After the wedding, the two of them were very happy.

Li Shuo let Bai Qinning hug him for a long time, until the little brother couldn't help but stand up and salute, then he quickly pushed her away from his arms.

If she noticed anything in this situation, Li Shuo would feel very embarrassed...

"Okay, are you hungry? I'll make you some midnight snacks."

A hug instantly eased the atmosphere between the two.

Li Shuo and Bai Qinning talked a lot more naturally.

Bai Qinning was a little depressed when Li Shuo suddenly pushed her away.

She almost never eats midnight snacks, but in order to spend more time with her husband, she said against her will: "I'm hungry."

So, today, Bai Qinning came over, not only hugged Li Shuo until he calmed down, but also ate the egg fried rice that Li Shuo made for her.

It's just that he eats a little less, about the same as Da Yuanzi.

Li Shuo has gotten used to it. Bai Qinning is not only picky about food, but also rarely eats greedily even if the food is delicious.

After dinner, Bai Qinning didn't continue to stay with Li Shuo, and stopped when she saw the good.

She tasted the sweetness of giving Li Shuo freedom today.

Not only did she let him hug her, but he also responded to her when she let him go.

This is a good thing.

She also completely gave up the idea of ​​taking Li Shuo back.

When the two came downstairs, Bai Qinning stopped and said, "Okay, don't send me off, I'm really going back."

If she sent him out again, she would see the bodyguards she brought with her.

Hearing this, Li Shuo stopped and reminded her, "Then remember to eat on time when you go back."

He was a little afraid that Bai Qinning brought bodyguards with him this time.

Or maybe he was overthinking.

Bai Qinning nodded gently, but she was reluctant to part with Li Shuo. She looked at his handsome face with her beautiful eyes and wanted to kiss him.

But their current relationship obviously has not reached the point where she can kiss him boldly when Li Shuo is awake.

She could only suppress her eager heart.

Her eyes fell on his cheek and pursed her lips: "Then I'm leaving."

Bai Qinning left.

She looked back every few steps.

She was reluctant to leave, and there was no trace of the cold and aloof look when they first met.

Li Shuo watched her walk away until her figure disappeared into the night, then turned around and went home.

Bai Qinning's visit made him a little confused.

Even at some moments, he was shaken and decided to just be together.

Now she doesn't control or force him.

His heart melted when he was in his arms.

But the gap between their current status made him hesitate.

Especially during this period, he occasionally looked at posts about Bai Qinning's love affair.

The last time Bai Qinning cried at the film festival, even though she had posted a dynamic to clarify, he still hadn't taken off the hat of a scumbag on his head.

The fans in the comment area were also very hostile to him, the object that suddenly appeared, and their words were not very pleasant.

Li Shuo liked Bai Qinning a little, but not to the extent that he could bear the exposure of his identity for her, and then his private life was attacked by all kinds of speculations under the magnifying glass of the media.

Now he can only try his best to improve himself and make himself better, and then seriously consider his feelings for Bai Qinning.

Back home.

Li Shuo solved the leftover fried rice of Bai Qinning, the kitten, and went back to the room to continue calibrating the song that was almost finished.

He was very efficient. In more than 40 minutes, he calibrated the melody and rhythm of the second half of the song, and completed the first song he wrote after crossing over, "People Like Me".

He hummed along with the score, and there was no problem, so he immediately sent the compiled score to Jiang Yaohuo's email.

Jiang Yaohuo didn't expect Li Shuo to finish his homework in less than a few hours. It would take him at least two or three days to finish a song he wrote if he was full of inspiration.

After arranging tasks for Li Shuo today, he went to work as a designated driver part-time.

His girlfriend Xiaomei's birthday is in two days. He is a trainee and has no income. He has to go to class during the day, so he can only find a designated driver job to earn some money.

After 8 o'clock in the evening is the peak period. Jiang Yaohuo has been busy taking orders to make money and didn't notice the email sent by Li Shuo.

