I will be crowned king

Chapter 1014 Close to the truth

"...I really didn't expect that you actually fulfilled your agreement. I thought that after leaving the tavern, you would take me directly to the Inquisitor's headquarters and let Cole Dorian handle me."

"Both and each other, didn't you take the opportunity to lure us into the encirclement that was arranged in advance, let your men ambush us, or hand us over to the War Department?"

"How can you be sure I didn't think so?"

"No need to confirm, you must have thought so, but the cronies who could be sent by you to kill this friend behind me have been killed by the inquisitors. As for the Ministry of War... Unless you plan to die together, I really don't expect you to be so What’s the point of doing it.”

"You are indeed the hydra I know...the one who wiped out most of the gangs in Clovis City in just two days and reshuffled the forces in the outer city."

"Excuse me. It's just a trivial advantage. Compared with you, 'Whisper', who left his gang and quickly came back two years later, my achievements are nothing to mention."

"No, no, no, gangsters often make a comeback. An army officer like you who can become a brigadier general in a few years and has no background is really one in a million. The Army Department has really chosen an opponent that is not easy to mess with. .”

"Where, where..."

The two people you praised me for took a trainee priest who had become numb from listening to their trash talk through the familiar and unfamiliar streets, walking leisurely on the road where no one could be seen.

In addition to the Privy Council's strict enforcement of the army's curfew, the other reason was that the sudden action taken by the inquisitor attracted everyone's attention. As long as they stayed away from the flaming tavern, the three of them did not worry about being discovered at all, so they just used Don't be too anxious to reach your destination.

After about ten minutes, Anson and I were chatting and laughing, "whispering" like friends we hadn't seen for many years, and finally stopped, pointing to the abandoned factory behind the dilapidated iron gate opposite, completely shrouded in night:

"This is it... When there was a riot in Clovis City, I hid here and escaped. Later, when I got funding and returned to Clovis City, I also made a comeback here and gained much more than before. s things."

"Because of this, this place has some special meaning to me. Even if I just stand outside, I feel an indescribable sense of security. Therefore, although it is no longer needed, I still put some effort into transforming it into a dense base... Of course , only I know these.”

"Only you know?" The trainee priest seemed to have thought of some interesting joke and couldn't help laughing:

"Then let me ask the workers who helped you transform the secret base. They don't know either?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that he might have made a mistake - the two people opposite him turned their heads almost at the same time, looking at him as if they were looking at a fool who was enjoying himself.

"...In short, you can rest assured that you will not encounter any ambush, because no one else knows about this place except me. Even if occasionally homeless people and beggars come here to find shelter from the rain, It will also be smoked away by the mountains of garbage inside.”

Looking blankly at Karin Jacques who had just reacted, "Whisper" continued to explain: "In addition, I also specially registered this place as a garbage treatment plant that is about to be built, and also prepared some scaffolding and other facilities on the periphery. Dress it up like it's still under construction...so the Whitehall Street police won't come back to investigate and cause trouble."

"I see...but it doesn't seem like there's a garbage dump smell around here."

“Although the constant stench can drive people away, it can also become very irritating, so I specially found a real garbage treatment plant to take away the garbage from here and landfill it from time to time, pretending that it was not managed well; I also specifically asked the garbage haulers for advice. Similar situations are not uncommon. Those nobles who do not know how to run an industry but refuse to give up for the sake of face often do such things... Not only is this inconspicuous, it is even better than running a business. Good dumps are more hidden.”


Anson praised without hesitation... He is indeed the one who cherishes life the most among the gang leaders. This arrangement is simply perfect.

However, "Whisper" obviously didn't care about this, and took the initiative to lead the way leisurely; pushing open the big rusty iron door, he led Anson and Karin Jacques towards the interior of the abandoned factory.

After another five or six minutes, the three of them arrived at the door of a warehouse. They saw "Whisper" walking to the door without saying a word and squatting down. He groped around as if he was looking for a mechanism, and suddenly grabbed a person from the ground. hoop, and then pull hard.


Along with the opened secret door, there was a basement entrance with a narrow passage directly in front of the warehouse door.

Just glancing at the two people behind him, "Whisper" went on his own. Anson and Karin Jacques looked at each other outside, and followed closely behind.

The space in the basement is quite wide, almost the same as the warehouse on the upper level; a differential machine is quietly placed in the center; traces of various moved debris on the ground seem to indicate that in order to put down this behemoth, the entire space was They were all forced to change their original arrangements.

"This...is the difference engine you wanted."

Pointing to the machine in front of him, "Whisper" took the initiative to take two steps back and said: "The person who gave it to me said that he had done all the debugging. He only needed to start it and insert the memory card. Get what you want...if you really have the card.”


The trainee priest keenly captured certain key words.

"He is a middle-aged man who looks kind but is actually quite cold."

Spreading his hands, "Whisper" spoke very frankly: "Every time he comes here, he covers his face and wears a cloak. I don't know what he looks like, but his voice is very kind; as for whether he is a male or not. Female, I can only judge based on experience - yes, I just assume that 'he' should be a male."

"...You are really rigorous."

The corner of the trainee priest's mouth twitched: "Then how did he give you the difference engine? And how did you put such a big thing into this basement quietly?"

"That's two questions for you, but at this point I have nothing to hide. Just like me, I don't know the meaning of you asking this - we picked it up privately and brought it in in a heavy military carriage. Clovis City." He pointed to the top of his head:

"As for how to put it here, the ceiling above is actually a mechanical hoist. Of course, I moved the differential engine into the warehouse first and then lowered it using the hoist."

