The smell of beer was so bad that it was hard to stop.

When Li Shuo arrived at Jiang Yaohuo's rental house, he almost vomited because of the stench in the room.

It was summer in Lucheng, and there was no air conditioning in the rental house. In just one day and one night, the originally tidy room was filled with all kinds of beer bottles.

There were two pools of vomit next to the sofa. After fermentation during the day, the smell was so sour.

A dozen or twenty empty beer bottles were scattered all over the floor. Jiang Yaohuo sat on the floor leaning against the bed, his hair was a mess, his eyes were swollen like walnuts, and his originally fair face had a lot of stubble overnight. He looked embarrassed and haggard.

Seeing Li Shuo push the door in, she just glanced at him, picked up the beer bottle on the ground and took two gulps, and said: "Sorry, the house is a bit messy."

Li Shuo heard this and wanted to speak, but the pungent smell rushed to his head: "Ugh~"

He turned around and held the door to dry heave for a while, then pinched his nose, held back the nausea and walked to Jiang Yaohuo, looking down at him.

"Is it that serious? Because of a woman."

It was a woman who cheated on him.

Jiang Yaohuo sighed with tears in his eyes: "She is my first love, I really like her, I didn't expect that the two of us would end, and end in this way."

After the words fell, he couldn't hold back his emotions and burst into tears.

There was no room for retention.

Directly cheated on him.

"You'd rather die than live for a woman who cheated on you. When she finds out, she will only look down on you even more. Do you want her to think that she was right to betray you because you are a piece of scum that can't be helped?"

Li Shuo rarely talks so much to people at once, and he is not good at guiding people. Yesterday, he left Jiang Yaohuo alone and went back, thinking that he could digest it himself.

Now it seems that Jiang Yaohuo can't get out of it by himself.

In music, Jiang Yaohuo is his teacher, and the two are friends now.

He has to say it even if he doesn't want to.

As expected, only men understand men best. As soon as Li Shuo said this, Jiang Yaohuo's mind flashed with the picture of Lu Xiaomei holding Wu Chao's hand without any regrets, and he immediately rejected it: "I'm not scum."

"If you're not, then cheer up and be sober. The video released yesterday has already achieved results. Now is not the time to be decadent. You should cheer up and prove to everyone, including Lu Xiaomei, that you, Jiang Yaohuo, are not a waste!"

Li Shuo said so much, and he couldn't bear the smell in Jiang Yaohuo's room, so he turned around and left.

Before leaving, she said to him again: "Think about it carefully, continue to be a jerk or stand up to prove yourself to everyone and make Lu Xiaomei regret it."

After Li Shuo finished speaking, he left the rental house.

He still had to go back to write.

On the other side, Bai Qinning was recording a variety show.

After a round of game recording, she came to the lounge and immediately opened Douyin, put on headphones, and listened to the song Hua Wan shared with her in the morning.

She didn't have the habit of listening to songs before, and felt that the songs on major music websites were all the same and didn't feel anything.

When Hua Wan shared it with her at the beginning today, she didn't intend to listen to it, but she couldn't stand the other party's constant grinding, saying that she must listen to such a good song.

I originally thought of dealing with it, but I didn't expect that I felt refreshed and addicted to it after listening to it.

It's a pity that she doesn't have any film and television dramas under her hand now, otherwise if there is a suitable one, she will definitely buy the copyright of this song as the theme song as soon as possible.

Or, when she encounters a good script in the future, she will directly contact the singer and lyricist of this song to write and sing the theme song for her TV series or movie.

Bai Qinning was particularly curious about the composer of this song. How much abuse did he have to go through in society to write such a song?

I wonder what this pen name means?

As she listened to the song, Bai Qinning's thoughts wandered and she inexplicably thought of Li Shuo.

She also thought of her aunt.

Yesterday, she told her aunt about Li Shuo's move out. She said she was going to find her father-in-law Li Xuejun today.

Xie Jingshu was very emotional at the time and said that if the two of them separated, she would have nothing to eat. Later, she may have felt that it was wrong and changed her words to say that it would affect their relationship and she would go to Li Xuejun for parent-to-parent communication.

