The two sides have been in a state of panic, and the two sides have been in a state of panic.

Lin Yizhi is the person in charge of Tianlai in Lucheng.

Since the other party took the initiative to inquire about Ning Buzhi's identity information, it should be the intention of cooperation.

In addition to wanting to promote the development of entertainment in this world, Li Shuo wrote songs more for his own better survival in this world and to make more money.

He will not go against money.

"It doesn't matter. Music companies like Tianlai take the initiative to inquire about it either for cooperation or to recruit. It doesn't matter for such companies. You can tell them my true identity." Li Shuo said lightly.

Since you have chosen this line of work, you can't avoid contact with people. Even if such music companies know his true identity, they will only pay attention to his works and will not be interested in his private life.

Li Shuo does not exclude revealing his true identity to the other party.

Jiang Yaohuo actually thought so too. He didn't dare to expect Li Shuo to write songs for him alone. He wasn't a pop singer who officially debuted. Li Shuo couldn't make much money by working with him at present.

Li Shuo was different from him. Li Shuo had a family.

He couldn't just break up with Li Shuo because he was cheated on.

That was absolutely not possible.

"Okay, I'll go talk to Director Lin later."

Before the call officially ended, Jiang Yaohuo suddenly asked Li Shuo, "By the way, Li Shuo, I think your clothes are very good. Don't I want to change my style? Which store do you buy your clothes from? I'll go to the store to see if there are any suitable ones for me. How about you help me match them?"

Jiang Yaohuo asked Li Shuo about his family. It was an ordinary family, and his wife was just an ordinary office worker.

Now he doesn't have to spend money on Xiaomei, and the money from driving can be used to invest in himself. The clothes that Li Shuo wears are of good quality and style. Jiang Yaohuo thinks he can learn how to dress from Li Shuo and buy clothes from the same clothing store.

He wants to change himself.

Li Shuo heard this, but didn't know how to answer Jiang Yaohuo for a while.

The clothes he wears now are all bought by Bai Qinning. He bought a few sets when he was abroad, and arranged a lot for him when he returned to China. He doesn't know which store bought them.

He knows nothing about dressing. Every set is matched for him by Bai Qinning, and he basically copies the clothes that Bai Qinning matched for him.

Now Jiang Yaohuo asked this question, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Jiang Yaohuo saw that Li Shuo had been silent, frowned and asked: "What's wrong? You haven't spoken all the time?"

"No, it's just that I don't know anything about dressing." Li Shuo said truthfully.

"No, I see you look very handsome every time you wear clothes, you must have matching skills, don't be modest." Jiang Yaohuo said.

Li Shuo: "To be honest... my wife bought these clothes for me and matched them. I wear them according to what she bought and matched. I don't have any skills myself."

If he doesn't confess, Jiang Yaohuo will pull him to match clothes for him. How can he do this?

Jiang Yaohuo: "..."

I don't know why, but I suddenly don't want to talk.

Lu Xiaomei, let alone buying clothes for him, has never given him a decent gift in such a long time together.

Jiang Yaohuo became autistic again, and the two ended the call quickly.

Although his mood became melancholy again, Jiang Yaohuo did not forget to call Lin Yizhi back as soon as possible.

At this moment, Lin Yizhi has already left work.

Just now, she received a notice from the Kyoto headquarters, asking her to immediately expel Li Shuo, a student from Lucheng.

This is the order of Li Xiyue, the founder and chief executive of the company.

He should have been fired long ago.

This guy came in through the back door of Young Master Li, and the teachers in charge of his two classes have always complained about it.

Li Che took the initiative to contact her, and she couldn't take the initiative to report it to General Manager Li.

I heard that the two teachers couldn't help it and called General Manager Li to complain these two days.

The higher-ups also asked her about the situation last night, and she also reported truthfully that many trainees had great complaints. After all, this is a fact, and she can't hide it.

Li Shuo will be fired today, which is what Lin Yizhi expected.

Even with the support of Young Master Li, Tianlai is not something that people like him can get in. He has no foundation and is only willing to take two classes. It's just nonsense!

She was just about to find Li Shuo's phone number from the address book and tell him that he doesn't need to come to the training room in the future.

Jiang Yaohuo's phone number came in first.

Before leaving get off work today, she contacted Jiang Yaohuo and knew that

The reason Fang skipped class today was because of a relationship problem.

It was understandable, so she didn't care. After all, Jiang Yaohuo had already made some achievements. After his usual greetings, he followed the instructions and asked Ning Buzhi about the contact information and identity information of the composer.

Jiang Yaohuo called at this moment, probably to talk about this matter.

After the call was connected and a simple greeting, Lin Yizhi took the initiative to ask Jiang Yaohuo: "Have you found the contact information of the composer?"

"Yes, I asked him, and he said that Tianlai had no connections to disclose. As for his contact information, Director Lin, your sister should have it."

Jiang Yaohuo remembered that Li Shuo was brought into the studio by Lin Yizhi, so he should have Li Shuo's contact information.

Lin Yizhi's first reaction was that the composer might have worked with him, and he was quite famous, so Jiang Yaohuo was so confident that she had the other party's contact information, and asked: "Is it Zhou Tianyi? Or Li Zhenhe?"

Some musicians sometimes do suddenly create a small vest and go to other platforms or partners to write songs.

Jiang Yaohuo gave a hint, and Lin Yizhi wondered if it was these two big guys.

She had thought it was a newcomer before.

Jiang Yaohuo paused on the phone, then said: "No, Director Lin, this songwriter is Li Shuo, the one you brought to the training room a while ago. He wrote the song for me to sing, "People Like Me."

Lin Yizhi was surprised: "Ah? Li Shuo?"

How could it be Li Shuo?

This student with no foundation who got in through the back door, or the one that Mr. Lin from Tianlai headquarters personally ordered to be fired?

"People Like Me, was written by Li Shuo? Can he write such a song at his age? Isn't he just starting to learn this industry?"

Lin Yizhi still found it unbelievable and asked again.

Li Shuo is young and handsome, and doesn't look like someone who has experienced a lot of social beatings.

Jiang Yaohuo affirmed again: "It's really him. In addition to the usual classes, he studies with me every day in private. He has made rapid progress. This song is actually my homework for them. I was really surprised when I wrote it, and then I posted it online."

Lin Yizhi: "..."

This amazing fact made her unable to adapt to it for a while. After a long silence, she said: "...His progress is really surprising."

It was so surprising that she couldn't accept that the other party was Ning Buzhi.

At the same time, her prejudice against Li Shuo gradually began to change dramatically.

He is good-looking, gentle and elegant, and a musical genius! Less than a month after joining, he wrote a song that became popular on the Internet.

After the call with Jiang Yaohuo, Lin Yizhi did not call Li Shuo to inform him of the expulsion, but immediately contacted the people at the headquarters.

The paratrooper that General Manager Li wanted to expel was Ning Buzhi, who General Manager Li specifically asked for.

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