I will be crowned king

Chapter 1023 Suspicion cleared

Taking the document handed over by Fabian unhurriedly, Anson didn't even bother to look directly at the angry Lieutenant Colonel Crown: "If you ask this, please forgive us for not understanding it - it's obviously the request of the Army Department. How does charging me with treason mean that I want to provoke the War Department?"

The deputy commander of the legion on the side also stopped and turned his gaze, curiously waiting for the other party's opinion.

Crown paused for a moment, and then his face became even more gloomy: "Brigadier General Anson Bach, do you really not understand, or do you want to continue pretending?"

"I really don't understand." The expressionless Anson put his hands behind his back and tilted his head slightly: "Please, Lieutenant Colonel Crown, please give us some guidance. Where can we be sorry for the War Department?"

not understand? He understands so well.

The Ministry of War's intention is very clear. They can frame them, but they cannot do the same thing in reverse; as long as they bow their heads and admit their mistakes, the Storm Legion will certainly be disbanded, and they will become a traitor despised by millions of people. The officers' association has no future, and the alliance with the Free Confederacy cannot be realized...but the War Department will eventually come out and end it, so that it will not completely become a jobless vagrant.

After all, it was His Majesty who awarded the honor. Such a young brigadier general can count on one hand how many of them have been completely destroyed that undermined His Majesty's reputation and the authority of the Army Department - General Staff Logistics and Internal Affairs, Military Academy Teachers, Anson is even qualified to choose them. one.

If this treatment had been given two years ago, Anson might not have been able to agree to it on the spot. Now...

"Then let me remind you that the existence of the Army Department is not only the general staff and the coordinating department of all legions, but also represents the dignity of hundreds of thousands of Clovis soldiers in this kingdom."

Crown, who was clenching his teeth, stepped forward and said with an ugly face: "I know that in your eyes, this Army Department seems unfair, but nothing in this world is perfect; as a soldier of Clovis, Especially since you are already a general, you should think about the overall situation."

"Slight losses and accusations that may not be completely true will of course have a slight impact on your reputation and future. But you have been so successful, why do you care about this kind of thing? In your heart, is it a legion? Is our career more important than the dignity of the entire army?”

Lieutenant Colonel Crown persuaded with sincerity, and his eyes seemed to flash with a little hope: "Once the Ministry of War is affected, it will inevitably lead to a counterattack by the entire Privy Council, and the status of the hundreds of thousands of troops will decline again - the Guards The lessons learned are right before our eyes!"

"Colonel Fabian, you must have a deep understanding of this." He suddenly turned his attention to the deputy commander of the legion next to him: "From the position of being His Majesty's personal soldier, to having to work hard and uncomplainingly to the Privy Council, there is no difference at all. It can’t be explained clearly in one or two sentences, what do you think?”


Fabian glanced at Anson, who was smiling but not smiling, and couldn't help but smile slightly: "I think what you said is very reasonable - the matter of the Guards is indeed a lesson for the Ministry of War."

"Yes." Anson also nodded with deep feeling: "Looking back now, many things that have happened in the past seem to be happening again; so Fabian... must not make the mistakes he made again. ."

"Fully endorses."

Watching the two singing in harmony, Crown's expression softened slightly: "Then..."

"Lieutenant Colonel Crown, I personally think you seem to have misunderstood something." Anson said slowly: "Yes, compared with the honor and dignity of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, my personal honor and disgrace are not very important; In fact, if the Privy Council is really planning to take this opportunity to suppress the army's status in the kingdom, I am willing to be the first soldier to stand up and resist, but..."

"……but what?"

"But since when can the Department of the Army represent hundreds of thousands of army soldiers?" Anson sneered and deliberately raised his voice:

"We might as well be more frank. The scope of the Ministry of War is coordination and staff, registering hundreds of thousands of soldiers and officers, determining the standards for the payment of allowances, recruiting and training soldiers - in other words, it is a civilian agency, and its nature is Privy Council-like committees and executive departments.”

"How can such an organization be the representative of hundreds of thousands of soldiers? Which of the adults in the department can claim that what he says represents the interests of all soldiers?"

