There is no doubt about Hermione's reputation, especially when Sean, the other student council president, basically does nothing.

In addition, because Professor McGonagall is the current principal of Hogwarts, her time busy with school regulations has been reduced a lot, and the "business" is naturally handled by Hermione.

In the current castle, Hermione is quite as intimidating as Professor McGonagall.

After being yelled severely, several students who wanted to go out to support lowered their heads angrily, not daring to put forward any more opinions.

Hermione frowned as she scanned the room, her wand tightly clenched in her hand.

Explosions and screams kept coming, and of course she was worried, especially since her two best friends were fighting outside at the moment.

However, she knows her responsibilities very well. The professors and Sean have given this matter to her, so she must do it well!

I don't know how many times she raised her hand to check the time. Hermione took a deep breath, turned her head and whispered to a prefect: "I will go to the common rooms of other colleges to take another look. I will come back here in fifteen minutes. There are In any case, just contact me as I said before - if I don't make it back in time, open the bathroom door."

"Yes, President, I understand."

Hermione nodded, then walked towards a bare wall, opened a wooden door that suddenly appeared and walked in. With Sean here, of course she could use the Room of Requirement to move freely through the castle. This was why the professors asked her to stay. One of the reasons for taking charge of the situation in the common room.

A wooden door appeared on the wall of the Gryffindor common room, and Hermione opened the door and walked out.

"Hermione-" Neville came forward. As a relatively stable student, he was also left to look after other students.

"Is there any change?" Hermione immediately glanced at the whole place subconsciously.

Neville shook his head and whispered: "We have been staring outside the magic barrier cast by Professor Flitwick, and there is no movement at all - five minutes ago, a group of students couldn't help but go to the toilet, and they checked after they came back. There was nothing unusual at all."

"No situation is the best..." Hermione pursed her lips, "But I have some bad premonitions. The location where the enemy appears is too tricky, and Hogwarts Castle is not a comprehensive fortress, or even..."

She didn't say the next words out loud, but Neville could probably guess it.

Enemies all appear suddenly, so the common room may not be safe. There may be enemies hiding in a certain dormitory or bathroom.

In addition, Hermione's heart beat faster when she thought about the target that Halbo sent his men to find this time.

Putting aside the unnecessary chaotic thoughts, Hermione whispered a few more instructions to Neville before heading towards the Slytherin common room again.

The number of little snakes sent out to face the enemy was the smallest among the four academies. It was not that Sean had not established a huge prestige among the lower-grade Snake Academy students, but that most of the senior students in the Snake Academy were not that reliable. .

At this moment, in the lounge at the bottom of the lake, the dim green bonfire was swaying, and the little snakes gathered together in twos and threes, discussing something in a low voice.

The wooden door was pushed open, and the two people who met each other frowned habitually.

Malfoy moved slowly. Although he didn't like Hermione Granger, he also knew that this was an important moment, and he was on Sean's side, and that was enough.

"They have been under strict surveillance. Several of the students Sean mentioned have been watched by my people - no one has been to the bathroom until now." Malfoy said quickly.

Hermione nodded, and after confirming some things with Malfoy again, she turned and left. Before opening the wooden door, she turned back and warned with some worry: "Only you can open the Room of Requirement. Sean only gave it to a few people." Temporary authority, after receiving the news, we will bring people in as soon as possible."

"I know." Malfoy was a little impatient, but nodded.

After Hermione left, several senior Slytherin students snorted disdainfully. They had always disliked the Muggle-born student council president.

However, no one now dares to call students from Muggle families mudbloods. There is no need for professors to blame them, Malfoy will teach them a lesson first.

Slytherin is now basically the voice of the pure-blood society founded by Malfoy, and the glory of pure-bloods is something they swear to protect with their lives.

However, the pure-blood president has been having an "ambiguous relationship" with another student council president.

Sean Wallop and Draco Malfoy seem to have had a bad relationship since they first entered school. However, they have basically never seen a direct conflict between the two. Of course, no one has seen it. The two men had an intimate conversation together.

People often encouraged Malfoy to compete for Sean's reputation, but Malfoy used various excuses to evade it. This made many people have doubts and always felt that there was something wrong with their president.

However, as Sean's reputation grew, such suggestions, doubts, etc. all spontaneously disappeared.

You can rub anyone’s bad luck, but it’s best not to touch Sean Wallop’s bad luck. This is the consensus of almost every student in the Snake Academy.

Hearing the cold snorts from those people, Malfoy just smiled in agreement with them. When he turned his head, another wave of disdain rose on his face that no one could see.

Idiot... As a noble pure-blood wizard, not as good as any wizard from a Muggle family, he actually has the nerve to express his disdain behind his back.

After writing down the names of those people, Malfoy planned to ask the other party to recall the purported ideas of the Pure Blood Society afterwards.

At this time, in the Hufflepuff common room, Hermione was finishing her conversation with Hannah Abbott. The Iron Hat King, like her boyfriend Neville, was a prefect of Hufflepuff and was now in charge of the Hufflepuff public room. Key people in the break room.

When Hermione was about to leave, Hannah pulled her and asked with some concern: "Hermione, if something goes wrong, do we have to go outside first and evacuate into the Room of Requirement?"

Hermione nodded, and then said with relief: "It's okay, I will come to you first when the time comes... If I don't arrive in time, we will take the actions we discussed before."

"ok, I get it."

When Hermione returned to the Ravenclaw common room, the fighting in the castle was still continuing, but there seemed to be no sign of an invasion in the common room.

Just when Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly, a piercing scream sounded!

The curse left by Professor Flitwick has been triggered!

Hermione immediately shouted: "Enemy attack!"

