I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 753 Voldemort! you again? !

Tormented by severe pain, Andros's heart rang with alarm bells, and he no longer felt that he could retreat safely.

The handsome young man in front of him, with the elegant and gentle smile on his face, looked like a devil in his eyes.

Anyone who has dealt with this kid will know that he can do anything to the enemy!

Of course, that also includes making yourself into a card!

Andros endured the severe pain. He just wanted to die quickly and then return to the dreamy world - God knows that he missed the beautiful and vivid world in that place full of magma ruins, and this nostalgia came back immediately. Turned into a blurry fantasy.

"Dirty..." he yelled, trying to completely anger Sean.

Sean frowned in displeasure and waved his wand again.

Andros's head was frozen in place, including his unclean mouth, and the ancient Greek wizard's ghostly body was quickly stained with a layer of gray-black.

He was speechless this time.

Sean looked it over, then raised a hand high in the air.

Andros subconsciously wanted to close his eyes, but his face was completely petrified, and he could barely move his gray-black eyes, and he could only see the gradually enlarging shadow in his peripheral vision.

When he was alive, he was a very famous wizard in ancient Greece and was respected by everyone. After his death, he was also a capable person under Hai Erbo. While others were at the bottom of the mountain, he had never been down since he was at the top. How could he have suffered such humiliation?

Andrews was so angry that the other pearl-white bodies that had not yet been petrified flickered on and off, like a small light bulb that was angry.

However, there was no pain on his face, and the shadow did not continue to enlarge.

Moreover, he found that his face could actually move?

Andros naturally turned his eyes to see what was going on.

"Pa—" The loud slap came down, knocking him unconscious and at a loss.

Immediately afterwards, a huge sense of pain and shame came up.

Sean smiled and said in his ear: "I think it's better for you to vent about this kind of thing - do you have any thoughts?"


However, before he could finish speaking, that stiff feeling came over again, abruptly interrupting his anger.

Sean smacked his lips: "Forget it, I don't like being scolded - why don't you thank me? I'm trying to save your dignity."

The spell was interrupted, his speech was interrupted, everything was interrupted. Andros felt a huge rage in his heart, and he wanted to devour the demon in front of him alive.

"Pa—" Another loud slap in the face.

Sean didn't even hit it with his own hands, but covered it with a layer of magic power. Of course, the effect was better.

He pursed his lips: "I see your eyes scolding me - forget it, let me hear what you are going to say?"

The petrification was untied again, and Andros yelled: "You——"

He was frozen again.

Sean shrugged his shoulders: "I had a hunch that you must be scolding me harshly. It's almost the 21st century. We need to be civilized and be polite people."

Andros was going crazy. The feeling of being "interrupted from casting" was even more intense than the burning sting on his face and the sharp pain on his arm.

"Pa-Okay, don't scold me, I'll let you talk."


"No, your mouth shape is wrong. The school rules of Hogwarts do not allow such vulgar words."

"Why don't you listen to my advice?"

"Did you just want to spit on me? Oh, ghosts can't spit. Sorry, I forgot."

"Well...there is no reason this time. I just want to slap you. How about I apologize to you?"

The back and forth of petrification and lifting made Andros almost go crazy. His heart was completely filled with humiliation and anger, and what he didn't want to admit was that he was really scared.

He really began to worry about whether the life-saving means given to him by Lord Haierbo could still have the desired effect.

More importantly, with the other party's methods, would he really give himself a happy death?

As if he had read through Andros's mind, Sean lowered his head, the expression on his face had become cold and cruel: "Mr. Andros, we still have more time - I know, Haierbo left something Give it to you, right? However, as an excellent wizard, I know many ways to torture people without causing death. Ha, today is just a small appetizer, you have to get used to it."

Andros was trembling, Sean nodded with satisfaction, and then untied his petrification: "This time, do you know how to be polite?"

"I..." Seeing Sean's hand raised high, Andros lowered his voice subconsciously, "I, I have nothing..."

Sean's expression turned cruel again: "Sure enough, the 'appetizer' can't satisfy your appetite for 'delicious food' that you haven't tasted for a long time——"

He took out his wand again and wanted to petrify Andros.

The foreseeable humiliation and torture made Andros close his eyes in despair.

However, the moment Sean raised his wand, suddenly, the soil next to him broke open, and a magic spell suddenly struck right in front of him!

Sean reacted very quickly. The soul petrification spell that had been cast in the middle was abruptly interrupted, and he cast a defensive spell instead.

The transparent barrier blocked the incoming magical light.

However, the moment the magic spell came into contact with the barrier, it dissolved like butter on a hot pot. The melted magic trapped Sean directly inside, forming a red translucent bubble.

Sean's eyes flashed, and he immediately waved his wand to cast his powerful spell.

And where the spell was cast just now, a man without nostrils emerged from the soil.

Andros, who was originally desperate, was shocked. Of course he knew that person!

"Voldemort..." Sean's expression gradually became serious.

Voldemort grinned with an excited smile and licked his lips: "Long time no see..."

Sean frowned tightly, and then began to attack the translucent red bubble surrounding himself without saying a word.

Voldemort didn't say much. He came to Andros, who was petrified on the spot, and smiled coldly: "Mr. Andros..."

In Andros' uncomprehensible eyes, Voldemort waved his wand, and a pearly-white blade spurted out from the tip of his wand, and then slashed hard at Andros' gray-black arm that was fixed in place.

Unbearable pain came, and Andros suddenly widened his eyes - this was the severe pain of his soul being divided, which was almost difficult to describe in words.

With a tragic scream, his pearl-white figure fell to his knees in the air, and the color became darker.

"Voldemort..." Sean's eyes were extremely cold.

