
Hogwarts has indeed been transformed beyond recognition...

Sean thought for a moment and then asked, "What are the classes at Hogwarts now?"

Niya hesitated: "I stayed in school for three years, and then I met the leader...she took me to escape. So I don't know much about the later situation, because the professors usually don't allow us There are too many private conversations, and there are sound-telling birds in the dormitory... In class, we usually teach basic magic spells, and how to develop greater magic power. By the way, black magic is a required subject starting from the third grade. .”

Sean frowned and said, "History of Magic is gone too? What about Potions and Herbology? There were no electives when you were in third grade?"

Niya shook her head: "None of them. I did hear that there were many courses at Hogwarts before, but at least they were canceled several years before I enrolled..."

If Niya was still in school now, she would be in fourth grade, but no matter what, according to the time point she gave, before Sean enrolled in this timeline, Hogwarts had already undergone a major transformation.

Obviously, the leader of the transformation is Dumbledore...

It's more confusing than I imagined...

Sean originally thought that this world was the one he knew best, that is, the timeline where [Lust]'s soul fragment stayed before.

But now it seems that it is not accurate.

After chatting with Niya for a while, Sean learned that the wizarding world is now in a state of high pressure, which cannot even be described as high pressure... Hogwarts is the largest prison in the entire wizarding world, and the territory of this prison is changing. Expanded to the entire wizarding world.

Dumbledore is the principal of Hogwarts, the British Minister of Magic, and even the honorary president of the International Federation of Wizards... It can be said that he has dominated the wizarding world.

The same is true. Almost the entire wizarding world is pushing for Dumbledore's wishes, and protesters and opponents will be labeled as guilty and sent to prison.

Somehow, Sean even had the illusion that this was Grindelwald.

Yes, if the world had been controlled by Grindelwald, his inflated ambition and violent character might have led to such a situation - the only difference is that Muggles are still living peacefully, and they still don't know the existence of wizards. .

Thinking of this, Sean tentatively asked: "Niya, have you ever heard of a wizard named Grindelwald?"

Niya shook her head in confusion: "No, sir... Is this a famous wizard?"

Sean smiled casually: "No, an old friend of mine, I haven't seen him for a long time."

Niya pursed her lips: "If you want to look up a wizard's life and get the most detailed information, the summary of wizard identity certificates from the Ministry of Magic is the most complete... To be honest, I don't even know who you are. Why was it hidden? Dumbledore personally promoted this policy back then. People didn't know his terrifying appearance at that time, so they didn't deliberately hide it. Now, some people can't even keep their privacy."

This girl has never heard of Grindelwald. The fourth-year wizard can actually rely on a lot of magic history information to get in touch with many historical figures. A large part of Dumbledore's reputation comes from defeating the first Dark Lord Greene. Devo.

No matter what Dumbledore is like in this timeline, according to the current information, he still needs reputation and prestige. Obviously, defeating the Dark Lord Grindelwald is a good resume.


Although Niya was brought here, it shows that she is quite trusted by Daisy, but this girl is not old and has not had many contacts, so the information that can be dug out is really limited.

During the chat, Sean noticed the other person's wand. It was a rather old-looking wand. Although it could be seen from many places that the owner had taken good care of it, the top and handle had deteriorated due to its long use life. There are serious signs of wear everywhere.

This is not like the wear and tear of a fourth grader's wand... Combined with what Barty Jr. said before...

Sean asked: "Niya, where did your wand come from?"

Hearing his words, Niya pursed her lips and glanced at Daisy, who was still in a coma. She gently held the other person's hand: "This is the boss...it's the wand of Daisy's mother."

Lily's wand...

Niya did not explain how she got the wand, but just said: "Now, the world's wands and wand raw materials are controlled by the local Ministry of Magic and the International Federation of Wizards. If you don't enroll in school and can't get a wizard's identity certificate, , then it is almost impossible for you to get a new wand, and this situation is even more serious for little wizards. After all, before the policy was implemented, every wizard had his own wand. After the policy was implemented, every wizard had his own wand. A young wizard will get a new wand from Associate Professor McGonagall when he enters school."

"Wands are only given to students during classes and training. Every night professors will check to see if anyone has hidden wands. I heard that you can only get a wand until you successfully graduate - of course. That wand doesn't belong to you, it's just loaned to you by Hogwarts or the Ministry of Magic, and they can take it back at any time."

"So, in unofficial organizations, wands have become luxury consumables, passed on, repaired... Every wand is precious to us." The speaker was Daisy, who seemed to have just woken up and whispered softly Explained the current predicament.

Sean looked over and looked at her carefully without revealing anything. Daisy was tougher and more mature than he thought, and she also had a chilling aura that had never appeared in this girl before.

Her fiery red hair is still beautiful, but compared to the long hair that almost reached her pretty hips in Sean's impression, Daisy's hair now only reaches half a hand below her shoulders, obviously for easier movement.

She was obviously just a girl, but when she stood up from the bed and thanked Sean seriously, she already had the fierce aura of a leader and a female warrior. She also doesn't like Daisy in Sean's timeline, who prefers to listen. She is stronger and more assertive.

Rejecting Niya's request to check again, Daisy coughed tiredly. She leaned on the bedside and looked at Sean with a serious look: "This... sir, although I know this is rude, But I’m responsible for some people…who are you and where do you come from?”

Sean was a little hesitant. There should be no problem in revealing his identity to Daisy, but he had an intuition that revealing his identity in advance would cause some changes - he came to get more clues from the precipitated timeline. , not here to save the world.

And, this timeline is over - something Sean keeps reminding himself.

