The door was opened, and the door was opened.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Cheng Xu stood up and listened carefully to the knock.

Cheng Xu did not make any sound. He was a little worried that it was not Sun Luyu outside the door, but a "fake person".

But a moment later, a female voice came from outside the door.

"Brother Cheng Xu, open the door quickly... There is a monster outside my window..."

Cheng Xu thought for a few seconds and decided to check in front of the door to determine whether it was a fake person or a human outside.

If it was a fake person, he would remain silent. If it was Sun Luyu, he would send a message to persuade her to be quiet.

Or he could open the door and let her shut up forever.

Cheng Xu walked slowly to the door, deliberately not wearing shoes, and the sound he made was very slight.

The cat's eye of the security door showed the light in the corridor, which flickered slightly.

Under the orange light, Cheng Xu saw a figure.

There was nothing unusual about the figure, she was a woman dressed very boldly.

Based on the comparison of the pictures just now, Cheng Xu could confirm that this was Sun Luyu who lived opposite him.

Cheng Xu opened the four-layer group and had a private chat with Sun Luyu alone.

"Cheng Xu: Sound will attract monsters, shut up"

"Sun Luyu: I promise not to make any sound, brother, can you let me in?"

"Cheng Xu: Go back to your own home"

"Sun Luyu: Brother, can you really bear to see a weak woman like me die in the mouth of a monster..."

"Cheng Xu: Give you one minute"

Cheng Xu originally thought that Sun Luyu would curse or go back to her room obediently, but the result was somewhat beyond Cheng Xu's expectations.

Outside the door, Sun Luyu's voice became more coquettish, and that tone was enough to make a young man full of vigor and vitality go limp.

"Brother... I can give you anything..."

Sun Luyu gently knocked on Cheng Xu's door, her movements were very gentle, as if she was treating her lover.

"Pah... pah... pah..."

Sun Luyu's voice was a little more impatient in her coquettishness, and it was obvious that she was a little dissatisfied with Cheng Xu who didn't understand romance.

"Brother... as long as you let me in, I will play with you as long as you want..."

Cheng Xu was not moved at all. For this staunch bachelor, any negotiation from others was a trap.

Cheng Xu stood at the door and thought carefully about how to quickly deal with this guy and as quietly as possible.

Just as he slowly drew out his dagger and prepared to open the door to eliminate the threat, another voice suddenly appeared in the corridor...

"Hello, your takeaway..."

This sudden shout made Cheng Xu's hair stand on end, because only a "fake person" could make such a sound.

Sun Luyu's voice was suddenly filled with urgency, and she turned to shout at the voice.

"Brother who delivers takeaway! Help! I'm trapped here!"

The voice echoed in the corridor and sounded very loud.

But after the voice disappeared for a few seconds, Sun Luyu did not get a response.

She asked again with some doubts and some timidity: "Is there...anyone?"

"Hello, your takeaway..."

The voice was no different from the previous one, with the same tone, pauses, and pronunciation.

It was just closer...

Sun Luyu also felt the creepy fear and hurriedly slapped Cheng Xu's door, without any charm from before.

"Help! There's a monster! Save me!"

"Hello, your takeaway..."

The voice had already reached the corridor, very close to Sun Luyu.


Sun Luyu screamed and fell to the ground, her body colliding with the ground, making a muffled sound.

"Don't come over... Don't touch me! I——"

Her voice suddenly stopped, like a recorder with the pause button pressed.

There was a sound of skin rubbing in the corridor, which sounded like someone rubbing their hands hard.


A flesh and blood body was hit against the wall, followed by an extremely sticky sound.

A few seconds later, Sun Luyu's voice sounded again, and the charm of the previous one was restored.

"Brother... Open the door quickly... I'll give you whatever you want..."

Cheng Xu slowly stepped back and put the unsheathed dagger on the sofa, trying not to make any sound.

He was very sure that the person standing at the door was definitely not Sun Luyu, but a pseudo-person who had been completely transformed.

Her current appearance

It is absolutely terrifying, with half of its head missing or its body proportions unbalanced, which will cause the uncanny valley effect when people see it.

"Brother... open the door quickly... I will give you whatever you want..."

The same voice sounded again, as accurate as a recording file played repeatedly.

If this goes on, the pseudo-man may not be able to come in for a while, but it will definitely attract the attention of other monsters.

Cheng Xu has not figured out a solution for the time being, so he decided to go back to his room first, where there is at least a door.

After returning to the room, Cheng Xu opened the administrator group and found that those administrators were talking about Cheng Xu's affairs.

"Teng Qie: Haha, I said this guy has talent, but he has no chastity at all, he is cruel and cold-blooded..."

"Shi'e Qie: The female survivor next door was a related practitioner before, no wonder she is so skilled"

"Kaxi Qie: What kind of things do you invite every time? Don't bring these vases next time"

"Nan Qie: Do you have the final say, or do I?"

"Kaxi Qie: You are the boss, you are the boss"

"Nan Qie: Diversity is the fun of survival games"

"Shui Qie: The pseudo-human is still too weak. As long as this kid doesn't open the door, there will be absolutely no problem"

"Ci Tian Qie: After all, it's the first day, and humans like him are still a minority in the first round of the game"

The "pseudo-human" outside the door is still repeating his words, and the voice has been echoing in the corridor.

After a while, there was another voice in the corridor, which sounded like some kind of beast roaring.

"There are more and more monsters gathering at the door..."

Several messages in the survivor group caught Cheng Xu's attention.

"Hua Kai Fu Gui: All dead..."

"Wen Tian: Oh, who did I think it was? It turned out to be the group of idiots hanging out late at night. They died."

"Zuo Bo Tao: More than a dozen people died in the incident in Building 7. I took photos."

Attached below is a blurry photo of blood all over the ground. It can be vaguely seen that there are a lot of corpses lying in the pool of blood, and there are several monsters feasting on them.

"Yang Tao: I'm telling you, don't disbelieve me, I just came back at night, and a lot of weapons are being refreshed outside now!"

The anonymous guy sent a photo of a Nepalese army knife on the table and a pistol that looks very realistic.

"Falcon: I picked it up too. As long as you are careful, there will be absolutely no problem!"

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