Although the two of them were still young, they were still young.

Bai Qinning said that she missed Da Yuanzi, but she had never looked away from Li Shuo's face since he opened the door.

Li Shuo looked at the girl who had lost a lot of weight, and only came back to his senses when he heard her voice. When he heard her say that she missed Da Yuanzi, he immediately handed the cat in his arms to the person in front of him.

He hesitated for a moment and asked, "Do you want to go in and sit for a while?"

Bai Qinning took the cat, and when she heard Li Shuo's question, she stood at the door for a while, and finally went in with Da Yuanzi in her arms.

Originally, she just wanted to come over and take a look and leave, but when she saw him, she wanted to stay with him for a while.

But when she thought that this guy had hardly taken the initiative to look for her these days, she couldn't help but bumped Li Shuo's arm in anger when she entered the door.

Li Shuo: "..."

The two returned to the house. Bai Qinning looked around and asked, "Is Dad not at home?"

Li Shuo has been back for so many days, and her father-in-law Li Xuejun has not contacted her. It seems that Li Shuo is really living alone.

Li Shuo poured Bai Qinning a glass of juice and put it in front of her.

This is her favorite orange juice. Li Shuo has been cooking for himself recently. When he went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, he saw this orange juice and bought it subconsciously.

He put the orange juice in front of her and said, "My dad is busy at the company. Now I live alone."

Bai Qinning picked up the orange juice poured by her husband and took a sip. She tasted that it was her favorite orange juice. The bitter heart inexplicably added a hint of sweetness.

She held the glass with both hands, was silent for a while, and then looked at him and asked, "When are you going back to live?"

Bai Qinning had a strong sense of crisis. She always felt uneasy when Li Shuo was not around. It was okay when she was at work every day, but she couldn't help wanting to come to him after get off work.

This week, she worked overtime until late at night for more than a week. Today, Hua Wan asked her to leave the early shift, saying that if she continued to work like this, the employees in the company would have health problems.

As expected, she left work early and hadn't seen him for so long, so she couldn't help coming.

Li Shuo has lived a fulfilling life these days. His personal freedom is not restricted, and he doesn't have to worry about Bai Muge's husband's identity being exposed.

Of course, he occasionally misses her.

Now that Bai Qinning suddenly asked, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

This wife's identity as a big star puts him under great pressure. If he goes back and lives with her day and night, his identity may suddenly be exposed at any time.

Compared with the big star Bai Muge, he is just an ordinary person in terms of family background and achievements, and he even has more than ten years of autism experience.

Once exposed, he will be thoroughly dug up by the Internet water army and fall into endless abuse, and Bai Qinning will definitely be attacked by angry fans for this.

Li Shuo has also been thinking about this problem recently. He feels that the two of them are not suitable to live together now. The risk is too high.

"I think it's good for the two of us to be like this now. We don't have to live together and increase the negative impact of exposure. I'm also working hard to improve myself during this time. The gap between our identities is too big, and you're a star." Li Shuo said frankly.

Bai Qinning lowered her head after hearing this, staring at the juice in the cup with her beautiful eyes, and remained silent.

She had long known that Li Shuo would definitely be concerned about her current public figure status, so she was not surprised that Li Shuo said this now.

This is not Li Shuo's problem, he doesn't like to be in the spotlight.

She didn't tell him her identity before, because she was worried that Li Shuo might have concerns if he knew.

The fact is indeed so.

Bai Qinning admitted that she liked Li Shuo, but now she didn't like him so much that she could give up her career of being an actor and acting for Li Shuo, which was against her family's will.

She also likes acting very much.

She is also a little greedy, she wants both Li Shuo and her career.

But now, whether it is career or relationship, she is a little stagnant.

Her acting has been going downhill recently, but Huo Le is not willing to give her a script.

Emotionally, her lover didn't want to live with her because she was a big star.

Bai Qinning was in a terrible mood now.

Her face was tense.

She didn't know what to do now, but she didn't want to be separated from Li Shuo forever.

She felt so uncomfortable after being separated for a week.

She even wanted to take him back.

