The meeting of the Demon Slayer Corps ended, and the Gotei 13 were also studying the special black monster that appeared today.

"This thing is very corrosive."

"And this feeling..."

At the temporary station of the 12th Division, Mayuri Kurotsuchi looked at the monster blood foam brought back by Byakuya Kuchiki, his eyes full of curiosity.

After being summoned, Mayuri Kurotsuchi directly captured a strange beast and a psychic to start researching in order to better understand this world.

After all, knowing yourself and the enemy, you will win every battle.

Through Mayuri Kurotsuchi's research, the strange can be said to have gone beyond the scope of humans.

Although the strange is transformed from the soul of a human after death.

But in essence, the strange is no longer human.

The so-called soul body is just an appearance.

The root problem is that the strange has a new special energy.

Now, after studying the data generated by the bottle of blood foam brought back, Mayuri Kurotsuchi discovered something.

This so-called black monster has all the special energy that only the strange has.

In this case...

Mayuri Kurotsuchi came to a conclusion.

This so-called black monster should be the ancestor of the strange.

It has to be said that he is worthy of being a genius scientist with countless inventions.

Just relying on the judgment of the data, the relationship between the strange and the strange god has been sorted out.

"Is there any more of this kind of thing?"

Mayuri Kurotsuchi asked, shaking the little blood foam left in the test tube.

"No more."

"Only this small bottle sent by Captain Kuchiki."

"I haven't collected this substance from any creature before."

Cai Hui heard this and answered honestly.

"Is that so..."

"Tell other captains to try to catch a living monster when they encounter it in the future."

"This thing..."

"It is very valuable for research."

Bringing the transparent test tube in front of him, Mayuri Kurotsuchi showed a strange smile.

He felt that the thing in his hand was not simple.


He could research something amazing.

"I understand."

Caihui was not surprised at all that his captain said such a thing.

That was the captain's character.


"Build the Technology Development Bureau as soon as possible."

"This laboratory is too simple now."

Nodding, Mayuri Kurotsuchi put the transparent test tube back on the shelf.

Looking at the simple facilities around him, Mayuri Kurotsuchi was very disgusted.

Compared to his own Technology Development Bureau in Seirei, this place was really too simple.

But fortunately, Agusuku and the others came early.

The development and construction of the equipment is almost complete now.

It has entered the final debugging stage.

Recreating the laboratory of Seirei Nobuyuki is not a problem at all.

"Seirei Nobuyuki..."

Thinking of the captain-in-chief's order to rebuild Seirei Nobuyuki, Mayuri Kurotsuchi felt a toothache.

He is a scientist, not a construction team.

But there is no way, who made this also Shen Liang's intention.

But fortunately, the 12th Division is not allowed to build it alone.

Other divisions must also obey Mayuri Kurotsuchi's dispatch on this task.

But who is Mayuri Kurotsuchi?

At this time, of course, he should build his own laboratory first.

The first building built by commanding the thirteen divisions is the brand new Technology Development Bureau.

Directly put the abuse of power for personal gain in the open.

Shen Liang also knew about this.

But Shen Liang did not say much.

It can be regarded as tacitly approving Mayuri Kurotsuchi's behavior.

After all, maybe this Technology Development Bureau can create some miracles for him in the future?

Although the characters summoned by the system are 100% loyal to themselves.

But this does not mean that they do not have their own personalities.

On the contrary, each of them has a distinct personality.

It's just that they will not do anything to betray Shen Liang.

As for building the Technology Development Bureau first.

Is this considered betrayal?

Of course not.

Shen Liang only looks at the final result, and it's OK if Seirei Nobuyuki builds it.

As for which building to build first, these are all the business of the Thirteenth Guard.


The sad face of the Demon Slayer Corps, the calmness of the Thirteenth Guard.

The Weird God Cult is happy here.

"Are you serious?!"

The bishop of the Weird God Cult is listening to his subordinates' reports in the small dark room.

When he heard that the strange creature suddenly mutated into a monster, the excitement in his eyes could not be suppressed.


The next moment, the bishop knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly.

The strange god came.

This good news directly washed away the haze of the bishop's previous failures.

It can even be said that the current bishop is completely a great contributor to the strange god religion.

He was favored by the strange god.

The strange god's personal visit is the best response to his devout faith.

"Good, good, good!"

After saying three excited good words in a row, the bishop paced back and forth in the small dark room.

"Strange God..."

"The devout believer finally got your response."

"I am willing to give up my soul and body, just to be integrated with the strange god!"

At this time, the bishop no longer had the usual haze, and was as excited as a dog who had just received a date text message from the goddess.

Even the bishop has already thought about it. If the strange god needs him, he will go without hesitation.


"Now this news must be notified to the archbishop and others..."

As he said, the bishop calmed down again.


As the person directly responsible for bringing down the strange god, he can do it with this achievement.

So why do you have to report to the archbishop?

Let him steal your own credit?

Even in the strange god cult, there is still competition.

But they are competing for who can dedicate themselves to the strange god earlier.

It can be seen that the faith is very devout.

Thinking of this, the bishop directly contacted the higher-level archbishop.

"Respected archbishop."

"I have something important to report."

As soon as the video was connected, a figure covered in a black robe appeared on the screen.

Seeing this, the bishop immediately bowed respectfully.


"The bishop of Shengjing City, Huaxia Federation?"

"I hope you have something serious to do by contacting me over the level."

"Otherwise, you know what the outcome will be."

Looking at the contact's mark, the archbishop spoke indifferently.


"This matter will definitely not disappoint the Archbishop!"

The bishop then truthfully recounted the arrival of the strange god.

"Are you telling the truth?!"

Sure enough, the Archbishop was even more excited than the Bishop when he heard the arrival of the strange god.

He slapped the table and stood up.

"It's absolutely true!"

"If you lie, you won't be able to face the true body of the strange god!"

The Bishop also made a promise after hearing this.

When he said this, the Bishop was also very confident, after all, he was telling the truth.

"Very good!"

"Very good!"

Hearing the Bishop's promise, the Archbishop said with a trembling voice.

Strange God.

That's their belief.

"I know the purpose of your report to me."

"I'll send you a coordinate."

"Come find me."

"You will be the Archbishop of East District 3 in the future."

After calming down, the Archbishop looked at the Bishop meaningfully, and then hung up the video.

He was going to report the good news to the Supreme Pope.

Seeing the disappearing screen, the bishop slowly stood up and spat with disdain.

"Metropolitan bishop?"

"I will take that position sooner or later!"

"I am the one who respects the strange god the most!"

ps: To be honest, after getting up today, I saw so many messages from bosses one after another. I was a little flattered. Suddenly so many people paid attention to me, and I was afraid that what I wrote was not good, but I will try my best to write the story well. If you have any suggestions, you can also express them;

I will sort out my mood. I will read every comment from the bosses tomorrow, accept the suggestions humbly, and hope to write a better story through this. I will like every comment, whether it is good or bad. The bosses have received their kindness, and by the way, I shamelessly ask for a wave of free love power generation and urging.

In short, thank you for your support, bosses, thank you.

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