Blood Pact Link (gold) (one-time consumable): Love is the most powerful and sad emotion in the world. In order to prove their loyalty to each other, lovers formed a "blood pact", the most powerful and dangerous contract magic in the world. The origin of the blood alliance cannot be verified, but its restrictive and dangerous nature has caused it to gradually sink into the history of magic. However, there are always lovers who dig it out again in order to prove their love. Of course, those who can dig out the dangerous magic buried deep are always powerful and extremely talented. This also leads to the true face of the blood alliance being revealed. , that power is so powerful. However, power and danger cannot satisfy the dreams of careerists... In the most fascinating love, the most dangerous things are slowly brewing...

After use, the two blood alliances are linked together, requiring both blood alliances to have at least one of the same objects at the same time.

Looking at the prize, Sean took a breath.

There is no need to elaborate on how powerful the blood alliance is. Although the blood alliance link does not provide more information after the link, there is no need to elaborate on the horror of it.

The requirement is very simple, that is, the same person must have two blood alliances...

This sounds like a fantasy, because if you love two people deeply at the same time, even if your love is true, the blood alliance will not allow this kind of "stepping on two boats" to exist. This is the most powerful The contract magic cannot be concluded successfully.

In other words, it is impossible for the same person to have two blood alliances, even if the objects of these two blood alliances are the same person - there is already one, what is the purpose of another one?

However, so many experiences have already told Sean the answer - timeline.

If blood pacts on different timelines can come to the world due to various circumstances, then a wizard can have two or even more blood pacts at the same time.

Grindelwald and Dumbledore are the best proof.

In the timeline that Grindelwald has not traveled through, he and Dumbledore also formed a blood pact, and then relied on the power of the broken blood pact to reverse nearly a hundred years of time. In the present world, there is also a complete unsolved Broken blood alliance.

This prize is a bit interesting...

Sean pursed his lips and looked at the last golden reward.

Dumbledore's Ambition (gold) (disposable consumable): How magical is the soul? It is so miraculous that nothing and no existence can perfectly explain all the possibilities of the soul. Who knows your soul best? Is it yourself? Is it the person you love deeply? Is it something deep in your soul?

Albus Dumbledore will always be regarded as the greatest wizard anywhere - in most cases, this title requires one more word, the greatest white wizard. Extremely talented, powerful and charismatic, wise, generous, kind...a large number of beautiful or powerful adjectives are used on Albus Dumbledore, and people tend to ignore some of the wizard's past and The struggle of his humanity.

The greatest achievement in life is to bind the Dark Lord Albus Dumbledore in his heart? So, what would happen if the inner chains were broken off and the deep-buried desires impacted the world?

Will he be the most ruthless Dark Lord? Will he be the most unscrupulous dark wizard?

After use, the user will gain all the magic power, spell experience, spell proficiency, etc. of the peak Albus Dumbledore. At the same time, the user will forget all healing spells, binding spells, restricting spells, etc., black magic The power has been increased by more than three times, the casting time has been reduced by half, the magic power consumption has been reduced by two-thirds, the control over dark forces has been increased by 200%, and the attraction to dark forces and dark creatures has been increased by 100%. Two hundred, the deterrent and suppression power against dark creatures is increased by 200%. At the same time, there is no need to consume any negative emotions when casting the Unforgivable Spell, and part of the enemy's magic power will be obtained after the enemy dies from the user's spell. This part of the magic power will permanently increase the user's magic power limit. Hold for five minutes.

(Note: After using this item, you will fall into the same struggle that Dumbledore once experienced. If you cannot break free and recognize yourself, it may lead to the complete darkness of Dumbledore in this world.)

"Hiss—" Sean gasped.

This was the most cruel disposable consumable he had ever seen, and it was even scarier than Dumbledore's grief he had seen before.

It is also to obtain the strength of peak Dumbledore, but the ability provided by this prize is completely for killing. No matter what, killing and taming dark creatures within the duration is the way to maximize the maximum limit of this prize. However, the side effects are also obvious...

But, is there a bug in this?

If he is unable to break away and recognize himself, it may lead to Dumbledore's complete darkness in this world... What is the bad impact of this side effect on himself? It’s not stated clearly…

Just looking at the literal description, it is obviously a very terrible thing to make Dumbledore completely black. It can be said that Sean would rather face the first-generation Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald who has no emotions and is ruthless. Unwilling to face Dumbledore who wanted to unleash the monster within.


There was a strange flash in Sean's eyes.

In this world, Dumbledore is dead...

Does that mean that I can use this prize without any worries to increase my magic power limit crazily?

The 'nutrient' used to increase the upper limit is not a problem. There are so many dark wizards and so many Death Eaters... and the living members of the returnees are also targets that can be hunted...

The only thing that makes Sean afraid is that he is worried that it will have some negative impact on himself - of course, it is also possible that Dumbledore will be affected even if only his soul is left?

But when Dumbledore sent back the news, it seemed that he had been caught in a trance by people sent by Haierbo - Haierbo has the ability to darken the soul...

Sean sighed secretly with some confusion, and decided to wait until his soul completely returned to his body in the living world before thinking about this issue slowly.

Sean who is living on the other side should have understood the message I conveyed, and he should start heading towards Hogwarts... On my side, I must try my best to find more information about Gryffindor. Much information.

This goes against some of my principles when I first entered this annihilation timeline - instead of not making a big splash, while it still takes time for the other me to find Gryffindor, try to cause trouble and get as many things as possible. This is the right way to collect information, right?

In that case...

On the corridor floor of the Park Villa Hotel, Sean slowly opened his eyes.

