"This is where we're going, Glastonbury, right?"

Faced with Hermione's question, Sean shook his head: "No, it's where I want to go."

"Another person, another person..." Hermione was spinning back and forth on the spot, her steps and expression both agitated.

She rarely behaves like this.

But everyone else understands why.

In the past, Sean had been involved in danger many times, and most of the time he was alone, even if there were many people willing to accompany him on the adventure.

These girls are the absolute best among their peers. Stephanie received an invitation from the Auror office right after she graduated, and Hermione received an invitation from Professor McGonagall when she first started her sixth grade year. Whether she has the intention to stay in school to teach after graduation, Daisy is born with huge magic power and has inherited the Potter family's fine tradition of outstanding practical ability.

To put it bluntly, these three girls form a team, and even the most elite Auror team may not be their opponent.

But even so, there is still a big gap between their strength and Sean's - Hermione and the others are striding towards the level of the most elite wizards, while on Sean's way forward, the only pioneers are Dumbledore and Grinder. Wo waited for a few people.

Sean is better at acting alone, and Hermione and others also understand that if they really encounter great danger, the best they can do with Sean is to protect themselves.

Therefore, in the past, when Sean wanted to go out to do something, even if he wanted to accompany him, Hermione and others would sensibly not follow him.

But this time is different, because of the conclusion that Sean and Grindelwald came to - from souls to living people! This is becoming a god!

Everyone is deliberately avoiding another thing, which is what Dumbledore wants Sean to do - he wants Sean to snatch Herbo's throne.

The combination of the two means a terrible fact. If Sean wants to snatch Haierbo's godhood, then he must go through the same thing as Haierbo, that is to say... Sean needs to become a soul. .

This means death.

But what if you can’t be resurrected after death? This is not a 100% success - no, it should be said that the probability of success is extremely small.

Even though it's not the final step yet, Hermione and others are already starting to feel worried.

Sean naturally knew what the girls were thinking. He smiled easily: "Please, have some faith in me. This is not the final stage. Haierbo is still in the trance..."

Daisy interrupted him. This usually considerate and pleasant girl had a rare stubbornness on her face: "That's what Haierbo wants. There must be huge danger, and it also involves becoming a god——"

Stephanie didn't say anything, she just stood up and started clearing the table, her attitude was obvious.

Sean scratched his head helplessly, wondering why these people suddenly became so determined.

He really felt that the process of searching for Avalon this time was not the final battle with Haierbo. It was just a key node. As for danger, he had long been used to it.

Without knowing the whole process, Sean certainly wouldn't rashly change into a soul state just for a guess and Dumbledore's instructions. He really hadn't lived enough.

Do girls really think differently from me in this regard?

Sean thought for a while and finally nodded: "Then let's go together."

He thought clearly. On the one hand, this operation was not the final battle. The danger may lie in Avalon itself. On the other hand, he had system props that could allow him to escape. If there was a real danger that could not be solved, he would The girls put their rings in and ran away.

After hearing Sean's agreement, several people showed a little excitement on their faces and immediately started to pack their things.

"The returnees are stalling for time. Maybe something is changing in Avalon now. Let's go directly."


"This is..." Hermione glanced around and asked curiously.

A group of people appeared on a barren grassland in the middle of a small square. The surrounding houses had gloomy fronts, looking like they were far away from anyone. Some houses had broken windows that gleamed dimly in the streetlights, paint was peeling off many doors, and a few had trash piled outside their front steps.

"Number 12 Grimmauld Place." Sean explained while rummaging through things.

Daisy exclaimed: "I think I heard Sirius say...but the house numbers here are only eleven and thirteen."

"Found it -" Sean took out a piece of tattered parchment with the words "The great Black family, living at No. 12 Grimmauld Place."

Sean lit the parchment with his wand, and the paper curled and burned, falling to the ground.

"Recall what you just said on the paper." Sean reminded.

