Sean was about to cast the spell subconsciously, but he stopped dead in his tracks.

The boat was obtained from Voldemort's cave, but how Voldemort obtained the boat is unclear.

But one thing Sean knows is that in the original book, when Harry and Professor Dumbledore took a boat to the center of the lake, if they accidentally touched the lake water, the Inferi in it would become completely agitated and attack them. Gulus' actions also prove this point well.

If it were the Inferi, it would be easy for Sean to deal with them, but this was a glass island, the legendary Avalon, and Sean wasn't even sure if the creatures living here were considered creatures in the eyes of the world.

"Since this ship is needed to get to Avalon, it proves that this ship has additional uses..."

Sean hesitated for a moment, and finally suppressed the light shining at the top of the wand.

He had a hunch that if he launched the attack first, the things he would have to deal with next might be much more troublesome.

The putrid and viscous black water in the swamp is still rolling. This is a land of gray black and dark green, but you can still feel the black shadows swimming behind you.

The shadow was so huge that Sean couldn't see its specific outline. He only knew that the shadow was probably bigger than several fire dragons put together.

The dark brown mud bubble burst, releasing a large stream of lavender mist, which was obviously quite toxic.

And as the shadow swam, more and more bubbles burst, and the originally foggy swamp was suddenly surrounded by purple.

Purple mist accompanied by shadows swam beneath Sean's boat.

The explosion when the shadow appeared just now happened again, shaking the boat.

But Sean just held the wand tightly and still did not launch an attack.

If it's an attack from below, I can resist it, or I can choose a way to escape... But without the boat, I don't know if I can get to the center of the glass island...

Sean's thoughts flowed. He was not afraid of the other party's attack, but he also hoped that the other party would not attack.

Purple mist arrived together with huge undulating shadows.

Sean felt the hull of the boat float upwards, as if the swamp below suddenly turned into a bulging roller.

The misty purple air also wrapped around it.

Sean held his breath and just took out a few crystal bottles and uncorked them - it was a rare occasion, maybe this purple poisonous gas could be a useful ingredient for potions? Just think of it as a souvenir for Snape when you return...

The floating was over, and the huge shadow slowly moved away with the undulating muddy water.

After confirming that the purple poisonous gas would leave no problems, Sean breathed a sigh of relief and took a deep breath.

The nature of the poisonous gas will be determined later, but it is not corrosive and does not easily remain...

After making a slight judgment in his mind, Sean put away the crystal bottle and looked around for the first time.

When I looked at the sky before, what I saw on the Glass Island was a castle surrounded by blue waves. The water area is not very wide and can be reached by boat in about ten minutes.

But after crossing an unknown boundary, the place suddenly turned into a swamp, and Glaston Castle, surrounded by blue waves, disappeared.

The swamp seems to have no end in sight, and the occasional land shows a gray color. The withered old trees above stretch out their withered branches, and the dark tree holes are like the devil's open mouth, which is uncomfortable. .

Sean stood up and took a look again. The swamp was astonishingly large. Coupled with the poisonous gas that burst from the mud bubbles from time to time and the faint mist that came from nowhere, there was no end in sight.

However, the green chain at the bow of the boat was still stretched straight, dragging the boat slowly in a certain direction.

"Strange magic..." Sean frowned and felt it. The nature of the magic here is not special, but it is very strange.

If ordinary magic is like a cheerful wind, the magic here is like a dead fog, with almost no activity at all.

Sean tried to absorb a little of the magic power here. It was different from the magic power that was usually recovered after the magic power was drained out. It seemed that it took more effort to mobilize it for his own use.

However, further attempts were stopped by Sean himself - just as he made a move, the huge shadow that had just moved away made another loud explosion, and then he swam quickly towards the boat.

When Sean didn't make any moves and didn't let any fluctuations in magic power, the shadow slowly stopped and swam slowly in the opposite direction.

"This thing seems to be the guard seems that it will attack after sensing the active magic power..." Sean had a guess.

After a few random confirmations, there were a few more explosions, but after Sean quickly finished his actions, there was no movement again.

He confirmed his thoughts and understood the limitations of this place.

Because the magic power in this place is inactive, Sean's own magic power is of course extremely flexible once it is released. The guard seemed to launch the attack by sensing the difference.

And the unknown guard has obviously been here for many years, and the magic power in his body has long been replaced by a dead type.

"The weird thing..." Sean sat back on the boat and stopped acting rashly, letting the boat continue to follow the chain into the fog.

As the boat moved forward, Sean took a breath of air. Just now, he made the right choice by not acting rashly and fighting the giant shadow.

Because, as they went deeper into the swamp, the number of those things suddenly increased.

There are more than a dozen unknown creatures lurking in the swamp. They may be large or small. The smallest one is the size of a normal fire dragon with its fleshy wings spread out, while the largest one is even larger than the size of the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch. .

They seem to live here. When they swim in the swamp, they cause poisonous gas to rise, and from time to time they make a strange explosion - like putting firecrackers in a cement pipe, but the sound is many times louder. The largest unknown creature made a sound when it swam across the bottom of Sean's boat, making his head feel dizzy.

If this group of unknown guards were disturbed, Sean didn't dare to guarantee that he would be able to escape unscathed.

Such a big creature is scary enough just to bump into it.

Fortunately, as long as Sean didn't activate the magic in his body, the guards seemed completely unaware. He now understood why Voldemort's boat was needed to get to the Glass Island.

The boat was still moving forward slowly, and Sean was confused - this boat was obviously a very special magic prop. He originally thought it was made by Voldemort himself, but now it seems that Voldemort may not be able to make such a strange thing. Magic props come.

Where did this guy get it?

But Voldemort is now feared to be dead, and there is no one to torture him to extract a confession. Sean can only hide his doubts in his heart for the time being.