At least she could see Li Shuo anytime she wanted.

But she was afraid of the cold Li Shuo.

Bai Qinning was quiet for a long time. When the desire to take Li Shuo back became stronger in her heart, she drank the juice in the cup and stood up.

, said with difficulty: "Forget it, I'll go home first."

If she didn't go back, she was afraid that she would call the bodyguards she brought into the community.

Originally, she didn't have the habit of bringing bodyguards.

But today, she couldn't help it and called a group over.

Bai Qinning was about to leave suddenly, and Li Shuo was a little surprised.

He was still thinking about whether to cook some midnight snacks for her, she was too thin.

It took a beat to react and stood up: "Then...then I'll take you?"

Bai Qinning came and only drank a glass of juice poured by her husband, and she was always unhappy.

Hearing that Li Shuo was going to take her away, she wanted to immediately say "I don't need you to take me away."

The words came to her lips, but when she thought of Hua Wan saying that she was not good at speaking, she might as well not say it, so she held it back.

Li Shuo was looking at Bai Qinning and waiting for her reply. Seeing that the other party opened her mouth and closed it again, he was a little confused.

Bai Qinning saw Li Shuo staring at her and waiting for her to speak. The person she had missed for many days was right in front of her. She turned and said, "You don't have to send me off. Just give me a hug."

Since she was here, it would be a shame for her to leave without a hug.

Li Shuo: "Ah???"

Faced with the girl's sudden request, he was stunned for a moment.

After reacting, his face became embarrassed.

They hadn't seen each other for more than a week, and he was even a little reserved, but she suddenly asked for a hug.

Li Shuo was a little at a loss, but when he raised his eyes, he saw the girl's oval face that was a little pointed. When he met her hesitant eyes, his heart softened and he nodded.

Bai Qinning was very surprised to see Li Shuo nod, and when she reacted, she was excited.

She was afraid that Li Shuo would suddenly regret it the next moment, so she took two steps with her slender legs and stood in front of him. She took the initiative to hug him with a pair of soft and white hands and put them in his arms.

On her tense face, she finally showed a smile in Li Shuo's arms.

His chest was still as warm and generous as before, and her nose was filled with his unique fragrance.

This was the most satisfying moment for Bai Qinning in these days.

She put her face in his arms, listening to his strong heartbeat. The pent-up emotions before coming over were mostly dissipated, but she wanted to cry for no reason.

Li Shuo vaguely sensed the emotions of the person in his arms.

The hand that had been frozen to one side and was a little at a loss, stretched out a little stiffly, and gently hugged the person in his arms.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say that he missed her a little these days, but he was so dumb that he couldn't even say such a simple sentence, so he said: "You have lost a lot of weight."

Really lost a lot of weight.

The shoulders looked thinner.

Bai Qinning finally got a response from Li Shuo, all kinds of emotions surged in her heart, and her nose was sore.

This was the first time she remembered that Li Shuo hugged her back like this.

Li Shuo finally responded to her.

This time, she didn't say anything tough. She hugged the man tighter with both hands and whispered, "I'm mad at you. We've been apart for so many days. If I don't contact you, you won't contact me."

Li Shuo has been very busy recently. He is either typing or studying music. He has indeed neglected Bai Qinning a little.

Emotionally, he is not as deeply invested as Bai Qinning. The gap between the two is too big, so he will automatically distance himself.

Hearing Bai Qinning say this, he felt regretful.

He didn't know that Bai Qinning was waiting for him to contact him. He thought she was also busy and embarrassed to disturb her.

"Then I will contact you every day in the future."

Li Shuo said sincerely.

Bai Qinning smiled and laughed until tears came out. She hugged her husband tighter, wishing she could rub him into her body. Even her tone was much happier: "Yeah."

Li Shuo was hugged so tightly that he could clearly feel the perfect curves of the girl in his arms. He was distracted and couldn't help laughing and crying.

He never expected that one day, this usually aloof Bingchuan, who was so cold that no one dared to blaspheme, would cling to his arms like this.

The identity was the famous beauty star Bai Muge.

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