I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 757 Are you also the King of the Sea?

"How about it?"

As soon as Sean stepped out of the ring, Hermione stepped forward and asked.

"The mouth is much harder than I thought, and it's a bit strange..." Sean frowned and said.

Today is already the third day after Hogwarts was attacked. Most of the ruins have been repaired, and all the wounded are out of danger.

After asking for some information from [Arrogance] that day, Grindelwald went back with the fifteenth-century witch that Stephanie had captured. He seemed to want to use it to study something.

And their goal is now very clear, to prevent Haierbo from getting anything that can accelerate his own transformation into a god at all costs.

Hufflepuff's golden cup is in Sean's hands. Don't worry, the key lies in Avalon.

Grindelwald also didn't know the specific location of Avalon. He took a lot of magic books collected from all over the world and gave them to Stephanie, while he went back to deal with more things.

When the Returners attacked that day, Dumbledore also appeared among the enemy's ranks, but Grindelwald said that Dumbledore was in a slightly strange state...

So he needed to study the specific situation of the one-eyed witch and see if he could make some effective response when he saw Dumbledore next time.

The task of exploring the location of Avalon naturally stayed at Hogwarts. Stephanie has been immersed in the magic books given to her by Grindelwald for the past two days, while Sean returned to his old profession—— interrogation.

However, the progress of the interrogation is not very optimistic.

Seeing Sean's frown, Hermione couldn't help but frown: "We all expect things if we can't ask, is it strange? What's so strange?"

Sean pulled up a stool and sat down, with a slightly hesitant expression: "The methods I used were relatively ruthless, but those prisoners, whether they were half-ghosts or living dead, basically didn't reveal any useful information. However, There are already a few guys who can’t stand it, which means that it’s only a matter of time before they ask for information, it just depends.”

Hermione wondered: "Isn't this a good thing?"

Sean rested his chin on his arm, and his tone was still suspicious: "It's a good thing... but something's not right... You think, Haierbo sent people to attack, although in their plan we should have failed in this attack. The losing side, they are the dominant and victorious side. But after all, we have a numerical advantage, and when we react, we will drive away the attackers sooner or later."

Hermione nodded and said, "That's the truth. One attack cannot solve the entire wizarding world. Their main goal is to disrupt our position and get what Haierbo needs."

Sean continued: "That's the truth. However, no matter what the early battle situation is, the loss of personnel on both sides, the exchange of prisoners, etc. are inevitable. We will definitely be able to capture a few returnees here - Haierbo cannot consider it. Less than this, but of all the returnees captured alive this time, not a single one has been restricted.”

"Restrictions?" Hermione asked thoughtfully, "You mean, there is no magic used to restrict returnees from telling secrets?"

Sean nodded: "None of them... I don't doubt these guys' loyalty to Haierbo, but loyalty can't be eaten, otherwise there won't be people who can't stand it. It's impossible for Haierbo not to consider this. Oh, it’s only been three days, and there are already several returnees who can’t stand the torture and are showing signs of speaking..."

The two of them fell into deep thought. Such a huge neglect could not be Haierbo's negligence. There must be some kind of trap or he was trying to hide something.

Hermione hesitated for a long time and said, "Then our previous inference was wrong?"

Sean shook his head: "No, it's correct. On the one hand, [Arrogance] has already confirmed it. On the other hand, this is the process of becoming a god that we have speculated. But without the teacher's discoveries, we would not be able to speculate. We are here. However, even if we cannot come up with this conjecture, our goal is still Avalon, but there may be a slight change in determination..."

"There might be a trap set by Helbo in Avalon?"

"No, there may be very troublesome enemies in Avalon that need to be dealt with, but those are the enemies that the returnees also need to deal with - Haierbo has not truly become a god. If he can make so many arrangements, he does not need to fight with us. Do you want to take off your pants and fart while playing this kind of house game?”

