The water was still flowing, and the water was still flowing.

Cheng Xu climbed downstairs before the sewage came, and found that the magician's door was not locked at all.

His room was completely soaked in sewage, and it was all green mucus.

There was nothing clean inside, and most of it was extremely dirty.

But this was not a problem for Cheng Xu at all. With the hot spring, he only needed to wash those things and he could use them.

Cheng Xu moved all the food in that room away, and the things with sealed packaging could be eaten after washing.

Cheng Xu also seized the strengthening materials and put them in the space backpack and took them away.

In his house, Cheng Xu also found some special things.

"Transfer Box"

"The activated magic props can spend 5 points of physical strength to go to the other end of the box"

Cheng Xu activated the prop and found himself in another house.

The room was full of various circus props.

Unicycle, clown costume, plastic ball, steel wire...

All the props were very real, and it looked like this was the house of the "clown", the accomplice of the "magician".

The supplies in this house were very useless to Cheng Xu, but the two houses connected by the "transfer box" were somewhat useful to Cheng Xu.

"I wonder if the prop will still work after I move the box..."

Cheng Xu had an idea in his mind. He wanted to occupy this house. After all, there was just three days of rest time, which just met the conditions for occupation.

Cheng Xu opened his system and found that a red dot just popped out of the "house" column.

After opening it, it was indeed related to occupation.

"Do you want to occupy this house?"

Cheng Xu had never noticed this option before, and this was his first time occupying someone else's house.


Choose to confirm, and a countdown appears in Cheng Xu's field of vision.


"It is indeed three days and nights, but why is it 72 hours? Could it be that... the time is no longer in 8 hours?"

Cheng Xu opened the door, climbed onto the roof, and found that it was farther away from his home.

Cheng Xu hurriedly ended the occupation, packed up his things, returned to the house just now, and occupied it again.

According to Cheng Xu's experiment, as long as you stay within two meters of the house, you can continue to occupy it, and the roof area also counts.

So when the third sewage wave came, he had already started to build a temporary tent on the roof.

"Reinforced materials can actually work on the roof..."

Cheng Xu built a simple shed with a lot of wooden boards, which can hide his body and provide a lookout.

After he finished building it, the third wave of sewage had arrived.

The supplies swept in this time were richer, and even included a lot of new reinforcement materials.

Cheng Xu resisted the nausea and fished up a batch of supplies, using them to replace the structure of his small shed.

Two wooden walls were replaced by concrete, and the other two were replaced by stones, which were much thicker.

Fortunately, the materials would throw off the mud once used, otherwise Cheng Xu would be sick to death now.

"It seems that I have to carry some disinfectant hot springs with me..."

Cheng Xu planned to go back to his home during the day the next day and get some hot spring water in a container.

He spent the whole night on the roof transformation. In order to deal with the monsters that might appear in the future, Cheng Xu transformed the door and window structure into the appearance of a real bunker.

There were basically no monsters that could break into the gap-like windows.

During that wave, Cheng Xu was very lucky to pick up two pieces of glass, so that his rooftop castle officially had real windows.

When the day came, his small fortress had taken shape. Except for the door with limited reinforcement, other facilities were already very solid.

"There's no door lock yet, but it's enough."

Cheng Xu studied the grappling gun for a while, and with the support of the tree canopy, he returned to his island like a swing.

Then Cheng Xu happened to run into Ma Yao who was walking near his home.

"Hey! Brother Li! Where did you go last night? I've been looking for you..."

Cheng Xu was still wary of Ma Yao and kept a distance.

His current physical strength was almost 50% left. The salvaging and construction operations last night consumed a lot of Cheng Xu's energy.

"What do you want from me?"

"I... don't have any water to drink..."

"I don't do water resources

Trade, because I don't have much. "

Cheng Xu didn't want to expose the fact that he owned the hot spring, and he wanted to leave after saying that, but Ma Yao still refused to give up, and approached Cheng Xu like a pest.

"Don't, Brother Li, I still have a lot of things to trade with you...Are you satisfied with the two props last night? ”

Cheng Xu then remembered that he had not checked two items last night, so he took them out and started to check them in front of Ma Yao.


"A disposable item. It can greatly improve the body's functions after use, but it will expire after 30 minutes, and will inevitably bring fatigue afterwards"

"Recovery potion"

"A disposable item. It can completely restore all the body's values ​​after use, but it cannot restore abnormal states"

"Two useless items. No wonder the transaction was so pleasant yesterday."

Cheng Xu calmly put away the item and looked at Ma Yao, "Do you have anything better?"

"As long as you can give me some water, I can trade with you for something better..."

"No water, but other things."

Ma Yao looked a little embarrassed. It can be seen that he was really short of water.

"You have helped me once out of kindness. You should help me to the end. Please help me again..."

Cheng Xu noticed that Ma Yao was not wearing his helmet because he was impatient.

And judging from his appearance, he thought of himself as a compassionate saint.

"What can you bring me to trade water?"

"I can exchange a long sword, an iron shield, and a special item with you!"

"Nothing like yesterday's useless items will do."

Ma Yao's face was filled with joy, and he almost wrote the words "caught a sucker" on his face.

"I promise not! I promise not!"

"Then can you show me what the item is?"


Ma Yao hesitated, and then he saw that Cheng Xu's face was not right, and he quickly showed a flattering smile again.

"Of course I'll show you! You're the eldest brother after all!"

After saying that, Ma Yao was about to reach into his pocket. He opened the outer shell of his armor and reached into his pocket...

Just when his neck was exposed, Cheng Xu fired a crossbow arrow and disappeared!

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