"What a weird big snake..."

Basically, this was the only thought that came to everyone's mind, and then they lost all consciousness.

Hermione, who shouted these words, did not raise her head at all until a low hissing sound came.

“Hiss—hiss—(I put on my glasses)”

The voice of the basilisk came.

Hermione turned her head. At this time, a huge basilisk was slowly swimming from the ceiling to the wall.

It is wearing a pair of huge specially-made glasses. At this moment, the pure black crystal lenses have just been closed, and it has only opened the first layer, restraining the ability to kill.

"Hiss-(Check again.)"

At this moment, if anyone else was at the scene, they would be shocked to find that the second hissing sound was not made by the basilisk, but came from Hermione's mouth!

Although she is a little unfamiliar, it is obvious that Hermione has at least mastered the ability to communicate simply with the basilisk. This is something that only Parseltongue can do!

The basilisk swam obediently to the floor, where all the students who had just poured in turned into dark gray stone statues.

The expressions of the stone statues varied. Some were shocked, some were surprised, and some were horrified. However, more of them were puzzled on their stiff faces.

They obviously followed the instructions of the student union president, so why did they encounter such misfortune?

The basilisk swam among the crowd, being careful not to touch any stone statue to avoid any accidents during its subsequent recovery.

Hermione also searched in another direction.

"Hiss-(here)" the basilisk paused.

Hermione frowned and walked over, and immediately discovered two distinctive stone statues.

No, to be precise, those are not stone statues.

Two black ghosts fell behind the two students. Their expressions were stiff and incredulous.

Judging from their position, they should have been "squeezed" out by their petrified bodies.

Hermione finally breathed a sigh of relief, and her body that had been tense relaxed a lot.

After Sean returned to the castle and told the news, Hermione had been thinking about it.

Haierbo's vanguard is bound to arrive, and his goal is simple, to find traces of becoming a god.

This was the key point mentioned in the news Dumbledore sent back from the trance.

To become a true god, three crucial things are needed - the authority of the god itself, the kingdom of god that accommodates the existence of the god, and the recognition of the world - the ceremony of truly becoming a god.

At that time, Hermione discussed these three crucial things with Sean who was present.

As for the authority of the gods themselves, Herbo has already mastered the authority of Robin, the god of love, and there is no need to look for it; there are many divine kingdoms that accommodate the existence of gods scattered throughout the wizarding world, and Hogwarts is the most powerful one. Of course, Hermione and Sean both believe that the Kingdom of God is not the key to Halbo. On the contrary, the Kingdom of God scattered around the world may become a pass for the invasion of Halbo's army because of its connection with the trance before its fall.

The returnees who appear in Hogwarts today also prove this point very well. If Sean hadn't discovered the opponent's conspiracy in advance and made arrangements, and was caught off guard, Hogwarts Castle might have fallen by now. Become a ruin infested by enemies.

The most important thing is the third thing - the recognition of the world.

This is the true ritual of becoming a god and a necessity for becoming a true god.

And Dumbledore has already stated that the key to the throne lies in the gold cups of Hogwarts and Hufflepuff...

Hermione has been thinking about what Hufflepuff's golden cup means, but neither she nor Sean have found an accurate answer, and the golden cup doesn't know how to use it. All she can do is keep it well.

But both of them agreed that when Herbo's vanguard arrived, they would definitely target Hufflepuff's gold cup.

Hermione, who was responsible for coordinating matters in the castle, immediately thought of this. The students of the four houses were concentrated in the common room. When the returnees attacked separately, Hufflepuff House must be the one who was taken care of. .

And she also knew the specific nature of half-ghosts, so Hermione had always suspected that there would be half-ghosts sneaking into Hufflepuff students in strange ways.

She became even more certain of this when she learned that many of the returnees from the outside world were relatives of deceased students, faculty and staff in the castle.

So, when the other party sneaks into the Hufflepuff students, their target is of course the gold cup, but there is no real gold cup in the Hufflepuff common room.

What will the returnees do?