A big one first?

At this time, within the barrier where the obsessive body was deployed, the joint escort team of Aurors, righteous masters, and wizards who jointly carried out the operation to capture the Dark Lord were still vigilantly and carefully searching for the enemy in small teams.

However, there are only so many places in the barrier. There are so many of them that they have basically searched every place, but still no sign of Sean.

Armand Bolton, who is in charge of this operation, has a gloomy expression. He has confirmed the information with each team - Sean Wallop does not seem to be in the barrier.

"Damn it, this barrier was given to me by Mr. Dumbledore. How could Wallop escape?" Armand Bolton cursed a few times, and then reluctantly ordered, "Check again, he He is the most outstanding master of Illusion and Disguise Charms in the world, and his unique transformation technique is also extremely powerful - everyone blasts the building and kills all the Muggles here!"

This is even more cruel than the returnees...

Sean stood up from the hotel floor and dusted himself off. His face and figure had returned to their original appearance.

He first glanced at the room he had stayed in. There was nothing in it.

Sean sighed. It seemed that Hermione hadn't come here... But the fact that the other party could find this place only meant that Hermione or a more important member of the Golden Dawn had been caught.

Whether it's a potion or a spell, it's quite easy for wizards to pry open a person's mouth.

Sean glanced out the window. A large number of wizards were using explosive spells on the buildings. Dementors and mouths of silence were floating in the air, watching eagerly.

He reached behind his waist and took out a jar that was mostly rusty and worn.

"Is this Merlin's ashes..." Sean opened a little of the lid and took a sneak peek inside, then immediately closed it again.

There is a strange and huge amount of magic floating around inside, and it will rush out as soon as the mouth of the jar is opened. Obviously, it has a considerable desire for magic.

Sean looked at it for a while, then showed an evil smile.


"Team 2, go over there!"

"Team 3! Watch your backs! How many times have I said that everyone must have teammates paying attention to their backs, otherwise even for a moment, Wallop can sneak in between you!"

"Team Five!"

Before Armand Bolton finished speaking, suddenly, the Dementors and the Mouth of Silence began to stir, and they all looked towards the center of the barrier.

A figure appeared there at some point.

"Boom -" Thunder suddenly surged within the barrier, and dazzling lightning cut through the sky, illuminating the man's face in front of everyone's eyes.

Armand Bolton felt his breathing stagnant for a moment, and then he yelled heartbreakingly: "Wallup! Everyone, do it!"

There was no unnecessary bargaining, no righteous speeches about evil prevailing over good, and no accusations and persuasion to surrender like children playing house. There was only overwhelming magic power that made the entire enchantment almost tremble.

Sean's figure had only appeared for a moment, and the well-trained wizards immediately raised their wands and cast their most powerful spells on him. They did not hesitate at all - before the war started, the leader warned everyone People, don't take any chances, you are going to face the most dangerous dark wizard in the world, bar none!

However, no one noticed that there was another person by the window of the Park Villa Hotel room. He was holding the window edge with one hand and watching everything with a smile.

"Everyone is very energetic no matter where he is -" Sean lazily tossed the can in his hand up and down.

He casually opened the jar as everyone's spells poured out.

"Prepare for a second wave of attacks!" Armand Bolton yelled.

He knew that this seemingly powerful cluster attack looked scary, but the magic spells would be consumed when they hit each other during the flight, and the size of the target that could be hit was not large. At most, it only limited Wallop's hiding space. It is absolutely unrealistic to seriously injure him.

However, only such a large-scale attack regardless of cost can truly pose a threat!

However, the next wave of attacks and more attacks that Armand Bolton expected did not come.

The pale white dust occupied everyone's vision like a sweeping wind. They were horrified to find that the pale white dust was getting into every corner of themselves and their wands like crazy.

Someone screamed and used magic spells on the pale white dust, but it attracted more attention!

Those pale white dust cannot be blocked by magic spells at all, and the transparent barrier has completely become a decoration. They are like air... no, like the natural magic power of the world, they are as pervasive.

Large numbers of people screamed and covered their eyes and mouths, but they couldn't catch the terrible powder that penetrated their seven orifices.

The magic power was directly drained out in a strange way, and the wizards who had used magic power to get drilled into their bodies fell down softly one by one with wide eyes.

Suddenly, groups of people fell down on this street and the fountain square in the center. No one could stand up, and no spell could still shine.

Even non-beings like the Dementors and the Mouth of Silence did not react to this terrifying sight. They only found that the magic around them disappeared all of a sudden, and their own strength also rapidly declined.

"The effect is terrible..." Sean clenched his fist.

Just now he made all the magic power in his body dormant, but now, there is no trace of magic power in the air anymore. Because he did not use magic spells, he was not attacked by Merlin's ashes. Even so, the magic power in his body was also freed from the ashes. Most of Merlin's ashes in the air were absorbed in a strange way.

However, the effect of the Magic Son's bloodline allows Sean to recover magic power at a normal speed in this magic-free environment.

When the pale white dust completely subsided, Sean jumped out of the window.

"Oh, what else?" Sean said in surprise.

Armand Bolton and his team are in the middle of the square. They cover their mouths and noses and stick together closely.

"Wallup—" Armand Bolton's voice trembled.

Sean grinned like a devil who had just completed his terrible plan.

"Can the obsessional body resist to a certain extent?" He licked his lips, unaware of the terrible shock his words caused to the other party.

Armand Bolton trembled all over, and then shouted heartbreakingly to the sky: "Go up!"

The dementors and the Mouth of Silence roared towards him.

But Sean just waved his hand lazily.

"Everyone stop——"

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