Li Shuo knows Jiang Yaohuo's current situation and has proposed to lend him some money to pay it back later. The other party has a strong self-esteem and rejected his kindness and went to earn money by himself.

So Li Shuo didn't expect Jiang Yaohuo to reply to him today. After sending the manuscript, he left the computer and took a quick shower.

After taking a shower, Li Shuo suddenly remembered whether he had to send a message to Bai Qinning tonight.

All answers

He had promised her to send her more messages, but now he hadn't contacted her for such a long time since she went back.

Li Shuo looked at the time, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

He wondered if Bai Qinning had already gone to bed, so he decided not to send her a message.

But thinking of her thin face, he decided to send her a message to greet her.

"Qinning, have you arrived home?"

Bai Qinning had already arrived home, had taken a shower and went to bed, and finally waited for Li Shuo's message. She was very excited and immediately replied to Li Shuo: "I've arrived a long time ago, are you still awake?"

As soon as Bai Qinning sent this message, she regretted it a little.

Before she could withdraw it, Li Shuo sent a message:

"I'm going to sleep soon, you should also go to bed early."

Bai Qinning: "...Okay."

"Good night."

Bai Qinning: "..."

Li Shuo greeted Bai Qinning.

He fell asleep soon.

Jiang Yaohuo ran orders until after four in the morning before he stopped.

Today's income is considerable, running more than 300 yuan.

If he runs another day tomorrow, he can buy a bottle of magic water for his girlfriend Xiaomei.

It was almost five in the morning when Jiang Yaohuo returned to the rental house, turned on his mobile phone, and took a look at the chat dialog box between him and Xiaomei.

The last two sentences were still on the message he sent to her.

"Xiaomei, wait a little longer. I am now in Tianlai. I will definitely make money by singing when I go out. I will give you all the money when the time comes."

"Xiaomei, are you still angry with me?"

The message was sent at around seven o'clock last night.

There has been no reply until now.

Jiang Yaohuo sighed silently.

Xiaomei did not support his singing, saying that he did not have good appearance conditions and was not from a professional music school. Since he quit his job as a kindergarten teacher, the two often quarreled.

This time, it was also because of singing that she ignored him again.

He also understood. After all, what Xiaomei said was true. Even if he came out of Tianlai, with his appearance conditions and academic background, it would be difficult for him to have a chance to stand out.

But Jiang Yaohuo has always had this musical dream, and Tianlai happened to take a fancy to him and was willing to cultivate him, so he really didn't want to give up.

He was a little frustrated and was about to put down his phone, only to find an unread message in his mailbox.

He opened his mailbox, and it turned out to be the homework sent to him by Li Shuo?

Jiang Yaohuo glanced at the time when it was sent, it was more than eleven o'clock in the evening.

So... Li Shuo only took a few hours to write this song?

Jiang Yaohuo was a little stunned, and his first reaction was that this song might not be ideal.

Li Shuo is a novice who has only learned for a week, and it is questionable whether the song he wrote in a few hours can be listened to.

But he is in a very depressed mood now, and he is not sleepy, so he simply sits in front of the computer, opens the music editing software, imports the music score written by Li Shuo, puts on headphones, and hums along with the music.

He wants to find something to relieve his current depressed mood.

But as he sings, Jiang Yaohuo changes from calmness at the beginning to amazing, then wants to cry, and finally directly sings depression.

He sat in front of the computer, singing and crying until he became a fat man weighing more than 100 pounds.

"A person as outstanding as me should have a brilliant life."

"How come after more than 20 years, I am still floating in the sea of ​​people."

Yes, when he was young, he always felt that he would have a very brilliant life, but it was not until later that he realized that he was just an ordinary person.

He could not love the people he wanted to love, and could not keep the people he wanted to keep. He was always floating in the sea of ​​people.

All the ambitions of his youth were not realized, and it seemed that he could not catch the people he liked.

After singing a song, Jiang Yaohuo was already in tears.

This song... is really amazing and depressing!


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