I will be crowned king

Chapter 1015 Little Périgord

"No, don't look at me like that, I really didn't tell anyone here!"

Feeling the gazes of the trainee priest and the Army Brigadier General, "Whisper", who had been able to remain calm and composed just now, immediately panicked and looked even more panicked than the other two:

"It's absolutely true! Think about it, why do I want to go out?! This is my last hiding place, what's the benefit of telling others?! It's the Truth Society on the contrary, you..."

"Shut up!"

Anson immediately stopped his "whispering" excuse and stared at the direction of the stairs with his vigilant eyes. At the same time, his right hand holding the paper activated [Fire Focus], and the fire swallowed up the contents together with it.

Along with the flying ashes, a fourth figure appeared in this spacious basement.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Crisp applause echoed between the walls. The moment he saw the visitor, Anson immediately caught the strange look on Whisper's face out of the corner of his eye.

It was a mixture of fear, hatred, and a feeling of nausea from the heart; it was as if the other person's face was covered with indescribable grotesque traits, and just the sight of it would cause physical and even psychological discomfort.

Well, so what he said before that he "didn't know what the other person looked like" was a pure lie...

In comparison, the trainee priest's expression was even more complicated, beyond the scope of normal understanding. You had to read his mind to know what he was thinking.

Just the serious eyes and vigilant movements...it was obvious that he at least knew the other person.

The other party is wearing a black priest's robe that is no different from Karin Jacques, but regardless of the material, the neatness and fit are obviously much higher; a silver Ring of Order pendant can be vaguely seen hanging from the collar of the white shirt, The two huge sapphire rings on the hands crossed in front of him were extremely eye-catching, adding a bit more brilliance to his gentle look.

But what really caught Anson's attention was the aura on his body.

No, nothing.

There is no reaction in this person's body that is "living" at all; so much so that when he turned on his "superpower", he selectively ignored his existence and did not even notice that the other person had disappeared. The sound came to him.

If it were his previous self, of course he would not have made this mistake; but with the gradual development of "superpowers", various abilities and mechanisms have become more sophisticated and perfect, and Anson rarely turns them on completely like in the past, but selectively Use some functions.

On the one hand, of course, this is because it consumes less energy and does not consume too much energy; another important reason is that the enemies encountered are becoming more and more powerful. It is too easy to expose the "superpower" fully, but it is better to only use part of the function. flexible.

As a result, "common sense" mistakes were made that would never have been made in the past.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

The crisp applause ended when the other party stepped down the last set of stairs with his fingers crossed in front of him, as if to pick up the Ring of Order pendant around his neck.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing... It's really surprising that we can discover this place so quickly." He smiled and stepped forward:

"Sir Anson, your strength and mobility far exceed my imagination... In this way, many things that were difficult to understand in the past no longer seem so strange now."

"Compared to you, the gentlemen of the Judgment Knights are simply children who don't understand war at all and are only driven by emotion! They have the best cards, but they insist on squandering them in the most useless way... Hum, Losing the war is not a strange thing at all, but winning is the problem!"

"As for the gentlemen of the War Department... I simply don't know how to describe it. I originally thought their biggest problem was arrogance, but now it seems that it is naivety; their high status and good background make them forget themselves and feel that everything should be done. Develop it the way you want it to develop.”

"Obviously, that is impossible...No one can be satisfied with anything. This is an unshakable iron law in this world."

"I can't even imagine what means they will use to curb your rise... The alliance between Clovis and the Free Confederacy is almost a foregone conclusion under your manipulation. As the spokesperson of the interests of the Free Confederacy, both parties As long as the covenant is not broken, no one can challenge your position in Clovis."

"And long before that, I'm afraid you have re-solidified your foundation, using the wealth in your hands and the connections around you to build a strong enough force for yourself, and in turn tied up the interests of the Free Confederacy, right?"

"The reformists headed by Viscount Bognar, the royalists headed by the Franz family, the old-school wealthy families headed by the Renard family, the extraterritorial forces headed by the Northern Chamber of Commerce, and the grassroots officer group headed by the Shotgun Club , the local power headed by the Cecil family..."

"Of course, there are also some members of the Bach family who are connected to you by blood. Although they have a low status, they are very united and willing to serve you."

"Allies, factions, relatives, subordinates... In just a few days, this 'new force' belonging to you has already begun to show its claws in Clovis City, showing strength that makes even the behemoth of the Ministry of War be extremely vigilant."

"Or... they are not even aware of your energy, and they stubbornly believe that they can defeat you completely and defeat you in court, completely unaware that your plan has already surpassed them and moved towards a higher level."

"And you did it all in just a dozen days; to be exact...it took just over two years." The middle-aged man who was talking eloquently had unparalleled admiration in his eyes:

"Your Excellency Anson Bach, you are really a model for the growth and rise of all careerists; compared to you, those idiots in the War Department are just playing house."

Looking at the guy in front of him who was so kind to him, Anson remained silent until he repeatedly confirmed that the other person would not continue.

In the dead silence, he silently put his hands behind his back and hid the memory card he found:

"Are you done?"

"It's over." The other party seemed completely unaware of what happened, still wearing that heart-warming smile.

"That's it...then please allow me to teach you the most basic rules for interacting with others." Anson narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Before talking loudly, you should at least introduce your identity and origins. What do you think?"

"I deeply agree." The other party nodded solemnly, and then turned his eyes to Anson again.