"No, not one, let alone impossible; hundreds of thousands of established officers and soldiers, with their respective regiments as subordinate ties, jointly serve His Majesty. Your Majesty...is the only spokesperson for us soldiers." Anson stepped forward on his own initiative. step:

"Then I dare to ask, what is the intention of the Ministry of War to brazenly claim that your dignity is the dignity of hundreds of thousands of army troops?!"

"You... and you, what are your intentions?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Crown's expression suddenly changed, and the War Department officials in the jury seat had their eyes burning with fire and their expressions were fierce.

Ludwig, who could have remained calm and comforted his sister, suddenly sat up, but Sofia held him down in time to prevent the heir of the Franz family from becoming another target of fire.

Viscount Bognar, who was sitting on the other side of the jury, had a strange look on his face, vaguely guessing what this young and excessive brigadier general meant.

He is not reprimanding the Ministry of War for not having the right to represent the Army. He is clearly saying that the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Army do not yet have a real spokesperson!

There are hundreds of thousands of armies with an establishment, and there are at least five times this number of unorganized, temporarily recruited levies. These people are the largest, tightest, and most extensive group in the Kingdom of Clovis, and now this group is in Cleopatra. In the political center of Lowe City, there is no representative who truly belongs to them.

In theory, this position belongs to Carlos II, but his Majesty was busy maintaining the balance among various political forces and placed himself in a more detached position. Naturally, he lost his identity as the spokesperson of the army, and the vacated ecological niche was occupied by the Army. The department was replaced by a group that was essentially logistical and clerical.

They can brag so much, but they still can't change this awkward and unjustified state; unless Carlos II publicly announces that he recognizes the leadership of the Ministry of War over the army - but obviously, unless the Ministry of War really seizes power to establish a military government , otherwise there is no need to expect to have such a day.

Does the Army really have no representatives of its own? Of course not. At least the officers do: clubs large and small, growing wildly, as well as various schools of thought derived from arms and military theories, among which spiritual leaders are elected. And the core figures of the club are representatives of the Army group.

However, these groups and representatives do not have and cannot be officially recognized, especially the royal family; so what Anson wants to do is very simple: first deny the qualification of the Department of the Army to represent the majority of soldiers, and then ask these clubs, large and small, to be able to get Intervention and recognition from above.

The actual controller of the War Department is the "Bayonet Club" composed of dignitaries headed by the upper-class military nobles of Clovis City; this group of people controls the War Department, which in turn strengthens the unshakable status of this circle. The two are in a complementary relationship.

If you want to compete with the opponent in this situation, even if Anson ties the Storm Legion and the "Shotgun Club" together, it is impossible to defeat the opponent within the system of rules set by the opponent. Therefore, we must first break the rules, destroy the order established by the other party, and start from scratch together.

"...That's what I say, but when that day comes, the Bayonet Club has already been infamous. What qualifications do we have to become the representative of hundreds of thousands of troops?" Mrs. Catalina snorted disdainfully:

"Having the reputation of overthrowing the brutal rule of the War Department, and having the theoretical foundation and officer group of the Skirmisher Section and Shotgun Club, Anson Bach... will surely rise to the top, right?"

"It's definitely possible."

Viscount Bognar smiled bitterly and said that things had developed to the point where they were far beyond his control.

"Not only that, the status and influence of this new 'Ministry of War' will probably be far greater than the current one. We... have personally cultivated a strong competitor for ourselves!"

Obviously, if there is a new organization and institution that can integrate the army, it will definitely compete with the Privy Council. It is not the current situation of coercing the army to protest and venting resentment about unfair treatment; it will actually enter the ruling body and be the sharp knife to divide the cake. .

"It's you! I have discovered the problem a long time ago, but I was restricted by the agreement and had no choice but to get involved." After saying this, the head of the Railway Commission still showed hatred slowly on his face:

"Luther Franz, this old guy, doesn't think it's enough to control His Majesty himself, so why can't he be so impatient to support useful tools as soon as possible?"

I don’t think so. At least, the relationship between Anson Bach and Archbishop Luther Franz is probably no longer a simple subordinate relationship... Viscount Bogner secretly thought in his heart, but did not say it out loud.

