I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 752 Wallop, you are the devil!

On the ravaged earth, a tall floating figure was avoiding the dark green deadly light in embarrassment.

The originally pearl-white torso was stained by too much magic power or by other magic spells. It was black, white, and red, like an old paint can that had been overturned, and was in a state of disarray.

And he is the half-ghost who escaped from Sean once, and one of the leaders of the returnees' activities in the real world, Andros.

The ancient Greek wizard who appeared in the Chocolate Frog cartoon is quite famous. As a being who can cast spells without a wand to summon the patron saint spell, he also "won" the only known wizard in history who can summon a patron saint the size of a giant. , also known as "The Invincible Andros."

Of course, his record has been replaced by Daisy Potter, who is currently studying at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and has just entered the fifth grade. She has a great personality and a great figure. The latter has a talent for the Patronus Charm. The first in the world - the kind certified by Grindelwald.

"Hey - Mr. Andros, long time no see, do you miss me, friend?" Sean said with a smile.

If it weren't for the fact that the life-killing curse in his hand didn't stop for a moment, it really felt like saying hello to an old friend.

Andros, known as the "Invincible", is now miserable, filled with regret and bitterness.

After all the preparations, why was this bastard still found? !

In the Returner's original plan, this raid was perfect - Sean Wallop should have been entangled, and Hogwarts would not have any defense.

However, the magic props made by Lord Haierbo himself did not work as they should? !

This is something Andros never thought of. In his inherent concept, Lord Haierbo is omnipotent, but he has been restricted before.

Nowadays, His power is getting stronger and stronger, and at a considerable price, He has not trapped this little wizard who has not graduated from school?

The most important part of this plan ran into a situation they had not expected from the very beginning.

Considering himself to be Lord Herbo's trusted and capable general, Andros felt that when he discovered something was wrong, he had made the most correct choice possible.

However, the situation in other places is unclear. I am afraid that my group of people really cannot escape...

Fortunately, I still have a chance to do it again...

Although he had the idea of ​​giving up, Andros was still avoiding Sean's attacks, and he still held on to the last glimmer of hope in his heart.

Moreover, as long as you delay it long enough, you can give the returnees who attack elsewhere more opportunities to correct themselves.

From this aspect, Andros can probably be regarded as a qualified general.

However, the glimmer of hope in his heart was ruthlessly crushed by Sean.

"Lord Andros..." The desperate voice stopped suddenly, and Andros saw the last subordinate beside him turn into a ruined black mist and disappear from this world forever.

The corner of the ancient Greek wizard's eye twitched slightly. Even though he had a way out, the horror was still difficult to suppress.

Complete death...

The returnees are inherently afraid of death, and that guy named Sean Wallop somehow improved the Avada Kedavra. Those hit will be completely annihilated, without even a chance to enter the underworld. .

After Andros escaped last time, he only told Lord Herbo about this matter, but the latter did not give a solution. Neither did Sean Wallop's ability to completely annihilate the existence of the half-ghost. be revealed.

Andros knew why...because Lord Herbo would also have doubts.

The loyalty of the returnees is extremely strong. Some of them are directly controlled by Lord Herbo, while others are addicted to the world described by Herbo, including Andros himself.

Even Andros, who had lost his respiratory organs, would tremble with excitement when he thought of what Herbo had promised him.

However, all the fruits of victory can only be enjoyed by those who survive.

The reason why many returnees are so loyal is that they know that even if they are eliminated in some way, Lord Haierbo will be able to go to the underworld to save themselves in the future, which is almost equivalent to immortality.

However, what if they knew that even Lord Haierbo could not go to the underworld to find a soul that was completely annihilated in this world?

Under the suppression of Master Haierbo, Andros believed that this incident would not cause too much trouble, but whether the returnees would still be so desperate would be a big question mark...

Fortunately, I have a way out...

Seeing the handsome man slowly floating down from the sky, Andros felt bitter in his heart, but he was not too afraid.


He turned around and looked around.

If the whole army is wiped out... it may be unrealistic for him to escape.

Phew...Andros took a deep breath, even though he had long forgotten how to breathe over the long years.

"Oh, Wallop..." Andros raised his head proudly, maintaining his reputation as "The Great Andros".

He won't give in to a little kid.

Sean finally stopped using his life-killing spells to cleanse the ground. Under the bombardment of the powerful spells, even he, who possessed the Obscurus, was slightly out of breath - these guys are indeed the elite among the returnees. After spending so much energy on my own, I almost solved it...

If Andros could hear Sean's voice, he would probably be so angry that he would resurrect and vomit three liters of blood. You eliminated a team of famous wizards in history without any damage, and that's just what you thought?

Sean stretched, not worried that Andros would escape from under his nose.

If he was the only one left and was run away, Sean felt that he might as well commit suicide instead of waiting for the big situation of Haierbo to come.

He has absolute caution and absolute confidence.

"Mr. Andros, your attitude - tsk, isn't it impolite?" Sean played with the wand in his hand casually, with a careless smile on his lips.

Andros snorted coldly: "Wallop, do you think this is interesting? It's a boring trick for children to express themselves, it's boring."

Sean snorted: "Nonsense, I'm just showing off - if you find it boring, you can interrupt me."

Andros was furious for a while, but he knew clearly that he was no match for the boy in front of him, so he could only stare at him grimly, hoping that the other party would give him a happy ending.

But obviously, Sean had no such idea.

