At the same time, the yangjian powerhouses and Tianjiao in the ancient city regained control of their bodies after the giant palms disappeared.

Although they were affected by the solidification of time and space, they were just unable to move, and they still knew what had just happened.

When Chen Quanzhen, the old man and other quasi-emperors saw Lin Yue's appearance, they immediately walked over to his side.

"Friend Lin, are you...?"

A white-haired old man asked hesitantly.

"So much nonsense, get out of the way!"

Wu Hai came from the side and pushed him away, looking at Lin Yue worriedly, wanting to do something but not knowing how to help.

At this time, Lin Yue's situation became worse and worse. The continuous use of time and space reversal caused his consciousness to gradually blur, and the sounds from the outside world became extremely distant in his ears.

Chen Quanzhen observed Lin Yue for a while, and soon came up with the answer.

"This is backlash. His body is constantly collapsing. Although there is another force fighting against it, sooner or later he will not be able to hold on like this."

With superb eyesight and Lin Yue's sudden powerful strength, Chen Quanzhen analyzed the reason for this situation.

After hearing his words, everyone was silent for a while.

They knew that the reason why Lin Yue suffered backlash was to protect them. If Lin Yue hadn't appeared suddenly, all of them would have been confessed to the avatar of the Heavenly Venerable, not to mention the giant palm that appeared later.

"The quasi-emperors of the two human races, do you have any way to save Fellow Daoist Lin!?"

Emperor Xianlin Zhun, who stood silent at the side, suddenly said to the old man and the old woman.

She had accepted Lin Yue's favor before, but she had not been able to repay it in time. Seeing Lin Yue's condition now, she was naturally extremely anxious.

After listening to Chen Quanzhen's analysis and hearing the question from Immortal Emperor Zhundi, the old man's expression was very serious.

In the end, it was the old man who spoke first, "Leave here first and go to a place with few people."


Chen Quanzhen nodded. After all, this place is located above the ancient city. Not only are there too many people, but it will also have a negative impact on Lin Yue's current situation.

But before leaving, Chen Quanzhen took action to imprison all the people who had surrendered to the Heavenly Court.

Even though Chen Quanzhen was seriously injured, he was still able to deal with them easily.

These people choose to surrender to the enemy at the most critical moment in Yangjian, so naturally they will not end well.

But Chen Quanzhen didn't have time to deal with them for the time being, and the most important thing at the moment was Lin Yue's situation.

Not only because Lin Yue has the power to fight against the Heavenly Court, but he also saved the survivors in the ancient city today.

Those who hold salaries for everyone should not let them freeze to death in the wind and snow.

"Everyone, please help settle the situation in the ancient city first, and leave it to us."

When he came to a well-established courtyard, Chen Quanzhen turned around and said to the people nearby.

Among these people were Zhundi who knew Lin Yue, such as Wu Hai, Xianlin Zhundi and others, as well as Wu Ling'er and Yuancheng.

"All right."

Hearing Chen Quanzhen's words, although everyone was worried about Lin Yue's situation, they still agreed.

Due to the previous offensive by Tianzun's avatar, most of the ancient city was reduced to ruins, and there were many wounded who have not been able to come out of the ruins. This is the time when manpower is needed.

All the people left in a hurry, leaving only Chen Quanzhen and the two quasi-emperors of the human race.

They looked at Lin Yue who was on the verge of coma lying on the bed, and their expressions became serious.

"Is this the price of controlling that power? Is there any room for him to recover from his current situation?"

The old woman's hoarse voice sounded in the wooden house, and she asked Chen Quanzhen.

Chen Quanzhen pondered for a moment, then said thoughtfully, "That's not the case, his situation is completely different from that of 'Li' back then, 'Li' directly lost himself after gaining that power, but he was able to stay awake, I think He has already obtained the recognition of that power, and it is only because of his physical fitness that he cannot bear such a powerful force, which led to backlash."

"As for the way to redeem it, the old man naturally has it. This bottle of Wanrong Pill is a turning point. The next thing is to see if he can seize this opportunity."

After finishing speaking, Chen Quanzhen took out a jade porcelain bottle from his bosom and put it in his palm.

"Wan Rong Dan...?"

Hearing this name, the old man and the old man were first startled and then showed a look of surprise.

The reason why he didn't react immediately was because the name Wanrongdan had already disappeared in the long river of history with the passage of time, and hadn't appeared in front of everyone for many years.

Chen Quanzhen actually took out this magical pill that claimed to be able to bring any living being back to life, and it seemed that there was more than one pill.

To prevent any misinterpretation, the old man reconfirmed to Chen Quanzhen, "Is the Wanrong Pill you mentioned the one that Emperor Xitian once took?"

In the era when Emperor Xitian ruled, foreign invasions often occurred, and Emperor Xitian was seriously injured in a battle with a strong man from the foreign domain.

At this time, someone offered a Wanrong Pill, and Emperor Xitian actually reshaped his battle body after taking it. After breaking and standing, his strength was much stronger than before the serious injury, and he repelled the strong man from the outer domain.

"That's right."

Chen Quanzhen nodded lightly, as if what he took out was not a legendary magic pill, but a bottle of ordinary medicine.

The old man and the old woman looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

If it was Wan Rong Pill, Lin Yue's life might really be saved by this.

"It is so precious, this is an irrepayable kindness to the entire human race..."

A touch of emotion appeared on the old man's skinny cheeks, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Quanzhen.

"Come on, the old man doesn't like to listen to your scenes. Xiaoyou Lin saved so many people in the ancient city, how can I hide from him?"

With a wave of Chen Quanzhen's hand, the jade porcelain bottle was suspended in the air, the mouth of the bottle was opened, and six streams of white light flowed out, which were six white panacea exuding a strong medicinal fragrance.

"This is Wanrong Pill...?"

It was the first time for the old man and the old woman to see Wan Rong Pill, and they asked curiously.

"Heh... just wait and see."

Chen Quanzhen didn't answer, but a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

Before he finished speaking, Chen Quanzhen closed his eyes, and six white spirit pills slowly floated in front of him.

Suddenly, a stream of pure Yao Qi overflowed from Chen Quanzhen's body and evenly flowed into the six elixirs, making their surfaces more colorful.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the old man shrank.

"Could it be that the rumor is true...!?"

They had heard a rumor about Wanrong Pill, but Wanrong Pill was extremely rare and had only appeared a few times in the world, and no one had been able to verify the truth of that rumor.

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