I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 678 Minister of Magic Albus Dumbledore’s new policy

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It was completely different from the lively and lovely Daisy Potter in my impression. The girl who appeared from the shadows had cold eyes and an air of being inaccessible to others.

Moreover, Daisy's face was still stained with some blood, as if she had just apparated back from another battlefield.

"I'm so lucky... I caught a big fish..." Little Barty was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes in surprise.

"Boss, leave us alone and leave quickly!" Niya, who was trapped, yelled anxiously.

Daisy didn't speak, she just raised her wand and pointed it at Barty.

Little Barty grinned excitedly, revealing a perverted and crazy smile: "Today is my lucky day - let the other cubs go their own way, Daisy Potter must catch her!"

With an order, all the wizards from the Ministry of Magic rushed into the dilapidated room, and for a moment, countless magic spells whizzed towards Daisy.

Daisy was not panicked, she seemed to have seen many such big scenes.

With a wave of the wand, the transparent barrier resisted everyone's spells, and the smoke and dust brought by the explosion obscured the view inside the room.

Little Barty yelled: "Watch your side, three of you form a team! This little girl knows the unique teleportation spell."

In the chaos, only Sean could determine the location of each person based on the fluctuations of magic power.

Daisy kept teleporting in the smoke and dust, and from time to time launched magic spells at the enemy from tricky positions. However, with Little Barty's reminder, and it seemed that this was not the first time that this group of wizards from the Ministry of Magic had faced such an enemy, Although it was cramped, no one of them lost their fighting ability.

The other people on Daisy's side were all young children. They had been disarmed a lot just now. It was difficult to even protect themselves in the chaotic battlefield.

Sean felt the position where Daisy landed and slowly frowned - she was picking up the wands of the children.

Sure enough, Daisy once again launched an attack on a team in the chaos. At the moment when the magic spells collided, she gave the wand to a child huddled in the corner and whispered: "Disapparate, run. "

"Boss! What are you going to do?!" Young people are always passionate and loyal.

"Don't hesitate, go!"

However, on a battlefield where the gap in strength is too large, loyalty without foundation will become a shameful burden.

Just by saying a few more words, the anti-Apparition spell was deployed.

Daisy's face became a little more solemn. She gave her companion a serious look, and then attacked the person who cast the spell.

Two fists were unable to defeat four hands. Daisy moved sideways, and finally destroyed the anti-Apparition at the cost of taking a stun spell.

This time, those children finally realized that they were just a burden.

Daisy forcefully swallowed a stun spell, but a pendant on her chest formed the last line of defense for her. She was knocked out hard and hit the wall, but even so, she was still attacking crazily.

But little Barty didn't take it seriously. It was just a group of children who could be caught later, and Daisy Potter was the big one on the statistical list.

"Surround her! Don't give her any chance to teleport!"

Daisy's situation became more difficult, but her eyes still turned to Niya, the only one on the other side who was not out of trouble, from time to time.

The enemy's attack became more and more fierce. While she barely resisted, she found an opportunity to cast a spell on Niya.

However, little Barty appeared next to the cage and blocked her spell with a grin.

"Daisy—Potter—" he smiled happily, "You people are really respectable, and you are never willing to give up any of your companions... Hahaha, I like your stupidity so much."

Daisy bit her lower lip. She had been cursed again just now, and now it was difficult to even stand up.

She clutched her abdomen, where there was a gaping wound left before she came.

Logically speaking, she should not show up to rescue others in this state. From a utilitarian point of view, the combined value of the children around her is not as good as her own.

But she just couldn't do it... It was impossible for her to give up her companions like this.

The stubborn and beautiful girl still waved the wand, but she was seriously injured, her vision was gradually blurring, and her resistance movements were becoming less and less adequate.

"Uh-" It was another curse, and Daisy let out a muffled groan, but she still did not fall down, and just stared at Barty Crouch Jr. who issued the curse.

Little Barty licked his lips quickly. He always stood in the safest position and looked for the weakest point in Daisy's defense every time he issued a spell.

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