I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 7 I Urge You To Surrender As Soon As Possible!


The telephone duty room of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

Today's duty officer, Xiaomei, and several of her colleagues are bored on the night shift.

Jingle Bell……


Xiaomei heard the phone on her desk ring.

"Hello, this is Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, what's the matter?"

Xiaomei asked in a casual tone.

"I have four kilograms of moon soil here, do you need it?"

Xiaomei heard a mechanically synthesized voice on the other end of the phone.

Moon soil?

And four kilos?

Speak in a synthetic voice!

As soon as Xiaomei heard it, she immediately regarded the person on the other end of the phone as a liar.

"These days, liars have even tricked into the Academy of Sciences!"

Xiaomei murmured inwardly, and then she quietly signaled to her colleague next to her to help her check and lock all the details of the person who was talking to her.

For liars.

As a public official, Xiaomei must meet one person and one person.

The colleague next to Xiaomei saw that the liar actually tricked into the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

Immediately, he started to get busy.

Seeing that her colleague was already investigating, Xiaomei said to the liar in her mind, "You have moon soil? And four kilograms?"

"Sir, this is Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, not a kindergarten!"

"Do you think I should believe that you own the moon soil brought back from the moon by our Xia Guo Academy of Sciences and spent countless financial and human resources?"

"And the weight of the lunar soil you have is twice that of the lunar soil owned by our Academy of Sciences!"

"It's just a trick of yours to deceive ordinary people, but you actually deceived the Academy of Sciences!"

"I advise you to turn yourself in as soon as possible, otherwise you will be sentenced very hard if we catch you!"

Finish this sentence.

Xiaomei looked at her colleague beside her, and asked softly if she locked the other party's phone number and location.

"Xiaomei, there seems to be something wrong with the other party!"

"I used the top-level query and positioning system of our Academy of Sciences, and I couldn't find the other party's phone number at all, and I couldn't locate the other party's location!"

"The other party seems to be a ghost on the Internet without any information!"

"The most important thing is that my inquiry shows that your landline number has not been dialed at all..."

"If I hadn't heard the other party's voice, I'd probably suspect that you were talking to yourself!"

"I think it's better to hang up the call, or transfer it to the scientific research room. The scientific research personnel there have much more means of inquiring and positioning than us!"

Colleagues around Xiaomei said with horror on their faces.

Xiaomei listened to the whispered report of her colleagues around her.

Immediately realized that the person who was talking to her was definitely a master network hacker.


Xiaomei began to hesitate, whether to hang up the phone directly or transfer the phone to the scientific research room.

Hanging up the phone directly, Xiaomei is afraid that she will not be able to track the other party, so that the liar in her mind will continue to go unpunished and deceive innocent people.

But if she is connected to the research room, Xiaomei is afraid of the other party. What if she invades the network in the research room and steals top-secret information and research results.

And when Xiaomei hesitated.

Xiaomei heard a mechanically synthesized voice from the other end of the phone: "Believe it or not is up to you!"

"If you think I'm joking, you can hang up!"

Listen to the mechanically synthesized voice on the other end of the phone.

Xiaomei took a deep breath and said calmly: "The matter of the moon and soil you mentioned is of great importance. Please don't hang up the phone and wait for a while. I'll ask the person in charge from our side to come and talk to you!"

"it is good!"

When Xiaomei heard the other party, she simply replied a word to her.

"Well, please wait!"

Xiaomei responded immediately, then got up from her seat, looked at the landline that was on a call, and said to herself, "Hmph, you're really courageous. I'll call a professional here later, and I'll definitely show you what you are!"

Xiaomei had such thoughts in her heart.

He got up and took out his ID card from the drawer, quickly left the duty room, and ran towards the scientific research room not far away.


at the same time.

A certain scientific research room of the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, specializing in the study of the moon.

An old man with gray hair, about sixty or seventy years old, was asking several people of different ages around him about the progress of his research on Moon Earth.

"Did you stop the time, have you made any new discoveries about the moon soil and moon rocks brought back by Chang'e 5?"

The old man asked.

The old man's name is Zhang Zhongming, one of the academicians of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

Because he published many conjectures that shocked the global scientific community.

And very few of them have been confirmed.

Therefore, Zhang Zhongming has a lot of fame and weight in the global scientific community.

"Teacher, through our research on lunar soil and lunar rocks during this period, we found that the conjecture you made last year is likely to be true!"

"The lava on the moon was probably still flowing 1.6 to 2.2 billion years ago."

"It's not what scientists around the world have always thought. After the moon was formed 2.5 billion years ago, its internal heat was exhausted!"

"However, because there are too few lunar soil and lunar rocks allocated by our scientific research room, we cannot fully confirm your conjecture yet."

"It would be great if we could get a little more moon soil or moon rock, so that we can prove your conjecture with more data!"

"And once your conjecture is confirmed, our Xiaguo Academy of Sciences will directly refresh the global scientific community's understanding of the moon's geological lifespan."

"Extend the lifespan of the moon by 6 to 1.2 billion years compared to the data currently accepted by the scientific community!"

A girl of about 18 or 19 years old, wearing white overalls, with a cold appearance, but with beautiful features, like an iceberg beauty, said with regret and unwillingness in her tone.

The girl's name is Gu Yanbing, and she is the youngest female scientist at the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

It is also the most satisfying female student that Zhang Zhongming has accepted in his life.

Gu Yanbing graduated from Qinghua University, the highest university in the Xia Kingdom, when she was less than 18 years old.

And with super excellent grades and unique insights into many scientific achievements in the global scientific community, he was directly admitted to the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

Currently, Gu Yanbing is doing research at the Xiaguo Academy of Sciences while working as a lecturer at Qinghua University.

Following Gu Yanbing's words.

Several researchers of different ages around her also agreed.

"Academician Zhang, the lunar soil and lunar rocks that we brought back through Chang'e 5 during this period, in addition to finding that your conjecture is probably correct, we also accidentally extracted oxygen from the lunar soil!"

"After that extraction of oxygen, we felt that our entire outlook on life was refreshed, because this was a new discovery that refreshed the global scientific community."

"But unfortunately, the oxygen extracted from the moon soil disappeared in less than 0.01 seconds."

"And since that time, we haven't extracted oxygen from the lunar soil."

"So so far, we're not sure whether oxygen can really be extracted from the lunar soil."

"If the above can give us more lunar soil, maybe we can confirm whether there is really a problem of oxygen in the lunar soil."

A middle-aged man in his forties and fifties said.

The words were full of regret and unwillingness.

all in all.

Gu Yanbing and the researchers around her wanted to express Zhang Zhongming in one sentence: "We are too short of moon and soil!!!"


(The seventh update, there is more to come, continue to ask for a monthly ticket for a flower evaluation ticket, even if it is a flower, an evaluation ticket, or a monthly ticket!)

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