For the world in which the two protagonists live.

It can be inferred from the clues that this video is just a second creation.

But this is not the case for people in other worlds.

World of Dragons and Tigers.

"Poof!" Shino Pear couldn't help but blow her nose.

Wiping his tears, he said: "When people grow up, they can't watch such touching videos." "

"That damn driver, he ran a red light, phew, it's not a thing. "

"Hey, you're exaggerating. Oga Hiraka handed the tissue to Shinori.

After taking it, she looked up at Dahe: "But, but, I really can't see the parting of life and death." "

"But isn't she dead?"

"That's a tragedy, too!"

Osaka sighed.

Then he turned his head to look at Takasu Ryu'er.

Signal the other party with his eyes, it's time for him to take advantage of the weakness!

Gao Sulong'er's old face turned red.

These small actions are looked at by Ami.

She sighed.

It's endless.

Looking at the relationship between these three people, it really hurts my stomach.

She shook her hair, pulled the dragon's front seat away, and sat down with her ass.

Dragging his chin, he looked at Takasu Ryu'er boredly and asked, "Takasu-san, don't you think the plot on the light screen is very cliché?" "

See here.

The big river of Fengban instantly burst into green muscles.

That damn BC!

It's really pear crying, do you have a cliché?

You're deliberately finding fault, aren't you?

Also, you actually destroyed the rare opportunity of the dragon?

What a whack!

Dragon, it's time to show your charisma.

As long as you fight back against Ami with perfect words now, Shino Pear will definitely have a crush on you!


Gao Su Long'er thought for a moment and nodded: "It's indeed a bit cliché, I've watched 2 or 3 love movies, and they all seem to have this kind of bridge." "

Zero points!

The Osaka River is angry.

Ami was very happy: "Ah, it seems that we have the same idea, in that case, when will we go to watch a vulgar love movie together?".

Osaka Dahe was even more angry: "Go, go, why does Long'er want to go to the movies with you?"

Ami lifted Jiro's legs, tilted her head and replied, "Because I took the initiative to invite." "

Other reasons can be scolded, but for this reason, Fengban Dahe really can't find any reason to spray.

She turned to stare at Takasu Ryu'er and said, "I also have a movie I want to watch, which is definitely in conflict with the one she wants to watch, do you want to watch it with me, or watch it with her?"

Ami chuckled and shook her head.

Subconsciously, it was the river itself, not the real pear.

If she could realize this, why bother with it.

Stupid himself.

If only I could be like Mio Akiyama and say my mind directly.

But if you do this kind of thing, you will hate yourself.

It's irritating.

Ami returned to her seat and looked back at the video outside.

And at the back of the classroom.

Kitamura Yusaku nodded with satisfaction: "Well, that's good, other worlds have their love stories, and minecraft has another interesting love story." "



Tomoyo Sakagami held his chin and muttered, "I see, since you like it, why don't you say what you think sooner?"

"Indeed, I have nothing to hesitate about. "

"So, when I go to wake up tomorrow, let's confess to him. "

It's not hard to see from the video.

Mio Akiyama and Oriki Buntaro didn't get to know each other for too long.

But still managed to be together.

If you care too much, you'll lose it.

Uh-huh, that's how it was decided.


People from other worlds believe that the content in the video is real.

I couldn't move them all.

And the story continues.

[Oriki Buntaro arrived in time, saw Mio's movements, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold her. 】

[However, this is only a temporary comfort.] 】

[Oriki Buntaro also knows this, so he is ready to solve the problem once and for all, and on Christmas Day, he buys a ring and intends to give it to Mio.] 】

[But what he didn't expect was.] 】

[At this time, near the hospital, Mio is pushing a wheelchair on her stomach and comes to the long stairs. 】

[Having lost her dreams and life, she plans to end her life here. 】

[With a slight push of the arm, the wheelchair rolls down.] 】

[However, there is no figure of Mio Akiyama in it.] 】

[At the top of the stairs, a panting Oriki Buntaro arrived in time and hugged Mio. 】

[And at that moment, the crystal Christmas tree behind the two lit up. 】

[It's as if it...... In the celebration, it is so beautiful and magical. 】

[At the beginning of this, Oriki Buntaro took out the ring and put it on for Mio Akiyama.] 】

【END。 】

"This is already an epoch-making work. "

"The treasure of the town station!".

"I don't watch the uncomfortable series for a day. "

"Explosion high energy ahead, please pay attention, units!".

"On the compatibility of black and long straight, this can all be put together. "

"WC? I've always been a mio and a lawyer is a CP. "

"It can only be said that as an unswerving Qianzhi party, it is now messy. "

"Anyway, thank you for giving me the privilege of seeing such a masterpiece!"

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