of course, her deep dark green eyes are more eye-catching.

It's Daisy...

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