It's past four in the afternoon now, and I don't know if her aunt has gone.

Bai Qinning was naturally unwilling.

Li Shuo wanted freedom, and now she has been chased by foreign media about her mysterious boyfriend.

But she also had some hope in her heart that her father-in-law could intervene and send Li Shuo back to her.

If the two of them could live together again, then she would

I can see him and hug him every day.

She listened to the song with headphones on, raised her head, her neck line was as graceful as a swan, and her beautiful eyes looked at the ceiling, thinking about her husband deeply.

I hope her aunt has gone to her father-in-law Li Xuejun.

Anyway, as a niece, she can't interfere with what her aunt does, and Li Shuo can't blame her.

At this moment, Xie Jingshu had already arrived at Li Xuejun's company, but by chance, she ran into Li Xuejun's ex-wife Fang Lanying making trouble at the company gate.

It was the first time for the two to meet.

As Li Xuejun's in-law and attending physician, Xie Jingshu came to the security room and greeted him and went in directly without talking to Fang Lanying.

Fang Lanying had been making trouble at the door for more than an hour, and the security guard had no intention of letting her go. Seeing that Xie Jingshu actually went in as soon as she said it, she felt even worse.

"Who was that woman who went in just now? Why did she go in just by saying something?!" Fang Lanying stood at the door of the security room and questioned the security guard.

It was obvious that the woman didn't work in this company. The clothes she wore and the temperament she exuded didn't look like an ordinary person.

The two of them had a brief eye contact just now. When the other person looked at her, she didn't say anything, but Fang Lanying felt an invisible pressure, which made her feel ashamed and lower her head.

She hated this woman very much. This woman seemed to be not much different in age from her, but she looked elegant and noble.

She just told the security guard to come to find Mr. Li.

"What is her relationship with Li Xuejun?" Fang Lanying asked again.

The security guard in the security booth kept silent and didn't intend to pay attention to Fang Lanying. He turned around.

Last time she let this woman in, she almost sent Mr. Li and his wife to the crematorium.

Today, no matter what, it is impossible to let her in.

Fang Lanying: "..."

Fang Lanying was so angry that she jumped up and down.

This security guard really looked down on people!

Mr. Li's company was also opened with money from his former daughter-in-law Bai Qinning.

Fang Lanying now really regrets the divorce and lost a big star daughter-in-law.

She waited for another half an hour at the company gate, but Li Xuejun didn't come, and she couldn't enter the company. Li Xuejun blocked her phone after the divorce, and she couldn't contact him.

She didn't see Li Xuejun, so she changed her mind and went directly to Bai Qinning's company to find her.

Her mother Liu Hongmei said that the whole country is looking for the identity of Bai Qinning's boyfriend. Bai Qinning hid Li Shuo so well because she didn't want to be exposed.

She came to Lucheng this time to get back the money that belonged to her!

Bai Qinning earns so much money a year, it's normal to take a few hundred or a thousand to "honor" her ex-mother-in-law.

Bai Muge is very famous, and Bai Qinning's company is easy to find.

After searching the address on the phone, Fang Lanying took a taxi directly to Bai Qinning's company.

Xiangfu Community.

Li Shuo is typing.

Jiang Yaohuo actually took the initiative to call him.

"Li Shuo, what you said to me today is very right. I can't continue to be decadent and let Lu Xiaomei continue to look down on me. From today on, I will lose weight, change my hairstyle, change my style, manage my image, and sing well."

On the phone, Jiang Yaohuo's voice was much more energetic and determined.

Li Shuo was very pleased and said, "It's great that you think so. When I have time in the next few days, I will continue to write songs for you and raise your popularity and fame."

Only when popularity and fame are raised can you get high-quality cooperation projects.

For example, write songs for popular and powerful singers, or theme songs for film and television dramas.

"Okay!" Jiang Yaohuo nodded and responded, and then said, "By the way, the person from Tianlai just now, Director Lin called me and asked me about the identity information of the composer of this song, Ning Buzhi. Should I tell them that it is you?"


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