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Above the rotting swamp, a huge narwhal blue whale jumped into the air. The melodious whale song seemed to come from afar, as if from the heart, and a wave-like feeling of loneliness filled the world.

Sean forced down the strange feeling in his heart and looked at the scene in front of him in amazement.

The whale that was originally a carrion turned into a unicorn blue whale after receiving that drop of water...

Sean now suspected that he had entered some kind of magical illusion, and that everything he saw in front of him was an illusion.

Because, if it is not an illusion, the carrion turns into a living whale, no matter what species it is, it also means one thing - resurrection.

He tried to pinch his wrist, and the pain came, just like usual.

Sean regretted putting Dave in the ring. The Winged Demon's perception of the brain can be used in this scenario. At least it can determine whether the other party is a real living creature, and the relationship between him and Dave Special telepathy can also block the interference of illusions.

The leaping giant narwhal blue whale uttered a melodious and lonely whale song, and then started to swim in the air, slowly swimming towards the blue sky in the distance.

At this time, the other carrion whales became more and more restless. After seeing the condition of their companions, they swam in crowds and gathered under the strange woman.

The mire in the swamp was churning, and one after another huge rotten heads poked out of the black muddy water, gazing piously and longingly at the woman singing on the green rock.

This unspeakable scene made Sean dare not act rashly, so he had to sit on the boat and move forward slowly. Fortunately, there was no green space where the woman was on the boat's channel.

Sean hesitated slightly, but finally decided to ignore the scene in front of him.

What Andros said was about the first handful of lake water, and the woman with the rotten head took out a drop of clear water from the kettle, which did not match the description, not to mention that the boat did not reach the shore.

The woman stopped singing temporarily, and cast a loving and emotional look at the distant narwhal blue whale. Although her face was horribly decayed, she still had some desirable divinity.

Sean couldn't help but think that if this woman was in a completely normal state, wouldn't it be possible to make people fall for her by singing a few lines and looking at her?

As the boat rowed through the swamp, the woman began to sing again. Only one of the huge rotting whales dared to poke out their heads. Although they were all looking forward to and longing for it, no one dared to get any closer.

The unknown song sung by the woman was a little more cheerful. She slowly walked down the boulder while singing.

The moment her flawless white feet stepped on the green ground, the huge rotting whales lowered their heads one by one and no longer dared to move.

The woman was holding a kettle and singing. She came to the edge of the green space, stretched out a hand to the swamp, and then raised some mud particles - if she were surrounded by a group of magical narwhal blue whales, here would be the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers. A holy land with clear and sweet lake water. This scene may be more appropriate.

Those rotting whales couldn't wait to raise their huge heads, and black mud and rotten water splashed out, falling on the woman's body, dyeing the normally normal parts below the head into a muddy and rotten look, which was disgusting.

But the woman didn't care. She stopped singing and let out a string of sharp and harsh laughter - in this situation, she should have let out a string of sweet laughter like silver bells, right?

Sean frowned and looked at this strange scene. He had never seen a description of this in any magic book, and he felt the hair on the back of his head stand up.

The woman didn't seem to be ready to continue sprinkling water, and there was only one narwhal blue whale that returned to its normal appearance.

She was playing with the putrid corpses on the edge of the green field, as if this was some common ritual.

There was no obstruction to the boat Sean was riding on, and he finally approached the woods he had seen before.

Most of the thick fog has dissipated, and the lush woods are right in front of you. The world seems to be divided by a line. On one side of the line is the putrid swamp, with a constant flow of thick fog and poisonous gas. On the other side of the line is the vibrant forest. , just like the residence of elves in fairy tales.

"This place is really abnormal..." Sean frowned, not letting down his guard because of the appearance of a new scene.

The swamp seems to be full of dangers, but as long as you don't use magic and survive the purple poisonous gas, there will be no other dangers.

The beautiful woods seem peaceful and peaceful, but how can such a strange place be so peaceful?

