I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 686 A two-digit golden prize? !

The last draw was at the end of the last semester. It's been more than half a year now, and the points accumulated are not too many.

The points on this timeline are much higher, probably because I haven't won many prizes since being imprisoned.

However, the gap in prizes is too huge.

Sean bared his teeth and looked at the prizes he had drawn out.

Three gold and six purple, blue and white are ignored. If you compare it with your previous normal draws, it is considered average.

Independently allocable talent points*1 (gold), the most unpretentious but practical enough reward among the golden prizes.

Merlin's ashes (gold): After Merlin died completely, his body was stolen by a mysterious person at the time. After that, Merlin's body was scattered around the world. A mysterious person collected part of Merlin's body and burned it in a higher level to obtain this treasure. This item can be used directly. The method of use is to ignite the magic fire, which will cause an unparalleled magic shock. All wizards who are using magic will fall into a brief shock and all magic power will be extracted. After the delay, the surrounding five kilometers will be Transform into a magic-free environment, lasting twelve hours.

(Note 1: After use, Merlin's ashes will slowly gather into the container. The gathering speed depends on the number of wizards within the range when it is ignited. The more people, the slower the gathering speed.)

(Note 2: This item is also a consumable and can be swallowed directly, but the effect is unknown.) (The effect of swallowing is currently unknown)

This second one is still a repeat prize...ah, no...

This is what I drew...

Sean noticed that unlike the other copy of Merlin's ashes in the inventory, the effect of swallowing it in Note 2 is unknown.

In this timeline, one-fifth of Merlin's ashes have been swallowed by 'me', which has the effect of accelerating the awakening of his bloodline.

The new ashes obtained by Sean are still intact, which means that he may try to swallow all the ashes... Of course, the effect is unknown.

The most important thing is that when he returns to the living world, he can also get Merlin's ashes, which can at least ensure the speed of bloodline awakening - he is still quite greedy for the effect of the magic child.

Continuing to read, the last golden prize made Sean frown slightly.

Embers of Time (gold) (one-time consumable): The long river is not over, the turbulence surges, there will always be branches in a never-ending river, they work hard to impact the river bank, impacting the world called time and destiny Barriers, trying to carve out a new future - if you stand in the middle of the current river and follow the direction, you will naturally see the traces of powerlessness. However, in the surging water of the branches, there are traces of countless bubbles who once stood in the middle of the long river and looked at the other tributaries.

This long river doesn't care about the ambition of the bubble, because it only goes in one direction. If the water flow loses its power and the rock loses its edges and corners, it will float slowly and calmly to the distance that can be seen. If the water surges and the rocks are rugged, it will hit every place, and the future will be unclear everywhere.

However, some time has been sleeping in the dark night from which it is impossible to wake up. They have been added with the warmest firewood, igniting the most dazzling fire, pointing to a clear but intangible future.

Each timeline was once the only reality, and they have only embers left, and those who obtain the embers may be able to pass them on, or may be able to add to the newly lit fire.

After use, the user can get an opportunity to spy on time.

Compared with the lengthy background introduction, the instructions for use appear to be too general and short.

Why do I feel that the rewards produced by the system are starting to move closer to the Riddler... Sean cursed, he just glanced at the introduction and put it in the inventory and stopped paying attention to it. It's not that the embers of time are not important enough. On the contrary, Sean's intuition told him that the prize he had obtained might only be obtained in the annihilated timeline, and it was extremely important.

However, now is not a good time to study this thing.

Sean glanced at the purple prizes. Most of them were pretty good, but none of them played a critical role now.

Putting aside the prizes he had drawn, Sean focused on another Sean's reward.

Just looking at the number made his temples twitch.

Nearly twenty draws less than me, but the number of prizes...

Nine gold, twenty-one purple, and most of the rest are blue - when Sean smoked, most of them were white...

Nine golds... This was a grand occasion that Sean had never seen before even after using the Spiritual Elixir. The golden light made his head hurt.

However, this must come at a price... Sean sighed, not knowing whether he was lamenting his own poor luck or the tragic luck of Sean Wallop in this timeline.

Independently allocable talent points*1 (gold), the same practical reward, you can add more points when you go back - it seems that your magic learning can be increased to ten points.

Unknown Shard (5/7) (Gold)

Unknown Shard (6/7) (Gold)

Sean's eyes flashed, and the unknown fragment appeared again, but he had not noticed this before - Sean in this timeline clearly has a high chance of being shipped by lottery, but in his inventory, Not a single golden fragment of the unknown.

The two new fragments extracted this time obviously inherited the fragment progress of the living Sean.

Now, with only one fragment missing, Sean was able to collect seven pieces. He had a premonition that he couldn't explain, but this premonition seemed to remind him to urgently obtain the last fragment.

There must be something very important among the collection... Sean curled his lips.

He would like to collect all the fragments, but the unknown fragments currently all come from the system's prize pool, and there are no corresponding items in the world - when the last piece comes out depends entirely on the system.

Your own luck? Sean now feels that his luck cannot be counted on the ground.

He continued to read.

Among the remaining golden prizes, there are two prizes that have already appeared. Of course, they appeared on Sean in this timeline, and he has not yet possessed them in this world.

Lily Potter and James Potter's bloody fingers (gold) (disposable consumables): The items left behind by Lily Potter and James Potter when they died in battle. These are two tightly entangled fingers. The terrifying fingers that came together, even if the flesh and bones at the tail end were completely torn apart, these two fingers never let go. After use, the user will release an ancient curse based on the closeness between the user and the Potters. It may be a powerful protection by blood, or it may be a terrifying curse that penetrates directly into the soul.