Immediately afterwards, several people saw a shabby door appearing out of thin air between No. 11 and No. 13, and then dirty walls and gloomy windows also appeared. It looked like an extra house. It suddenly expanded and pushed things on both sides apart.

The stereo in No. 11 was still blaring dullly, and it was obvious that the Muggles living there didn't feel anything.

Both Hermione and Daisy were surprised, obviously having never seen such a way of hiding their residence - and indeed Sean was too.

This note was obtained from Grindelwald, because Sean wanted to meet someone - Regulus Black.

When Sean transformed into Voldemort to defraud information from Andros, the latter mentioned that Voldemort had been to Avalon once, and the ship to Avalon was provided by Voldemort.

Obviously, this so-called boat is a special magic prop.

Of course, Sean couldn't just find an ordinary boat and set off directly. As for the boat owned by Voldemort, Sean immediately thought of a location - the cave where Slytherin's pendant was hidden.

In the original book, Dumbledore took Harry to that cave. Of course, in the end, Dumbledore, who spent a lot of effort, only found a fake pendant, and the real pendant had long been "loyal" to Voldemort. His men quietly stole away.

This person is Sirius's younger brother, Regulus Black.

When Sean pretended to be Voldemort a few years ago, he had "beaten" Regulus. At that time, he knew that this bushy-browed boy had already been preparing to betray Voldemort, but he didn't know whether he would join Dumbledore or Grindelwald. .

The results now are quite obvious.

Sean stepped forward and rang the doorbell. The person who opened the door was a wrinkled house elf.

"The master asked Kreacher to ask you, who are you, and why is there a prevailing spell in this place..." Kreacher's voice was high-pitched, and he stared at Sean and others with hostile eyes.

"Oh, poor guy," Hermione said lovingly. It was obvious that her old habits were back.

However, Sean did not have time to come in as a guest at the moment. He looked at the inner room and said loudly: "Regulus, the saint is here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the air around Kreacher became distorted, and a black-haired man appeared on the spot.

Regulus is very similar to Sirius, but his temperament and appearance are much gentler than his brother's, without the aggressive and cynical aggression.

Daisy covered her mouth in surprise. She heard from her godfather that she had an unpopular brother, but she didn't expect that the two brothers were so similar.

"Who are you?" Regulus asked in surprise.

Sean was not in the mood to introduce himself to Regulus at the moment and talk about his experiences and thoughts over the past few years. He got straight to the point: "Did Voldemort ever tell you about a place, a cave that hides an underground lake?"

Regulus's eyes widened, while Kreacher's wrinkled body shrank together as if recalling some painful experience.

"No, you..." Regulus obviously hadn't reacted yet.

Sean shook his head, and the saint's blood talisman on the back of his hand flashed by: "Master Grindelwald asked me to come to you. In fact, I was the one who asked you to continue to lurk to see if Voldemort returned. I did this I have decided that the communication spell left for you is also directed at me."

Regulus was increasingly shocked, but when Sean awakened something, he immediately believed it.

"So now?"

“That location is needed.”

Regulus nodded quickly: "I will take you there. There is a magic spell there. Only those who have been there can apparate."

"Kreacher wants to follow the master -" Kreacher's big bulging eyes were full of fear, but he still shouted bravely.

"No, Kreacher -" Regulus' voice softened a lot, "You stay here to look after the house."


"Let's go." Regulus stood at the door and stretched out his hand to signal a few people to come up to him.

He had a relaxed smile on his face, as if everything about tonight made him happy.

"Let's go."


Sean stood on a tall black rock outcropping the sea, the waves rolling and foaming beneath his feet. He turned and looked back. A cliff stood behind him, and the steep rock wall dropped straight down, making it so dark that it was difficult to see the face.

It was bare and desolate all around. Apart from the vast sea and rocks, there was not a single tree, grass or beach in sight.

"This isn't a good place for a picnic—" Sean muttered.

Regulus led them to the giant boulder closest to the front of the cliff, pointed to the crack in the rock and said, "Just inside——"

"Then let's go." Sean said easily.

