I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 749 The Bewitchment of Relatives

"It's amazing..." the rescued student muttered to himself.

However, he immediately received a stern look from Daisy Potter: "How many times have Professor Wallop warned you! You must never relax your concentration on the battlefield!"

"Yes, I'm sorry!" The boy immediately realized that he had been staring at the senior in front of him for too long.

She is beautiful, has a great personality, and is the number one patron saint in the school... But many people find that their impression of this beautiful senior student needs to be changed again.

She is not a mascot and a vase.

Not far away, Snape, who had been staring at this place with his peripheral vision, withdrew his eyes.

Not bad Shen Feng Wu Ying, plus ten points for Daisy Potter - he wanted to say this, but the current occasion did not seem to be suitable.

"Avada Kedavra!" A returnee in jet black robes roared loudly, and the green light came straight towards the big bat.

Snape just frowned in displeasure, as if his thoughts and gaze were interrupted at the same time, which made him a little unhappy.

"A powerful curse...very powerful and fast...but that's all..." Snape dodged the enemy's death curse with cold eyes.

He pulled up the curtain smoothly, covering Daisy's worried look.

The dark velvet curtain trembled, light flickered, and a figure collapsed helplessly.

Snape's indifferent voice sounded throughout the corridor: "The enemies are almost the same as living wizards. They have stronger defense and magic resistance, and their recovery speed is also fast, but they will die."

Originally, everyone in Hogwarts was tied up because of the strange enemies, and they all knew more or less something about the returnees.

Of course, it is impossible for Sean to reveal everything about the returnees, Haierbo, the timeline, etc., but if he does not give out a little information, it is easy for the people on his side to not have an accurate idea.

Nowadays, the sudden return of the people, the strange and terrifying appearance, the extremely powerful spell, and the combination of many pieces of information have caused everyone in Hogwarts, especially the students, to have some fear.

This is not a problem that Sean's previous special training can completely solve. It can only be made up for by real life and death combat.

Although Snape's voice was cold and irritable, it unexpectedly gave many people a shot of reassurance.

Moreover, most of the professors were concentrated in the castle, and the students who went out were also elites. The situation was maintained at an evenly matched situation, and the Hogwarts side occasionally achieved some results.

However, all this was broken by the shocked and helpless voice of a certain student.

A fifth-year student from Gryffindor knocked away a returnee in front, and the thick black hood fell down, revealing an old, corrupt face.

The face looked like a rotting corpse but flexibly looked like a living person. It was an old lady with a kind face - even though her face was covered with sores, and there were even maggots slowly crawling out of her ears, mouth, and nostrils.

The Gryffindor student subconsciously covered his mouth and nose, but he kept Professor Wallop's teachings in mind, waved his wand in his hand, and was ready to chant a spell - when you have the upper hand, don't give the enemy any chance. Chance.

However, the spell was not recited because he saw the other person's face clearly.

Even though it is extremely corrupt, even though it is full of corpses...

"Grandma...grandma..." His eyes widened in disbelief.

The enemy... is his grandmother who has been dead for many years.

Hearing his voice, Professor McGonagall, who was not far away, immediately turned her head. She subconsciously looked at him: "Mr. Dias?"

Dias's hands were shaking, even as he struggled to tighten his grip on his wand.

"That's...my grandmother..." Diaz's voice was full of bitterness and sadness.

"How could this happen?"

"I was raised by my grandmother...I will never forget her face..." Diaz closed his eyes in pain.

Although his grandmother has been dead for six years, he will never forget it - and the enemy in front of him, whether it is a corpse or a zombie, is his grandmother!

"Ha--" the old lady raised the corners of her mouth a little, and the slate on her face was distorted. She tried to show a kind smile, "Mauren...my grandson...do you miss me?"

Big tears fell on the ground. Maureen Dias looked at the familiar and unfamiliar face in front of her and said in a trembling voice: "Yes, yes...Grandma, I miss you very much, I miss you very much..."

"Me too, ha..." Diaz's grandmother made a breathy old voice. She struggled to get up from the ground, stretched out a withered hand and waved, "Mauren, let me hug... "

Maureen Dias bit his lip, tears falling uncontrollably - he didn't know how many days and nights he missed this kind and beloved old man deeply in his heart.

The way she waved her hands was no different from before...

Professor McGonagall noticed something was wrong with Maureen, and she immediately shouted loudly: "Mr. Dias, your grandmother has passed away. She is an enemy - she disturbed your grandmother's rest. She is not your real relative!"

"Professor..." Molin was startled for a moment, then looked at the old man not far away with trembling lips.

The body spots, maggots, and rotten flesh all proved that she was not the grandmother who loved her the most.

However, the old lady continued to wave her hands, with a look of pity on her face: "It's me, Maureen, do you remember when I made you your favorite nut pie? Haha, you always asked me to add a little more. hazelnut."

"Grandma..." Molin's eyes suddenly widened.

"Come, come into my arms, my grandson, and we can be reunited and we can continue to live together."


"Mr. Dias!" Professor McGonagall waved her wand and tied up the enemy she was dealing with in the dungeon.

She ran quickly towards the students: "Mr. Diaz! Wake up!"

Professor McGonagall has noticed that Maureen Dias has fallen into some weird state, as if she is controlled by the Imperius Curse of family affection.

Looking at her approaching grandson, the old lady finally showed a sinister smile. She raised her wand and showed a terrifying smile. Her teeth continued to peel off as her face shook, but Maureen Dias did not show any signs of it. aware.

He saw his grandmother who loved him sitting on the rocking chair in the yard, looking at him kindly like she did when she was a child.


"Avada Kedavra!" The green light flashed, and Maureen Dias had no room to escape. No, he didn't want to escape at all.

