For Luo Chen’s diary, Gwen mostly used it as a channel for leisure time in his spare time.

It is full of Luo Chen’s laughter and scolding, of course, Luo Chen’s ridicule of many things, and the nature of the world that was inadvertently revealed also opened Gwen’s eyes.

What first appeared Iron Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman or whatever, that’s not to say, and then what timeline is involved, what Thor ah, the god of trickery Loki, God King Odin, Captain America.

Of course, smart as Gwen also knows how to protect yourself.

This dangerous world, even Luo Chen, still have to be afraid of three points, what purple potato essence snapped his fingers, what Loki invaded the earth, which is a small thing.

It’s all big things.

Big event.

If a little girl like her participates without permission, it will ~ be a dead end.

The world inside was wonderful, very exciting, and it was an eye-opener for her, but it was also very dangerous, so dangerous that at a certain timeline, even Thor, the god of thunder, was killed by an arrow, what a shocking thing, but it was – it happened.

Even Thor, the god of thunder, could be shot to death because of an accident, not to mention an ordinary person like her.

Moreover, Luo Chen did not miss things about her in his diary, it seems that in a parallel world, she is the girlfriend of the little fart boy named Peter Parker, and then died in Peter Parker’s arms.

Or conversely, she becomes Spider Woman, Peter Parker dies in her arms, and in short, dealing with these people in the inner world ends up with nothing.

Therefore, she has always disguised herself well, and has never mentioned those things to Luo Chen.

Only if he is a normal handsome Asian teacher, even if he has something in his heart, he will not show it.

Such days should continue, unless, one day in the future, she will become Spider Woman.

In that case, she may have the opportunity to navigate the inner world.

Luo Chen, who took the plane and transferred to this small town in New Mexico, can also be regarded as a servant of the dust.

However, he has been basking in the sun to replenish his energy, so Luo Chen is not tired at all.

“Energy?” Luo Chen looked out of the town from a distance, and he could vaguely feel that there was an extremely powerful energy in the town.

It’s magical energy, and it has a bit of thunderous power!

This is something that ordinary people simply cannot perceive, but Luo Chen is different, after so many days of sunbathing, his perception has been strengthened to an amazing extent, not to mention that after he fused the magic body, his energy perception ability for magic has greatly increased, even if they are far apart, they can still feel that there is a powerful magical energy surging in it.

Although it is very obscure, in Luo Chen’s perception, it seems to be like a huge searchlight in the night, and it is difficult not to notice.

“That should be Mjolnir!” Luo Chen said.

In fact, he also wanted to see if he could lift Mjolnir.

In his previous life, there were many speculations about Mjolnir, including why some people could lift it and some people couldn’t, in general, Luo Chen analyzed it.

The first is the issue of permissions, this Mjolnir was forged by Odin for the dwarves, so Odin has the first permission.

Similar to the permission problem of computer users, different levels of permissions can use different functions, and Thor obviously has access rights, but was deprived of his right to use by Odin’s words, and was not allowed to use Mjolnir until he was able to show traits that satisfied Odin.

Therefore, although Myrnir is also known as Mjolnir, the real core first authority is actually Odin.

After all, Mjolnir was not specially forged for Thor, to be precise, it was made by Odin before the birth of Thor, and it should have been used by Odin himself.

That’s why he will be the first authority.

This is also reflected in the later Thor Sanli, the goddess of death, Hela, on a certain mural, also holding Mjolnir, she also has the permission to use Mjolnir.

But then Odin and Hela turned their faces, it should be that they recaptured the permission of Mjolnir, and after sealing it, the authority of Mjolnir fell to Thor, the god of Thor.

At the same time, it is certain that Thor’s right to use Mjolnir must be above Hela.

Otherwise, Hela will not have tried to regain control of Mjolnir later, did not compete with Thor, Thor, for the permission of Mjolnir, but directly crushed it.

So in fact, Luo Chen can speculate that after the death of God King Odin, Thor is the first authorized person of Mjolnir, which should belong to automatic promotion.

And Hela’s authority may have been taken away by Odin, and it is impossible to fight for it later.

So later Thor was also able to open permissions, such as to his girlfriend, Jane Foster, so that she briefly became a female Thor, and even the Thor suit was automatically available.

It can be said that the Thor suit is actually a war armor that matches Mjolnir, and whoever can use the Quake can wear the Thor suit.

As for why the American team Rogers was able to lift Mjolnir, Luo Chen personally guessed that it may be related to Thor, and Odin once said that whoever can lift Mjolnir can have the power of Thor, the god of Thor.

He said it directly to Mjolnir, just like Tony Stark said to Jarvis, the same pattern, is to transfer permissions, is to instruct, who can get permissions.

Obviously, there are criteria for obtaining this permission, for example, to be like Rogers of the American team, with extremely noble character and selflessness.

In the previous life, no matter whether many people were cold or not to the spiritual cold of the so-called lighthouse country represented by Team Rogers, they had to admit that this was a person with a noble personality.

Many people do not care about the spirit of liberal democracy in the so-called lighthouse country, because their own elites also discard these as mere things to deceive.

But Team Rogers is different, he himself believes in the spirit of this lighthouse country, and also practices his actions in accordance with the spirit of this lighthouse country.

In the words of Hua Xia Guo, it is a character who combines knowledge and action, and has his own spirit.

Of course, the performance in the US team three also made many people feel a little disillusioned, but this did not hinder the outstanding character of the American team Rodgers himself.

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