Voldemort looked back at Sean, who was still frantically breaking the barrier, and raised the corner of his mouth with some mockery: "Wallup, your method of playing with the soul was stolen from me... Oh, this barrier, even if it is Green DeVoe is locked in with Dumbledore, and it will take at least five minutes to break, so I suggest you not to waste your efforts."

After saying that, he turned into black mist, then used his wand to spray out some silver smoke, wrapping Andros, who was in pain and unable to move, in it, and flew into the distance at high speed.


Voldemort turned a deaf ear to Sean's roar behind him and just flew away into the distance with all his heart.

He took Andros and flew out for an unknown distance, constantly changing directions in circles, and Andros finally felt somewhat relieved from the severe pain of his soul being divided.

Looking at himself wrapped in silver mist, he looked at Voldemort in disbelief: "Aren't you dead?"

Voldemort snorted coldly: "Wallup stole all his spiritual attainments from me. Will I die easily?"

Andros looked behind him. He could no longer see the direction in which he came. He subconsciously said: "Then why did you..."

"Idiot!" Voldemort cursed unceremoniously, "My current strength is not one-fifth of what it was in its heyday. To be able to trap him is to take advantage of a sneak attack. Even if he hadn't wanted to torture you , I won’t even have a chance to make a sneak attack!”

As he spoke, he gritted his teeth bitterly: "Don't run? Do you know Sean Wallop's current strength? When the barrier is broken, none of us can run away! And..."

"And what?" Andros had been tortured by Sean for a long time. His thoughts were already in confusion. At this moment, he was affected by the severe pain and almost lost the ability to think.

Voldemort frowned in disgust: "Grindelwald! There is a Grindelwald more terrifying than Sean Wallop! Now the entire wizarding world is controlled by Grindelwald, and we will be discovered sooner or later!"

While talking, the two came to the top of an unknown mountain range. Voldemort explored for a while and then found a big tree and landed on the canopy.

Andros was thrown down, and Voldemort's eyes widened: "I want to see Lord Herbo."

"Lord Haierpo..." Andros covered his shoulder where he lost his left hand, with a look of fear on his face. "This action was planned by Wallop. Lord Haierpo will punish me..."

Voldemort spat: "If I hadn't risked my life to save you, it's unclear whether you would even be able to see Lord Herbo!"

"Why, why do you want to see Master Haierbo? You also know that the trance is the world of the dead." Andros's mind is not very clear yet.

"Idiot, of course I have a way!" Voldemort's chest fluctuated violently, "My soul is not complete enough, I want Master Haierpo to help me repair it!"

Andrews glanced up, showing a look of understanding - he didn't know how Voldemort died before, but now he appears as a living person. He must have used a Horcrux to resurrect a certain residual soul, and the soul was divided. He had just tried the pain, and he didn't blame the other party for wanting to restore his complete soul.

Only Lord Haierbo can do this.


He showed a dejected look: "My coming here this time is related to Lord Haierbo's plan..."

Voldemort became increasingly impatient, but finally endured his violent temper and asked, "What's the plan? I'll help you, just as a gift to him."

Plan...Andros was a little hesitant. Only the absolutely loyal leader of the Returners could know the specific plan, and Voldemort was not considered a core member of the Returners...

Before he could think more, Voldemort urged again impatiently: "Hurry! Once Wallop breaks free and joins forces with Grindelwald, I won't be able to hide for long! Don't forget, Grindelwald is a prophet, he wants to Finding me is easy!"

Andros hesitated for a while, and after being urged by Voldemort, he finally made up his mind and made a decision.

If he just goes back empty-handed, he will definitely be severely punished by Master Haierbo. Although Voldemort is not core enough, he wants Master Haierbo to not lie. The two are indeed from the same camp.

Putting aside the turmoil caused by torture and pain, he organized his thoughts and said: "Our attack on this world is to help Lord Haierbo retrieve two things. This is related to his return to the world -"

Voldemort moved closer.

Andros continued: "There is something inside Hogwarts. It is a golden cup, related to Hufflepuff. Lord Herbo told me that if I see that thing, I will understand..."

Voldemort nodded for him to continue.

As he slowly sorted out his thoughts, Andros's mind became much clearer, and his speech speed also increased a bit: "The other thing is the thing that matches the golden cup of Hufflepuff. Lord Herbo said that only now That thing will appear at this moment... However, the other returnees are responsible for that thing, and I am responsible for the golden cup. They should be able to get it..."

Voldemort sneered: "Get it? Idiot, think about it with your insubstantial brain. Wallop can predict your attack plan, so might Grindelwald not know about it? What will happen to the other group of returnees? It will only be worse than you!"

Although the words were unpleasant, Andros also fell into silence.

Yes, what Voldemort said is indeed right...

"Hurry up, we have to buy time!" Voldemort urged again, not giving him time to think.

Andros sighed: "The other thing is the lake of Avalon. We only take the first handful of clear water we encounter and mix it with the blood of the guardian's heart on the spot."

"Avalon?" Voldemort frowned.

Andros nodded: "That is the door to the trance in this world, but the door has long been blocked. In fact, it is very close to the trance. However, we can only get there by 'smuggling' To the present world, and then to Avalon to get our stuff.”

"How to get there?"

Andros was a little confused: "Glass Island, haven't you been there before? You provided the boat..."

As he spoke, he suddenly paused on the spot, and then looked at Voldemort with horrified and disbelieving eyes.

Voldemort's originally violent and ugly face suddenly became peaceful, and even showed a helpless smile.

"I knew that it would be easy for loopholes to appear due to lack of information, but it still makes you sober up. Tsk, it's really troublesome..."

"You! Wallop!" Andros didn't even run away, his eyes were already shrouded in despair.

"Voldemort" chuckled, and after a while of distortion, the ugly face without nostrils turned into Sean's face!


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