Lady Caterina is furious. She has obviously lost her usual calmness. She is completely unaware that if Anson Bach rises successfully, it will bring about a close alliance between Clovis and the Free Confederacy, coming from the north of the Turbulent Sea. Cheap raw materials will be continuously transported to Beigang.

If I can seize this opportunity and join forces with Anson Bach, I may be able to truly develop the power of the reformists to the local areas and grow from the periphery. By then, the conservatives will be just a bunch of rotten coffins with no family background.

Humph, Bogner, do you think I don’t know what you’re thinking? No matter how much benefits the Free Confederation can bring, steam trains will eventually be needed for transportation. The best and cheapest iron ore and coal should be given priority to the Railway Commission... Lady Catalina secretly thought in her heart.

Neither of them said anything more, and in order to avoid being unnatural, they deliberately avoided each other's sight... This scene completely fell in the eyes of the head of the Renard family opposite, and a playful smile was outlined on his aging face. And rise.

The current status of the Luen family in the New World, what kind of existence the New World Company is, the organizational structure of the Free Confederation... He has already understood clearly from Julien Renard, and the entire Clovis understands both of them better than he does. No more than one person can tell the dramatic changes brought about by the League of Nations.

"...Well, it seems we finally understand your attitude towards the War Department."

Under the seat, Lieutenant Colonel Crowne, whose expression was extremely ugly, said coldly: "Since your attitude is so decisive, there is no need for me to continue to persuade you."

"From now on, you will completely become an enemy that the Ministry of War must eliminate. We will no longer just accuse you, but will use all means to nip you...the kingdom's biggest potential threat in the bud, no matter what it takes. price."

"Then please do it." Anson smiled and wrote lightly: "But before taking action, you might as well ask Colonel Fabian beside me. There were people in the upper echelons of the Guards who also vowed to kill me. They What’s the final outcome?”

"It seems that you are really confident in yourself." Crown gritted his teeth secretly:

"Allow me to say one more thing. Regarding the information about your crime, the Army Department does not only have the information that has been submitted; we have also kept some things that are enough to ruin your reputation on the spot."

"Then keep it, or you might as well take it out directly and see if it can ruin my reputation."

Anson still didn't take it seriously... The Ministry of War could probably guess the relationship between itself and the Old God Sect, and might also be able to collect evidence that the Truth Society participated in the final negotiations at Moby Dick Port.

But so what if this information is obtained. Clovis Cathedral has just cleared the suspicion of being a false believer. Is the Ministry of War still prepared to question the judgment of the Church of Order?

While the two sides were still confronting each other, the three judges suddenly returned to their seats, but they did not immediately announce the opening of the court, nor did they lift the weapons in charge of martial law in the hall.

Aware of this, Anson raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. From the time the other party left to the time he returned, it took less than fifteen minutes in total. This time was far from enough time to obtain physical evidence and confessions from Clovis Cathedral. It was even possible that the other party did not Did not leave the courthouse.

Something is not quite right.

Lieutenant Colonel Crown, who was on the opposite side, apparently also noticed the abnormality. After looking at Anson and Fabian indifferently, he quickly retreated to where he was just now.

However, before he could discuss it with the officers of the Army Department, and before Anson said anything to Fabian, the crisp sound of the wooden hammer sounded again.

"Quiet—! Quiet—!"

The voice of slightly short-breathed words sounded, and the old judge sitting in the center took a deep breath: "Defendant Anson Bach, the new evidence you submitted has been officially accepted by this court and has basically been verified to be true."

"All evidence at present can prove that Army Brigadier General Anson Bach, commander of the Colonial Guard Corps, is not suspected of treason, and the previous eight charges are not true!"

The old judge suddenly paused and looked at Lieutenant Colonel Crown in the audience: "May I ask the representative of the Army Department if there is any other evidence and charges that should be submitted to this court?"

……Um? !

The surprised Anson turned around suddenly and looked at Fabian behind him, but the latter was also completely at a loss.

The evidence he prepared was clearly proof of collusion between the War Department and the "Whispers". How could it be used to clear the suspicion... What happened? !

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