Regulus nodded and prepared to jump into the cold water.

"No, there's no need for this -"

Regulus almost froze in place when he saw the leading boy releasing a huge sea beast without any warning.

"Baby, go in and take a look." Sean touched the Selma Lake Monster's head, and the latter immediately dived into the sea happily.

Under Regulus' dull gaze, the huge rock trembled, and the seawater surged and turned into ice. After a series of sounds, the rock cracked.

"Things that cause ping-pong-pong and smoke are usually the characteristics of lower-level people, rather than the style of experts-" Sean spread his hands and stepped on the ice and walked in, "But I This person prefers to return to his original nature.”

They walked into the cave hidden under the cliff. The originally narrow passage was forcibly broken open by the Selma Lake Monster until they came to a solid wall.

Stephanie stepped forward and touched it. After a while, she turned around and shook her head: "It's a very low-level method. It only requires blood to continue to pass."

After that, she didn't even wait for the others to make a move, she cut her arm expressionlessly and smeared the blood on the wall.

The blood-stained rock suddenly disappeared, revealing a doorway with seemingly endless darkness inside.

While handing over the blood-replenishing potion, Sean said slightly reproachfully: "From a rational perspective, it would be better for Regulus to do this."

Stephanie's wound recovered as before, and she just shook her head indifferently.

Regulus had an unreal feeling. These young-looking men and women were strange and powerful - he still remembered the situation when he came here before, and suffered a lot of sins before reaching the door...

When I walked in, I saw a very strange sight. They stood on the shore of a large black lake. The lake was extremely wide and endless, and the other shore in the distance could not be seen.

The cave they were in was so high that even when they looked up, they couldn't see the top of the cave. In the distance, as if in the center of the lake, there was a hazy, green light, reflected in the dead water below.

"Regulus, have you taken away the things in the center of the lake?" Sean looked over and asked casually.

"No, not yet..." Regulus replied a little numbly, how could this boy know everything.

Sean nodded, walked along the shore with his wand, and stopped after a while.

His keen sense of magic told him that there was something here.

After groping in the air for a while, he grabbed an invisible chain. After tugging hard, a thick green copper chain suddenly emerged from the depths of the lake.

With chains piled on the shore, a small boat that looked like it could only hold two people at most hit the shore.

"That's it?" Daisy said excitedly.

Sean nodded, this was probably the ship Andros said Voldemort provided.

"Are you going to get something from the center of the lake?" Regulus couldn't help but ask.

"No, we are here to get the boat." Sean opened the ring and told Cat Leopard to come out and drag the boat in.

"Then, what should we do with the things in the center of the lake? Those are very important things to Voldemort..." Regulus did not expect that the other party only came here for a boat, and he became anxious at this moment.

"I don't have time now, I'll come next time - don't worry, I'll take you with me and let you untie the knot in your heart." Sean said cheerfully.

"But if there is no ship, how can we get there? There are very important things for Voldemort there that need to be eliminated..." Regulus still couldn't let go of his obsession.

"Whether there is anything inside is another matter, but judging from the current situation, even if Voldemort has something important inside, he probably won't have the chance to come back to get it - Pudding, please be gentle, or you will damage the boat later. ”

Regulus couldn't understand why this boy knew everything but didn't know the importance of what Voldemort had hidden inside.

Just when he was about to speak again, the upright cat and leopard accidentally stepped on the water on the shore.

A slimy, white hand grabbed the cat and leopard's paw and tried to drag it into the water; Regulus saw in horror that the lake was no longer as smooth as a mirror, but was churning violently.

Several people looked up and saw white heads and hands emerging from the dark water everywhere. Men, women, and children, all with sunken, blind eyes, floating towards the rocks. Come here: A large body of dead bodies emerges from the dark lake.

"Run!" Regulus raised his wand and stepped in front of Sean and the others.

"He seems to be more reliable than Sirius..." Sean whispered to Daisy.

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