Hermione put herself in the shoes of the returnee and thought.

Of course, they lurk down to look for opportunities to obtain the gold cup. However, the returnees know very well that lurking in the bodies of students will definitely be discovered, and lurking in the castle is not safe enough - the Room of Requirement is a better choice.

Moreover, in the Room of Requirement, you can lurk into every corner of the castle from various locations, making it possible to search the entire castle more conveniently and safely.

After coming to this conclusion, Hermione made an overall battle plan for tonight.

The daring girl resorted to using the entire Hufflepuff family as bait - a risky plan.

Hermione was unwilling to let innocent students take such a huge risk, so she had the previous ambush plan - if the raid failed, would the returnees still act in a big way?

of course not.

After Hermione received the news that half-ghosts had appeared in the Hufflepuff common room and that the enemy's offensive had become fiercer, she was certain that the half-ghosts only dared to lurk rather than harm the students.

The next plan is obvious. The half-ghost who thinks he has sneaked in "silently" will of course observe the surrounding situation immediately, and Hermione's behavior of asking the students to look at the ceiling is obviously to protect the safety of the students - —How could the student council president harm students from the same school?

In the inherent concept of the returnees, the only threats to the half-ghost are Sean, the Basilisk, and possibly Grindelwald or some reclusive great wizards.

Among them, Sean and the Basilisk are bound, because only the Parseltongue can command the Basilisk.

They never expected that Hermione had mastered Parseltongue, and that the Basilisk had already ambushed it - Sean's two black dragons from the Hesidian Islands had been flying in the Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade. Min brought it up.

She wanted to reinforce the impression among the returnees that only Sean could control his magical animals, so Sean and the magical animals were rarely separated, let alone the basilisk that could only be commanded by a Parselmouth.

After Sean sent back the news, he focused most of his energy on the surroundings of the Forbidden Forest.

The plans for the defense of the castle, ambushes, and removal of intruders were basically all specified by Hermione. Now it seems that Hermione's plan is extremely successful.

The half-ghosts that had sneaked into the students' bodies were all turned into petrified form, which was equivalent to removing the nails inside, and the safety of Hogwarts immediately increased a lot.

Hermione, who breathed a sigh of relief, immediately turned to the basilisk and said: "Hiss, hiss - (Go and deal with the half-ghost outside.)"

The Room of Requirement opened in response, and a huge pipe entrance appeared on the wall.

How could Sean not prepare in advance for half-ghosts who could walk through walls? Now, the entrance to the Room of Requirement has long been connected to the pipes in Hogwarts Castle. The Basilisk can freely travel throughout the castle and catch those "rats" that ordinary wizards cannot catch.

The basilisk nodded humanely and swam quickly to the entrance of the pipe.

"Hiss--(I will inform you after the cleaning is completed, beautiful lady)"

Hermione was startled, hearing a basilisk praising her beauty, this feeling was really amazing...

When the huge figure of the basilisk disappeared, the girl's lips raised slightly - how could the basilisk say such a thing? Someone must have told it...

She looked towards the direction of the Forbidden Forest - the threat within Hogwarts Castle had basically been eliminated, and now only the outside world remained...


When riots broke out in Hogsmeade and Hogwarts at the same time, Sean, who had planted a large number of shadow bugs throughout Hogwarts, did not use any trajectory flicker. He had only one goal, to protect the forbidden area. Forest.

If you can't catch the opponent at this time, then it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky to catch the little mouse that comes over.

He believed that Hermione, Daisy, and Stephanie would all do well, and the professors would never let him down.

Sean's keen sense of magic used Gryffindor's expanded authority to scan every corner of the Forbidden Forest over and over again, never letting go of any unfamiliar magic that suddenly appeared.

There was a sudden loud noise in Hogwarts Castle, as if the battle suddenly escalated. Sean pursed his lips, knowing that the wizards ambushing on their side should have started to take action.

However, there is still no trace of mice here.

Not choosing the Forbidden Forest? Or did you know that I was guarding the Forbidden Forest, so you just bypassed me?

