"tributary?" Sean showed a puzzled expression.

The little squirrel in front of me is the guardian of this place. Although it looks weird, at least this place is not dangerous, so it is considered appropriate.

But the words the guardian uttered made him a little confused.

In fact, Sean still doesn't quite understand what kind of existence the lake in Avalon is?

Obviously, the so-called lake water is of course different from the concept in the real world.

The little squirrel blinked in a humane manner: "A tributary is a tributary!"

Why doesn't this little guy seem to understand...

Sean took a step forward, squatted down, and looked at the other person sincerely with gentle eyes - his magical animal affinity was also somewhat useful when facing ordinary animals, but if the target was an ordinary magical animal, this would It's time to fall.

Of course he doesn't think this little squirrel is a normal squirrel, but as long as you are a magical animal, you will definitely be affected.

Sure enough, after the little gray-blue squirrel met Sean's blue eyes, he scratched his head in confusion, and then scratched his little paws like a little girl.

It worked... Sean struck while the iron was hot. He showed a smile that could be called a girl killer and a magical animal aphrodisiac, and said warmly: "This is my first time here. Can you introduce it to me?"

The gray-blue little squirrel took another step forward, its round black pupils flickering, as if it wanted to climb onto Sean's shoulder and play with him for a while.

Just when Sean took another step closer, the little squirrel suddenly took a step back and chuckled: "You were fooled! I will not be affected by your ability!"

Sean: "..."

The little thing is quite clever...

The little squirrel put his hands on his hips and said proudly: "It's of no use to me. I am the greatest guardian of this forest! However, as long as you are not hostile, I will not punish you!"

Sean was surprised again. Of course he had tried the useless situation, but how could the other party still judge his hostility?

As if seeing his doubts, the little squirrel kindly explained: "I am a being that coexists with nature, so of course I can tell whether you are hostile to me - there used to be evil wizards who came here and wanted to Capture me, but I can see right through it!”

"Then what?" Hermione asked.

The little squirrel said confidently: "Then I was captured!"

Several people:"……"

Sean didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "So you don't even have the means to protect yourself?"

"I don't need this -" the little squirrel gave him a strange look, "I will return here again the moment I leave Avalon. There is no point in capturing me."

"In that case, how do you protect this forest?" Daisy asked curiously.

The little squirrel was still so confident: "If you have bad intentions, I will scold you!"

Sean: "..."

Such a simple way of protecting...

However, it seems that this little squirrel knows a lot of things. Sean will naturally not be hostile to non-dangerous creatures. He just wanted to take something away, and the other party obviously knows something about it.

"Why can't I hold the water in the tributary?" Sean asked.

The little squirrel answered naturally: "A tributary is a tributary, which extends from the Lake of Life in Avalon - this is water for us who live here to drink. Of course you can't take it out."

"You mean, the water here can only be used by the creatures living here?"

"Of course, it was originally meant for us, not for you. Even if you take it away, it will be of no use."

After saying that, the little squirrel jumped to the stream. It put its head in and took a few sips. It even opened its mouth wide to let Sean and the others see that it could indeed use the clean water in this tributary, not like Sean couldn't pick it up like that.

Stephanie had been watching silently. When she saw the little squirrel's movements, she slowly squatted down and said in an innocent tone that Sean had never heard before: "That's it, you are so awesome!"

"Of course! Of course!" The little guy immediately wagged his tail proudly as soon as he was praised.

Stephanie continued to tilt her head and said curiously in a deliberately squeaky voice: "Master Guardian, you saw at a glance that we were here to get water from the lake, and you were kind enough to remind us. I am very grateful to you."

This series of childish compliments made the little squirrel even more proud. It waved its little black paws pretending to be generous: "Don't be polite to me! Just don't be hostile. There are many people who want to capture our creatures, but you don't have to be polite." There was no reaction at all - as for the lake water, that’s normal, everyone wants the water in the Lake of Life.”