Everyone he sees here is not them, because there is only one Sean, there is only one Daisy, and there is also only one Dumbledore.

Only the present world represents reality. Even if something happens in the future that causes this world to become another branch of time and cease to exist, for Sean, there is only one present world.

You can't be emotional or reckless and let this timeline develop on its original trajectory.

After thinking briefly, Sean said: "To be honest, I'm a little hesitant..."

"I can see that, sir, but you should have learned a lot about the current situation from Niya..." Daisy is quite strong and has even learned a lot of talking skills.

Pretending to be distressed, Sean frowned and finally sighed: "Forget it...my real name is Tom, Tom Riddle."

He directly used Voldemort's name, which was also meant to be a test.

However, Sean feels that if it were a dark version of Dumbledore, Voldemort would probably have been sent to the dungeon at school, let alone probing...

Sure enough, Daisy didn't know about Voldemort's existence. She nodded: "Thank you, Mr. Riddle."

Sean said you're welcome, and then said: "I come from the swamp, hehe, I am obsessed with research and basically don't pay attention to external affairs, but I also graduated from Hogwarts, and the principal at that time was not Dumbledore... To be honest, it’s changed a lot.”

When Dumbledore was mentioned, Daisy's expression became obviously gloomy. It was obvious that she hated Dumbledore.

"Hogwarts is no longer the original Hogwarts, sir. Niya should have told you that it is now just a training camp for machines without self-will. The future of wizards is being cut off bit by bit."

She looked at Sean and said, "Sir, you should be able to verify it yourself."

Sean pursed his lips: "I don't doubt your words, but, haha, it seems that you are a small organization that survives under high pressure, right? Aren't you afraid that I am here to infiltrate you?"

Daisy laughed self-deprecatingly: "It's not worth it. We are deviants, trying to retain more of the wizard's fire and let them understand what the spell is and what the wizard is... If you have any ideas about me, you can knock me out. Go to the Ministry of Magic and they will give you a good reward."

Sean changed his sitting position and said in an elder's tone: "You are very smart——"

For some reason, Daisy lowered her head and could only hear a little bit of her whisper: "The people who taught me these are no longer with me."

Seeing Daisy in such a depressed mood, Sean's mood could not help but become a little more solemn. He could probably guess something...

However, Sean had no idea of ​​uncovering the girl's scar. He just walked gently: "I hope to know more things, well, in exchange, you can also put forward your needs."

Daisy was not polite. She understood that before there was enough trust, a fair exchange of interests was the healthy model for maintaining cooperation, and information was of course also a type of interest.

She gestured to Niya, who nodded and walked out of the room.

Looking at little Barty who was still unconscious next to Sean, Daisy barely supported herself and said softly: "What do you want to know..."

"All -" Sean looked at the girl, "all the information you know, trust me, I won't let you suffer."

Daisy didn't bargain, she took a deep breath and told the story.

"...When I was in my fourth year, everything completely exploded...I don't know the specific reason, but the maliciousness that was still slightly concealed flooded Hogwarts and the entire world. I... I was originally planning to slowly absorb more people in Hogwarts and then consider how to act, but under that situation, there was no room for me to hide."

"I escaped, in the Goblet of Fire, which is known as the greatest competition in magic schools... My parents, for the safety of me and my brother..." At this point, Daisy buried her head. She did not cry, only Full of hatred, "After that, I escaped with a group of children and established this organization. We will find ways to rescue the new students and leave a little fire..."

"The world is going from bad to worse, but I intuitively think that Dumbledore is preparing something extremely terrible..."

Sean sighed inaudibly, Daisy's story was too heavy.

This timeline is darker and more depressing than I imagined. Dumbledore seems to have been controlling the entire world from very early on. Just as Daisy said, he is planning an extremely terrible thing.

Sean has reason to believe that it has something to do with Haierbo and guilt.

Looking at Daisy who was heavy but not depressed, he continued to ask: "There is someone you haven't mentioned to me... Sean Wallop..."

"Sean..." Daisy showed a faint smile for the first time, "The person on the wanted notice, the person who looks extremely vicious, is actually the most selfless and brave person in the world. Dumbledore's A large part of the plan was delayed because of him. Well, he is out of trouble now, but I believe that the future of the world still depends on him..."

"Interesting..." Sean said, "Then you don't have contact with the organization named Sean and the organization called Golden Dawn?"

Daisy pursed her lips: "My mission is to preserve the fire and prevent more freshmen from falling into a swamp that they cannot escape from. When Niya can stand alone, I will go find them."

After listening to Daisy's words, Sean nodded: "Thank you for your kindness, you are very sincere."

"What I should do, and I still owe you a life." Daisy shook her head.

Sean stretched out his hand to fumble around and threw out a lot of wands: "Don't worry about those people's wands. I've dealt with them and they won't be tracked by traces or other magic. Feel free to use them. Anyway, you If you bump into each other, you'll be caught, and you won't have to deal with stolen goods, right?"

Daisy was silent for a moment, and finally nodded sharply: "I understand, thank you very much, this is the resource we need most now."

"You're welcome -" Sean stood up. He mentioned Little Barty, who was still unresponsive, and smiled at Daisy. "Do you have a quieter room here? I have something to ask him."

Daisy pointed outside: "Open the door and turn left. There is a basement down there where you can interrogate him."

"Okay, thank you-"


Little Barty opened his eyes with difficulty. Severe pain and weakness filled his body. While he was still lost in the lake, a voice that made him frightened but also very familiar sounded.

"My poor, miserable servant..."

"V-Lord Voldemort?!"

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