But it must move forward after all, and the boat is still rowing forward slowly. The green chain on the bow of the boat does not seem to be hanging on the shore, but extends into the woods and farther away.

Finally, the shore was approaching, and the dividing line was only a stone's throw away.

Sean remained alert, but couldn't help but glance back.

The huge rotting whale was still playing with the weird woman, not caring about the boat that was about to leave the swamp and the tiny bugs on it.

Just when Sean was about to turn his gaze back, the woman suddenly turned her head.

A piece of raw meat infested with maggots fell from the rotten cheek, and a whale below opened its mouth wide, revealing a smelly, dark mouth full of rotten holes.

The piece of carrion fell into its mouth. The whale did not swallow it. Instead, it opened its mouth wider and arched its head forward. It seemed that it was trying to protect its lost things for its owner and did not dare to have any other thoughts.

Sean frowned. He didn't feel the woman's hostility toward him. On the contrary, the glance she gave him had a hint of mischief - like a friend he hadn't seen for a long time teasing her.

The boat crossed the dividing line, and Sean was not hindered by anything. The woman just watched him leave the swamp, with a look of relief in her eyes.

"Does she know me?" Sean's doubts were not over yet. His whole body passed the dividing line. Then, he saw that the woman's rotting head suddenly disappeared, replaced by a woman with delicate and pure appearance. Incomparably beautiful women.

She showed a gentle smile to Sean, and her blue eyes were as immersive as if they could speak.

However, her originally smooth and white body turned into a rotting corpse, and the degree of decay of her head and body was reversed in an instant.

And Sean also saw that the piece of carrion that originally fell into the whale's mouth turned into a delicate and small earring. The woman reached out to pick up the earring, and then hung the earring on her white earlobe with her rotten hands. superior.

She smiled at Sean again, opening and closing her mouth.

Then, the women disappeared completely, leaving only a group of rotting whales rolling unwillingly in the swamp.

Sean's eyes widened in surprise. If he read correctly, the woman's mouth was... "I'll wait for you."

Is she waiting for me?

This unexpected change left Sean completely confused. At this time, the hull of the boat shook. Sean turned around and saw that the boat had stopped on the shore.

"Damn it, why do I have a familiar feeling about that woman?" Sean shook his head.

He tried to use the magic spell, but the group of rotten whales in the swamp did not move at all. They rolled on the spot for a while, splashing pieces of black mud and rotten water, and then dived into the swamp again.

Can you use magic spells here?

Sean did not let down his guard. After making sure there was no danger, he first detoxified himself and then let several girls out of the ring.

"Are we here?" Daisy looked around with some joy. The scene here was very pleasing to girls.

Sean shook his head and told the three people about his experience.

Hermione looked in the direction Sean said and wondered: "Is there a swamp there? Why is it all white when I see it?"

Sean turned his head again in surprise. Although the woman was no longer there, the swamp was still there, and he could even see the huge black shadow swimming underneath.

"Can't you see?" Sean frowned.

Stephanie and Daisy were equally unable to see the scene Sean described.

"It's weird...because I have experienced what I have experienced, so only I can see it?" Sean was very sure that what he had just experienced was what he had really experienced, and he had now detoxified from all the poison, and he was also sure that he was not trapped in it. In some illusion.

The three girls looked at each other. They did not doubt Sean's statement, which could only be understood as Sean's unique experience.

"Do you have a sense of déjà vu with that woman? And she didn't attack you, right?" Stephanie said thoughtfully.

Sean nodded.

"There is not much information in ancient books, but it is mentioned that there are nine magical fairies guarding the area around Avalon...maybe that is one?"

"This is not in line with the fairy in my impression..."

Several people discussed it for a while, but still didn't come to any conclusion. The main purpose of this trip was to get something before Haierbo, so after a little rectification, Sean proposed to move on.

"Put the boat here?" Daisy said.

The boat stopped moving forward after docking, but the green chain still went deep into the woods.

"Take it... let's follow the chain."

Sean tried to get the boat out of the swamp, but the hull seemed to be firmly stuck in the swamp and could not move at all.

