Sure enough, while gaining this power, his body was also bearing an unimaginable load!

If he continues like this, within a few tens of breaths he will be completely swallowed by the powerful backlash, and even lose consciousness directly!

Thinking of this, Lin Yue knew that he couldn't wait any longer.

Who knows how long the weird giant palm extending from the teleportation array can last...


The Emperor Sword emerged from Lin Yue's hand, and let out a sonorous and powerful sword cry!

At this time, with Lin Yue's strength, he can fully display the power of the Emperor Sword.

"Ni Mie Sword Art...!"

A suffocating force of nirvana spread out from the hand holding the Emperor Sword, climbing up the hilt until it covered the entire body of the sword.

After Lin Yue entered the current state, he was able to integrate all the spells he had mastered, and he could create thousands of moves in an instant.

And this Nirvana sword technique combines the power of Nirvana with the essence of his swordsmanship, so that the power of Nirvana can be blessed on the Emperor Sword without any side effects, greatly improving the lethality of the sword technique!

thump thump——

Lin Yuekong took a few steps, pulled out a sword flower and rushed towards the giant palm.

Be the first to attack!

Since the existence on the other side of the teleportation array can only stretch out a palm, it means that the world still rejects him, and there will be many restrictions when fighting.

Just like the Tuo Xianzun that Lin Yue faced in Xiaoyin, he was unimaginably suppressed in order to rush into Xiaoyin, and finally fell there with hatred.

As if sensing Lin Yue's breath, the giant palm also stopped its previous movements, and instead grabbed in Lin Yue's direction.

Facing the giant palm that covered the sky and the sun, Lin Yue's eyes were slightly cold, and his heart was filled with murderous intent!

Even though even one finger of the giant palm is dozens of times larger than Lin Yue's, and the size difference between the two is even greater, but the sword intent released by Lin Yue is facing the giant palm tit for tat, and he is not at a disadvantage in the slightest.

chi chi chi——

As Lin Yue approached, the power of nirvana intertwined with the rolling immortal power of the giant palm, emitting a terrifying power!

Lin Yue found the right time, stepped on the air with all his strength, and rushed towards a finger of the giant palm. The emperor sword covered with the power of nirvana exuded a terrifying sword intent!

The next moment, countless sword lights flashed across the giant palm.

Whoosh whoosh!

A desperate sword array was formed, which was also mixed with the breath of nirvana, making the entire sword array even more lethal!

Jian Guang slashed on the giant palm, making a friction sound like colliding with metal, as if he was not slashing on flesh, but was attacking an extremely hard special metal.

But seeing this scene, Lin Yue did not give up because of it.

Although Jianguang's damage to the giant palm is limited, his main attack method is not here.

At this time, the power of Nirvana permeating the sword array quietly covered the giant palm, and spread around along the fingertips.

"Feel it well..."

Lin Yue's gaze was extremely cold, and the power of extinction was the power of law that he had comprehended from that power. Even though the owner of that giant palm had transcended the ordinary realm, he still could not escape the restriction of the power of law.

Sure enough, when the power of nirvana began to erode the giant palm, the effect appeared.

Swamp-like wounds appeared on the surface of the giant palm, which seemed particularly penetrating.

And the power of extinction has spread to the inside of the giant palm along the corroded wound, and the immortal energy around the giant palm has begun to decay at a speed visible to the naked eye.


There seemed to be a cry of pain in the teleportation array, and the giant palm waved vigorously, as if to shake off the things that eroded it.

But what it doesn't know is that the power of nirvana has already penetrated into it, and it cannot be removed in this way!

Seeing this, Lin Yue increased the release of the power of nirvana. More than half of the time to maintain the overlap of time and space has passed. He must deal with this giant palm in the remaining time, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

Lin Yue was sure that even Chen Quanzhen in his heyday would not be able to take this giant palm.

No one can stop this giant palm except him.

Suddenly, Lin Yue felt a strange aura from the giant palm, and he quickly looked over.

The scene in front of him made his pupils shrink, and a huge eye appeared in the palm of the giant palm at some point. This eye was extremely indifferent and without any emotion. After noticing Lin Yue's figure, a gloomy light shot out instantly!


Lin Yue immediately summoned Yao Qi to form a barrier in front of him, and at the same time, he retreated hundreds of feet.

He felt the breath of death from this ray of light, and the giant palm seemed to transform Lin Yue's power of death to face himself!

Sure enough, the barrier condensed by Yao Qi lasted less than half a breath before withering into pieces and falling from the sky.

Lin Yue's eyes froze when he saw this. This giant palm is really weird. Instead of being completely corrupted by the power of Nirvana, it used this power to attack him...

Fortunately, the eye in the palm of the giant palm didn't continue to chase after seeing that the attack was in vain. Instead, it turned around and landed on the heads of the people in Tianting. In the array.

The teleportation array also disappeared into the dome after they left.

Seeing Ling and the others being led by giant palms, Lin Yue didn't step forward to stop them, because he was also in a bad state at this time.

After canceling the power increase of time-space overlap, Lin Yue's body instantly split into countless wounds, and blood gushed like a spring

burst out like a bloody man.


A streak of dark red blood also spewed out from Lin Yue's mouth, which was mixed with some internal organ fragments.

Although he was still fighting with the giant palm last second, the situation in his body was already in chaos under the berserk force, and his life could only be sustained by the reversal of time and space.

But the appearance of that giant palm seemed to cut off the long river of time and space, which not only paused time for dozens of breaths, but also made Lin Yue realize that he could not use the reversal of time and space to return his state to the time before the appearance of the giant palm.

It was as if the entire river of time and space had stopped flowing the moment the giant palm appeared, and was cut into two pieces.

Although Lin Yue was able to use time-space overlapping to continuously restore his injury to the state of the last breath, this was still not a solution, because the earliest time he could return to was the moment when the giant palm disappeared. He looked unharmed, but he was actually seriously injured.

Reversing time and space alone can't make Lin Yue out of the state of serious injury, and his body has become riddled with holes after suffering a ten-fold increase in strength, like a leaky wooden barrel, which can't hold any light at all. gas.

If he continues like this, his strength will continue to drop until the last trace of Yao Qi in his body dissipates.

Then, because he couldn't activate the time-space reversal, all the injuries on his body would explode at the same time, and he would die instantly like a mortal, without even a chance to struggle.

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