"Moving into the warehouse? You certainly can't complete such a troublesome job by yourself, right? If that's the case, then why can you be so confident that only you know this secret...Okay, I won't talk about it anymore."

Feeling the looks they were looking at him like an idiot, the excited trainee priest decisively chose to shut up. As if he was suffering from autism, he silently walked to the corner of the room alone.

After repeatedly confirming that someone would not interrupt again, "Whisper" turned his attention to Anson again: "In this way, I have fulfilled the agreement. You can borrow this difference machine as much as you want. I will not stop it - of course, there is no chance to stop it. .”

"But I don't have the set of memory cards that the other party left for me. Although I know the contents of the cards, even if I tell you, you won't believe it, or you will think that I must have lied or deliberately concealed some key content. Bar?"

"As for where the card went...well, this is a very regrettable thing. Maybe you can ask the friend next to you; as far as I know, he should know something about its whereabouts."

"Having said that, based on my understanding of the Truth Society, even if he is willing to tell you, he will probably have to pay some price in exchange... This is confidential information related to the Holy See. I don't know what kind of price the Truth Society will offer... I They’re all a little curious.”

The "whisper" look on his face was sincere when he spoke, and the feeling of wanting to see his enemies fight among themselves or even break up was almost written directly on his face.

Anson, who could completely guess what he was thinking, chuckled twice and silently began to recall the information he currently had.

According to Karin Jacques' previous statement, "John" who was assassinated by the gang hid everything in a factory except for the card he carried with him to Little John before escaping from the gang.

Cole Dorian mentioned that John took the initiative to ask for asylum from the inquisitor seeking truth and adjournment, and also included his wife and son - although it was later proven that this family had no blood relationship with him, but brought his family with him Running for help, and doing so at a life-or-death moment, shows that he ran so decisively that "Whisper" probably didn't react at first.

For an extremely cautious person to not even realize that someone around him was defecting and taking away his very important belongings, something that could very well kill him... This level of action was comparable to that of a superman.

The key to the problem is time... He needs to ask the Inquisitor for help, steal the most critical memory card, and not be detected by the Inquisitor and the "Whisper". He also needs to hide his true identity, so that Cole Do Li An will make a misjudgment to let the other party lurk in the gang again and act as his spy...

Then, he hid these memory cards in a factory...


The crisp sound of finger snaps echoed in the dead silent basement.

Under the completely different gazes of the other two people, Anson walked straight towards a corner of the basement calmly, opened a wooden box on the bottom of the storage shelf, opened the nails one by one, and then... The cover of the box stood vertically and was cut in half from the center.

Dozens of cards of exactly the same size and full of gaps spilled out from the cracks on the floor.

Facing the dumbfounded expressions of the two people, Anson silently piled up the cards on the ground, sorted them out, and then put in the card that the trainee priest had given him. He took a neat and thick stack and came to the difference point. In front of the machine.

Ten minutes later, the contents of twenty-five pages, the size of an ordinary diary, came into his eyes with a strong smell of ink:

"... Your first task is to reach a cooperative relationship with the Ministry of War as soon as possible. We have arranged a special informant for you. He is responsible for introducing you to the core members of the Bayonet Club and convincing them to hand over the business. It's up to you to take responsibility..."

"...We will provide you with adequate guarantees of funds, manpower, and resources, and we will not have any interactions with local banks. However, it is still very necessary to be vigilant about the trial court. My suggestion is to find a way to bribe Bai Bai." The policemen on Hall Street... Of course, the experienced Ni will definitely have more and better ways to avoid the gaze of Clovis's upper class..."

"...to make the people of the Bayonet Club despise your existence, but at the same time rely on you so much that they cannot easily get rid of you; I will specially arrange corresponding channels for this; if you complete this goal, the task will be half accomplished. "

"Among the new experimental products we provide you, two are extremely addictive. After taking them, they will produce extremely strong magnetic stimulation of the body. The manifestation is sensory enhancement, but there will be no reaction on the outside. Severe psychological discomfort will occur after withdrawal... This product is still in the experimental stage, please use it with caution."

"Remember, controlling the Bayonet Club is a long-term goal. You should give priority to completing short-term tasks. The stable and continuous supply of materials is the first priority. Please be sure to prioritize. We will continue to remind you in this regard in the future; in addition, you will collect the The use of material in the name of spreading heretical beliefs has been approved, and we will prepare this information for you."

"As for your suggestion to expand the members of the organization, we have decided to reject it; one hundred thousand people is a watershed of extreme balance. Beyond this scale, the attention attracted will increase, and the probability of exposure will also rise rapidly, which is very unfavorable. Our next task is the second phase.”

"When the first phase of the task is completed, our inspector will come to accept your work results and send a new memory card, which is the same as last time. It contains the location of the supplies and the person you need to contact next. ;At the same time, he will also evaluate your recent actions, and if you do not meet the requirements, you will also be punished accordingly."

"The Difference Engine is a very important prop, remember to keep it well... We will continue to convey the next tasks to you by mailing memory cards; the cards and the Difference Engine in your hand are the latest models, and the other Difference Engines cannot Read the cards we mail to you, and vice versa, so you don’t have to worry about intelligence leaks.”

"Please keep all memory cards intact. We have the detailed numbers of the cards here. If you lose any of them... please be prepared for the most pessimistic outcome..."


Just when Anson was about to turn the page, the sound of the basement door being opened again came from behind.

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