The enemy was in a hurry to get out of the way.

As a guy who survived the first round of the game, Ma Yao was naturally not a novice who would die if killed. He had been on guard against Cheng Xu since just now.


The crossbow arrow was blocked by the small round shield that suddenly popped out of his arm, bounced to the side and fell to the ground.

Then he hurriedly looked for Cheng Xu's figure, turned around quickly, and found that there was no one around.

Realizing that something was wrong, Ma Yao quickly protected his head with both hands and crouched down to defend.

But it was too late.

A blade cut from nothingness hit his face and pierced his cheek with unparalleled power.


Ma Yao activated his skill and let out a loud roar when the blade was about to penetrate the muscle layer!

This roar shook everything around him away, including Cheng Xu who was invisible in the "Illusion Butterfly".

The moment he was shaken away, Cheng Xu activated the "Shadow Dance", circled behind Ma Yao like a ghost, and added a "Blood Bone Rose" on his exposed neck.

The blood gushed for less than half a second before it was forcibly stopped. At the same time, Ma Yao drew his long sword and slashed around him.

"Fuck monster! Get out!"

Cheng Xu ducked to avoid the sweep and half-crouched on the ground to catch his breath.

Ma Yao's vitality was stronger than that of the "Magician". His professional skills even made the hideous wound begin to heal.

Cheng Xu, whose physical strength was about to run out, did not mean to give up the attack. Killing people must be done to the end. Keeping the enemy will only cause more trouble.

"Buzz... Boom!"

Ma Yao launched another slash around himself, and the slash with the blessing of his professional skills successfully hit the chair in the church, splitting it into pieces.

"Hu... cough cough..."

Ma Yao's physical strength was running low. Wearing heavy armor and the sudden burst of consumption made his body weak.

He relied on his long sword, panting, and kept an eye on the debris around him, waiting for Cheng Xu to move there.

But what he waited for was a crossbow arrow.

"Swoosh... bang!"

The crossbow arrow shot towards his throat at an extremely tricky angle, and was blocked by his arm at the critical moment, and fell to the side.

This sudden attack interrupted his breathing, and as his adrenaline surged, Ma Yao's physical strength continued to drop sharply.

As a "killer", Cheng Xu had an instinct that when the prey was in an absolute deadly gap, Cheng Xu would sense that special fluctuation.

At this moment, he had already felt that Ma Yao's death was imminent.

As the second crossbow arrow broke through the air, Cheng Xu also used his last bit of physical strength to launch the "Light Shadow Kill", and flew along with the crossbow arrow!

Ma Yao instinctively raised his arm and successfully blocked the crossbow arrow flying towards his face.

But his raising of his hand also exposed his weakness, and the lower part of his neck was completely unprotected.

"Puff! Chi..."

A pair of Emei spikes pierced into his jaw, stirred in his throat, and then suddenly pulled out and retreated away.

This sudden attack was as fast as thunder, and did not give Ma Yao any chance to react. When he wanted to raise his sword again, his hand was already weak.

"Cough... Um... He cough cough..."

Ma Yao used his last bit of strength to approach the sewage pool at the edge of the church, intending to jump into it and disgust Cheng Xu.

Just as his legs softened and he was about to jump into it, Cheng Xu fired a hook gun and successfully hit Ma Yao's armored body.

The hook hooked the gap of the armor and pulled Ma Yao, who was gradually losing consciousness due to lack of oxygen, back to the shore.

Cheng Xu did not approach but put away the hook gun and waited for his prey to die naturally.

He still kept a distance from Ma Yao to avoid being killed by others at the last moment.

Ma Yao waved the sword in his hand and tried to throw it to the position where the hook gun retracted, but failed.

His throat, which could no longer breathe, could only make desperate gurgling sounds, watching the darkness in front of him getting deeper and deeper, and the light getting smaller and smaller...


Ma Yao tilted his head and stopped moving.

As usual, Cheng Xu shot him another arrow to ensure that Ma Yao could never be resurrected.

When Cheng Xu took off Ma Yao's armor, he found that there were no other props on his chest, but three short-handled axes.

Axes of that specification have no other use except for throwing.

"This kid not only treats me as a saint, but also beats me.

"It's better to strike first..."

Cheng Xu dragged Ma Yao's body aside, ate it up as quickly as possible, and then collected all the useful things on him.

Cheng Xu took advantage of the last time of "Illusion Butterfly" and ran back to his home silently.

This time, Cheng Xu didn't even take off his armor, and lay directly in the hot spring. The dirt and stench on his body quickly disappeared.

Bathing, eating, tampering with supplies...

After these things were done, Cheng Xu's physical strength was restored a lot.

He planned to take a quilt to his newly built hut to rest.

And while he was bathing, Cheng Xu had a bold guess in his mind, and he decided to test it.

So he arrived at the hut again and built a simple bed with wood.

"Very good, let me do an experiment next..."

Cheng Xu removed the door, then took out a "stone" strengthening material, stretched it out until it was completely in line with the doorway.

"It actually works!"

At this time, Cheng Xu's hut has become a real fortress, and it is almost impossible to enter it.

"If it weren't for the time required to expand and collect materials, this would be great..."

Cheng Xu plans to temporarily use stones as doors and rest in it for a while.

However, this is not a long-term solution. The reinforcement directions of the wall and the gate are completely different, and some special functions are only available in the gate.

Cheng Xu plans to find something like "iron door" or "warehouse door" to replace the door of the small bunker.

"It's a pity that the door of the house can't be removed, and construction can't be done there, so it can only be strengthened..."

Cheng Xu spread the quilt and lay in it, feeling like an Egyptian pharaoh with an extremely safe tomb.

Cheng Xu's bunker has only two windows at the moment, both of which are very narrow gaps. Unless someone deliberately destroys it, it will never come in.

Cheng Xu closed his eyes with great confidence and fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep lasted for 8 hours. When he woke up, there were only 5 minutes left before dark.

"This bunker is good in every way, but it's a bit stuffy..."

Cheng Xu looked around through the window and found no trace of other people.

So Cheng Xu removed the stone, reinstalled the door, and waited for night to fall.

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