The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

"Big Head: Really? Where is it?"

"Ying Zheng: You'd better believe me as Qin Shi Huang."

"Kerry: It's true. I picked up a very sharp dagger and killed a zombie!"

"Flamingo: I also killed three zombies, and there's an extra reward!"

Cheng Xu was a little confused, but he didn't express his opinion. Instead, he turned back to look at the photo carefully.

"There's no metallic luster... and it seems there's a white edge cut from the paper..."

Just when Cheng Xu found that the saber blade in the photo was missing a piece, the photo was withdrawn.

Seeing those flaws, Cheng Xu was basically sure that this guy's photo was fake.

"So what is the reason for these guys to fake photos and fabricate facts..."

There are still people in the survivor group who are making a fuss, following those people to say what they have gained at night.

Some people who don't know the truth even really ask them where they found those weapons.

"How can others share the best resources with you... especially at this time..."

Cheng Xu was not tempted at all. After all, there was a fake person and a corrupt hound at his door, and he couldn't get out.

After more than ten minutes, it seemed that someone really went downstairs and started searching in the dark.

That guy was lucky and was not killed directly by the monster.

But his mind didn't turn around, and he still posted photos in the survivor group to ask others.

"Seeker: Boss, where did you pick up the weapons? Why can't I see any of them?"

The photo seemed to be taken in the bushes. Under the cover of the grass leaves, a large group of zombies wandering outside could be seen. They should be the protesters before.

"Yang Tao: Go forward, cross the street in front of Building 6, and you will find weapons in the garden of Building 7."

The guy who spoke was the one who claimed to have found the weapons before, and was also the culprit of the fake photo.

The others chose to remain silent, and no one was willing to tell the truth for the deceived survivor.

After all, one person's death means one less person to compete with them for resources.

When the speaking time limit came, the second sentence of the survivor appeared again.

"Seeker: Okay, everyone wait for my good news!"

There must be a lot of simple survivors like this, and I don't know how many people will become the dead souls of the first night.

The pseudo-man outside Cheng Xu's door seemed to be tired of staying, and finally stopped making mechanical repetitive sounds, dragging his steps to leave the floor.

The hound also stopped making sounds, and it had left about five or six minutes ago.

Cheng Xu pricked up his ears and listened for a long time, and the sticky footsteps of the pseudo-man gradually moved away and walked towards the corridor.

Cheng Xu gently opened the door of his room, somewhat thankful that the sound insulation of his suite was very poor, which was a blessing in disguise.

He kept a slow pace, moved to the door, and looked out of the cat's eye.


Outside the cat's eye, there was not the clean corridor that Cheng Xu expected, but a slightly distorted face under the emergency light.

The fake person has not left yet!

Cheng Xu realized that the footsteps of the fake person just now were just its "ventriloquism".

Such a terrible disguise, as long as you are not careful, you will be fooled.

Cheng Xu's resident is at the side door, so all the situations in the corridor can be seen at a glance.

But for the resident at the middle door, the corridor is now empty.

She walked to the door and took a look at the environment outside. Cheng Xu could hear the sound clearly.

The fake person also turned his head and twitched, revealing half of his face with only bones.

Cheng Xu saw the face of flesh and blood that was constantly squirming and twitching, with an invisible black substance wrapped in it, flowing out like liquid...


The middle door opened a crack, and a little light escaped through the crack...

"Is there... anyone?"

The girl at the middle door asked outside with a trembling voice.

It seemed that she was testing whether there was anyone outside, but in fact it was just a self-deception to deceive her consciousness and tell herself that there was no monster outside.

Cheng Xu watched the fake person quietly approach the crack of the door, and an eye grew on his fingertips...

After waiting for a few seconds, the girl at the middle door seemed to be completely sure that there was no monster outside, and slowly opened her door.


When the crack in the door expanded to accommodate an arm, she saw a face growing on the arm...

" me..."


The girl's scream suddenly stopped, and the door was slowly pushed by the pseudo-man, and the hinges made a creaking sound.

The pseudo-man who looked like Sun Luyu vomited a ball of gelatinous substance, completely covering the face of the girl at the middle door, and groped all the way down along her body.

Many things that looked like human limbs but were as soft as octopus tentacles grew out of the pseudo-man, and began to tear off the girl's skin and flesh and put them into the mouth.

The flesh stained with gel was very easy to fall off, and the pseudo-man took a few minutes to completely swallow her body.


Then, the pseudo-man vomited a large ball of mucus, and in the mucus, a brand new pseudo-man was born.

Cheng Xu rarely saw his neighbors, because he lived a secluded life and went out to buy groceries, which were enough for a week.

He was not familiar with the two people in the middle door and the opposite door.

A long time ago, he was diagnosed with a mild personality disorder and lacked empathy for others.

The two neighbors died overnight, and Cheng Xu did not feel any sadness.

In his mind, the first thing he thought of was that he could go to their house to plunder supplies the next day.

The pseudo-man who looked like his face was stretched ten times longer stood up from the mucus and walked out the door.

The two pseudo-men stuck together, as if they were communicating in a way that humans could not understand.

After a moment, they opened their mouths and made exactly the same sound...

"I am your neighbor, I have some canned goods that I want to trade with you..."

They repeated these words and walked towards the corridor.

After confirming that the two fake people really left, Cheng Xu began to make a plan on how to bring the two people's vacant houses under his control.

He even planned to use one of the houses as a trap house. If he encountered a monster attack or someone invaded, he would escape to the trap house.

"Tengjia: I bet that this kid will definitely turn those two houses into his territory!"

"Kaxijia: Tonight is not over yet. If he has a seizure, who knows who will eat him."

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