After half a minute, he finally reacted as if he finally realized something: "Why...didn't they mention me to you?"

"Exactly, congratulations on your guess." Anson stared at the other person intently; he was not completely disgusted with this kind of guy who liked "performance", but the threat threshold of the person in front of him was completely different from his previous enemy:

"So...my familiar priest friend, how about you introduce yourself?"

Hmm... It's not surprising that "Whisper" knows this about him, but the trainee priest... has the impression that he doesn't seem to be that concerned about church affairs. After staying in Clovis City for so many years, even the inquisitor of the Seeking Truth Order has recently become a Only then did I finally admit it.

To make such a deep impression on a smuggler whose main business is dealing in contraband... Is there anything unique about this guy?

"Maurice Périgord, my friends like to call me Little Périgord because of my father."

He bowed respectfully, but the middle-aged man still had the same gentle expression: "He is a famous historian, theologian and mathematician. He is also one of the very few who has not become a priest, but is extremely fond of Saint Isaac. A person who studies.”

"I inherited most of his legacy. Except for history because I really have no interest in it, I completed the enlightenment in other subjects under my father's semi-force. Now I am a scholar in the monastery."

"A scholar who studies Saint Isaac?" Anson's curiosity was aroused:

"Could it be that your father is a believer in the Seeking Truth Sect who has not submitted to the church?"

But the other party obviously did not intend to continue following his thoughts, but changed the subject: "Speaking of which, this is not the first time we have crossed paths, Your Excellency Ansen Bach."

"Although it is a bit presumptuous to say this, in fact, your name has attracted my attention at least more than a year ago, and I even indirectly provided you with a little help."

"Really, this is really something that is not surprising at all." Anson said expressionlessly:

"You have investigated me so thoroughly, and you know all kinds of unknown secrets. If this is the first time you have met me, I am afraid it will be a little difficult, right?"

"An unknown secret? No, no, no... you are too generous. This is just the foundation of the foundation." Maurice or little Périgord smiled:

"Compared with what I know, the secrets that you have hidden so well are truly jaw-dropping."

"For example... the hundreds of thousands of gold coins that Carindia Port paid to Clovis's army disappeared silently under your careful operation; most of the port's wealth seems to be just a matter of words. , completely disappeared from the world.”

"If it were anyone else, it might be impossible to know their whereabouts in this life; but one of the characteristics of the church bank is that as long as money passes through the church bank, the traces left behind can allow the Vatican to easily trace every copper plate. 's whereabouts."

Morris' voice suddenly became playful: "But you don't have to worry about this problem, because the mysterious bills involving you and the Storm Legion have been modified by me personally; don't worry, it won't Leave no trace.”

Faced with his solemn promise, Anson didn't even bother to pretend to be polite and waited indifferently for the other party's performance to end.

"As for why you did this... of course it's out of respect for your talent; you boldly took the initiative to launch the Imperial Expeditionary Force into the palace, and even turned back thousands of miles to conquer the Royal Court of Yser. Your achievements can be called a war textbook, and it makes me feel better. I am suspicious of the Knights of Judgment, why they have the courage to confront you head-on."

Probably completely caught up in the drama, Morris's expression became more serious: "Although our relationship is closer to enemies, I am still willing to do this because you deserve a helping hand from others."

"It turned out later that this was indeed a wise decision. If the Clovis people discovered this key evidence, what a heavy blow it would be to your reputation of loyalty!"

"I simply can't imagine that those crooks from the Army Department would use this to attack you and slander you; I feel lucky more than once that it was discovered in time, otherwise it would inevitably lead to extremely adverse consequences for you!"

"Ah... But you don't have to worry, because I will never use this to blackmail you, even if our positions are opposite to each other now."

Seemingly thinking of something, Morris waved his hand: "If one day I want to defeat you, defeat you, I will never use this method of slandering others with facts - I can swear to the Ring of Order that you can Absolutely assured.”

"Even using hostility to describe our relationship is too simple, because in fact, we still have room for cooperation."

"Even...we have actually collaborated once."

"Oh, is it so?"

Anson raised his eyebrows deliberately and showed a very polite fake smile: "Then could you please remind me, when is it?"

"Brigadier General Anson, you are really forgetful." Morris also smiled:

"The last time we cooperated was during your confrontation with the Jihadi Army, wasn't it?"

"During the confrontation with the Jihadi Army?"

"Perhaps this sounds a bit strange to you, so please allow me to describe it in more detail." Morris smiled meaningfully:

"When the members of the Truth Society found you and asked you to defeat the Jihad Army, did they give you something... that could turn defeat into victory?"

"Please guess, who issued the order that temporarily changed the commander-in-chief of the Jihad Army, causing the entire war situation to turn upside down?"

"……It's you?"

Anson opened his eyes slightly... not only because of surprise, but also because he realized that the other party suddenly appeared here, and the sudden encounter with him was probably not a coincidence.

Even if he tried his best to avoid everyone's attention and used enough complicated operations and plans to ensure that the entire operation was foolproof, he still could not escape the predictions of some people.

No, there is no such thing as "certain people". There is only one person who truly grasps the trajectory of his actions from beginning to end, and that is...

"Please allow me to introduce myself again. My name is Maurice Périgord, and I am a small person in charge of the Holy See Monastery of the Circle of Order." Maurice, who was smiling, turned his head and looked at the man in the corner. Novice Priest:

"And, one of the former members of the Society of Truth."

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