"It looks like the ship can stop here." After many attempts to no avail, Sean had to give up.

The group of people followed the direction of the chain and started walking towards the woods.

The four of them all raised their wands and stared at the surroundings intently. However, no danger signals came after walking into the woods.

"Is this already a fairyland? Have we passed through a dangerous place?" Daisy said slightly excitedly.

Sean wasn't too sure: "It's better to be careful. It's best if there's no danger."

Gradually going inside, a piece of green grass decorated with flowers suddenly began to shake. Sean subconsciously wanted to cast a spell, but the green grass shook a few times, and a small gray-blue squirrel ran out from it.

"It seems... it's just a squirrel with the wrong color, but everything else is normal?" Hermione's stick tip kept moving with the squirrel, but she still came to this conclusion.

"Indeed, there is no magic and no threat..." Sean said.

The squirrel was not afraid of strangers at all. It jumped onto the branch of a big tree and tilted its head curiously. Not only was it not hostile, it looked quite friendly.

The group of people continued to go inside, and gradually, more and more creatures appeared, and there was even the sound of water flowing.

In this vibrant forest, a clear stream flows through, and the sun casts mottled light and shadow through the dense leaves. Colorful birds sang happily and small animals played in the jungle, creating a scene of harmony and tranquility.

"Is this the lake of Avalon? This stream seems to have no source..."

"Try it..."

Sean looked at each other and then carefully walked to the side of the stream.

The stream is as clear as colorless glass. The water is so shallow that you can see the pebbles at the bottom of the stream. Occasionally, one or two small fish with bright colors swim happily by.

Sean squatted down, held the wand in his mouth, and put his hands into the stream.

It's slightly cold, no different from ordinary water.

He clasped his hands together, trying to hold up a pool of water.

However, Sean clearly held Qing Shui, but as soon as he stood up, the water in his hand disappeared.


Sean squatted down and tried again, but it was still the same. His fingers were obviously close together, but when he stood up, the water disappeared.

He tried a few more times without giving up, and asked several girls to try it. Finally, he even used the magic spell, but he just couldn't hold the water.

To be precise, the water cannot flow out of the stream at all. As long as it leaves the water level slightly, the water will flow down in a manner that you are completely unable to detect. This is true for hands, bottles, and magic spells.

"Isn't this what we are looking for? The real lake is still deep." Stephanie had never seen such a strange stream. She looked at the chain going deeper and said this.

"Of course! Of course!" A crisp little girl's voice sounded.

Sean and others immediately turned around and raised their wands.

However, no human figure appeared, and there was no fluctuation of magic power.

The little girl's voice sounded again: "Why are you holding branches?"

"Over there, Sean!"

Following Hermione's voice, Sean saw the owner of the voice.

A cute little gray-blue squirrel, the same one I saw when I first entered the woods.

The squirrel tilted its head and made a proud little girl's voice: "Stop looking for it, I'm the one talking!"

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly: "Who are you?"

"Me?" The little squirrel shook its head and put its two little paws on its hips humanely. "Of course I am the greatest guardian of this forest!"

Sean and the others looked at each other, then looked over: "Guardian? This forest?"

"Yes!" the little squirrel shouted happily.

"Do you know where this is?" Sean asked.

The little squirrel answered naturally: "Of course it's outside Avalon. This is the paradise of paradise, and I am the guardian of the paradise, ha!"

Seeing that it was completely non-hostile and looked innocent, Sean became more and more confused. He asked, "Then what's your name?"

"I don't know! I am the guardian!" The little squirrel said confidently.

"Uh, okay, Lord Guardian?"

"Oh ho ho ho, very good, very good, I like you very much." The little squirrel jumped triumphantly and seemed to be very satisfied with the "adult" that Sean added.

"Then Lord Guardian, what do you mean by what you just said?"

The little squirrel jumped down from the tree: "You are here to find the lake, right? Of course you have to go deep. This is a tributary, a non-existent tributary!"

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