Luo Chen thought about it, according to his own cognition of the American team Rogers, he is definitely not perfect, not only the old antiques of seventy years ago, many times the thinking is also very rigid, and even has some of his own careful thinking.

But a small problem can’t cover up most of his highlights, for example, although he doesn’t know that he can jump from a plane, he is willing to choose to sacrifice himself to save people around the world, which is the same as Iron Man Tony Stark.

Tony Stark also has many problems, but he is at a critical time, the prodigal son turns back, and then all the way to the peak of life.

The reason for this polarized evaluation is mainly due to the need for many people to see Rogers as a saint and an emotionless robot.

When he showed his imperfect side of “863”, many people couldn’t stand it and thought he was a hypocrite.

The world is so wonderful, bad people do bad things all their lives, as long as the prodigal son turns back, he can whitewash himself, such as Loki.

And good people have done good things all their lives, even if they do something incorrect, all previous efforts will be directly erased.

And Luo Chen himself is an ordinary person, he does not have such a strong moral purity, in his opinion, Team America is indeed quite a public and selfless person, at least much more selfless than him.

If he were to sacrifice himself to save others, he asked himself that it would be difficult for him to have such noble sentiments, and the most he could do was to do something within his power and ask for a clear conscience.

So those people can become superheroes, and those of the Avengers Big Three have such feelings, and Luo Chen is only a street hero so far for this reason.

And the character of the American team was also recognized by Mjolnir, so he could lift Mjolnir, and then he could use Mjolnir to fight quite beautifully, and even suppressed Thanos in a short period of time.

This is Luo Chen’s understanding of Mjolnir’s authority, as for other people who can take it in comics, such as widowed sister Natasha, the specific reason is not Luo Chen can know, after all, many things he does not know the whole picture, at most it can only be regarded as speculation.

From this point of view, Luo Chen should have no way to lift Mjolnir, but it does not prevent him from being interested, after all, this is a very pressing artifact in Marvel in the previous life.

However, he also knows that for top masters, Mjolnir is actually like that, for example, Odin held Mjolnir in his early years, but later gave Mjolnir to his daughter and son, which is not at all.

Hela even unceremoniously crushed Mjolnir as soon as they met, and he couldn’t look at these things at all.

Only Thor, the god of thunder, ah no, who is still the hammer god Thor, values Thor’s hammer so much.

As long as he does not understand for a day that his true strength comes from his own bloodline and body, not from a hammer, then he will be the eternal hammer god Thor.

At this moment, above the heavenly dome, dark clouds suddenly began to thicken, and terrifying energy fluctuations boiled above the heavenly dome above the town.

“The Destroyer is coming?” Luo Chen narrowed his eyes and immediately guessed the approximate idea.

In terms of the direction of the plot, it may be time for Loki to kill Thor, the god of thunder.

The plot of the Thor series is really their Odin family ethics drama, you kill me, I kill you, you love me, I love you and so on.

Especially this tsundere three princesses of Asgard, on the one hand, really have a deep affection for the Odin family, and even in order to completely integrate into Asgard, in order to obtain the god king Odin

Even risked several times for his brother Thor, the god of thunder, and finally because he wanted to protect the glory of Asgard, he stupidly wanted to assassinate Thanos, and was finally killed by Thanos.

But he is killing Thor now, and that is really not soft at all.

That fierce look, completely unimaginable, that will actually be the later Loki, maybe this is growth.

And outside the town, feeling the terrifying energy fluctuations, and even tearing open the space, the huge figure sent down by the rainbow bridge, Thor they quickly ran out.

“Here it comes!” Nick Fury in the base also felt the shock.

Everyone rushed out…..

“Don’t act rashly!”

Nick Fury hurriedly instructed.

He knew that this time the evil god Loki sent a warframe called the Destroyer, and the horror of this armor was beyond doubt, indestructible, invulnerable, and had no weakness. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ordinary guns could not pose a threat to him at all.

It can be said that the people present, except for Thor the God of Thor, it is impossible for others to pose even the slightest threat to this destroyer armor.

To put it simply, it is impossible to even break the defense.

In this case, any effort is meaningless.

Only by letting Thor, the god of thunder, solve this problem himself.

The huge armor walked in the desert like a mecha, and the wind brought by it was unimaginable.

Nick Fury watched the destroyer armor coming towards the base from a distance, feeling much more terrifying than on the video.

What can be seen on the video, and what is seen with your own eyes now, is almost not a level of existence at all.

Just looking at the video, it is difficult to understand why such a thing will become the hole card at the bottom of the Asgard box.

But now he has understood that such an almost indestructible thing with the ability to destroy the sky and the earth is extremely terrifying for any civilization.

“I don’t know if a nuclear bomb can destroy it 3.9!” Nick Fury narrowed his eyes, he wasn’t sure if a nuclear bomb could really destroy this thing.

If it is a scientific and technological creation, he is 100% sure that he will be able to destroy it, just a battle armor, and then what if he can fight.

But on the magic side, he doesn’t dare to guarantee it, because the magic side is very magical, a lot of things, you can’t use the scientific side to predict.

In this case, there is complete certainty.

There are indeed many big killing weapons in human hands, but for Asgard, a behemoth ranked high in the interstellar ranking, I am afraid it does not mean much.

Whether a civilization can fly away from its home planet is the fundamental key to measuring whether a civilization is moving towards initial maturity.

Now that alien gods have arrived, I don’t know when the earthlings will fly out of the earth?.

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