I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 688 Provocation against Dumbledore

The overwhelming black monsters and terrifying mouths seemed to have been pressed on the pause button under Sean's words.

They moved stiffly like mechanical creatures with a short circuit, and then dropped their swaying parts as if they had lost their energy.

Armand Bolton's pupils shrank rapidly, and the hand that was not holding the wand subconsciously moved toward his inner pocket.

"Out of body ()" Sean just waved his wand lazily, and he stood there blankly.

However, what surprised Sean was that under such a powerful Imperius Curse, the person responsible for the arrest quickly showed a look of struggle.

"The strength is pretty good...it's almost catching up with me in this world..." Sean sighed secretly.

He has discovered that it seems that in this timeline, the strength of many wizards has improved significantly, whether it is Barty Jr. whom he is familiar with, or Armand Bolton, whom he has never seen before.

Is it the effect of the magical washing mentioned before...Interesting...

Sean didn't give the opponent a chance to continue struggling. The wand waved again, and Armand Bolton's eyes lost their luster.

He respectfully took out from his arms what he was about to take out just now, a black diamond-shaped crystal.

It's the obsession.

Sean took the Obsession Body and looked at it. It was basically the same as the one in his hand in this world.

This thing has many uses, and it also hides many secrets. You can try to study it on this timeline... After thinking about it, Sean took the obsession body into his arms.

He looked at Armand Bolton, who had dull eyes, and suddenly showed an incomprehensible smile.


"Child, are you familiar with this place?"

In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, an old man stood on the railing on the second floor and looked out at the scenery.

"Not familiar." The petite silver-haired girl wearing the uniform of the guard captain shook her head expressionlessly.

"This was once the prison where the first Dark Lord used to imprison his opponents-" The old man turned around, it was Dumbledore.

He looked no different from the kind old man in this world. His lake-blue eyes under the lenses revealed wisdom and tolerance, and he had a reassuring and calm smile on his face.

Dumbledore patted the railing: "Stephanie, what do you think about keeping Sean here in the future?"

Stephanie's expression didn't change at all, and she said calmly: "Of course it's up to you, sir."

"Haha, I still prefer you to call me professor. Hogwarts is one of the most important places in my life." Dumbledore smiled kindly, "By the way, how long have Armand Bolton and the others set out? ?”

Stephanie looked at the time and replied, "Twelve hours and three minutes, but no news has come."

"Of course there will be no news -" Dumbledore took off his glasses and wiped them casually with the sleeves of his robe. After putting them on again, he wondered whether it was because he had not wiped them clean. Her blue eyes became blurry, "Miss Granger is an outstanding student. If those things hadn't happened, she would be in...sixth grade now, right?"

Stephanie didn't answer, just listened quietly.

Dumbledore turned around and held the railing again, with emotion in his tone: "They are all outstanding good boys, brave, loyal, and adventurous. In addition, under the leadership of Sean, the people of the Golden Dawn have a The fearless spirit, which I admire very much - although it also brings a lot of headaches, such as now..."

He spread his hands humorously: "Operations against Sean will always be exposed. I planted spies in Golden Dawn, and they also planted spies around me... Stephanie, do you have any thoughts on this?"

Stephanie always had the same expression, except when she mentioned Golden Dawn and Sean, a trace of disdain and hatred would flash in her eyes.

"I suggest conducting a general screening of the whole body, using Veritaserum, Imperius Curse, and Polyjuice Potion-" She looked at Dumbledore calmly, "Not only the people in our escort team, but also Huo Huo Faculty and staff at Gwarts will also be screened.”

Dumbledore looked at her with interest for a while, then showed a somewhat embarrassed look: "This is very troublesome. Those are my colleagues and my comrades-in-arms. I can't treat them like this."

The implication was clear, he couldn't take action himself, just as Hogwarts still maintained some decency.

Stephanie's intelligence is not only in learning, she also goes a long way in understanding other people's psychology.

"First...Professor, I hope you will conduct an inspection on me first, and then I will go and inspect all personnel. Afterwards, please strip me of my position as punishment."

Dumbledore's eyes showed appreciation: "Frankly speaking, it would be nice if I could talk to Mr. Ollivander as easily as I do with you."

"That's my grandfather's personal style. Please forgive me, Professor."

"No, no, no, there is no need to misunderstand. I have always admired Mr. Ollivander... However, these things can be left for later."

Stephanie nodded, and then she finally showed some doubts: "Professor, since you know that our operation against Wallop will be exposed, why did you let Armand Bolton be fully armed, and even gave him that?"

Dumbledore smiled: "You and Sean are actually very familiar, right?"

Stephanie nodded without hesitation: "We were very familiar most of the time. If something hadn't been exposed, I would be like Granger now."

"Then I'm really lucky... However, since you also understand Sean's personality and behavior, you should also understand that he inherited his teacher's terrible ability to read people's hearts. Unfortunately, he also inherited his teacher's terrible ability to read people's minds. Extremely proud character - of course, he is a very proud person to begin with.”

"He is absolutely wary of me, but he is also proud of his abilities - as expected, Armand Bolton should have been caught by now." Dumbledore sighed, "Sean's progress is too fast It’s so fast that I find it incredible. I even feel that there is a huge organization behind him to provide him with all the help. Of course, the fact is that there is no such thing. If I don’t take action personally, others will basically take advantage of him. no way."

"However, if I also participate in this operation, the news will also be passed on - when Sean knows the news, he will not do any risky behavior. You see, this kid is like this, conceited and good at taking risks , but sometimes I am more cautious than an old man like me who is about to enter the grave."

