The love of young people is always so touching.

It's just a few short shots, though.

Audiences from all over the world also watched it with relish.

Feeling the beauty of love.

Of course, there are also more people who resent the sour smell of love.

And the video continues to play.

[One day, on the way to school, Mio Akiyama and Otagi met in the vast sea of people. 】

[One is on this side of the road

, and the other is on the other side of the road.] 】

[Mio Akiyama waved happily to say hello, and when the green light on the sidewalk turned on, she couldn't wait to run to Oriki Buntaro.] 】

But at this moment, a fast-moving truck rushed over without slowing down. 】

[Then: "Bang!"].

[The young man's pupils shook violently, and he hurriedly rushed to the person lying in a pool of blood, and shouted in despair. 】

[An ambulance rushed to the hospital and took the two to the hospital.] 】

[The only thing the boy can do is pray, praying that Mio Akiyama will never have an accident. 】

[In the end, the girl managed to survive, but also lost her legs. 】

[While the young man breathed a sigh of relief, he also noticed that the girl's eyes had lost their brightness. 】

[Yes, with the loss of both legs, there are also dreams.] 】

[All a teenager can do is to keep going back and forth between school and the hospital, and spend as much time with the girl as possible. 】

[When the girl is alone, she has been watching the video of the past performance, reminiscing about the past and dreams. 】

[But one day, the girl suddenly saw on TV that the lead singer of their band had changed and replaced it with a strange face. 】

[Mio Akiyama can't withstand this kind of blow, that position is obviously her own.] 】

[Recalling the past, my singing on stage, and the current situation. 】

[The gap between the front and back is too huge, Mio collapses, and falls like crazy with everything around her.] 】

"Chitanda did it!".

"The details are amazing. "

Chitanda must have been very happy when he saw this picture. "

"The big guy is so strong, bow down. "

"How the hell did you do that? I'm stupid, it's a pretty complete story. "


The world of light girls.

The girls in the light part are scrambling to explain to Mio.

"MIO-chan, don't be deceived by the video, you know us, we are by no means this kind of person!".

"If you do go to the hospital, we will definitely take care of you in every possible way, instead of finding someone else to take your place!"

Ritsu panicked.

The front looks good.

Why did Mio

get out of the way after the car accident?

I didn't even go to the hospital to see mio-chan?

even changed the lead singer?

How could you do such a thing yourself?

Yui Hirasawa explained at a loss: "Yes, yes, the person who made this video can be punished!".

"Mio-chan, you must forgive me!".

As he spoke, Yui Hirasawa's tears even fell.

Mio Akiyama was stunned.

She didn't say much, did she?

Why did these two people start crying?

Mio Akiyama was about to speak out to comfort her.

That's when it happened.

"That ......


Nakano Azusa slowly raised his hand: "Hasn't the lead singer of the band always been Sister Wei?"

Hear this.

The three of them, who were all in a panic, were suddenly stunned.

"That's right!" Yui Hirasawa clapped his hands: "I'm the lead singer, Mio-chan has only sung one song on stage!".

And that's not all.

After sobering up, he suddenly realized another thing.

"So, aren't we a girls' school? Where are the boys?".

As he spoke, the whispering department fell silent.

Several people looked at each other.

Then he said in unison: "It turns out that this is the second creation! It's too realistic!"


Ice Candy World.

"I didn't do it!".

Chitanda Airu was stunned.

It was when Mio Akiyama was injured by a car, and the barrage was all done by Chitanda.

It's not like she's good!

She admits that she is a little jealous of Mio Akiyama in the picture.


No matter how jealous she is, she won't do such a thing!

She was afraid that Oriki Fengtaro would misunderstand, so she grabbed the other party's arm and shook her head frantically: "I really didn't do it!".

"I know. "

Oriki Buntaro nodded: "I already understand this video, it's a second creation." "

"Huh?" Chitanda was stunned: "I'm curious, how did you see that?".

Otaro Oriki pointed to the light curtain.

"After Mio Akiyama was hit, there was a second about me portrayed, and although it was adjusted by the maker, I could still see that it wasn't me. "

"Also, I think back to the confession scene in the video, which was the first time I saw you here. "

"The maker just replaced you with Mio Akiyama. "

"If I'm not mistaken, this kind of second creation is the type that deliberately makes people misunderstand. "

Oriki Buntaro said lightly.

Chitanda became more and more confused.

She couldn't understand it.

Why can Origi Bongtaro see so much.


It turned out to be a video of misunderstanding.

Then it's fine.

Chitanda breathed a sigh of relief.

After thinking about it, he asked, "What would you do if, I mean, if the content on this video was true?"

Oriki replied without thinking, "Of course it's going with the flow." "

Chitanda pursed his lips and kicked him.


Oriki Buntaro asked suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

Chitanda Airu whispered, "Aren't you looking forward to it?"

"What do you mean?" Oriki Buntaro really couldn't understand what this woman was thinking.

Seeing that the other party didn't intend to deal with him, he shook his head and didn't think about it anymore.

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