As time goes by, the swamp is still foggy and dark, and it seems that there is no end in sight.

Those huge shadows were still swimming around from time to time, triggering a large amount of purple poisonous gas.

Sean noticed something was wrong. Without the ability to use magic, he had to hold his breath every time he passed through the purple poisonous gas to avoid inhaling the poisonous gas.

He has always been in good health, and wizards are inherently stronger than Muggles, so it is not difficult to hold their breath for a few minutes. But as time goes by, the purple mist becomes thicker and thicker, and even has some deep... Brown in it.

After passing through a thick purple haze, Sean shook his dizzy head - the poison was getting stronger and stronger. He had already used the antidote produced by Snape, but he could still feel it even while holding his breath. Toxin attack.

"Trouble..." Sean frowned, "But this also means that I'm almost at the end..."

Thinking about this, after passing through several pieces of purple mist again, he felt that his head was getting more and more dizzy - if he could use magic power, he could use magic spells to isolate the poisonous gas, or he could use healing spells to heal himself. If it didn't work, he could open it. The ring takes out a more targeted interpretation potion.

But opening the ring also requires a magic spell. He can't use anything now and can only endure it silently.

Suddenly, the chain on the bow of the ship shook. Sean squinted his eyes and looked over. Then he was pleasantly surprised to find that the swamp that had been invisible until now finally had other scenery.

Although it was still unclear, the lush green color was unmistakable, and it seemed to be a large forest with no end in sight.

Although Sean was pleasantly surprised, he did not lose his guard. He bit the tip of his tongue forcefully, causing his groggy head to wake up a lot under the stimulation of pain.

It was indeed a new forest on the shore, not a hallucination caused by my excessive intoxication.

Sean secretly let out a breath, and then tightened his grip on the wand - a new location was about to arrive, and there might be another danger that had to be guarded against.

As the distant place got closer and closer, Sean felt the boat under him begin to shake violently.

The unknown shadows seemed to be gathering, one after another, and the boat was now almost moving forward on the back of that thing.

However, as long as Sean does not use magic spells, those huge shadows will always hide in the swamp and will not launch attacks.

"But why are they gathering here..." Sean frowned, having some bad premonitions in his heart.

Suddenly, the occasional explosions disappeared, and all the unknown monster guards seemed to be quiet.

There seemed to be other sounds in the misty swamp.

The sound grew louder, and Sean finally heard the voice.

Hazy, poignant, and melodious, it is as fascinating and fascinating as the song of the siren in myths and legends.

Not sure what it was, he took out a pair of earplugs and plugged his ears. He always had various gadgets on him.

However, even if the ears were blocked, the sweet singing voice still did not diminish at all.

However, there was nothing unusual about Sean's body, and he confirmed that he was not in a state of being bewitched.

The singing is getting closer and closer, the fog and poisonous gas above the swamp are constantly decreasing, and the huge creatures lurking in it become restless, seeming to be happy with this singing.

Sean clutched his wand and concentrated, and then finally saw the source of the singing.

It was a woman holding an amphora. She was dressed in green vines, with only a few purple-green leaves covering her important parts. She was leaning on a rock at the moment. Under the rock was a green space, which suddenly appeared. Now in the middle of the swamp.

Her singing voice was so beautiful and refreshing that even the drowsiness caused by the poisonous gas disappeared a lot.

Her figure is graceful and bewitching, like the most exquisite work of art, making people unable to look away after just one look.

But everything ended after seeing that other person's face.

It was a rotting, maggot-infested, gray-black face, like a corpse that had been buried in the soil for a long time, so disharmoniously spliced ​​onto the white and graceful neck.

The beautiful singing voice and the terrifying face formed a sharp contrast, which was really nauseating.

Alarm bells rang in Sean's heart, and the wand was already pointed at the singing woman.

At this moment, the entire swamp shook, like a sudden earthquake - not earth-shaking, but not much different.

Because those huge shadows that had never revealed their true bodies became restless. They did not dare to make an explosion sound, but they swam towards the woman one by one.

The woman's singing voice became softer. She didn't look at Sean, but stretched out a finger and put it into the kettle while singing.

A little water was spilled between his fingers.

"The other thing is the lake of Avalon. We only take the first handful of clear water we encounter and mix it with the blood from the heart of the guardian on the spot."

Andros's words rang in Sean's ears, and he hesitated - is this the first handful of water he encountered? And that woman is the guardian?

The moment Sean hesitated, the group of huge shadows had already swam to the woman's side.

As the water drops fell, a huge shadow jumped out and jumped directly out of the swamp.

It was an extremely huge whale. Its entire body was a rotten gray-black color, with densely packed huge lumps all over its body, and rotten wounds of various sizes everywhere.

The giant forest-white eyes were filled with scarlet light, but these giant eyes had only one target, and that was the clear water sprinkled by the woman.

A huge bubble of thick liquid bulged out from the hole on its back. As it jumped, it exploded, and a burst of black air shot up into the sky, causing an explosion-like sound.

The sound made Sean's ears ring and his eyes dazzle, but strangely, the woman's singing voice, which was not loud, was not suppressed in the slightest.

The rotten whale seemed to be trying its best to catch the clear water droplets. It was so hard that the wounds all over its body burst open, and a large black droplet of blood was shed.

It finally received that drop of water.

The misty light was still soft, but it was still difficult to see clearly, and this light only lasted for a short moment before dissipating.

The rotten whale disappeared, replaced by a blue whale with a single horn. All the wounds and bumps disappeared. It looked beautiful and dreamy.

The sound of the explosion turned into a moving whale song. It jumped and swam towards the sky, its voice seemed to be full of joy and joy.

But Sean only felt a huge loneliness rising deep in his soul. (End of chapter)

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