Another point that Sean didn't say was that his blood pact and the strange substance that wrapped the blood pact appeared before the attack. If he didn't have Merlin's ashes to deal with it, he would definitely be in big trouble now.

This attack was not a smoke bomb by Haierbo, but an operation determined to win. He didn't look down on Sean, but he still didn't think that Sean had other methods.

Haierbo benefited from his long existence and the authority of the gods, while Sean benefited from the system that no one knew about and the magical props it produced. There was an information gap between the two sides, and neither one knew what other methods the other side was hiding.

While Sean and Hermione were brainstorming, the wooden door of the Room of Requirement was pushed open and Daisy walked in.

As soon as the little white flower came in, she looked at Hermione and Sean expectantly, but after seeing their slightly solemn expressions, she could only sigh in frustration.

"No gain?"

Sean explained the situation and then asked Daisy: "How is the situation in the castle?"

"The little girl you mentioned last time, I took her around several times. The effect of the patron saint on soothing people is really good. At first, everyone was in a heavy mood and all kinds of emotions came out, but now it's much better." Daisy said.

Sean nodded: "That's good."

"We're okay. Sean, the things you did at the beginning of the school year really helped a lot. The younger students who are more prone to panic will feel confident now -" Daisy smiled, "They all feel that they I can contribute to the battle, and I admire Professor Wallop so much."

Sean smiled bitterly: "The pressure is so great that I can't even sit still while eating."

Daisy stuck out her tongue: "Everyone needs you to boost morale."

"It's a good thing to boost morale, but there are still a lot of troubles now - did you go see Stephanie before coming to the Room of Requirement?" Hermione asked.

Stephanie moved directly into the library. She asked Sean to open a small room for her, and read like crazy while holding a lot of materials that Grindelwald brought over. Her talent for reading Magus was brought into full play.

Daisy nodded, with worry in her tone: "I went to bring her food, but I'm a little worried about her. Stephanie's face is so pale."

Sean was also a little distressed, but he knew that even if he spoke, Stephanie would not stop.

Thinking of this, he stood up again: "I'm going to fight those tough-talking guys again. I really can't do anything harsh."


Half an hour later, when Sean came out of the ring again, Hermione and Daisy had not left yet.


Sean said with a smile: "Dig out a little bit, Avalon and Glass Island are the same location, but Avalon is more of a concept, and Glass Island is the real place name."

"Glass Island..." Daisy and Hermione both thought seriously after hearing this.

But this place name obviously does not exist in reality. Several people used wizard maps and Muggle maps to study it for a long time but could not find the specific location.

Sean rubbed his head and lifted up from the map: "No, there is still too little information."

Hermione was also looking around and her eyes were dizzy: "There are a lot of places that Ruo Youruo can't contact. We don't even know the specific location of the glass island. It would take too long to check one by one."

Sean also agreed: "You can't forcefully search for it. Wait a minute. I'll go to a few other guys and pry their mouths. Stephanie, Grindelwald has brought so much information, she should be able to find something." Here comes the clue.”

While the two were talking, Daisy, who was so excited when looking at the map, sat down and stared at the ceiling to rest.

Listening to what the two of them said, the little white flower suddenly tilted her head: "Sean, Hermione."

"Huh?" Both of them turned their heads.

Xiao Baihua said: "You all think it's strange, right? But we can only wait for the information slowly?"

Sean and Hermione nodded. This was the conclusion they came to. They didn't know why Daisy said it again.

Xiao Baihua puffed out her cheeks and rubbed her butt on the map: "I always feel a sense of déjà vu..."

"Déjà vu?"

Xiao Baihua nodded: "But I can't remember what it is..."

Hermione said thoughtfully: "Do you have a sense of déjà vu? Christmas had just ended before the attack. We came from London. What did we do before?"

What did she do... Daisy blushed and subconsciously glanced at Sean. Fortunately, she held back, otherwise Hermione would be suspicious.

She shook her head: "It's not about Christmas, let me think about it..."

She did feel a sense of déjà vu, not the specific situation, but a similar... um, operation?