(Note 1: After use, unless the conditions are met, the spell effect cannot be manually removed.)

(Note 2: The current relationship’s tendency toward enchantment—moderate but powerful enough protection.)

(Note 3: Best users, Harry Potter, Daisy Potter.)

(Note 4: Snape will also receive the most powerful protection, but he himself will fall into his own curse.)

The Potters over here are still alive and well. Isn't it a little unlucky to receive this prize...

However, Sean immediately noticed that there was indeed a difference in Note 2. The previous one would provide Sean with slight but strong enough protection, and now the new prize provided a medium-level protection spell.

In other words, the relationship between Sean Wallop and the Potters in this timeline is good, but not as close as his relationship with the Potters in this world.

Sure enough, even if it was another Sean who drew the prize, he used my body and my system, so the system prize was still matched according to my situation.

The same thing happened with the next prize.

Gellert Grindelwald's Book of Dead Skulls (Gold): A book of dark magic made by Gellert Grindelwald using the skulls of several mysterious people he chopped off with his own hands. It can record dark magic and powerful magic. In this book, you can use it directly without magic, spells, or wands in combat. At the same time, due to the character flaws of the creator, the power of the spells recorded in this book is determined by the relationship between the user and Gellert Grindelwald himself. It is decided that most people in this world cannot exert the normal power of this book. (The current spell power bonus brought by the relationship: 235%.)

"It was one hundred and ninety-five years ago... The relationship between Grindelwald and Sean in this timeline is indeed not extremely close. In this world, the teacher basically regards me as his heir... ...However, this may also have something to do with the teacher's own mood and condition? It's not clear, but it is a good thing that the power bonus has increased..."

The remaining four golden prizes were all rewards that had never appeared before, and Sean examined them carefully.

Tom Riddle's Advanced Suit (Gold): After use, Dark Magic Talent +2, Charms Talent +1, Transfiguration Talent +1. At the same time, you will gain special abilities [Ehehehe], [Soul Master], [Heart of Longing for Immortality], [Immortal Greed], [Parseltongue Mastery], and [Top User of the Death Curse]. In addition, users will be more likely to lean towards black magic when developing new spells. If the new spell developed is black magic, the power of the original spell will be greatly enhanced. Finally, it is easier for the user to establish a threat level to the Gaunt family, it is easier to establish a threat level to the Black family, it is easier to establish a threat level to the Malfoy family, it is easier to establish a threat level to the Gower family, it is easier to establish The threat level to the Lestrange family is easier to establish the threat level to the Carrow family...

A large list of family names were added later, and they were basically members of the Death Eaters. It was obvious that Voldemort preferred to use threats to maintain the centrality of his subordinates rather than building trust and authority.

There are two exceptions, of course, and there are two different missions at the end of the prize.

It was easier to gain fanatical loyalty to Barty Crouch Jr., and it was easier to gain fanatical loyalty to Bella Lestrange.

The level of loyalty of these two people is also recognized by the system.

Look towards ability.

[Ehehehe]: Let out a piercing laugh during battle, and your intimidation ability will be further enhanced.

It's a bit useless. The powerful enemies Sean faces now, this kind of icing on the cake ability is of little use. Of course, it doesn't have to be so troublesome when dealing with miscellaneous fish.

[Soul Master]: It is easier for you to get inspiration when studying the soul, and the strength of your soul has also been slightly enhanced.

As a practical ability, Sean will inevitably have to contact the soul in the future.

[Heart longing for immortality]: You long for immortality. When you study related spells, potions, ancient magic, etc., you can gain more experience and inspiration. At the same time, you will begin to fear death.

There are side effects... Sean frowned and directly chose to turn off this ability.

He does not need to study related things now, and he has no particular desire for immortality - but this is indeed a true portrayal of Voldemort.

[Immortal Greed]: You will always remain greedy. When learning a new spell, the proficiency requirements for the initial two levels are halved. At the same time, you will be more likely to covet things that should not be yours.

Hiss, the magic proficiency requirements for the first two levels are halved, which is quite practical. After crossing two levels, you can directly cast spells silently. A very practical ability, but a side effect...

Sean was going to observe it for a while before deciding whether to keep it turned on - anyway, he could turn it on while learning new spells.

[Parseltongue Mastery]: You are a natural Parseltongue user, and all snakes will listen to your magic language. Moreover, even Slytherin will think that your Parseltongue tastes perfect!

Okay, although I already know how to do it...

[Top user of the Life Curse]: When you use the Life Curse, your magic power consumption is reduced by two-thirds, and the power of your Life Curse is greatly enhanced.

So practical... Sean, who is also a top user of the Death Curse and the only owner of the new version of the Death Curse, gave Mr. Voldemort a thumbs up.

Now, he is indeed the number one figure on the planet...

The next prize is again a series "exclusive" to this timeline.

Looking back at Sirius Black (gold): The cynical godfather still kept his eyes when he died. He hated everything that was not free enough, even if he died at the least free door. middle. Within thirty minutes after use, the user can gain speed when casting spells based on the power of the spell, including the spell's flight speed, personal movement speed, personal dodge speed, etc. At the same time, the user's lethality against pure-blood wizards is enhanced. .

(Note: When used, it will cause aversion to all tight doors, prisons, and confined spaces)

(cooling time is twenty-four hours)

Sean blinked. The other enhancements and side effects of this prize can be ignored for the time being, but he was very concerned about the fact that the user's lethality against pure-blood wizards has been enhanced.

According to Sean's own theory, gods are just higher-level wizards - so, after turning on this ability, will the lethality against gods also increase?

If confirmed, this will be a very powerful prop!

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