Stephanie nodded suddenly: "So, you are..."

"Well, I did some tricks - as long as I don't show up, Sean will definitely be unable to resist the urge to capture a living person for interrogation. Poor Armand Bolton should be tortured back and forth by various interrogation methods. Of course, here Before that, he will definitely check Armand Bolton to make sure that I will not find him."

Stephanie frowned: "What should we do?"

Dumbledore showed it. He seemed to be holding a point of light in his hand. One of the floating points of light had lost contact: "He has found my curse and broken it - but, I just hope that he will do this." Do."

The kind old man finally showed his cold side. He laughed softly, and his words made people feel chilled all over: "Armand Bolton is really a loyal subordinate who voluntarily sacrificed his life——"

A fluttering ring appeared in Dumbledore's hand. He waved his wand gently, and a transparent figure roaring in pain appeared. Even Stephanie was shocked.

"He allowed me to split his soul and make it into a Horcrux - coincidentally, I know some strange magic and can use Horcruxes to locate the owner -" Dumbledore's calm smile made Stephanie's hair stand on end. , "This is a tracker that cannot be hacked or discovered, haha."

"Come on, Stephanie, let's meet Sean."

Stephanie felt cold in her heart, but now she could only nod in agreement: "Yes, Professor! I'll call someone right away!"

Dumbledore waved his hand: "No, no, just the two of us - to be precise, please forgive my arrogance, I am enough alone, but I think it would be good to let you vent your anger a little bit. choose."

Stephanie showed her pleasure at the right moment when her revenge was about to be successful, but she was thinking frantically about how to deal with it: "Thank you, Professor."

"Let's go——"


The air twisted, and the figures of Dumbledore and Stephanie appeared. The old man looked ahead. There was a public cemetery there, and there was a gloomy atmosphere everywhere.

"Sure enough, there were a lot of spells arranged, and Sean was very careful." Dumbledore said, but he walked straight in without touching any of the spells.

Stephanie followed silently, already considering whether to activate the spell directly to alert Sean to escape.

However, Dumbledore is right in front of her, and she knows one thing - this old man is the most powerful and terrifying wizard in the world. Her rash behavior may not remind Sean, but will completely Expose yourself.

What to do... what to do... think of a way...

Dumbledore was still walking calmly and quickly towards the interior of the cemetery, and at this time, a fire was already flickering faintly in front of him.

Dumbledore smiled: "We found him -"

Stephanie has silently grasped the wand. Sean should be able to tangle with Dumbledore for a long time. She is ready to attack Dumbledore directly——

Walking around a tall tombstone, Dumbledore even lit his wand and presented a pale flower to the tomb owner he had never met.

They appeared in front of the fire without touching any spells.

The scene in front of him made Dumbledore slightly stunned, while Stephanie breathed a huge sigh of relief.

There was no sign of Sean, only Armand Bolton hanging on the shackles, with his hands and head lowered like Jesus.

Dumbledore was not angry, but just laughed after a brief absence: "He is smarter and more cautious than I thought - but, you see, he is still so bold, trying to provoke me."

Stephanie immediately said: "Professor, do you want to search around?"

"No need, he should have left long ago——"

Before he finished speaking, Armand Bolton, who was hanging in the cross shackles, suddenly started to tremble.

He raised his head tremblingly, and immediately showed joy when he saw that the person in front of him was Dumbledore: "Mr. Dumbledore——"

Halfway through his words, Armand Bolton expanded rapidly like a hot air balloon, and then exploded.

Plasma, eyeballs, internal organs, and various fragments of the human body spattered away.

The brown-gray eyes belonging to Armand Bolton fell at Dumbledore's feet, with great fear and infinite unwillingness in them.

Dumbledore finally stopped smiling. He paused for a moment and picked up Armand Bolton's eyes.

After a moment, he said somewhat unhappily: "Like his teacher, he always likes to do some outrageous things, innocent Armand."

Dumbledore carefully put his eyes into a box, then took out his wand and closed his eyes to feel it for a while: "He actually knows how to seal the obsessive body..."

With that said, he turned to look at Stephanie, then pushed up his glasses: "Let's go, kid, but the big screening you mentioned before may need to be brought forward."

"Yes, Professor."


The principal's office at Hogwarts was as usual. After returning here, Dumbledore sat on a stool and thought silently for a while. Then he took out the intact eyeball that Armand Bolton had left and looked at it.

After a moment, it seemed that he couldn't bear to look at Armand Bolton anymore. He put the eyeballs back into the box and put them away in the drawer.

On the wall, the principals of the past generations said nothing during this time, just giving each other incomprehensible looks.

Dumbledore stayed for a while and then left the principal's office. At this time, the portraits began to discuss quietly.

"Whose eyeball is that?"

"have no idea……"

"But, something is wrong with Albus now. Do we really want to let him go like this?"

"We are dead. We are just paintings now. What can we do? It is our duty to do what we can for the Headmaster of Hogwarts."

"Even if the current principal is on the road to darkness and never returns? Wake up!"

"Then you can give me some solutions. The power of Hogwarts is now fully controlled by Albus. Everything in the castle must obey his orders. Even a torch is his eye. ,what can we do?"

While the principal's portraits were noisy, no one noticed that the eyeball lying in the drawer rolled slightly.

"Tsk, sure enough, Professor Dumbledore is still just an extremely powerful wizard and has not yet mastered a higher level of power - but, after finally sneaking into the castle, how to move around is a problem..."

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