He stepped lightly on the blasted black soil, walked around Andros, and asked curiously: "Mr. Andros, not only are you not ready to escape, but have you even given up resistance?"

"Stop talking nonsense, filthy Mudblood." Andros tried to anger Sean.

What surprised him a little was that this young man, who was very wealthy, actually showed a displeased expression.

"It's really not polite at all. This needs to be punished-" Sean waved his wand indifferently.

Andros immediately stiffened, and then he found that his left hand suddenly lost any feeling, as if it had been completely severed. As a half-ghost, it was difficult for him to describe when a ghost lost part of its limbs. feeling, but he did know that his left hand was no longer under control.

The pearly white arms slowly turned gray-black, as if they were parasitized by some weird fungus.

Andros's pale pupils shrank, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

Sean narrowed his eyes, satisfied with the effect of his spell.

This is his own improved curse, and the prototype of the curse is the legacy left by Voldemort - the void gaze.

In terms of soul research, Sean may not be as good as Voldemort, the soul master, but he has a experimental environment that others will never have - a lot of petrified living people, half-ghosts, magical animals, etc. in the ring.

He has no psychological burden on this kind of thing.

"Mr. Andros..." Sean sneered, "If you do something wrong, you should be punished. If you say something wrong, you should apologize to the victim. Do you think I am right?"

Although Andros was a little uneasy, he had the experience of escaping from Sean last time, so he was not too worried - the way I escaped was to die again, so it doesn't matter if you kill me, let alone Said, that's what I want.

"Wallup, the magic spell you used may have been left behind by me. You are enjoying the crystallization of your predecessors, but you have an expression that takes it for granted..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened.

Is this...is this pain?

He turned his head and looked at his blackened left hand in disbelief. He obviously couldn't feel its existence anymore. He was obviously a ghost, but why? ! Why? !

Why did Wallop feel pain that he hadn't felt in more than a thousand years when he struck the blackened left hand hard with his wand? !

"This is impossible..." Andros murmured absently, subconsciously trying to break away.

However, he was shocked to find that his left hand was completely fixed in mid-air, and his whole body seemed to be handcuffed in place by his left hand, unable to break free.

Andros is not a timid person, but even if he wants to give up his left hand, there is absolutely no way - how can the half-ghost body be harmed? It’s not okay to hurt yourself!

Sean finally showed a satisfied smile, the spell was successful, another improved spell, ha.

"You, what did you do to me!" Andros turned his head and roared.

Sean smiled: "Ha, there are many people who can preach to me, but you are definitely not included - by the way, isn't Mr. Andros ready to apologize?"

"You damn bastard -" Andros became more and more angry because of panic. Even though the wand was taken away by Sean, he still cast a magic spell at Sean without a wand.

"Huh--" Sean blew gently, blowing away the oncoming spell.

In a demon-free environment, he who can continuously replenish magic power is the god of this place - even if he has been attacking before, Andros has not had much magic power in his body for a long time.

"You! You!" Andros's eyes were wide open. Now, his bad premonition was getting stronger and stronger.

Sean sighed: "Actually, you should thank me. After being a ghost for so long, you haven't had your five senses for a long time, right? For example...this..."

A piece of gravel floated, the stone fragments peeled off, and it turned into a three-edged thorn.

Under Sean's control, the triangular stone thorn slowly but resolutely penetrated into the black arm.

Andros trembled violently - the pain was extremely severe!

The feeling he had long forgotten now reminded him in a violent manner - the pain returned.

"How is it possible! How is it possible!" [Invincible Andros] shouted hysterically like a child who was afraid of pain.

As a famous wizard in ancient Greece, his reputation is even greater than [Despicable Herbo], but why did he choose to become the other party's lackey?

Fear... He is afraid of everything he will encounter as a wizard. He is afraid of death that everyone cannot escape.

When he was recruited by Haierbo and heard about those great, exciting, and coveted plans, he was naturally moved.

Why are you not moved? That's a god! Andros roared in his heart at that time.

Only by becoming a god can you escape death and become a truly eternal part of this world!

He had always taken it for granted that he was not far away from that day.

However, this pain that had been forgotten for thousands of years pulled him back from the clouds to the identity that he wanted to get rid of and even despised.

Wizards who will be injured, suffer pain, and die...

This is almost unacceptable to Andros.

However, in response to his heart-rending roar, Sean, the instigator, showed a satisfied smile.

"It seems to be quite successful - do you miss it? Mr. Andros?"

"you you……"

The triangular stone thorn penetrated a few points again.

Andros trembled violently, and his pearl-white body even seemed to be a little sluggish because of this.

Sean grabbed the stone thorn, and then started cutting back and forth - even though no blood flowed out, Andros felt like he was about to faint from the pain.

"You are a devil..." His voice was trembling.

Sean smiled indifferently: "Thank you for your compliment - but I didn't expect that your resistance to pain is so weak?"

"you you……"

Sean licked his lips: "I'm even more excited..."

"Give me a good time! You filthy bastard deserves to be thrown into hell! You don't deserve to die!"

"Look, I said the wrong thing again -" Sean shrugged his shoulders and gently increased his intensity.

Andros's miserable howls sounded intermittently in the night sky. When he was about to faint several times, he was stopped by the kind Mr. Wallop.

"You are a ghost, how can you be unconscious?" Sean said seriously.

He fumbled in his robe, then took out a card with a bright smile: "Look, this is your chocolate frog picture. I have collected it for a long time - you said...if I made a picture of you, would it be better?" Is it worth collecting?"


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