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"You put so much effort into it, but you have no soul?"

At this time, Shen Liang jumped up from the sofa.

On the screen of the mobile phone, information from an encrypted chat software is displayed.

[Those things about the Gotei 13]

[Byakuya Kuchiki: Sir, no soul was collected from that black monster. ]

[Byakuya Kuchiki: The body and surroundings have been inspected, and there is no trace of a soul at all. ]

[Kusuka Yachiryu: Shiro-kun is on a mission? ]

[Kusuka Yachiryu: When will Shiro-kun's house be built? ]

[Kusuka Yachiru: I have no place to put my little toys. ]

[Byakuya Kuchiki: I just went to complete a support mission. ]

[Byakuya Kuchiki: Also, why do you put your things in my house? ]

[Nirvana: All eyes are on me! ]

[Nirvana: I have something to announce! ]

[Nirvana: Next time you find this kind of monster, remember to catch one alive! ]

[Hisugaya Toshiro: Got it! ]

[Nirvana: It just so happens that Toshiro's Zanpakuto ability can be kept fresh very well. ]

[Nirvana: This task will be left to you. ]

[Hitsugaya Toshiro: Collect...to...]

Looking at the content of the group chat, Shen Liang noticed what Byakuya Kuchiki said without even looking at it.

No souls were collected.

Co-authoring a captain-level figure, and Mao didn't even receive it?

Is there no appearance fee?

"What a Gou Ba monster."

"It's of no use at all."

Originally, Shen Liang thought that after showing such a powerful ability and undergoing multiple mutations, the gain in soul points would be a huge number.

Unexpectedly, no hair was caught.

Can Shen Liang give it a good face?

The most annoying thing is that the ghost-level soul points that were originally obtained are all gone.

It really makes Shen Liang angry.

"What did you say?"

"Why are you still cursing?"

Zhang Xinyao, who had just come out from washing fruits in the kitchen, came over and asked.

"Tell me, who made my brother Liang so angry?"

"I'll take it out on you."

Sitting next to Shen Liang, Zhang Xinyao waved her fist.

"Who else could it be?"

"It's the monster I met in the mall today."

"I hope I won't encounter you again."

Hearing Zhang Xinyao's words, Shen Liang naturally lay on his round thighs and started to complain.


"We won't encounter that monster again."

"Don't be angry anymore."


"Come and eat some cherries, they're so sweet."

He touched Shen Liang's head as if coaxing a child.

Zhang Xinyao also noticed that Shen Liang was really angry.

Shen Liang was so angry because the black monster didn't explode soul points.

He even had to swallow the soul points he could have obtained.

Isn’t this trying to seize food from the tiger’s mouth?

Can Shen Liang endure it?

But in Zhang Xinyao's opinion, Shen Liang just felt that the black monster was not something they could deal with at this stage, so they didn't want to encounter it.

Neither of them were thinking on the same page.

"School starts soon."

“I still don’t know what life will be like after college.”

Seeing that Shen Liang was still angry, Zhang Xinyao stopped continuing the topic and moved the topic lightly to university.

School will start in two days.

Zhang Xinyao is quite looking forward to college life.

I just need to live in a dormitory when the time comes.

Zhang Xinyao doesn't like this very much.

Zhang Xinyao would not be able to sleep if she couldn't talk to Shen Liang at night.

"It should be exciting."

"After all, it is a university specifically open to psychics."

Thinking of the upcoming college life, Shen Liang also became energetic.

Psychic University.

Most of the courses taught there are serious and weird courses.

It prefers practical teaching.

At the same time, psychics will also be taught how to better cooperate with their own psychics.

There are other miscellaneous things related to psychics.

To be honest, Shen Liang was really looking forward to life at the Psychic University.

The main reason is that Shen Liang also knows that things will get better in a few years.

The best time to enjoy campus life is now.

"I asked about it."

"The competition in the Psychic University is quite fierce."

"Sometimes we even fight for a spot on missions."

While feeding Shen Liang, Zhang Xinyao shared the information she had learned.


“Wherever there are people, there is competition.”

"This is to avoid

Can't. "

Shen Liang was not surprised by this, let alone such a world with extraordinary power.

Even in the previous life, where was there no competition?

Shen Liang just hoped that he could meet some normal people.

Don't touch the paper.

"Don't be afraid."

"Then let them see how powerful our Condor Heroes are."

"I will lead you to kill indiscriminately!"

Zhang Xinyao was not afraid of this at all, and even thought about making a name for herself as the Condor Heroes.

There are a total of five psychic universities in the entire Chinese Federation.

They are east, south, west, north and center.

They were built in the five most mysterious cities.

Northern University was built in Shengjing.

As mentioned before, the Demon Slayer Squad targets the powerful and weird.

Ordinary levels of weirdness are handled by college students.

But there are only five universities. What about other cities?

Just rely on the Demon Slayer Squad?


First of all, the weirdness in other cities is not that active.

And there aren’t that many high-level weirdnesses.

Relatively speaking, it is still safe.

In addition, second-year students will be stationed according to the war zone where they are located.

Therefore, it can also greatly relieve the pressure on the urban ghost slayer team.

Don't worry about this.

"Quack killing?"

"Are you responsible for the random killings?"

"I'm in charge of Gaga?"

Looking at Zhang Xinyao who was very interested, Shen Liang laughed out loud.

"What are you talking about?"

"You can't even stop your mouth with food?"

"Can I still bring you along, my eldest lady?"

Seeing that Shen Liang dared to laugh at her, Zhang Xinyao directly stuffed a handful of cherries into it.

"Nong~Ni Nong~Stupid~"

With a handful of cherries stuffed in his mouth, Shen Liang hesitated when he spoke.

"I just thought that after I go to college, I won't be able to hang out with Brother Liang every night..."

"I'm a little unhappy again."

Sighing, Zhang Xinyao pursed her lips and muttered.

"What's this?"

"Local students can apply to live off campus."

"It's okay to live in the dormitory occasionally."

Seeing Zhang Xinyao's slumped face, Shen Liang thought something was wrong.

Didn't you expect this?


"That's awesome!"

"That's great~"

Hearing what Shen Liang said, Zhang Xinyao laughed again.

Looking at the happy Zhang Xinyao, Shen Liang smiled and shook his head.

This girl is quite clingy.


This feels good.


"It's been a busy day today."

"Go to bed early, uh, sleep."

Standing up from the sofa, Shen Liang stretched his body.

"It's barely seven o'clock."

"Isn't it too early?"

After looking at the time, Zhang Xinyao said with some surprise.

Usually the two of us don't go to bed until late at night.

At this point today...

Is it really a bit too early?

"When I say sleep, do I really sleep?"

Hearing Zhang Xinyao's words, Shen Liang raised his eyebrows.

Seeing this, Zhang Xinyao's face turned red.

She knew what this bad guy meant.


"It's Hutao's turn~"

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