【If we talk about the miserable, besides you who committed suicide endlessly, Xiang Ba Wang, there is also me who committed suicide endlessly, Qu Yuan! 】

A cartoon character stood on the edge of the cliff, his face full of tears.

He looked up to the sky and said indignantly, “It’s fun to write about me committing suicide, and it’s fun to keep writing about me committing suicide!”

“My resentment is in your hands!”

Qu Yuan cried to the sky, and finally concluded, “Li Sao is too short, it should be twice as long!”

A group of barrages poured out.

【Hahaha, infinite suicide of Chu Ba Wang, infinite suicide of Qu Yuan, so real, to be honest, I have written about Qu Yuan committing suicide. 】

【Also laughed it off? Like Sima Qian facing castration? (manually funny)】

【I have to say that Li Sao is really my nightmare in life. I have never seen such a long article, and it dominated me for a long time! 】

【At least three days, really three days! 】

【If it is twice as long, I will just kill me! ]

[Who said it wasn’t? Li Sao is longer than my life. ]


The First Emperor looked at the sky and said with a hint of curiosity, “This Li Sao seems to have a very high status in the hearts of future students!”

On the side, Li Si nodded and said, “Yes, this Li Sao seems to be really terrifying!”

[Of course, to talk about all this, we naturally can’t avoid a few characters who appear frequently. ]

[Demasiavsky, He Chaofusky…]

[According to incomplete statistics, the number of times they appear each year is as high as hundreds of thousands, even not inferior to Sima Qian, Du Fu and others! ]

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

“What the hell?”

“Demasiavsky, He Chaofusky?”

Zulong was stunned for a moment, his eyes full of curiosity.

He had no impression of these names at all.

Sima Qian, Han Xin, Su Dongpo and others also widened their eyes and looked confused.

Sima Qian, “Have they also been palaced? How can they be compared with me?”

Han Xin was also dissatisfied, “This Fuskey is easy to read, but I don’t have any impression. Is he an ancient person?”

“It doesn’t sound like it, Western?”

For a moment, many eyes from all major time and space looked over, their faces full of curiosity and shock.

In the sky, a man with a gray beard and a white robe appeared. He lay on his side, looking like a philosopher.

He had a lot of question marks on his head, and said in a lame tone, “Who am I, where am I?”

“I am famous?”

“I said this?”

After the voice fell, all the ancients were stunned.

What is going on?

Is this person… fictional?

Everyone was shocked. This seems to be the only possibility.

[Yes, this Fuskey, as long as some prefixes are added to the front, there is no need to say more, it must be fictional. 】

【Their identities are also very different. Among them, there are artists, educators, and great philosophers. As for the famous quotes at the end, they are also made up by themselves. 】

【It is common in college entrance examination essays, and junior high school essays are even more severely affected. 】

【The common sentence structure is, the great educator XX said, the great philosopher XX said. 】

【As for whether the famous quote is good or not, it depends on the student’s own level. At first, the examiner was stunned, but in the end he realized that it was wrong. 】

【There are too many XX XX, and the famous quotes he said are more outrageous than one another. Basically, what is the theme of the essay, he said the corresponding famous quote. 】

【Even in recent years, even the famous quotes of five-star general MacArthur have increased, sweeping the examination room. 】

【In short, the examination room is a big stage, come if you can make it up. 】

【Examiner: It’s too difficult for me! 】

For a while, all the ancients were stunned.

Some students couldn’t believe it. Can this be made up?

Allusions and words of saints, can all be made up?

In the past, this was something that almost all students had never thought of, but now.

They were stunned.

It actually worked!

Start with a question, and then make up the rest.

For a while.

In every dynasty, some students had a bold idea in their hearts.

They looked at Confucius and Mencius in the sage book, and a smile appeared on the corner of their lips.

Warring States Period.

When Confucius saw this scene, he also called it outrageous.

It’s okay to make up this allusion, but celebrities can also be made up?

For some reason, Confucius had a very bad premonition in his heart.

He had a feeling that there would be many more Confucius said in the future.

Confucius said, those who prostitute without paying, Confucius said…

Gao Yang couldn’t help but smile.

This sky curtain is too real, but there is nothing wrong with this.

He had written before that the great He Chaofusky said that time is notIt doesn’t matter how much you have, it’s how you use it.

It turns out that the marking teacher happened to have played LOL.

This score can be imagined.

You are careless, it should be what time management guru Ike said.

Gao Yang moved his finger.

Several more videos appeared.

Butterfly step.

Accompanied by intensive drumbeats, the beauties in the sky were all wearing white stockings, with their thighs exposed and their legs crossed.

Cao Cao was the first to squint and admire it.


“So elegant!”

The three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang also showed smiles.


“Nice needle!”

I don’t know if I watched too many other videos, and then it seemed like a buff was triggered.

Several videos are all about butterfly steps.

And this little lemon, just take it.

This also made many ancient people happy.

They looked weird.

Especially the group of beauties above the sky are all very beautiful, which makes their expressions even more weird.


“Cao has a saying that is not worth saying.”

Cao Cao stood in the main hall and said.

Xu Chu’s face was tense, “If the Prime Minister doesn’t tell you, then I won’t tell you either.”

Xun Yu: “If you don’t tell me, I won’t tell you either!”

The three of them looked at each other and smiled. Although everything they said to each other was in confusion, they all understood it instantly.

Tang Dynasty.

Li Er looked strange, “What kind of challenge is this?”

“I don’t understand. If this lemon is sour, even if it is really a challenge, why not just throw it into your mouth?”

“Do you have to use this broken instrument to squeeze out the juice? Then use your mouth to continue, this, this, this…”

Cheng Yaojin said, “Your Majesty, to be honest, I think it’s okay because I enjoyed watching it and I had a strong sense of immersion.”

Li Er: “…”

Well, if you say that, I would also like to see it.

Warring States Period.

Confucius’s body tensed up, “The world is getting worse, the world is getting worse!”

“Such actions…”

Ming dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes were cold, “How can this be like this? It’s not enough to reveal so much? Do you have to brush aside the edges like this?”

“This is simply unreasonable!”

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn’t understand. In his eyes, if you really want to challenge yourself, you might as well just throw a whole lemon into your mouth.

This action instantly got rid of the challenge.

It also has to be aligned and presented in the form of a lens.

At this time, Zhu Biao on the side suddenly said, “Father, may I advise you not to meddle in other people’s business?”

Zhu Yuanzhang: “???”

At this time, Gao Yang passed his finger, and another video title appeared on the sky.

[How rich the Chinese people’s martial virtue can be, the Battle of Mayingrad, the ceiling of village fighting! 】

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