According to the rumors, the perfect refinement of Wanrong Pill requires cultivation as a nutrient. The more and purer the cultivation level sacrificed at the last moment of alchemy, the stronger the effect of Wanrong Pill will be, and vice versa.

And the six Wanrong Pills that Chen Quanzhen took out obviously haven't completed the last step, which is to sacrifice cultivation!

This is exactly what Chen Quan really did.

The expressions of the old man and the old man were astonished, and there was a huge wave in their hearts.

Chen Quanzhen is actually using his own cultivation to complete the final step of Wanrong Pill into Pill!

You must know that sacrificing your cultivation is not just talking about it, it will really lose your cultivation and even lead to a fall in the realm.

And Chen Quanzhen, as the quasi-emperor of the god refining period, the strongest existence in the entire Yang world except Emperor Lingyao, was willing to waste his own cultivation to help Lin Yue!

After a long time, the old man and the old man calmed down and watched Cheng Dan's process quietly, for fear of affecting Chen Quanzhen.

After all, his cultivation base has been transformed into pure obsidian energy and merged into the six Wanrong Pills. Once he fails, his cultivation base will also dissipate in the world.

Half an hour passed.

On the surface of the six Wanrong Pills, intricate and delicate patterns emerge, and at the same time, they exude a tangy fragrance, full of temptation.


Chen Quanzhen let out a long sigh of relief, and withdrew his divine sense that controlled Wanrong Pill.

At this time, his forehead was already wet with sweat, and his face was even paler. It was extremely difficult for him, the quasi-emperor of the refining period, to refine this legendary divine pill.

Moreover, he just completed the last step of Wanrong Dan's alchemy, and brought his cultivation into it. He didn't know the steps of alchemy before.

The formula of Wanrong Pill has long been lost, otherwise it would not be so rare, every time it is born, it will cause shocks in the whole world!

The six Wanrong Pills in Chen Quanzhen's hands were also discovered by him when he was exploring an ancient ruin on the burial road a long time ago, and he has never seen them anywhere else.

Seeing this, the old man hurriedly asked, "How...?"

Although he saw the changes on the surface of the Wanrong Pill, as well as the tangy fragrance, but since he had never seen the Wanrong Pill, he couldn't confirm whether it was a success or not.

"It's done!"

Chen Quanzhen smiled slightly, and reached out to lift the six Wanrong Pills from the air.

The lines on the surface of the Wanrong Pill contain a certain rhythm of the Dao. Even ordinary people who don't understand anything can tell that this is definitely a magic pill!

Hearing Chen Quanzhen's affirmative answer, the old man and the old woman were relieved.

Lin Yue's life rests on this Wanrong Pill. If they fail to refine this Wanrong Pill, although they have other methods, the chances of success are very slim, not to mention that those methods will take a lot of time However, whether Lin Yue can survive until that time is another matter.

"I'm in a hurry for you."

Although Chen Quanzhen was teasing on the surface, he still understood the feelings of the two old people.

Lin Yue, as the most promising existence of the human race in several eras, must be deeply valued by them. Moreover, the human race has been weak for so long, and they have pinned their hope of the rise of the human race in this generation on him.

"Okay, I won't continue talking to you, it's the last step."

After all, Chen Quanzhen looked at Lin Yue, and his expression became serious.

This is all he can do, and the rest depends on Lin Yue's own creation.

Even though it was rumored that the Wanrong Pill had powerful effects, Chen Quanzhen had never tried it in reality, and no one could be sure whether the specific effects were exaggerated or not.


Hearing Chen Quanzhen's words, the two old men nodded their heads and silently stood a few feet away to protect him.

Chen Quanzhen, on the other hand, used his spiritual thoughts to control the six Wanrong Pills to fly to six places on Lin Yue's body, namely the head, torso, and limbs.

Unlike ordinary elixirs, Wan Rong Dan is not taken orally, which has also been recorded in legends.

Moreover, it contained Chen Quanzhen's cultivation for nearly a thousand years, and possessed his unique aura. If Lin Yue swallowed it wholeheartedly, it would actually harm him.


When the six Wanrong Pills came to Lin Yue's respective positions, a ripple spread out at the same time.

These ripples flowed into Lin Yue's body little by little with the medicinal effect of Wan Rong Dan, and began to nourish his body.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Yue was completely enveloped by the medicinal effects of Wanrong Pill, turning into a dazzling white light, and it was impossible to detect his condition from the outside world.

"This is Nirvana...?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, the old man said with some hesitation.

"It should be so. Presumably with the help of that force, all his body functions have been virtually destroyed. Even without the giant palm that appeared last, the situation would not be much better."

Chen Quanzhen analyzed with his hands behind his back, and he left the vicinity of Lin Yue after urging out the medicinal power inside the Wanrong Pill, and everything else was out of his control.

It's just that Chen Quanzhen didn't know that most of the reason why Lin Yue fell into this situation was because of the overlap of time and space when he exerted ten times the power. Just relying on that power did not cause his damage so terrible and irreversible The appearance of the presence and the giant palm cut off the long river of time and space, which made Lin Yue fall into a desperate situation.

Looking at the Wanrong Pill, which had exerted a powerful medicinal effect, Chen Quanzhen continued.

"When this kid melts the medicinal power of these six Wanrong Pills, he can't be blessed by misfortune and break through to a new realm."

after all who

It was because Emperor Xitian broke through to the realm of the Emperor of Heaven after taking the Wanrong Pill and brought him back to life.

Of course, Chen Quanzhen mentioned these just to ease the tense atmosphere. Because they were worried that Lin Yue's complexion was a little pale, it was at this moment that they decided Lin Yue's life and death.


Lin Yue, who was being nourished by the Wanrong Pill, only felt a warm feeling coming from his body. A powerful force was repairing the broken parts in his body, pulling him back from the state of near death.

"here it is……?"

Lin Yue regained consciousness and opened his eyes.

Although he was backlashed by that force after the battle with the giant palm, he didn't lose consciousness immediately. He still knew that Chen Quanzhen and others had brought him into the wooden house to treat his injuries.

But this is obviously not that wooden house, not only because there is no Chen Quanzhen and others around him, but another reason for him to make such a judgment is that it is not the first time he has come to this place.

Night, Blood Creek...

This is clearly the unknown place he came to suddenly when he used his divine sense to investigate the divine king's order last time.

At that time, he still felt the strange aura of a terrifying creature here, which brought him an unimaginable sense of oppression, which he has never forgotten so far!

Lin Yue looked around vigilantly and felt a little confused at the same time.

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