"Mr. Dias!" Professor McGonagall's bun shook hastily, and a stone pillar suddenly rose up, blocking the middle of the two of them.

The death curse exploded, and the aroused stones scratched Maureen Dias's face, and a glimmer of clarity finally flashed through his dull eyes.

"Grandson..." Dias saw his "grandmother" showing a sinister and terrifying smile, and the tip of the wand turned into a sharp blade and pierced his heart!

Professor McGonagall was too late, and the sharp blade slashed Dias's chest.

"Hey -" a harsh voice sounded, and Diaz's "grandmother" pushed her wrist in surprise.

The sharp blade transformed from the wand did not pierce Dias' heart, but was blocked by a suddenly activated iron armor spell.

Maureen Dias finally regained his clarity. He immediately waved his wand and jumped back at the same time. When he landed within a safe range, his forehead was already covered with beads of sweat from the aftermath of the disaster.

If it hadn't been for the necklace Professor Wallop gave me, I would really have died... He touched his chest with lingering fear, and his robe and inner shirt had been completely torn.

"Mr. Dias?! Are you okay?" Professor McGonagall rushed over and stood in front of the student.

"Ahem..." The old witch showed a grumpy and sinister smile, "Let me reunite with my grandson -"

There seemed to be thunder hidden in Professor McGonagall's eyes. She subconsciously stretched out one hand to block the student's eyes, and waved her wand with the other hand to strike hard!

The chandelier in the corridor loosened itself and fell, turning into a huge iron ax during the fall!

"Boom -" After the violent impact, only a broken corpse was left on the floor.

Half of the withered fingers flew over, and Mo Lin grabbed her chest tightly - there was a familiar ring on it...

Professor McGonagall sighed secretly. She hugged the student's head lovingly, and her tone was extremely gentle: "Mr. Dias, I'm always here..."

And this seemed to be a signal. Suddenly, many returnees lifted their hoods, revealing their corrupt faces.

There were screams, shocks, and cries.


"Grandpa, is that you?"


"Mother, Mother? Mother!"

There was even a Hogwarts staff member who knelt down on the floor weakly, his eyes filled with longing and lack of energy.

He saw his long-dead wife.


Snape coldly chopped off a young woman's head with his divine blade, leaving her words stuck in her throat.

His brows and temples trembled violently several times, and his sinister eyes were filled with unquenchable anger.

"No manners... extremely despicable..." His body was shaking with rage.

"Professor Snape?" A gentle voice sounded worried from not far away.

Snape looked over and saw Daisy whose face was full of worry. His expression relaxed, and then he reminded him in a cold voice: "That is some kind of resurrection spell that combines the body and the soul, and it affects those related by blood. Living people have a strange power of seduction, so be careful."

"Professor, I'm fine." Daisy nodded vigorously, and let her silver fire dragon flap its wings, shining silver light on Snape's shoulders.

Suddenly, a warm wave passed through Snape's body, and he felt that his angry heart suddenly calmed down a lot.

The softness in his eyes flashed, but after seeing the silver fire dragon, he pursed his lips stiffly.

However, there are only a few people like Snape who quickly cut off contact with their dead relatives, or people like Daisy who were not affected.

Most people were frozen in place - those enemies were their dead parents, lovers, friends...

The scene suddenly became extremely passive!

Professor McGonagall took a deep breath and waved her wand widely towards both sides of the corridor.

"The stone statues are out ()!"

Soon enough, all the statues and armors in the corridor jumped off their stands!

There was a crashing sound upstairs and downstairs, and one realized that their companions throughout the castle had taken the same action...

With the sound of collisions and shouts, a group of moving statues swarmed to Hogwarts. Some were slightly smaller, some were larger than life, and some were animals.

"Stone statues, protect us and fulfill your responsibilities to the school!" Professor McGonagall shouted majestically.

Those clanking armors brandished swords and chained wolf-toothed balls, guarding each person one after another.

They have no relatives and only obey Professor McGonagall's instructions - to guard everyone at Hogwarts!

"Miss Potter!" Professor McGonagall shouted again.

"Okay, Professor!" Daisy closed her eyes and opened them suddenly after a moment.

The fire dragon that was already tens of meters long actually expanded again!

The corridor could no longer cover its body. It flapped its wings, but did not shatter any walls or glass. It just injected hope and warmth into all the companions present.

Everyone who was distracted by the true face of the enemy gradually came to their senses.

They looked ahead in pain and shock. Their "relatives" were attacking violently, and the stone statues that protected them were flying with stones, trying to hold them back!

"This is a conspiracy of the enemy, they have no bottom line to disturb the peace of our relatives!" Professor McGonagall's hair bun was spread out, she was furious, but her voice had reassuring power.

"Everyone, continue to face the enemy! Our relatives have left us, what we have to do is to let them truly sleep!"

Professor McGonagall's words and Daisy's silver fire dragon brought strength back to the absent-minded people. They wiped away their tears and roared with anger.

"How dare you disturb the sleep of the one I love!"

The scene became intense again!


At this time, in the common room, the senior students headed by Hermione were staring at every entrance and exit intently.

The sounds of explosions, cries, and collisions in the castle continued to reach their ears. Some junior students squatted down and hugged each other in fear, while some senior students were pacing anxiously.

“President——” An irritable student slammed the railing hard, “We have no problem here, why don’t we go out and provide support?!”

Hermione's expression was deep and calm, and she glanced at the other party with a cold and majestic look: "No, our mission is to protect this place."

"But -" the other party wanted to retort.

Hermione suddenly raised her voice and stared at the other party majestically: "Professor Flitwick has appointed me as the commander here. All you have to do is complete the tasks I teach you!"

"Yes Yes……"

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