Thoughts popped up in his mind, but they did not interfere with Sean's perception of magic.

Suddenly, Sean's eyes sharpened, and the distracting thoughts in his mind were instantly thrown away, and he disappeared directly from where he was.

After the trajectory flickered, he appeared at the edge of the Forbidden Forest in the southwest, and then sped away in one direction - strange magic suddenly appeared nearby!

Although it was only a moment, Sean still captured the change at that moment.

"The other party is very smart. As soon as he appeared, he sensed that this place had become a magic-free environment. He immediately covered all his magic fluctuations and headed in a direction that was not covered by the magic-free environment... He is a veteran and reacts quickly. …”

While judging the other party's information, Sean speeded up again.

After waiting for so long, he would not let the mouse that came through escape into a larger rice vat.

Sean had no cover, and the black mist brought by the flying spell almost covered half of the night sky. His falcon-like eyes scanned the ground sharply, and at the same time activated all the intimidating abilities.

This is already the edge of the Forbidden Forest Mountains. After crossing another barrier, you will go directly out of the scope of the Hogwarts magical grounds.

Except for the initial fluctuation of magic power, the edge of the rarely visited Forbidden Forest seemed to be no different from the past.

Sean flew in the sky and glanced around, then raised a cold smile.

Catching mice? No, he prefers coverage.

"Moran, give me strength..." I muttered silently in my heart, and then, huge magic power exploded in the night sky!

"The earth shook!"

This advanced version of the house collapse and ground sinking curse is a real ancient curse. As long as the magic output does not stop, it will continue to burst out with huge power.

And under Sean's spell, this forbidden forest immediately began to shake!

The effect was comparable to that of a major earthquake, causing trees to collapse and soil to sink, and the entire land seemed to have been completely turned over.

But Sean was not satisfied and waved his wand again.

"The flames are burning!"

The dazzling fiery red turned into a violent phoenix, directly igniting the world that had just shaken.

Everything was burning fiercely, and the magical animals in the forbidden forest not far away all shrank in fear. It seemed that if they were not careful, the fierce mountain fire in the distance would spread to them.

And under the double blessing of the two magic spells, something strange finally appeared.

A dark shadow flashed past. In the magic-free environment, the magic that did not belong to Sean was so dazzling, like a drop of ink on a pure white canvas.

There was a trace of madness on Sean's lips.

"Avada Kedavra! (Avada Kedavra)"

Test? Confrontation? Showing off at a glance?

That's what the weak think!

Defeating the strong with the weak is certainly commendable, but if the strong one is himself, Sean will crush the opponent with absolute power!

After blasting the rat out of the ground, Sean didn't even think about who the other party was and how he was going to deal with it.

Let's kill all these rats in the gutter first. Haierpo has not come to this world. How dare you confront me, Sean Wallop?

The dazzling and thick green light fell down like the laser cannon of a starship in science fiction, washing the already riddled ground again.

At this time, the mice, knowing that they could no longer hide, finally began to resist.

"One, two, three..." Sean glanced and saw a total of twenty-one black figures.

He waved his wand, and the dark blue flames spread out in a huge circular cover. Half of the sphere sank into the ground, completely covering the entire area from top to bottom.

No one can take a step here without my permission!

At the same time, several isolated spells struck Sean, and he slapped them away as easily as if they were moths flying towards the flames.

Moreover, Sean's death curse didn't even have any stagnation!

With the huge magic power of Obscurus as the source, the negative emotions stored in Pride as nourishment, and the special effects that are one level beyond all other spells as a basis of support, Sean's Death Curse is the firepower coverage in the wizarding world.

For a moment, the frightening dark green light almost overwhelmed the magic flames, and dark blue and dark green occupied the night sky together.

In just a short moment, more than half of the twenty-one returnees had fallen, leaving only six people who were still resisting.

Sean fell calmly, without any pause in the spell.

He saw a painful face that was struggling to resist, and then he showed a stern smile.

"Hey, isn't this an old acquaintance, the invincible Andros?"

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