"The speed of the light brain's instant transmission is too fast..."

"Even if it is the fastest speed of light recognized by the scientific community, it takes 1.28 seconds to go to the moon!"

"And the instant teleportation function of the light brain, it only takes one ten thousandth of a second to teleport once between the earth and the moon!!"

"That is to say, according to the current instantaneous transmission speed between the earth and the moon, the instantaneous transmission speed of the optical brain is tens of thousands of times the speed of light!"

"I'm really curious about the mysterious light brain I accidentally merged, what is the origin!"

"At present, the repair progress of the mysterious light brain is only 1%, and it has such a terrifying teleportation function!"

"If the repair progress of the mysterious light brain reaches 5%, or more than 10%, I don't know what terrifying functions will be unlocked!"

Su Chen looked at the familiar room environment in front of him and thought to himself.

"Forget it, what are you thinking about!"

"At present, I can't even get the californium that I need to get the light brain repair progress to 2%!"

"What else do you think will make the repair progress of the light brain reach 5%, or even 10%!"

"The most urgent task is to dig the moon soil, and then find a way to exchange the moon soil for money, and use the money to buy the element of californium to improve the repair progress of the light brain!"

Su Chen shook his head, threw away the messy thoughts in his mind, and put the plastic bag with moon soil in the lockbox.

After placing the moon soil.

Su Chen looked at the remaining 30 energy points, and without saying a word, launched the fourth teleportation.

Su Chen: "Turn on the teleportation function, target the moon!"

Light Brain: [The distance of this transmission is about 399,236 kilometers. 】

[Ding: The living environment at the location of the teleportation is detected, which is extremely bad for the host. After starting the teleportation, the light brain will consume 1 energy point per second to provide the host with an energy shield and protect the host from all angles without dead ends! 】

【Transmission is on! 】

[The transfer is over, the host's target location, the moon, has been reached, and the total time taken is ten thousandths of a second! 】

[The current host environment temperature is: -176 degrees]

[The oxygen content of the current host environment: infinitely close to zero. 】

[The gravity of the current host's environment is: one-sixth of that on Earth. 】

[The current light brain still has 29 points of energy left! 】

[In order to protect the safety of the host, after the energy point is lower than 10 points, the light brain will directly transmit the host back to the teleportation coordinates set on the earth! 】

Su Chen listened to the cold voice in his mind.

I just feel a flash in front of my eyes.

I saw the familiar lunar environment.

"There are still 29 energy points!"

"According to the minimum 10 energy points to force me back to Earth, I still have 19 seconds of active time on the moon!"

"We have to hurry up and dig the moon soil!"

Su Chen looked at the remaining energy points, then bent down and started digging the moon soil with his hands, then pulled it into a plastic bag.


The extra weight carried with the light brain tips reaches one kilogram.

Su Chen directly asked the light brain to teleport himself back to his room.


"Teleported back before the light brain energy point dropped below 10!"

Su Chen glanced at the remaining 12 light brain energy points, and thought to himself.


Su Chen also put the plastic bag with moon soil in the lockbox.

"It's time to find a way to deal with these lunar soils!"

Su Chen looked at the moon soil in the lockbox and said.

The moon soil is almost never acquired by private institutions and individual wealthy people.

Even if there are acquisitions, it is estimated that they are all purchased by a few tenths of a gram.

After all, the price of moon soil is too expensive.

Moreover, if there are many transactions with private institutions, there will definitely be some troublesome things.

After a little thought.

Su Chen decided to give up trading with private institutions and choose to trade with the state.

Why choose to trade with the state.

One is that the country has abundant funds.

The second is that it may be possible to use the moon soil to exchange some californium elements from the country.

Third, although Su Chen is an ordinary little person, he has strong patriotic feelings. Trading the moon soil to the country will not only help the country understand more about the moon, but may also promote the country's scientific and technological progress.

After Su Chen has a transaction object in his heart.

He directly took out his mobile phone and checked the phone number of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

Xiaguo Academy of Sciences is an open website for everyone.

At the bottom of the website, Su Chen saw several contact numbers.

Su Chen randomly ordered a contact number for Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, but did not call, but asked Guangnao: "Guangnao, is there any way to hide my phone number, identity information, and voice."

Before there is a strong ability.

Su Chen still thinks it's better to hide himself in the dark.

Guangnao: [The host only needs to consume 1 energy point, and Guangnao can transform the host's mobile phone in all directions. After the transformation, the host can use the mobile phone to dial out the phone, and you can choose normal dialing or hidden dialing! 】

[Normal dialing is an ordinary phone call, and hidden dialing is to hide all the host's information and automatically change the host's voice! 】

[Does the host consume 1 energy point to transform the phone? 】

Su Yang: "Yes!"

Guangnao: [Start transforming the mobile phone... The transformation is complete! 】

Accompanied by a light-brained cold voice.

Su Chen saw a white light merge into his phone.

At the same time, the energy point of the light brain is also reduced by 1 point.

"It looks like nothing has changed!"

Su Chen looked at the remodeled phone and murmured.

Then Su Chen directly used the modified mobile phone to call Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

After a few beeps.

The call is connected.

A woman's voice came: "Hello, this is Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, what's the matter?"

Su Chen: "I have four kilograms of moon soil here, do you need it?"


(The new book needs to be taken care of, ask for a monthly ticket for flower evaluation, as long as someone gives it, I will update ten chapters, and I will do what I say!)

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