"Oh? Lord Guardian, what do you mean, have many people been here before?"

The little squirrel nodded, then opened his paws and counted: "Let me think about it, there are black people, white people, noseless people, and people who are as bad as the whales in the swamp, there are many. .”

Nose person... Sean and the others looked at each other. It seemed that Voldemort had also passed through the swamp and came here.

The little squirrel looked at Sean again as he spoke, and said carelessly: "You've been here too, haven't you?"

"Me?" Sean pointed at himself.

The little squirrel nodded: "Yes, haven't you been here with a large number of people before? You were quite obvious. They were very hostile, but you were very friendly - but at that time everyone was driven out to run around the forest, I don’t have time to chat with you or anything.”

Sean frowned. He could ensure that he had not lost any memory. It should be the first time for him to come here. If he really came here under certain circumstances, according to his personality, if he had no memory, it would be automatic. It was sealed to deal with certain situations, and the memory switch should have been triggered by now.

But no new memories have been unlocked, which means...

Have you been here in other timelines?

The remaining soul of the robin can remember itself in different timelines, and Haierbo can also detect changes in the timeline. In a magical place like Avalon, it is not strange that the little squirrel in front of you can notice it.

Sean didn't ask any more questions, but gestured to Stephanie to let her continue.

Stephanie stretched out her hand and smiled at the little squirrel, her eyes were gentle and innocent, as if she was asking the other person if he wanted to come into her arms.

The little squirrel hesitated for a while, then looked at the others and then happily ran over and got into Stephanie's arms.

The girl touched its soft gray-blue hair and asked gently: "We are all here for the first time. Can you introduce it to us?"

The little squirrel stretched out its paws happily and said happily: "It's very simple. This is Avalon. I am the guardian of the second level outside Avalon, which is the guardian of Paradise."


"Of course! But you are also very powerful. You didn't seem to be injured at all after arriving here - the swamp on the level outside is called the Sunken Swamp. There are many broken whales. They are very scary and will take the initiative. Attack whoever comes here.”

Take the initiative to attack? But I didn’t use magic, so I wasn’t attacked. Is that what you mean? Sean thought silently.

The little squirrel answered his doubts: "In the beginning, as long as you are honest, you will not be attacked, but in the end, there is a guard on the shore, and she will attack everyone who passes by. Well, last time I ran away She used to command broken whales to attack me."

Looking at Stephanie's look, Sean also shook his head in confusion. He was not attacked by the guard.

Who knows, this little squirrel looks cute, but seems to be able to detect other people's thoughts very quickly. Her voice is childish, but it has the air of a little adult: "I know what you are thinking, you definitely don't You will be attacked. Isn’t your ability to attract animals something she taught you?”

"Teach me?" Sean couldn't help but make a sound.

Isn't his affinity with magical animals innate? Even if a lot of talent points were added later, it was still a bonus brought by the props extracted by the system. How come it was taught to him by that weird woman?

However, if the little squirrel told the truth, the woman did not attack him and even left a sentence.

Hearing Sean's question, the little squirrel lay lazily on Stephanie's not-so-spectacular chest and said lazily: "Of course, she is the only one with such ability. The wizard's talent is limited, but you Obviously there is no upper limit, I almost found you just now...ahem, that's easy to say, I mean you are still far behind!"

Not paying attention to the little squirrel who spilled the beans, Sean fell into doubt.

If there is an upper limit for talents, there is indeed some evidence - the talent points on the system panel are all ten points, and if you add more points, it will be expressed in the form of 10+*.

But isn’t this what the system brought to me...

The little squirrel ignored Sean's doubts. It didn't seem to care about it at all. Instead, it cared more about how hard Stephanie was brushing her fur.

However, when Stephanie tried to ask more in-depth content, the little guy began to shake his head and said he didn't know.

This doubt could only be temporarily suppressed in her heart. Stephanie gently groomed the little squirrel, and then asked the question that concerned them most during their trip.