Daisy suddenly thought of a book she had read before.

"Thirty Things to Seduce a Wizard"

It's a shameful book. It talks about a lot of things, including scheming magic spells to make yourself look good, ways to communicate with wizards, and some examples of specific scenarios.

Of course, Daisy watched it secretly alone. On the one hand, she was embarrassed, and on the other hand, she felt that some of the contents contained in it were particularly scheming.

For example, when boys have minor conflicts with other girls, show off your understanding and understanding...

Daisy always feels that this is not about teaching herself how to fall in love, but about teaching herself how to poach other people's boyfriends, or how to raise a lot of spare tires to give herself money...

"Sense of déjà vu..." Xiao Baihua whispered to herself, and suddenly remembered why she had this sense of déjà vu.

There is a chapter in that book about how to keep boys interested, and there is something similar in it!

Daisy stood up. She glanced at Sean and Daisy, who looked confused, and then said after thinking about it in her mind: "Do you feel that the returned captives are hanging us?"

"Hang us?" Sean raised his head thoughtfully.

Xiao Baihua nodded: "Yes, most of the returnees are very tough-mouthed and refuse to reveal anything. But under Sean's methods, there are always some people who can't help it, but they won't do it all at once. Give very clear and specific information - think about it, it took three days to get the piece of information just now."

Hermione also started to think about it, but she was very good at logical deductions, but she couldn't figure it out at all: "Isn't this normal? Although Sean said it was strange, in reality it was nothing. Question, if you want to interrogate the information, you need to pry open the other party’s mouth bit by bit.”

Daisy shook her head: "It's very strange considering the whole thing. That's why Sean subconsciously felt something was wrong - Hey, think about it, what is the next action?"

"Of course we will continue to wait for news and interrogate those who have returned." Hermione said with a frown.

"No, what I mean is - mentality." Xiao Baihua blinked, "The returnees are releasing information bit by bit, but because it fits the current situation, we don't notice it. So, we can That’s all there is, and because of those guys who are about to talk, we’re always looking forward to the next brand-new news.”

Hearing Daisy say this, Sean suddenly understood.

Daisy continued: "We are waiting for the other party to give us enough information. Isn't this just giving us a little hope but not giving it completely - is it hanging on to us?"

"Damn, isn't this a common method used by Neptune?" Sean couldn't help but complain.

"Neptune?" Hermione and Daisy both looked over.

"Just talking -" Sean waved his hand, but this time he also reacted.

The reason why I always feel something is wrong is because the returnees are hanging on me, using their vague hope to 'attract' Sean and keep interrogating them.

In a relationship, this is a way to keep a spare tire, but the returnee obviously has no interest in falling in love with Sean, so there is only one purpose.

"The returnees are stalling for time..." Sean stood up.

"Delaying time?" Hermione was stunned for a moment before reacting, and then her brain started to spin rapidly. "What is the purpose of delaying time? Are there other infiltrators that we haven't discovered? Or will Avalon become more powerful as time goes on? Change automatically?”

Daisy blinked: "It's possible that once Avalon changes, we can quickly detect it - but if we are not there, we will not be able to respond in time."

"Perceived -" Sean narrowed his eyes, "That means that Avalon is very close to us. It is so close that even we in Hogwarts can detect it after the change."

Hermione became anxious: "But, we still don't know the specific location of Avalon?"

"Just near us -" a cold voice sounded, and Stephanie with a haggard face appeared at the door at some point.

She walked over quickly and unfolded the map: "Here - I didn't find any specific information, but according to what you just said, there is only here - the surrounding clear and transparent waters, so it is called the Glass Island. This is an ancient A message left by a wizard in England.”

Several people looked over.

There is a name on the map, that is Glastonbury, located in southwest England.

Stephanie added: "In ancient Celtic language, it is also called Ynis Witrin, which means Glass Island - it is rumored that ancient Celtic language was also one of the branches of ancient runes." (End of chapter)

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