Although the students who had been waiting for no enemy were a little uneasy, they immediately reacted to Hermione's voice - the intensive training in the previous half a school year still played a big role.

The senior students formed a circle and cast spells toward the passage where the alarm was issued without any hesitation.

"Thunder - bang -" the sound of magic spells colliding came, and a small group of figures wearing black hoods appeared there.

"Kill!" The leader of the returnees snorted coldly and gave the order expressionlessly.

Suddenly, the curse flew everywhere.

The junior students did not huddle together tremblingly. They bravely raised their wands. Although their abilities were lacking in all aspects, they still followed the method taught by Professor Wallop to increase their combat effectiveness.

A black hood swam down from the wall like a shadow and hid in the darkness. Immediately, a first-year student loudly called out the opponent's location, and then many fluorescent spells were illuminated, making the opponent invisible. Escaped form.

The upperclassmen's spell came immediately, forcing them back to the passage.

There aren't many returnees here, and I don't know if it's because the common room is harder to sneak into, or because the number of returnees is limited.

The students at Hogwarts were well prepared, and as a result, a stalemate emerged.

Hermione pulled away an incoming curse, and then looked in another direction with feeling.

The signals came almost simultaneously from the shadow bugs she had left in the other three common rooms.

The enemy launched an attack at the same time!

Hermione frowned slightly, then blew a short, rapid whistle.

Suddenly, screams rang out from the team of returnees. Several people at the rear turned back to look, but only saw the shattered bodies of their companions and a fleeting black shadow.

"That kid's pet..." One of the returnees snorted coldly, and then shouted, "Continue the attack!"

All of a sudden, the returnees' attack became fierce, and all the black hoods changed their attack methods. It was no longer a battle of spells, but an injury-for-injury, or even a life-for-injury!

This crazy attack doubled the pressure on the students. After all, they were children in the ivory tower. Faced with this crazy attack, they gradually became powerless.

The shadow bug left by Hermione sent back a more urgent signal, and the common rooms of the other three houses were probably also involved in a fierce battle at the same time.

"Deal with them!" Suddenly, Hermione shouted.

Then, the ceiling suddenly exploded!

A dozen wizards hiding among them jumped out!

Fred, George, Lee Jordan...and other students who had graduated from Hogwarts rushed out at once.

The twin brothers laughed, smiled sinisterly, and waved their wands hard at the returnees who had not yet reacted!

After receiving Sean's notice, they used the portkey to come to Hogwarts. Sean did not assign tasks to them, but asked them to be commanded by Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall handed over the command to Hermione.

Hermione then came up with the idea of ​​​​the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind - why should we passively defend? We can also ambush others!

The returnees were already in a situation where the offense was greater than the defense, and the sudden appearance of reinforcements caught them off guard!

The same was true in other common rooms. Reinforcements appeared from various places. In addition to the graduates of Hogwarts, many parents also joined the ambush.

This was just a signal. In the corridor where the fierce fighting was going on outside, new reinforcements suddenly jumped out of the wall!

Sean had opened the Room of Requirement a long time ago. This was the reason why Hermione did not let the students immediately enter the Room of Requirement to hide. She wanted to ambush!

It is not a Hogwarts that is resisting the attack of the returnees, but a wizard half of England!

Hermione and Sean had almost the same idea - test? No, no temptation at all!

When we have a numerical advantage, we need to use our numerical advantage to form a strangulation situation.

Sean had made preparations early. He had set up special door keys in every trustworthy wizard's home. Professor McGonagall could instantly open Hogwarts' floo network and port key access permissions.

In other words, when Sean realized that the Returners were about to attack, he had already made up his mind to drag half of the British wizards to Hogwarts to fight.

However, he wanted an area in charge of the Forbidden Forest, and command of it was given to Hermione.

Hermione boldly adopted the idea of ​​an ambush, and now, it has paid off!

The originally deadlocked situation was suddenly broken, and many familiar faces roared and launched an attack.

Mr. and Mrs. Potter, Sirius, Cedric, Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom...

A large number of wizards broke through and appeared from various unexpected positions, and the returnees were suddenly defeated in an unexpected situation. Even though they were all like dead soldiers, in the face of the huge disadvantage in numbers, madness had no meaning.

Seeing that the battle situation in the common room was tilted towards her side, Hermione couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, she suddenly received a special signal from Hannah Abbott.

A half-ghost appears in the Hufflepuff common room!

Hermione's eyes flashed, she waved her wand and disappeared.

At this moment, the Hufflepuff lounge was in chaos - the sudden appearance of the half-ghost almost disrupted all plans.

These half-ghosts have the ability to use magic, but are not affected by spells like ghosts, which leads to passive defense.

As soon as Hermione appeared, she immediately looked around and made a quick decision.

"Everyone, retreat with me!"

Under Hermione's command, all the wizards in the Hufflepuff common room began to move slowly outside. Fortunately, there were not many half-ghosts who appeared, so it was not a big problem when they only needed defense. .

But these half-ghosts can also crawl into walls, making the situation even more confusing.

Finally arriving at a stone wall outside, Hermione opened the wooden door: "The lower-grade students go in first!"

People kept pouring into the Room of Requirement, and Hermione kept scanning the surroundings.

After everyone entered, Hermione closed the wooden door in one fell swoop. Several spells smashed the stone wall, but did not let the people inside "fall out."

As a magical room in Hogwarts Castle, the Room of Requirement is not easily discovered.

Many people in the room who responded to requests breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Hermione suddenly shouted: "Everyone, look up!"

Subconsciously, everyone raised their heads and looked at the ceiling.

Then, everyone saw a pair of huge orange vertical pupils.

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