"The Lake of Life is inside -" the little squirrel replied cheerfully, pointing its little paws into the depths of the jungle.

"You mean, we can just go and take it away?"

The little squirrel glanced at them doubtfully: "Of course, you can take it away if you can see it."

Hermione grasped the key point in its words: "See?"

"Yes, you can take it away when you see it -" the little squirrel glanced at the confused people around him and explained impatiently, "Isn't this an obvious thing? Avalon has always been here, you can see Then you can take it away.”

"Has anyone taken it away before?"

"I don't know, but it should be very few."

"Well, what you said is a bit conflicting, Lord Guardian—"

The little squirrel glared at several people with disgust: "Idiot! Isn't this an obvious thing? There are still peripheral tests that need to be passed. If you can't pass it, you won't be able to see it. If you can't see it, you can't take it away. ——If you can pass the test, then you can see it. If you see it, can't you take it away?"

This little guy talked a lot, which made Sean dumbfounded - didn't he mean that he had to pass a test before he could take away the lake water? This guy's brain circuit is a bit weird.

"Then can you tell us how to take away the lake water? Of course, I mean how to pass the next test, Lord Guardian." Stephanie has already made a fool of herself for the little squirrel.

The little squirrel's eyes narrowed in relief, and he said cheerfully: "It's very difficult. I can just walk over, but you guys can't."

"Why do you say that?" Sean asked.

"Because after the forest is the Peak of Soul Return, I don't know what it is specifically, but I heard a guardian say that if you want to climb that mountain, you have to go through a lot of terrible things. As long as you take a step back, you will Just sink."

When he said this, he also pulled Sean's sleeve: "Especially for you, it's best not to go."

"Why?" Sean asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know -" it shook its head confidently, "but I am a natural guardian and can feel many things that you can't see. I can feel that the following trials will be very scary for you. "

Sean frowned: "I will definitely die after I go?"

The little squirrel scratched his head: "That's not necessarily true. I have a feeling that you will go very smoothly on the way forward, but you will often get into huge troubles on the side roads."

Thinking about the meaning of its words, Sean tried to ask: "What is the specific trial?"

The little squirrel was unexpectedly cheerful: "If you follow the path that your soul has taken, there are too many forked roads. If you can't choose the right one, you will have to experience a lot of terrible things. Even if you get through by luck, you are just the same." You're back to the starting point and have to choose again - I've seen it, your luck is terrible."

Hermione and Daisy both looked over worriedly, but didn't know what to say.

They knew Sean too well. In this situation, with Sean's temperament, he would not back down.

Stephanie also thought of this. Instead of persuading Sean, she shook the little squirrel in her arms: "Then, Lord Guardian, can you help us?"

The little squirrel scratched his head in embarrassment: "But I am a guardian. Although I am not asked to do anything, does it seem unworthy of my status if I help you take away the lake water?"

"What does it matter? Sooner or later the lake water will be taken away. Besides, we only need a little."

Hearing the little squirrel's words, Stephanie immediately realized that it had a solution, and immediately began to persuade it coquettishly.

The little squirrel seemed to really like her. After hesitating for a while, he readily agreed: "Okay, then I will go with you once."

"Thank you so much, Lord Guardian!" Stephanie hugged the little squirrel, rubbed it, and then gave Sean a look.

Sean frowned: "Are you going? No..."

Stephanie: “Why not?”

Little Squirrel: "Of course not."

Seeing the looks of several people, the little squirrel jumped on Sean's shoulders: "I can only help him."


"Because, my ability can only help him. You need to walk your own forked roads, and he has too many forked roads. Without me, he will definitely be lost -" It seemed to have thought of something, and it asked doubtfully again Look at Sean.

The little squirrel scratched his head: "I don't know why. Although we have met before, we have not become friends, but my feeling tells me that I should help you, and I only need to help you."

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